Global Temp Table ....

Feb 24, 2005


A regular permanent table is not an option:
Need to exec a procA which at the end also exec procB.

procA will insert to table A and also generate a intermidate result set to a ##A global table, it works fine at this point. However, when it exec the procB at the end of exec procA, the ##A global table is empty when entering procB.

The key is I want to pass a records set to the procB without using a tableTempB. Does a ## global table should be still alive until procB execution is done?

I also tried use table variable, but it does not look like to accept @tableA
as part of the procB's parameters.

Also tried function, but it could not support a #tempTable within it which will do a dynamic query insertion.


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Global Temp Table Permissions

Jul 23, 2005

I have a pivot table implementation, part of which is posted below. Itreturns no errors in query analyzer, but when profiler is run, it showsthat "Error 208" is happening. I looked that up in BOL and it meansthat an object doesn't exist. This block of code below works fine on mylocal development machine, but not on our shared development serveruntil I go into the tempdb and make the user have the role db_owner.Even wierder is that when I do a select * from ##pivot there is noerror, but if I specify the single column name (pivot) i.e. selectpivot from ##pivot, it takes the error...Obviously this is a rights issue, but is there any way around thisother than making the user owner of tempdb??declare @select varchar(8000), @PackageId intset @PackageId = 10set @select = 'selectCompany = COALESCE(Users.Company, Contact.Company, ''''),SubContractPackageVendor.Id, SubContractPackageVendor.isActive,SubContractPackageVendor.isAwarded,SubContractPackageVendor.UserOrContactType,SubContractPackageVendor.UserOrContactIdFROMSubContractPackageVendorLEFT JOIN SubContractPackage ON SubContractPackageVendor.PackageId =SubContractPackage.IdLEFT JOIN Users ON UserOrContactType = ''User'' AND UserOrContactId =Users.UserIdLEFT JOIN UserRoles ON UserOrContactType = ''User'' ANDUserRoles.UserId = Users.UserId AND UserRoles.ProjectId =SubContractPackage.ProjectIdLEFT JOIN Role ON Role.RoleId = UserRoles.RoleIdLEFT JOIN Contact ON UserOrContactType = ''Contact'' ANDUserOrContactId = Contact.IdLEFT JOIN SubContractLineItem ONSubContractLineItem.RefType = ''Package'' ANDSubContractLineItem.RefId = SubContractPackageVendor.PackageIdLEFT JOIN SubContractLineItem as SubContractPackageVendorItem ONSubContractPackageVendorItem.RefType = ''PackageVendor'' ANDSubContractPackageVendorItem.RefId = SubContractPackageVendor.Id ANDSubContractPackageVendorItem.RefSubId = SubContractLineItem.IdWhereSubContractPackageVendor.PackageId = ' + CAST(@PackageId as varchar)+ 'GROUP BYSubContractPackageVendor.Id, SubContractPackageVendor.isActive,SubContractPackageVendor.isAwarded, Users.Company, Contact.Company,SubContractPackageVendor.UserOrContactType,SubContractPackageVendor.UserOrContactId'--print @sqldeclare @sumfunc varchar(100),@pivot varchar(100),@table varchar(100),@FieldPrefix varchar(5),@TotalFieldName varchar(50),@PivotFieldFilter varchar(1000)select@sumfunc ='Sum(isnull(SubContractPackageVendorItem.Total,0) )' ,@pivot ='SubContractLineItem.Category' ,@table ='SubContractLineItem' ,@FieldPrefix='~' ,@TotalFieldName = 'Total' ,@PivotFieldFilter = ' AND RefType=''Package'' AND RefId=' +CAST(@PackageId as varchar)set nocount onDECLARE @sql varchar(8000), @delim varchar(1), @TotalSql varchar(8000)SET NOCOUNT ONSET ANSI_WARNINGS OFFEXEC ('SELECT ' + @pivot + ' AS pivot INTO ##pivot FROM ' + @table + 'WHERE 1=2')EXEC ('INSERT INTO ##pivot SELECT DISTINCT ' + @pivot + ' FROM ' +@table + ' WHERE '+ @pivot + ' Is Not Null ' + @PivotFieldFilter)SELECT @sql='', @sumfunc=stuff(@sumfunc, len(@sumfunc), 1, ' END)' )SELECT @delim=CASE Sign( CharIndex('char',data_type)+CharIndex('date', data_type) )WHEN 0 THEN '' ELSE '''' ENDFROM tempdb.information_schema.columnsWHERE table_name='##pivot' AND column_name='pivot'select * from ##pivotDROP TABLE ##pivot

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## Global Temp Table? Useful Or Abuseful

Oct 25, 2007

Greetings guru's,

Is there a benefit to using global temp tables? I've read a few articles this morning and there doesn't seem to be a real need for them.

