Connect To MSSQL2005 Via ODBC

Dec 12, 2005

Installed SQL2005, connect via (the new) SQL Nativ Client ODBC Vers. 2005.90.1399.00 works, just as (the old) SQL Server ODBC-Driver 2000.85.1117.00. Works fine.

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Connect To MSSQL2005 Using ASP2 And Display Query Result

Nov 6, 2007

Question: I have searched here and on Microsofts site already but it seems that all solutions require already either some ASP2 knowledge or MSSQL knowledge .. I am quite new in both but need to realise this for a project.

I have installed a MSSQL 2005 server running MSSQL2005 Standard in mixed authentication mode. Services running using a domain account created for this purpose.
I have then created a simple database called test with a table called testtable

All I need to achieve now is a simple ASP2 page, which is located on the DC IIS, which connects to the SQL server (in same domain but different server) using WINDOWS authentication and returns the result of


I try now for a couple of days so I hope someone could help me with this .. I really need a step by step guide what I need to do on the SQL server side (so a specific user can connect to this particular database) and on the IIS side ..

I know it is always painful to help someone with little knowledge but I am getting desperate.

Thanks a lot guys

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Cannot Connect With ODBC Using TCP/IP??

Oct 25, 2005

Win 2003 Small business server with IIS being used as a web server.
Our client app can log in and run queries, but our web app when trying to log in gets the message,
'SQL server does not exsist or access denied'
The system DSN's are both sql drivers and the configuration is name pipes. Our recomended specs use TCP/IP, but when I try to change it, it craps out on me. He's opened up his firewall completely to this new box and his old box, a Win2k machine can connect using TCP/IP. This machine is in a work group.
Any suggestions on what it might be??? :confused:

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Connect Via Odbc

Jan 3, 2007

i have an sql express db on my webserver.
now from another computer I am trying to creat an odbc connection to the sql server but when I enter in just the ip and the login and password it fails.
Please advise me what I can do?

what i really am trying to do is set up an access db on my home computer to be linked to an sql server express backend.
I thought to do this with odbc - is this the correct way?

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How To Connect Via ODBC

Nov 21, 2006


I would like to connect in SqlServer 2005 via ODBC SQLServer, how are the steps?

1 - How can I connect ODBC?

1.1 - I need SqlServer 2005 name - ok

1.2 - Which option should I take in order to login? Windows NT authentication or Sql Server authentication?

Which one is the best option?



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Connect From ASP To SQL Server Through ODBC

Apr 12, 2004

Hi there,

I'm a new comer to this APS language and hope sombody out there can help me with this
I'm trying to find codes for me to connect from ASP to Sql Server using ODBC.
Can anyone help me

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Connect To ODBC Driver

Feb 9, 2007

Could someone tell me how to use a query with a "connection string" to connect to an ODBC driver and retrieve data from its tables. I am new at this and have been having a lot of trouble connecting from the SSIS manager. If someone has a tutorial on how to do this. I would really appreciate it.


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I Can't Connect To Server Through ODBC....

Jan 7, 2008

Hi all
I have problem with making Connection between two computer through SQLServer and ODBC.

I have two computers which are members of a WorkGroup network with WindowsXP(sp2) installed.
on one computer i have installed SQL Server 2000 Enterprise edition with MIX Authentication mode enabled. Also i have created a LOGIN (Sql Server Authentication) with System Administrator ROLE (SYSADMIN).in that sql server environment .

But in another computer when i want to create an ODBC connection (ControlPanelAdministrative ToolsData Sources (ODBC)) to connect to mentioned Computer with Sql server,I receive the following Error:
Access Denied...Sql Server doesn't exist.

I have disabled Windows-XP firewall on both computers but still problem persists.
By the way these two computer have one Administrator Account with DEFFERENT Passwords.

Could anyone help me.? Any help greately would be appreciated.

Kind Regards.

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ODBC Connect Failed In SQL Job

Jan 2, 2007

I am running SQL Server 2000 sp4 in Win Server 2003. I have a DTS
packages which connects to FileMaker 6 files via the ODBC driver
installed with FielMaker.

