Change The Background Color In Table In Report

Oct 27, 2006

I have a table that i need to display data
for each row I want the background color to be diff
anybody knowhow to do it ?????


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Background Color Change In Table

Jun 7, 2007


I have a table with a large detail section where i display numeric information

like this

accounting info help discount common

15 20 6 17 23

10 6 9 22 8

1 6 2 7 45




if the list is one page long the data is difficult to read

is there a way to work with two background colors (yellow and white) and that

the background changes automatically (yellow white yellow white ....)

i know i have to work with an expression in my background property of my textcell or row

but i haven't figured out yet how to do the change (i think by odd an even rows ... but that's just

a guess).

Can anybody give me some info ...

Thanks already


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Change Background Color

Jan 10, 2007


I am using toggle visibility feature in one of my reports and I am trying to change the background color of some cells when I toggle the view. Please help, any help will be appreciated.



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Change Background Color Based On Visibility

Oct 15, 2007

When you set a row's hidden property to true, RS writes a white row. Is there a way to keep the background color the same is it was before the row was hidden and just not display the data?

Can you do a IIF(Hidden=True) expression????


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Reporting Services :: Change Background Color Of Columns Depending On Previous Value

Sep 22, 2015

I have a simple report that looks like this:

                January    February   March      April
Sales        1050         800          750         1100
Units Sold  50            40            41           60

I want to change the background color to yellow if the value is less than the previous month. For example for the sales row, February sales is less than January and March sales is less than February so I would want the values (800 and 750) to have a background color of yellow. The columns is grouped by month.I've tried experimenting with the Previous function but I run into the following error message: The BackgroundColor expression for the text box has a scope parameter that is not valid for an aggregate function.  The scope parameter must be set to a string constant that is equal to either the name of a containing group, the name of a containing data region, or the name of a dataset.

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Where Is My Body Background Color In The Report Manager?

Oct 29, 2006


Have you ever tried the following: change the background color of your body to any other color than white and deploy it. You will see that that body background color is still white.

I'm working on a dashboard which is black so I really need to get this working.

Any ideas?


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Background Color For Subtotal In Report Matrix

Jan 31, 2008

Hi All,

I have a Matrix report in SSRS and have added the subtotal in the report. Now I would like to change the color of the subtotal to a different color than the matrix report cells. However when I change the color, only the subtotal cell changes color and not the whole row which includes the summarised total. Is it possible to color the entire row in the matrix report?

Thanks & Regards,

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Background Color Of Parameter Area On Report Viewer

Feb 8, 2008

Is there a way to change the background color of the parameter prompt area on the web report viewer control?



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Error When Alternating Background Color In Table Rows

Sep 26, 2007

Hi All,
I have a table containing 21 columns. I want to alternate the color on the rows, to make it more radable and nocer to the eye. As such I set the BackgroundColor property on the entire TableRow (so it is applied to every textbox) to the following:

Code Snippet
=iif(RowNumber(nothing)Mod 2,"LightGray","White")

In theory it should work. I checked a few of the texboxes to make sure everything was okay and indeed the BackgroundColor property on each one of them was properly set to the above expression.

When I tried to build the report, I was prompted by 21 errors (one per textbox) stating the following:

[rsCompilerErrorInExpression] The BackgroundColor expression for the textbox 'FIELDNAME' contains an error: [BC30455] Argument not specified for parameter 'TruePart' of 'Public Function IIf(Expression As Boolean, TruePart As Object, FalsePart As Object) As Object'.

Obviously the TruePart parameter has been specified ("LightGray" in my expression), so what could be wrong??

Thanks in advance for the help


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Switch Record Background Color With Each Record In Report

Jan 14, 2008

Hi Everyone-

i have a matrix report
and i want to switch the record background color with each record in the value column in that matrix report
e.g 1st record background color is gray and next record background color is white
and then the next record background color is gray ... and so on

can anyone help?


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How To Change The Background Colour Of A Cell In A Matrix Report When The Row Is A Subtotal Row

Nov 26, 2007


I am currently trying to figure out how to change the background colour of a cell when that row happens to be a subtotal

I have included a screen shot of my report design below:

(The link to the image is should the image not be displayed)

When the cell that is circled is on a subtotal row (i.e. is the subtotal of either the first subtotal (which I have called RegionTot) or the second subtotal (which I have called QCTotal) I want the background colour to change to black). This is so the user cannot see the subtotal for that column on the screen.

I have tried using the following expression in the background colour property for that cell (without success!):

=IIf(ReportItems!QCTotal.Value = "Total", "Black", "White")

The error that comes up states that report item expressions can only refer to other report items within the same grouping scope or a containing grouping scope.

I have searched help and haven€™t managed to find anything!