Am I missing something?


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Trying To Export A Global Temp Table Using SSIS.

Mar 1, 2006



I have to extract data from a read only table using a globel temp table then export it to another OLE DB connection or to a flat file. But in the new SSIS packages it does not allow you to do thisusing the global ## symbols in front of a table name. How do I get around this?




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SQL 2012 :: Global Temp Table - Invalid Object Name

Feb 13, 2015

I have created a global temp table in Step1 of SQL Job.

I have used that in remaining steps of same job...i ran the job

But i got error message like invalid object name ##xxxxxxxx later i have included as tempdb..##xxxxxxxx also. the i got invalid reference for...

From my SSMS:-

But i was able to do select query for the same from my SSMS...

i have incorporated all steps in single step and completed job...

My question is why ##temp table created in step1 is not able to use in other steps of same job ?

SQL Server 2012 Enterprise Edition

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Creating A Dynamic Global Temp Table Within A Stored Procedure

Sep 7, 2006

hi,I wish to create a temporary table who's name is dynamic based on theargument.ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[generateTicketTable]@PID1 VARCHAR(50),@PID2 VARCHAR(50),@TICKET VARCHAR(20)ASBEGINSET NOCOUNT ON;DECLARE @DATA XMLSET @DATA = (SELECT dbo.getHistoryLocationXMLF (@PID1, @PID2) as data)CREATE TABLE ##@TICKET (DATA XML)INSERT INTO ##@TICKET VALUES(@DATA)ENDis what i have so far - although it just creates a table with a name of##@TICKET - which isn't what i want. I want it to evaluate the name.any ideas?

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Global Temp Table Vs. Permanent Table Use

Dec 17, 2004

I need to decide what is better to use: global temp table ( I can't use local one) or permanent table in SQL 2000 stored procedures. I extract data from linked server table and update several tables on our server.
Those procedures scheduled to run every 3 hours.

Another question: for some reasons when I used global temp table, I wasn't able to schedule multi steps with every step executing one of the stored procedures.I think global temp tables should be visible to other stored procedures, right?

Your suggestions?

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Temp Table Vs Global Temp Table

Jun 24, 1999

I think this is a very simple question, however, I don't know the
answer. What is the difference between a regular Temp table
and a Global Temp table? I need to create a temp table within
an sp that all users will use. I want the table recreated each
time someone accesses the sp, though, because some of the
same info may need to be inserted and I don't want any PK errors.

Toni Eibner

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A Curious Error Message, Local Temp Vs. Global Temp Tables?!?!?

Nov 17, 2004

Hi all,

Looking at BOL for temp tables help, I discover that a local temp table (I want to only have life within my stored proc) SHOULD be visible to all (child) stored procs called by the papa stored proc.

However, the following code works just peachy when I use a GLOBAL temp table (i.e., ##MyTempTbl) but fails when I use a local temp table (i.e., #MyTempTable). Through trial and error, and careful weeding efforts, I know that the error I get on the local version is coming from the xp_sendmail call. The error I get is: ODBC error 208 (42S02) Invalid object name '#MyTempTbl'.

Here is the code that works:SET NOCOUNT ON

CREATE TABLE ##MyTempTbl (SeqNo int identity, MyWords varchar(1000))
INSERT ##MyTempTbl values ('Put your long message here.')
INSERT ##MyTempTbl values ('Put your second long message here.')
INSERT ##MyTempTbl values ('put your really, really LONG message (yeah, every guy says his message is the longest...whatever!')
DECLARE @cmd varchar(256)
DECLARE @LargestEventSize int
DECLARE @Width int, @Msg varchar(128)
SELECT @LargestEventSize = Max(Len(MyWords))
FROM ##MyTempTbl

