Cannot Connect To SQL 2005 Using Vista ODBC Administrator

Mar 12, 2008

Here's the context:

Database server:
- Remote machine running SQL 2005 Standard as a named instance
- Named pipes and TCP are enabled for remote connections
- SQLBrowser service is running
- Listening on default named pipe (\servernamepipeMSSQL$instancenamesqlquery)

- Vista Business machine
- Not in same domain as server, but on the same network (via Cisco VPN)
- SQL 2005 Express is installed (for use with local databases)
- Windows Firewall enabled
- Running Symantec Antivirus, Corporate Edition

- I CAN connect to SQL 2005 databases on the remote server using "nperverinstancename"
- I CAN connect to SQL 2005 databases on the remote server using Excel 2007

The problem is that I cannot successfully create an ODBC datasource using the "ODBC Data Source Administrator" application. I'm using the "SQL Server" driver and trying to create a System DSN. I'm also running the tool with elevated permissions.

- When I try to use "servernameinstancename" as the server and TCP as the connection type, I get this error:

Connection failed: SQL Server Error: 18452; "[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

- When I try to use "npervernameinstancename" as the server and Named Pipes, I get this error:

Connection failed: SQLState: '01000'; SQL Server Error: 1326; [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]ConnectionOpen(Connect()).
Connection failed: SQLState: '08000'; SQL Server Error: 17; [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

Help! I've really been beating my head against the wall on this one. It all works just fine with a Windows XP client machine.

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Cannot Connect To SQL 2005 From Vista

Apr 8, 2008

Hi all. I have a 64 bit Windows 2003 cluster with 4 named instances of SQL Server 2005.

Im unable to connect via ODBC or from applications from Windows Vista to the named instances.
There are no problem connecting to default intances.

The ODBC give me a SQL State 08001 error. In the bottom of the error it talks about not allowing remote connections, but the instances allows both TCPIP and named pipes.

The SQL 2005 cluster are running SP2 and Vista have Native Client upgraded to SP2.

Any ideas??

THX, Flemming

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Cannot Connect To SQL 2005 Remotely From Vista

Apr 15, 2007

TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to iiiidddbbb.


An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -1)

What's blocking my remote connection to SQL 2005 on Windows 2003? I am using Vista Ulttima and the above message comes up after I clicked connect. However I have no problem to connect to same database from same location using XP. Can someone help?

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Can't Connect To Remote Db Server Using SQL 2005 In Vista

Mar 19, 2007

I use SQL 2005 - SQL Server Management Studio to connect to my hosting SQL Server to manage my database , its about 1 month which I have installed Vista and SQL 2005 its working fine in local , but today I just wanted to connect to my remote server and I got this error :

Cannot connect to <My server IP Address>

I thought its a server problem , but its not. I tested it by connecting using same SQL 2005 on a windows xp system , the problem is only in vista,
by the way its SQL 2005 SP2

what can I do to solve this prob

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Can't Connect From A Vista Client To SQL 2005 Box,other Machines Work Fine

Oct 27, 2006

Hey. I've a windows vista machine which can't connect to SQL 2005 box. Other machines which are lower than vista work fine. Also, vista box can connect to other SQL 2005 instances but can't connect to only one instance. But, I can connect to the instance fine from my XP box. Also, it's not a permissions issue. This user is an SA and can connect form some other machine. SQL 2005 box is at 2047 version right now. And, the user is able to connect to some other boxes which are also at 2047. Please help. Thank you

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Connect To SqlServer 2005 With Odbc

Feb 28, 2008

Hi all,
I'm not a db guru and probably this is a very simple question for you, but I was wondering if it was possible to connect to a SqlServer using odbc without DSN.
I mean, I'm trying to connect to the db server from a linux (Fedora Core 8) workstation, using odbc drivers, but it looks like I can do that only using a DSN connection and setting properly the odbc.ini file. It doesn't work, if I use a connection like this from a PHP script:
$cn = odbc_connect("Driver={SQL Server};Server=MyServer;Database=MyDatabase",
Does anyone know how to connect to SqlServer with a DSN-less connection? Could you explain me where is the error?