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Marek Kluczynski
Information Manager
Investors in People UK

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Reporting Services :: Change Color Of Entire Report

Oct 21, 2015

I have built an SSRS report and fetching my data from an ERP system, previously we have done the same way and the reports are working fine, but only one report which is also working fine but when the values displayed in Preview or Excel, we cannot see values in Excel, when we click on the cell we can see the values in formula bar, but not in the cell. When we select the cell and change the color it will then display the values. In this report many of the values are displayed correctly, but some are not displayed, so every time we need to change the color of entire report. This is causing issues to the end users.

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Set Background Color Using RGB Value

Jan 11, 2007

Hi All,

i have a field which stores the related RGB values for each record

I need to set programatically the background color for some objects in the report using the RGB value stored for the record.

how can i convert the rgb value to color and then set the background color for the report object. ?

Please Help

Thanks In Advance


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Help With Setting Row Background Color

May 17, 2007

I am trying to do something where I say look through the row. When you come across the word "Start" color that box green and color all other boxes to the right in that row green as well until you come upon the word "stop". Is this possible? If I am not making sense just let me know and I will try to explain better. Thanks in advance for any help that I get.

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Reporting Services :: How To Change Entire Border Color In SSRS Report

Oct 5, 2015

For my SSRS report, by default the border color is light grey. So how to change the entire border color to black.

FYI: I am able to change the border color for each text box but not able to do for entire table report.

Also i tried by clicking the table report item & then to properties window and changed the border color to black but still there is no change.

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Print Preview Background Color

Mar 27, 2007

I am working with a report created by someone else using SQL Reporting Services. In layout view the background for the body of the report is set ti transparent; however, when I preview the report using print preview the background or margins of the pages are appearing as black - text boxes, tables, etc. appear according to the properties that have been set. As soon as I change the background color to say white the print preview looks fine. Is this normal or is there a setting somewhere that controls this?

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Alternate The Background Color Of Rows

Oct 31, 2006


I 'm working whit a matrix.

I want alternate the background color of rows. I did with table, but I don't Know how do I do with matrix. I desire something like this:





Please, if somebody can help me


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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2014 Report Manager - Customize Standard Title And Change Background Colors?

Jul 30, 2015

I have 3 SSRS 2014 (Dev, UAT and Prod).  I would like to change background colors of each environment and customize the title 'SQL Server Reporting Services'  to ' SSRS Development'.

I prefer to implement both, a background color change and a title change.  The reason for this is to clarify to end users which environment they are working with.

Where can I make those minimal changes in SSRS 2014.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS - Background Color Of Below Average Value

Jun 10, 2015

I have requirement, In my chart report target(Dased Lines) and Below average lines are there, I want to set below average line values background color Pink color like below diagram. How can we achive the below requirement in SSRS 2012.

Note: Pink Color of Below Average Value based on expression.

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Both Foreground And Background Color Appear To Be White In Expression Builder...

Dec 3, 2007

I have a co-worker who applied build 3161 to SQL Server 2005. The original problem was that the print preview was showing up as black.This is a documented issue with Microsoft here:

Now, when she goes into expression builder, the foreground AND background color for what you type in there appears to be white... so everything shows up as invisible. You can highlight the text you type and it shows up but otherwise it is obviously invisible.

Anyone know how to fix this?

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Reporting Services :: How To Alternate Row Background Color In Server

May 9, 2015

In the tablix If there is no Details row and Tablix is having multiple Groupings and in this case how do I apply Alternate Row Background Color atleast for one grouping.

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Background Color Differences Between Visual Studio && Reporting Services

Apr 18, 2007

I'm trying to deploy a report to Reporting Services, but I've found that there's a behaviour difference Visual Studio and Reporting Services with the Matrix control for the subtotals.

For the background color for the "textbox" on the cells, I've used the folowing expression:

=Iif(Fields!ID__vs_YAGO.Value < 1, "Red"

,Iif(Fields!ID__vs_YAGO.Value < 1.02, "Yellow"


The individual cells alternate colors, based on the value in the cell. In Visual Studio, the Subtotal cells also alternate colors (which is correct). But when the report is deployed to Reporting Services, The Subtotal cells have a transparent background. (Incorrect).

If I set the same expression into the background setting for the Subtotal cells, the expression is evaluated once for the entire row and the entire row has the same color (different Subtotal lines will alternate). This is the same in both Visual Studio and Reporting Services.

I'm using SP2, 2005 (32 bit for Reporting Services). To ensure full compatibility, I've editted / deployed the report all on the same machine.

Does anyone know of this problem and how to resolve it?

Additional: In testing the various output formats, it seems to be a bug in the HTML rendering engine. PDF amd TIFF work fine. I believe Excel export uses either part of the HTML rendering engine or pieces of the same code base.

P.S. I'm detecting other reporting differences between Visual Studio and Reporting Services, such as how "null key records" (from Analysis Services) are handled in groups. Is there a compatibility list published somewhere?