SET @cmd = 'SELECT Cast(MyWords AS varchar(' +
CONVERT(varchar(5), @LargestEventSize) +
')) FROM ##MyTempTbl order by SeqNo'
SET @Width = @LargestEventSize + 1
SET @Msg = 'Here is the junk you asked about' + CHAR(13) + '----------------------------'
EXECUTE Master.dbo.xp_sendmail
@query = @cmd,
@no_header= 'TRUE',
@width = @Width,
@dbuse = 'MyDB',
@subject='none of your darn business',
@message= @Msg

The only thing I change to make it fail is the table name, change it from ##MyTempTbl to #MyTempTbl, and it dashes the email hopes of the stored procedure upon the jagged rocks of electronic despair.

Any insight anyone? Or is BOL just full of...well..."stuff"?

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Global Temp Tables

Aug 11, 1998

Hi everyone:

I am creating an sp, in which I check for the existence of a global temp table (using the exists)
statement. If the Exists returns a false, I move on to processing without the temp table. If it
returns a true, I utilize the temp table to do some inserts. I create the temp table when my
application first starts up. The problem that I am facing is that the check for the temp table`s
existence seems to be failing. Is there any other way to check for the existence of a global
temp table??

Any info really appreciated

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Global Temp Tables

May 29, 2006

Hi group,

I want to create several global temp tables. I've created a script:

if not object_id('tempdb..##tbl_ProductTypes') is null
drop table ##tbl_ProductTypes
select * into ##tbl_ProductTypes from dbo.tbl_ProductTypes

This script creates a global temp table. When I run it in QA the table is created. When I close QA the table is dropped. This is correct since I found the following in BoL:
[Global temporary tables are automatically dropped when the session that created
the table ends and all other tasks have stopped referencing them. The
association between a task and a table is maintained only for the life of a
single Transact-SQL statement. This means that a global temporary table is
dropped at the completion of the last Transact-SQL statement that was actively
referencing the table when the creating session ended.]

I created a job that executes the statement above. The job exists with success, however the table is not created!

Why wasn't the table created??




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Global Temp Tables In SQL Server

Oct 5, 2006


I have a stored proc that creates a global temp table. How can I have multiple users select records from and insert records in that table without overwriting and/or deleting data?

Thanks so much for your help!


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Temp Tables, Global And Local

Jul 20, 2005

Can anyone tell me or post a link that says how many global temptables can exist SQL Server 2000? Also, is there a limit to thenumber of local temp tables that can exist?Thanks,Billy

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Transact SQL :: Global Temp Tables

Jun 3, 2015

I have two global temp tables in my stored procedure.Is it possible for me to make the execution of a stored procedure dynamic. Based on a flag parameter value I should get the result set from first temp table  and viceversa ex: If my flag is 0.I should be able to get the result set from ##temp1 (select * from ##temp1).If my flag is 1.I should be able to get the result set from ##temp2 (select * from ##temp2).

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Dropping Global Temp Tables Programatically

Oct 4, 2006


I want to drop a Global temp table within a stored procedure.
But first, I want to check it's existence.

So, what I would like to do is something like this

if exists
(select * from sysobjects where name like '##globaltemptable')
drop table ##globaltemptable

But I don't think the global temp tables get stored in sysobjects.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

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Nested Stored Proc. And Global Temp Tables

Mar 2, 1999

I have an sql file that contains several queries that are generating numbers to populate a sql table. The sql file is too large for a single sp so I am nesting them. I have 4 nested stored procedures. Each of the queries in each stored procedure dumps into its own global temp table. The final stored procedure needs to insert into a sql table all the information gathered in the global temp tables. So the final stored proc. looks something like:
"Create procedure usp_myProc_4 AS EXEC usp_myProc_3
INSERT INTO mySQLTable (a,b,c)
SELECT a, b, c FROM ##myTempTable (which was created in usp_myProc_1)

INSERT INTO mySQLTable (a,b,c)
SELECT a, b, c FROM ##myOtherTempTable

INSERT INTO......etc;"

I have done this befor and it worked fine. The only difference is that when I did this before these insert statements were being called from within an sp_makewebtask procedure.

Now when I try to save this final stored procedure it tells me "Invalid Object Name: ##myTempTable"

How do I call on these global temp tables from my final nested stored procedure?

Thanks for any help.