The DTS packages work correctly when
executed directly. However, when executed from a SQL Server Agent job,
the same DTS packages fail. Always with the same message:

Error: -2147467259 (80004005);
Provider Error: 16394 (400A)
Error string: [FileMaker][ODBC FileMaker Pro driver][FileMaker Pro]Connect failed
Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers

for info on the above message seems to indicate a permissions problem.
However, I am running the jobs with an full administrator account. All
connections and the FielMaker files reside on the one server.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

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Using ODBC To Connect To SQL Server Database

Jan 21, 2007

I am trying out a simple ASP.NET application which includes access to an SQL Server Database. It works fine on my local machine when I connect to the SQL Server and use SQL commands (via C#) to access it.
But my web hosting provider uses ODBC drivers for database access (they support the SQL database type). I would like to find out how I should connect to my SQL Server database and program the access in order for it to be ODBC compatible, so that I can deploy it to my web hosting server.  I should also mention that I am using Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition.
Thanks for any help or pointers.

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Connect To SqlServer 2005 With Odbc

Feb 28, 2008

Hi all,
I'm not a db guru and probably this is a very simple question for you, but I was wondering if it was possible to connect to a SqlServer using odbc without DSN.
I mean, I'm trying to connect to the db server from a linux (Fedora Core 8) workstation, using odbc drivers, but it looks like I can do that only using a DSN connection and setting properly the odbc.ini file. It doesn't work, if I use a connection like this from a PHP script:
$cn = odbc_connect("Driver={SQL Server};Server=MyServer;Database=MyDatabase",
Does anyone know how to connect to SqlServer with a DSN-less connection? Could you explain me where is the error?

I'm using SQLServer2005, Fedora Core 8 with the last FreeTDS installed.

Please help!

Thanks million in advance.

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Win32::ODBC Connect To MSSQL

Apr 19, 2004


I wanted to know if there is a way to connect to my MSSQL without having to setup a datasource in the control panel.

Perferably I want to locate the database within my perl code instead. I don't want to have to setup a datasource each time I need a different database. Perhaps there is a way to pass the name of the database along with the username and password through the command line.

Any suggestions?


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Connect Using ODBC Connection In Vbscript

Dec 12, 2007

I am trying to connect to a database and run a query using vbscript. The problem I have run into currently is that I can not get the connection to open even though I know the DSN name it still says it can not find it. I am fairly new to vbscript so I am not sure exactly what it is looking for in the connection string so that it will find the database. Any ideas?

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ODBC Tries To Connect Through The Wrong Port

Apr 20, 2007


I've been running some tests with a 3rd party application during the last few days, but the ODBC doesn´t seem to be working well.

The ODBCs are configured to go through specific ports, since there's a firewall between the server (production area) and the database (which is located in the dev area). If i press the TEST CONFIGURATION button after i configured the ODBCs, the test is successful, and the log file of the firewall monitor shows that the server is connecting through the designated ports.

But when i run the 3rd party application, the queries fail, showing an error that says "The server cannot be found or you don´t have access", after this error, another one appears, saying something like "Connection().opened..." - unfortunately I don't have the actual text, I'll try to post it as soon as i get them .

Just to make sure that the 3rd party app is doing its job, dev team wrote a simple VB6 app to query the database, and it shows the same error.

Both apps are running well in the dev environment, since dev machines don't have to go through the firewall, and both apps are using the ODBC configured in the same way as the server. I could think that the problem is the firewall, but the firewall logs show that the production server is trying to use ports 1433, 1434, 445 and 139, and there isn´t a single entry showing activity for the ports specified on the ODBCs configuration.

The database server is running SQL Server 2000, the dev pcs are running Windows 2000, and the ODBC driver version is 2000.85.1117.00.

On the Production environment the server that is trying to access the database is running Windows 2003 Server Ent Ed. SP 1 , and the ODBC driver version is 2000.86.1830.00

I hope some one outthere has any ideas to solve this problem, or at least any idea of what is causing this error, because i´m running out of them.

Thanks in advance.

Efrain Morales

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ODBC Connect Times Out, But 2nd Time Works

Oct 19, 2000

When I begin Enterprise Manager and open a connection to a Server, it fails with a timeout error. But if I do a refresh and then connect again, it immediately works.
I have had similar symptoms setting up a data source for ODBC. When you initially logon to SQL Server to define the connection it times out. But then if you immediately try again it succeeds.
Furthermore one of my application programs fails to work (due to the timeout) on systems that have this behavior.
I have had these symptoms occur on 2 diferent workstations, but other workstations access the SQL Server with no problem.
All systems are WinNT 4.0; the engine is SQL Server 7 with SP2. The timeout is defined as 15 seconds so should be long enough.

Does anyone know what is going on, or how to fix it?

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Cannot Connect To SQL 2005 Using System DSN ODBC Connection

Dec 28, 2007

I am running SQL 2005 SP1 on Win 2003 Std x64 SP2. I get an error trying to connect using an ODBC System DSN connection. The ODBC connection gets the following error:

Connection failed:
SQL Server Error: 18456
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'sa'

The SQL Server logs the following error:

18456, Severity: 14, State: 8.