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Reporting Services :: Alternative Check Box Column Background Color Changes

Sep 8, 2015

I am working on SSRS 2008, I need to change background color of alternative columns. We can change simply if it is a textbox column but my columns all are in checkbox () based one expressions and I didn't see any background color option In properties for this check box column(please see the images below), is there any way to change background color  for alternative columns?I need like this

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Reporting Services :: Background Color Formatting In Matrix Control

Oct 20, 2015

I have a matrix report:

My Expression in the data fields inside design mode is:

IIF(Fields!Row_num.Value mod 2 ,"White","LightGrey")

I am using a Dense rank Function at the dataset level in order to group id column wise. So Fields!Row_num.Value  comes from that set.

Earlier it was BLANK values: Please see below for reference.

Tried IsNull on SQL Server already and does not work because there are no NULLs in the data I am retrieving. The empty cells happen when the matrix creates the crosstab report - where there is no data for a column. Everything else works well except the BLANK values being not colored as you see in the screen shot, im using ISNOTHING function to achieve those 0's if NULLS inside the report. But though we have a value inside the cell coming from report it does not colour the entire group.

My requirement is coloring the entire column group irrespective of the NULLs' or Blanks.

Have also tries several functions, but of no use. I am missing with a tiny thing I guess which I am unable to figure out.

Other Functions Tried:

=IIF(VAL(ReportItems!ROWCOLOR.Value) MOD 2,"WHITE","LightGrey")
=iif(RunningValue(Fields!City.Value,CountDistinct,Nothing) Mod 2, "LIGHTBLUE", "SILVER")
=iif(RunningValue(Fields!DQLogDateTime.Value,CountDistinct, Nothing) MOD 2, "LightGrey","White")

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SQL 2012 :: SSRS Export To Word Header Background Color Missing

Mar 17, 2015

I have a SSRS report developed in SQL 2012. When I exporting the report into word the back ground colour of page header missing. When Exporting to PDF and Excel page header BG colour showing.

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Analysis :: Changing Ssas Cube Form-view Background Color?

May 13, 2015

I want to change the color of the ssas cube calculated member in formview from red background to white or back to default color settings. This also includes changing the text color back to default. What properties do I have to change?

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Expression Editor Background Color Showing As Green?

Jul 17, 2015

SSRS expression editor background color showing as green how to change it to Grey....

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2012 Background Color Format By Expression When Exporting To Excel

Mar 28, 2013

We are using SSRS 2012. We have a report that conditionally formats a background color for some cells. The report renders properly in a browser and in Excel 2003 format. In Excel format all cells after the first one that meets the condition are highlighted, even if only one cell should.

The sample expression that triggers this condition looks like this:
=IIF(Fields!VIOL_NOTE.Value="Internal","Green","No Color")

All cells after the first one that meets the condition Fields!VIOL_NOTE.Value="Internal" have a green background.

Excel 2003 (proper) results:

Excel (improper) results:

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IIF Statement To Change Color

Jun 24, 2008

Not sure what I did wrong to this code. What I would like this code to produce is, if any number is less than 0 (negative) than it should be red, if it's greater than 0, it should be black. Somehow it comes back red even though it's a positive number.

=iif(Fields!balance.Value < 0,"red","black")

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How To Change The Color Of A Bar In A Bar Chart?

Jan 6, 2007

I am having a problem setting the colors of the bars in a bar chart. It seems like it would be the simplest thing, but apparently it's not.

The "series" is grouped on whether or not the value is positive -- if so, the bars are blue (by default) and if not, green (by default). I want to change it so the positive color is blue and the negative color is red.

I found that I can change ALL the bars to one color by going to chart properties, Data tab, Values Edit, Appearance tab, Series Style, Fill. There I set the color to red and ALL the bars became red. But this is not what I want.

I tried using a conditional statement like IIf(Fields!IsPositive.Value=True,Blue,Red) for the color, but (not surprisingly), it told me I hadn't defined Blue and Red.

Does anyone know exactly how to do this?

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How To Change The Bar's Color In Chart?

Nov 15, 2007

I made a bar chart with the default color green and blue,
now I want to change it to red and blue.
How can I do this?

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Change The Color On A Piece Of Text

Jun 1, 2007

Below is the pice of code that I use to produce results that look like this

[4] [5] [1]

what I would like to do is is make it look like this:

[4] [5] [1]

Basically anything that >3 = Green

= "[" & CStr(Count(IIf (Trim(Fields!NOB_Pickup_L_D_T.Value) = "Y", 1, Nothing))) &

"] [" & CStr(Count(IIf (Trim(Fields!NOB_Pickup_L_D_T.Value) = "N", 1, Nothing))) &

"] [" & CStr(Count(IIf (Trim(Fields!NOB_Pickup_L_D_T.Value) = "NA", 1, Nothing)))& "]"



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How To Change Color Of Character If Some Condition

Feb 15, 2008

Hi SQL experts
How can I make charaters change to color such as red if some condition happen
in a column of database tables?
Using IF.... function?

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