I'm using SQLServer2005, Fedora Core 8 with the last FreeTDS installed.

Please help!

Thanks million in advance.

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Accessing SQL Server With ODBC Administrator

Apr 10, 2008

There is a SQL Server databse installed in my machine.
I want to modify a data in a table.
How can I access the data with ODBC Administration?


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Cannot Connect To SQL 2005 Using System DSN ODBC Connection

Dec 28, 2007

I am running SQL 2005 SP1 on Win 2003 Std x64 SP2. I get an error trying to connect using an ODBC System DSN connection. The ODBC connection gets the following error:

Connection failed:
SQL Server Error: 18456
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'sa'

The SQL Server logs the following error:

18456, Severity: 14, State: 8.

I have tried this with several SQL accounts. I am able to login to the SQL Manager with the accounts without issue. It is only when trying to connect via ODBC that I get the error. I am currently downloading SQL 2005 SP2 to see if this will help with the issue. Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.



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Error 18456 When Trying To Connect To 2005 Using Odbc

Oct 1, 2006

Hi all

I am using Windows XP SP2 with a Sql server 2005 Express installation. I created a test db with a user called test, schema also test. I gave the permission connect, db_datareader and db_datawriter. I can now connect into this user using WinSQL. But if I want to connect using a application which is using ODBC, then I get the error:

[SQLSTATE=28000 - [Microsoft][SQL Native][SQL Server]Login failed for user 'test'.[Native Error=18456]]

Because I connect using ODBC, I think there must be the problem. But I have to connect with ODBC. There is no other possibility.

any ideas ?

Regards, Waff

I found this out:

The server collation is defined to: Latin1_General_CI_AS

If I create a new login id in lowercase, then ODBC will change it to uppercase and then the server refuse the access. But why. CI means case insensitive, so doesn't matter if upper or lower case. should.

How do you use a id in lowercase and connecto via ODBC ?

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ODBC Data Source Administrator Problem

May 25, 1999

I have been using ODBC data source administrator for years without any problem. However, after a unsuccesful MSSQL7.0 installation, i keep getting
the following message:

"An error occurred while windows was working with the control panel file


Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated.



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Sql Server Driver Missing From Odbc Administrator

May 3, 2007

Sql server driver missing from odbc administrator;

Software; SQL Server 2005 SP2 installed on W23K SP1.

Under Drivers tab in odbc administrator the sql server that uses sqlsrv32.dll, is missing. All the other drivers that comes with W2K3 Service pack1 is there. In addition i can see the SQL Native Client(SQLNCLI.DLL).

I have an application that has to use SQL Server Driver. How can i get it back?

Hope someone can help me?

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Cannot Connect To Sql Server 2005 From Xp Client When Trying To Create ODBC Dsn

Mar 2, 2007

Newbie here,

I am trying to link tables from an access 2003 frontend to sql server 2005 backend.

I am doing this in a vmware test environment. I am using vmware server and running sbs 2003 and xp sp2 client. Both virtaul machine can talk to each other(using local host connection).

I have tried to create a dsn to the sql server but i cannot connect. I can ping the sbs server through the command interface but the error i get when i try to connect is :

Connection failed:
Sql state: hyt00
sqlserver error: 0
microsoft odbc sql server driver timeout expired.

spent a day trying various combinations - still no joy.

Any help would be much appreciated

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HowTo:Connect ODBC From 32bit To Sql Server 2005 (IA64)

Nov 4, 2007


I have application create by MsAccess
and connect with Sql Server 2000 in x86

and now we transfer system to
HP rx3600 Intel Itanium
- Install Windows 2003 Server Enterprise (for Itanium)
- Install Sql Server 2005 Standard Edition (IA64)

and now we try to create ODBC connection
from client for testing.

But we can't not done it.

Anybody can tell us
how to create connection to sqlserver 2005 (ia64)


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Connect SQL Server 2005 With ODBC Drive “SQL Native Client

Sep 13, 2007


When I'm using SQL server 2005, and ODBC drive €œSQL Native Client€? I get an error when executing the below given code. Error Message: €œTransaction cannot start because more than one ODBC connection is in use.€?