I have tried this with several SQL accounts. I am able to login to the SQL Manager with the accounts without issue. It is only when trying to connect via ODBC that I get the error. I am currently downloading SQL 2005 SP2 to see if this will help with the issue. Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.



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Runtime Connect Error To ODBC System DSN

Feb 24, 2006


I have created an SSIS package to retrieve data from a Lotus Notes database using the NotesSQL 3.02g ODBC driver.

In SSIS design mode, I can connect to the Notes datasource using the following connection string without any validation errors.


I have tried other variations of the connection string including every possible connection string parameter available to the driver as follows.

server=Server_Name;uid=UserID;Dsn=DSN_Name;Driver={Lotus NotesSQL Driver (*.nsf)};database=costing/productcost.nsf;username=UserID;encryptpwd=encrypted_password;maxsubquery=20;maxstmtlen=4096;maxrels=20;maxvarcharlen=254;keeptempidx=1;maxlongvarcharlen=512;showimplicitflds=0;mapspecialchars=1;threadtimeout=60;

Using the above connection strings in SSIS design mode, the datasource test succeeds, and an sql select statement in a datasource reader returns the table structure with no error.

However, when I try to run the package, I receive the following error.

SSIS package "Sales Data Load.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC0047062 at Data Flow Task, DataReader Source 2 [408]: System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.IDTSConnectionManager90.AcquireConnection(Object pTransaction)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.AcquireConnections(Object transaction)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostAcquireConnections(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Object transaction)
Error: 0xC0047017 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: component "DataReader Source 2" (408) failed validation and returned error code 0x80131937.
Error: 0xC004700C at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: One or more component failed validation.
Error: 0xC0024107 at Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation.
SSIS package "Sales Data Load.dtsx" finished: Failure.

Furthermore, I have packages configured in SQL 2000 DTS to use the same system dsn without any errors.

Why doesn't this work in SQL 2005 SSIS?


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Cannot Connect To SQL 2005 Using Vista ODBC Administrator

Mar 12, 2008

Here's the context:

Database server:
- Remote machine running SQL 2005 Standard as a named instance
- Named pipes and TCP are enabled for remote connections
- SQLBrowser service is running
- Listening on default named pipe (\servernamepipeMSSQL$instancenamesqlquery)

- Vista Business machine
- Not in same domain as server, but on the same network (via Cisco VPN)
- SQL 2005 Express is installed (for use with local databases)
- Windows Firewall enabled
- Running Symantec Antivirus, Corporate Edition

- I CAN connect to SQL 2005 databases on the remote server using "nperverinstancename"
- I CAN connect to SQL 2005 databases on the remote server using Excel 2007

The problem is that I cannot successfully create an ODBC datasource using the "ODBC Data Source Administrator" application. I'm using the "SQL Server" driver and trying to create a System DSN. I'm also running the tool with elevated permissions.

- When I try to use "servernameinstancename" as the server and TCP as the connection type, I get this error:

Connection failed: SQL Server Error: 18452; "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

- When I try to use "npervernameinstancename" as the server and Named Pipes, I get this error:

Connection failed: SQLState: '01000'; SQL Server Error: 1326; [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen(Connect()).
Connection failed: SQLState: '08000'; SQL Server Error: 17; [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

Help! I've really been beating my head against the wall on this one. It all works just fine with a Windows XP client machine.

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Runtime Connect Error To ODBC System DSN

Feb 24, 2006


I have created an SSIS package to retrieve data from a Lotus Notes database using the NotesSQL 3.02g ODBC driver.

In SSIS design mode, I can connect to the Notes datasource using the following connection string without any validation errors.


I have tried other variations of the connection string including every possible connection string parameter available to the driver as follows.

server=Server_Name;uid=UserID;Dsn=DSN_Name;Driver={Lotus NotesSQL Driver (*.nsf)};database=costing/productcost.nsf;username=UserID;encryptpwd=encrypted_password;maxsubquery=20;maxstmtlen=4096;maxrels=20;maxvarcharlen=254;keeptempidx=1;maxlongvarcharlen=512;showimplicitflds=0;mapspecialchars=1;threadtimeout=60;

Using the above connection strings in SSIS design mode, the datasource test succeeds, and an sql select statement in a datasource reader returns the table structure with no error.

However, when I try to run the package, I receive the following error.