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Remote-server Execution Of A Global Temp Stored Procedure

Oct 9, 2006

I have the following execution of a global temporary stored procedure on a remote SQL 2000 server:

insert into targetTable
exec remoteServer.master.dbo.sp_MSforeachdb ' ', @precommand = 'exec ##up_fetchQuery'

This is an ugly duck query but it seems to work fine. when I try to directly execute the remote stored procedure such as with

insert into query_log exec remoteServer.master.dbo.##up_fetchQuery

I get execution error

Server: Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 1
Could not find stored procedure '##up_xportQueryLog'.
Database name 'master' ignored, referencing object in tempdb.

When I try

insert into query_log exec remoteServer.tempdb.dbo.##up_fetchQuery

I get

Server: Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 1
Could not find stored procedure '##up_xportQueryLog'.
Database name 'tempdb' ignored, referencing object in tempdb.

insert into query_log exec remoteServer..dbo.##up_fetchQuery


insert into query_log exec remoteServer...##up_fetchQuery

I get

Server: Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 1
Could not find stored procedure '##up_xportQueryLog'.

I guess the remote server has trouble resolving the name of the global temp stored procedure when its reference comes in as a remote stored procedure calls. Is there any way to directly call a global temp stored procedure from a remote server or do I need to stick with this goofy-looking work-around?


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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Moving Values From Temp Table To Another Temp Table?

Apr 9, 2014

Below are my temp tables

--DROP TABLE #Base_Resource, #Resource, #Resource_Trans;
SELECT data.*
INTO #Base_Resource
SELECT '11A','Samsung' UNION ALL

[Code] ....

I want to loop through the data from #Base_Resource and do the follwing logic.

1. get the Resourcekey from #Base_Resource and insert into #Resource table

2. Get the SCOPE_IDENTITY(),value and insert into to

#Resource_Trans table's column(StringId,value)

I am able to do this using while loop. Is there any way to avoid the while loop to make this work?

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Global Temp Tables Getting Dropped Form Time To Time

Apr 10, 2007

Hi all,

I have created several global temp tables to cache some intermediate results ...
However, it seems that after a while those tables will be dropped by SQL Server 2005 automatically (I have not restarted the server and no drop table statement ever executed against those tables). Is this a feature by design? How to make those global temp tables persistence to next service restart?


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Global Temporary Table

Dec 23, 2006

what im trying to do is to combine multiple SELECT staetment so that it could produce 1 dataset instead of 2(multiple). (fields and column are same, just different tblname). Okay, so im thinking of insert those into temp table.

1. select statement 1 > insert into #MyTemp
2. select statement 2 > i want to insert into #MyTemp too...

Problem is sql disallowed this. That's why im thinking of global temporary table, but dunno how to write tht :P.
Pliz help. Thanks in advance

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Global Temporary Table And SP

Jul 23, 2005

Hello all,I'm using SS2K on W2K.Brieffing: Many months ago, I created a stored procedure only used by thosewith admin rights in SS. Now, someone else (without admin rights) has to runit. I gave him rigth to execute the SP but, at the second and moreexecution, he got a error message concerning a temp table already existing(see further).The SP:------------------------------------------------------CREATE PROCEDURE MySP@Type INTDECLARE @strSQL AS VARCHAR(4000)IF EXISTS (SELECT table_name FROM tempdb.information_Schema.tables WHEREtable_name = '##MyTmpTable')DROP TABLE ##MyTmpTableSELECT @strSQL = 'SELECT MyField1, MyField2, MyField3 INTO ##MyTmpTable FROMMyTable'EXECUTE(@strSQL)IF @Type = 1SELECT MyField1FROM ##MyTmpTableELSE IF @Type = 2SELECT MyField2FROM ##MyTmpTableELSESELECT MyField3FROM ##MyTmpTableGO------------------------------------------------------The error I got on the second time the user run the sp is: "Table##MyTmpTable already exists." The front-end where this SP is run is A97.That's where I got this message. This SP looks like a simple SELECT queryfrom A97 users perspective.Please, do no argue about the way of doing the work done! It is simplifiedat most in order to make it short and easy to read. I have to use thecommand "EXECUTE(String)" and, because of this, I connot use a localtemporary table instead of a global one.I suspect non-admin user cannot drop global temporary table, but the errormessage makes me believe that this code line is not even run, as if thecondition "IF EXISTS(...)" return false even if the table actualy exists.Anybody can help about this? What should I do to solve this problem?Yannick

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Need To Update A Global Holiday Table

Jun 30, 2000

The calendar in our application references a table for all international holidays. We need to extend the date range in the table out to 2020, actually I need to extend the date range in the script that creates the table.