But this works well with SQL Server 2000 with ODBC drive "SQL Native Client" and in SQL server 2005 also when I used ODBC drive €œSQL Server€?.

I used aTrgConn.Execute(€œBegin Transaction€?) and it's working properly. But unfortunately I cannot use this method, because I want to run the same code with Oracle ODBC as well.
Is this a known issue in SQL Native client drive with SQL server 2005? Do you know a solution for this?

Please Help..............

Thanks in advance.


Dim aTrgConn As New ADODB.connection
Dim aCmdIns As New ADODB.Command
Dim aCmdUpd As New ADODB.Command

aTrgConn.Open sConnStr

Set aCmdIns.ActiveConnection = aTrgConn
Set aCmdUpd.ActiveConnection = aTrgConn


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Can't Connect Using Sa Login And Don't Have Any Other Administrator Logins

Apr 23, 2007

I connected successfully in SQL Server Management studio using the 'sa' login and changed the authentication mode to Windows NT because I could not connect using my windows login but now I can't get any connection at all because 'sa' is no longer trusted.

I changed the loginmode registry setting to 2 and rebooted my PC but this has made no difference.

Can anyone help me get the 'sa' login back?

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Need Assistance To Connect To Web Data Administrator

Jun 12, 2006

Hi Y'all,

I'm using SQL Server 2005 Standard edition on Windows 2003 Standard server.

I can connect with no problems as user 'sa' to SQL Server Management Studio.
I can also create users and databases there with no problems and I can connect to them
using SQL Server Management Studio, again, with no problem.
However,. I want to use the Web Data Administrator.

I installed it,. without a problem, and I can access it as Server/Administrator and then using 'sa' and it's corresponding password.

So where is the problem?

The problem is that when I create a different user on the server and want them to have access to the Web Data Administrator, they can pass the WindowsAuth pop up screen, but when prompted to enter the MSSQL username and password, the login doesn't pass.
In fact you only see the clock hangin, but no login process is taking place.

I'm at a lose on this!

Any pointers?


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Unable To Connect Using Dedicated Administrator Connection (DAC)

Oct 15, 2007


I was wondering if anyone could tell me why I could not connect to my server with the DAC when the server CPU utilization for all CPU's was greater than 90%.

BACKGROUND: I have successfully established DAC connections to this server in other periods when the CPU utilization was not pinned so high. I have done so by RDP'ing into the server, opening SSMS and cancelling the request to connect Object Explorer. Finally, I start a new query adding the "Admin" prefix to my server.

As I mentioned, when the server has CPU resource available, this works fine. This indicates that all the groundwork to setting up and using the DAC is laid correctly (i.e. DAC is enabled, I am connected locally, I am logged in with a user role with proper permissions, etc.).

This leads to my question. Why can I not connect to SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition using the DAC when all the (8-way) CPU utilization is at 90% or higher?

I need to make this connection to analyze why the server is so busy.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!


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Web Administrator Tool - Unable To Connect To SQL Server Database.

Apr 30, 2008

I would like to setup the membership and role in web administrator tool, however, under Security section, I got the error message of "Unable to connect to SQL database".
I tried to run aspnet_regsql.exe to edit the config(C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727>aspnet_regsql.exe), however, it still shows this error message.
 I am using web developer 2008 and SQL Server 2005.
Please advice me how to tackle this problem.
Thank you.

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Unable To Connect To Export Server, Please Verify That You Are An NT Administrator On That Machine

May 15, 2002

Trying to upgrade a 6.5 to a 2K.
Running SQL Agent from an admin account, admin account active as admin on both 6.5 machine and 2K machine, but I can not get the upgrade past the second screen, where I get the error message:
Unable to connect to export server, please verify that you are an NT Administrator on that machine.


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Unable To Connect To SQL SERVER 2005 Database Engine Using Windows Authentication Under Windows Vista...