SSIS package "Sales Data Load.dtsx" starting.
Information: 0x4004300A at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning.
Error: 0xC0047062 at Data Flow Task, DataReader Source 2 [408]: System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.IDTSConnectionManager90.AcquireConnection(Object pTransaction)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.DataReaderSourceAdapter.AcquireConnections(Object transaction)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.ManagedComponentHost.HostAcquireConnections(IDTSManagedComponentWrapper90 wrapper, Object transaction)
Error: 0xC0047017 at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: component "DataReader Source 2" (408) failed validation and returned error code 0x80131937.
Error: 0xC004700C at Data Flow Task, DTS.Pipeline: One or more component failed validation.
Error: 0xC0024107 at Data Flow Task: There were errors during task validation.
SSIS package "Sales Data Load.dtsx" finished: Failure.

Furthermore, I have packages configured in SQL 2000 DTS to use the same system dsn without any errors.

Why doesn't this work in SQL 2005 SSIS?


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Error 18456 When Trying To Connect To 2005 Using Odbc

Oct 1, 2006

Hi all

I am using Windows XP SP2 with a Sql server 2005 Express installation. I created a test db with a user called test, schema also test. I gave the permission connect, db_datareader and db_datawriter. I can now connect into this user using WinSQL. But if I want to connect using a application which is using ODBC, then I get the error:

[SQLSTATE=28000 - [Microsoft][SQL Native][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'test'.[Native Error=18456]]

Because I connect using ODBC, I think there must be the problem. But I have to connect with ODBC. There is no other possibility.

any ideas ?

Regards, Waff

I found this out:

The server collation is defined to: Latin1_General_CI_AS

If I create a new login id in lowercase, then ODBC will change it to uppercase and then the server refuse the access. But why. CI means case insensitive, so doesn't matter if upper or lower case. should.

How do you use a id in lowercase and connecto via ODBC ?

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Can't Connect To The ODBC Database Named Aspol54

Jan 19, 2007

can any one provide any suggestions to help this error i installed automation studion 5.4 and the program will not run on my laptop.

i traced the data below when i try to start the program.

AsProjet db0-b5c ENTER SQLAllocEnv
HENV * 015CF6B0

AsProjet db0-b5c EXIT SQLAllocEnv with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
HENV * 0x015CF6B0 ( 0x015e1540)

AsProjet db0-b5c ENTER SQLGetEnvAttr
SQLHENV 015E1540
SQLINTEGER 201 <unknown>
SQLPOINTER [Unknown attribute 201]
SQLINTEGER * 0x0013E380

AsProjet db0-b5c EXIT SQLGetEnvAttr with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
SQLHENV 015E1540
SQLINTEGER 201 <unknown>
SQLPOINTER [Unknown attribute 201]
SQLINTEGER * 0x0013E380 (1567744)
any help would be great.


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Cannot Connect To Sql Server 2005 From Xp Client When Trying To Create ODBC Dsn

Mar 2, 2007

Newbie here,

I am trying to link tables from an access 2003 frontend to sql server 2005 backend.

I am doing this in a vmware test environment. I am using vmware server and running sbs 2003 and xp sp2 client. Both virtaul machine can talk to each other(using local host connection).

I have tried to create a dsn to the sql server but i cannot connect. I can ping the sbs server through the command interface but the error i get when i try to connect is :

Connection failed:
Sql state: hyt00
sqlserver error: 0
microsoft odbc sql server driver timeout expired.

spent a day trying various combinations - still no joy.

Any help would be much appreciated

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ODBC Connect From MS Access To SQL Server 2000-Viable?

Jul 20, 2005

How viable is it to use MS Access as a front end (via ODBC) to a SQL Server2000 database?The users would access via the internet using a netgear vpn setup.Thanks,Paul S

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How To Avoid Web Users To Connect To SQL Server Trought ODBC

Feb 25, 2008

Hi everybody,

i'll try to explain the problem with my bad english, so sorry.

In my firm i have a server (W2003 Server) with IIS 6.0 and SQL Server 2005 EE an it is joined in the main domain as all users and their workstation (window XP) are joined too.

The main role for this server is to be a web server and with IIS Manager I configured to verify user identities with Windows Integrated authentication without any anonymous access to web pages (ASP scripts).

I made a group called "Web Users" with read right on ASP scripts and his only one member is "Domain Users".

"Web Users" has of course rights to access this server from network.

This group is also a SQL Server login because it has rights to wiew an modify data at least in one db table trought ASP pages using ADO, but the problem is that they can also connect using ODBC.