Mar 26, 2008

Hallo there,

I just upgraded from Windows XP Pro to Windows Vista Bussiness and tried to reinstall SQL Server 2005 Developers Edition. After the installation i downloaded (using microsoft windows update) and installed all the service packs for sql and vista available.

My problem is when i open sql server management studio and try to connect to my default instance using windows authentication and database engine, an 18456 error occurs.

I enabled all the protocols and all the ports
I disabled windows firewall and antivirus (eset nod32)
I installed all service packs available
I have also installed Visual Studio 2005 without installing sqlexpress

But nothing happens!

Please i am very desperate, any information will be gratefully accepted.

This is my installation Information

Code Snippet

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 9.00.3042.00
Microsoft Analysis Services Client Tools 2005.090.3042.00
Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 6.0.6001.18000 (longhorn_rtm.080118-1840)
Microsoft MSXML 3.0 5.0 6.0
Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0.6001.18000
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.50727.1434
Operating System 6.0.6001

Thank you in advance,

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Vista (Business) Odd Issue With ODBC

Jun 13, 2007

We are still using SQL2k. I've installed the clients stuff for SQL. One thing I noted is that it was all but impossible to setup an ODBC connection because the driver does not appear in the list.

Every other driver shows up and works fine but not the SQL Server driver. A week or two ago I somehow found it and was able to create a system DSN. Now, I can't find the driver to save my life. I know it is there because my system DSN still works.

I've looked all over the internet and haven't found a thing except someone else having this same issue (and of course no replies). I've tried to install MDAC 2.8 and reapply SP4 with no results. I know Vista is new and all but SQL 2k still has a huge install base so I can't imagine this should not work much less not be supported. Microsoft's own website is of little use as well.

I have tried to create a DSN as my domain user, local admin and domain admin all with the same issue.

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ODBC Source Error Message On Vista 64

May 3, 2007

I tried to create an ODBS syste data source but I get this error:

Connection Failed:


SQL Server Error:10061

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]ConnectionOpen(Connect())

Connection Failed:


SQL Server Error:17

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][TCP/IP Sockets]Server does not Excist or access denied.


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How Do You Reinstalling ODBC Drivers In Vista Business?

Oct 30, 2007

How do you reinstalling ODBC drivers in vista business?

I have installed SQL 2005 Express & SQL Server management Studio Express, with SP2

However, the required driver "SQL Server" is not showing up in the list when trying to add a datasource in System DSN.

Can someone help? please.


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ODBC Access Driver Error In Vista

Mar 2, 2007

I am migrating my development environment from XP Pro to Vista, and my website is now serving up the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Disk or network error.

The code in question is as follows:

set dbConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
szProvider="Driver=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb); DBQ=" & szPath
szProvider=szProvider & "database" & szDir & "" & szDB & ".mdb;"
if bDebug then fpDebug.WriteLine("szProvider: " & szProvider)
dbConn.Open szProvider

The error happens on the last line where I try to open the connection. I've tried also using a dbConn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" line, to no avail. The item that is passed to the Open command is

Driver=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb); DBQ=C:obstuffdatabasedemoHMGA.mdb;

I'm not familiar enough with DNS and IIS to figure this out. Any suggestions -- other than porting over to SQL and .NET? You don't buy a Ferrari when you only drive in a 30 MPH town.

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Domain Administrator Vs. Local Administrator Group

Jul 16, 2002

We are trying to set up SQLAgent Proxy account. If the SQLServer service id is a domain admin, do we still have to add it to the local administrators group?


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ODBC Connection To SQL Server 2005sp2 Installed On VISTA.

Apr 23, 2007

Hi people i am getting a problem when im creating a dsn to sonnect the SQL server as the database for my content server.....................i tried all the tricks given by you people but its still not workin it is showins a message that .............

Connection failed.

SQL State'01000'

[Microsoft][ ODBC SQL Server Driver][Named Pipes]Connection Open


Connection Failed:

SQL State:'08001'

SQL Server Error:17

[Microsoft ][ODBC SQL Server Driver ][Named Pipes]SQL Server doe not exists or access denied............................

Please any body can help me out with this problem..............?


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How To Connect Remote SQL Server Using Microsoft SQL Server Web Data Administrator

Jun 18, 2004

I want to connect to company's SQL Server from home and to connect to home's SQL server from company remotely.
The new released SQL Server Web Data Administrator by Microsoft seems solving my issue.
I use it to connect to different SQL servers in different domains company wide successfully, but I failed to connect to home from company( I have static IP on the home server).
Also I want to know how to configure the sever name if I want to connect to company's SQL Server from home. The company SQL server is inside the firewall with a internal IP. How it works?

Any ideas?


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Vista MYSQL ODBC Manager Data Source Not Found

Nov 26, 2007

I am testing an application that uses mysql that works 100% fine with Microsoft Windows XP on Windows Vista Premium Home Edition.

Using Vista's ODBC Data Source Administrator I have set up and successfuly tested the DSN Connection to the Database.

However, when I call the set up DSN with the application I get [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified.

I am using the mysql-connector-odbc-3.51.12-win32.

I have tried editing the registry DSN files - the problem still persists.

Does anybody know a way to solve this problem

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Trying To Connect To SQLExpress On Vista

Apr 23, 2007

Hello !

I am trying to connect to a SQLExpress installed on Vista through the network.
I did enable all protocolls and in the Surface Area Configuration I activated Remote Connections ("using both TCP/IP and named pipes").
But still I get the following error:

"An error has occured while establishing a connection to the serveR. When connection to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that uder the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: SQL Network Interface, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified) (Microsoft SQL Server)"

Thanks a lot for any help!


my favorit hoster is ASPnix : !

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Cannot Connect To Server In Vista

Jul 3, 2007


I am new to SQL server 2005 and Windows Vista. I installed SQL server 2005 and SQL Server 2005 SP2. It seems that I get a "cannot connect to server" problem. I see the "Connect to server" popup window when hit the "Connect Object explorer" under the file menu or "Connect database Engine" under the Object explorer pane. Trying to see a Server name I recognized there was nothing there. Tried "browse for more" but It seems that no servers can be found at all.

I logged into Windows Vista with my account (with administrator rights, but not the Main Administrator account itself). I also tried SQL Server 2005 User Provisioning Tool for Vista, but it cannot find no instances in the "Available Privilegies" window.

I read a lot on forums on the net, but what is the best solution to use for this situation? Maybe I shall log on with the Main Admin Account and install again? Or is there better ways? Please can someone give me the best practices for this topic?

Thanks in advance!


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SQL Server Unable To Connect On Vista

Aug 13, 2007

I have a problem that unble to connect the SQL Server2005 on Vista OS. After searching solution around but still not able to find the solution for me problem.
The Error was Error 26,
provider:SQL network interfaces, error:26 - error locating server/instance specified
Is any1 facing the problem on this? Any solution for this case?

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Unable To Connect After Installing Vista SP1

Feb 25, 2008


I am using Sql server 2005 on our local network. I have an vpn open to an other network.
Before installing Vista SP1, I could simple connect to the db (sql server management studio, windows authentication).

After installing Vista SP1, I can connect to sql server when the vpn is closed. But when the vpn is open, I get the following message:

Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection. (.Net SqlClient Data Provider)

Does anyone have a clue?


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New Vista Install =&&> Cannot Connect To SQL Server

Sep 14, 2007


I've installed Windows Vista 64 bit on my pc (I had XP Pro). Also I've installed the management studio of SQL Server 2005 developer edition which I've uses also on my XP machine.

I've a online server at "". With C:WindowsSystem32cliconfg.exe a made a TCP/IP alias to with the name "MySql". In XP I then can connect in Sql management studio to "MySql" and everyting works perfect (I also use some other programs which needs the cliconfg alias.

After I installed Vista, I take the same steps (I've done this over 30 times, but in XP). When I then want to connect to "MySql" in management studio, I get this error: (translated from dutch) "Cannot connect to MySql. Maybe this error is caused by the fact that the SQL Server don't allow external connections. Error: 53.

Can someone help me with this?

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