Configuring SQL to accept only local connection i can avoid this, but as SQL Admin i can't connect too. So how is possible for web users interact with SQL only trought web pages ?
Thank you very much

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Is It Possible To Use A Simple ODBC Config On A Unix Client To Connect To MS-SQL Server?

Jul 20, 2005

Anyone support a config where you have an unix/linux (AIX here) ODBCclient connection to SQL Server database? I am looking for a simple,supportable configuration that does not require me to learn perl orinstal a bunch of crap gnu shareware on enterprise class machines.Please help!

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HowTo:Connect ODBC From 32bit To Sql Server 2005 (IA64)

Nov 4, 2007


I have application create by MsAccess
and connect with Sql Server 2000 in x86

and now we transfer system to
HP rx3600 Intel Itanium
- Install Windows 2003 Server Enterprise (for Itanium)
- Install Sql Server 2005 Standard Edition (IA64)

and now we try to create ODBC connection
from client for testing.

But we can't not done it.

Anybody can tell us
how to create connection to sqlserver 2005 (ia64)


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Connect SQL Server 2005 With ODBC Drive “SQL Native Client

Sep 13, 2007


When I'm using SQL server 2005, and ODBC drive €œSQL Native Client€? I get an error when executing the below given code. Error Message: €œTransaction cannot start because more than one ODBC connection is in use.€?

But this works well with SQL Server 2000 with ODBC drive "SQL Native Client" and in SQL server 2005 also when I used ODBC drive €œSQL Server€?.

I used aTrgConn.Execute(€œBegin Transaction€?) and it's working properly. But unfortunately I cannot use this method, because I want to run the same code with Oracle ODBC as well.
Is this a known issue in SQL Native client drive with SQL server 2005? Do you know a solution for this?

Please Help..............

Thanks in advance.


Dim aTrgConn As New ADODB.connection
Dim aCmdIns As New ADODB.Command
Dim aCmdUpd As New ADODB.Command

aTrgConn.Open sConnStr

Set aCmdIns.ActiveConnection = aTrgConn
Set aCmdUpd.ActiveConnection = aTrgConn


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Transact SQL :: Way To Configure ODBC Driver For Informix DB To Connect / Work With SSMS?

Aug 18, 2015

Basically, I am asking if it is possible to use SSMS (Query Analyzer window) with Informix.  I am thinking linked server.  If I have the ODBC driver installed on my workstation (win 7 pro VM workstation -- SSMS on same VM machine) is this doable? Do I just do the standard linked server routine or is there a special way (if it is even doable).

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Analysis :: Can Applications Connect To SSAS Tabular Mode Cubes Through ODBC Drivers?

Aug 26, 2015

Can applications connect to SSAS Tabular mode cubes through ODBC drivers? I have been asked the question specifically regarding SAS, and I can see (for example) SAS Enterprise Guide has the ability to connect to sources via ODBC, so I now need to find out if there are such things as ODBC divers for SSAS (specifically Tabular).

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Bcp From MSSQL2000 To MSSQL2005

Mar 4, 2008

I have a bunch of data from tables on MS SQL 2000 and i want to transfer this data to my new database running on MS SQL 2005. How do i perform bcp on this? thanks :D

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MSSQL2005 SP1 Setup

Apr 21, 2006

I have an Evaluation version of Enterprise edition MSSQL2005 for development. I tried to install MSSQL2005 sp1 and it is necessary to upgrade to the release version of SQL2005. Currently, I just got the release CD on hand, how can I upgrade the evaluation version to release version except uninstalling the eval and install with the release edition? Thanks in advance

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MSSQL2005 Loging Problem!

Mar 17, 2008

When i try to login using SQL server Authentication i get a problem:-
A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is on the other end of the pipe.) (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

but when i try to login windows authentication it is ok and login with out any problem!!

1)what is the problem???
2)how to avoid this problem??

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Problems Moving MSSQL2005 DB To Different Server.

May 9, 2006

Hi all,
Apologies if this is something very easy that i've overlooked but I've never used 2005 and cant seem to find my answer anywhere else.
Ok, Im trying to move my DB from one server to another.  Ive got the bak and sql files from the old database.  I've installed MS SQL server Management Studio and connected to the new database ok.
I then select Taks>Restore>Database>From device>Add File  And I get the error:
Cannot access the specified path or file on server, verify that you have privelidges or the path exists:
c:program filesmicrosoft sql servermssql.1mssqlackup
Ive tried creating the folders but to no avail.  Have I forgotten to set something up?
thanks in advance!

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