Any suggestions??

Is there a 3rd party source for a file containing these holidays? I'm starting to question the accuracy of the information we're using. - Does Argentina observe Columbus Day?

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Accessing Global Temporary Table

Jan 29, 2001

We are trying to use a ## table (global temporary table) in Access or Excel thru a ODBC connection to tempdb. We are able to see the system tables, but not any ## tables. We are able to perform selects on the same ## table with the same userid and password in Query Analyzer. If we use sa or make the userid dbo we are able to see the ## tables, but I don't want to give these type of permissions.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Global Temporary Table Usage In Sub Reports

Mar 28, 2008


I have a report that calls a stored procedure that creates an extract of data for use by various subreports. Now I have this problem:

If I save the extract data in a global temporary table, then it is automatically deleted before the subreports can use it, this means I have to create a normal table with a unique name that need to be deleted - but where do you do this in the report - there is no point where you can say it is now safe to delete a table?

I do not want to resort to external mechanisms, languages, jobs etc. to do this. I want to delete the table once the report is really finished in the report.

My main report uses a list that contains all the subreports as I need to group all sorts of information by vendor. The main report calls the stored procedure. Please do not tell me that I have to duplicate the main extract for every subreport. That will really eat resources.

Thanks in advance.

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Global Variable Value Lost During Insertion In A Table

Oct 6, 2006


This problem is connected with the query i posted yesterday regarding insertion of global variables. I was able to insert the variable in a table to check its value.

This value is mapped to the global variable in a previous Execute SQL Task. But when I use the same global variable to insert in a table, default value 0 is inserted.

My query is does the global variable declared at the package level does not store the value mapped across multiple tasks in control flow?

How can i insert the value stored in a variable in a table from previous SQL Task.

Can anyone suggest some solution,links to try a workaround?

Thanks in advance.



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Global Temporary Table Usage In Subreports

Mar 28, 2008


I have a report that calls a stored procedure that creates an extract of data for use by various subreports. Now I have this problem:

If I save the extract data in a global temporary table, then it is automatically deleted before the subreports can use it, this means I have to create a normal table with a unique name that need to be deleted - but where do you do this in the report - there is no point where you can say it is now safe to delete a table?

I do not want to resort to external mechanisms, languages, jobs etc. to do this. I want to delete the table once the report is really finished in the report.

My main report uses a list that contains all the subreports as I need to group all sorts of information by vendor. The main report calls the stored procedure. Please do not tell me that I have to duplicate the main extract for every subreport. That will really eat resources.

Thanks in advance.

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Inserting Global Variables Storing Values In A Table

Oct 5, 2006


I need a resolution of the following issue:

Following SQL is to be inserted in an audit table :











@P_LOAD_ID, @P_LOAD_STATUS, @P_START_TIME, @P_END_TIME are the 4 parameters mapped to global variables (At package Level) which store values mapped in a previous SQL Task in my control flow.

Following Error Message is thrown on executing the SQL Task:

Invalid object name 'GLOBAL_VARIABLE_LOAD'.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

Can anyone guide me as to how should I go about saving values in global variables and inserting them in a table.

Thanks in advance.



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SQL Server 2012 :: Creating And Dropping Global Temporary Table?

Apr 3, 2015

I want to create and drop the global temporary table in same statement.

I am using below command but I am getting below error

Msg 2714, Level 16, State 6, Line 11

There is already an object named '##Staging_Temp' in the database.

if object_id('Datastaging..##Staging_Temp') is not null
drop table ##Staging_Temp
CREATE TABLE ##Staging_Temp(
[COL001] [varchar](4000) NULL,

[Code] ....

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SQL Server 2012 :: Stored Procedures Compiles Even When There Is No CREATE TABLE For A Temp Table

Feb 11, 2015

i am inserting something into the temp table even without creating it before. But this does not give any compilation error. Only when I want to execute the stored procedure I get the error message that there is an invalid temp table. Should this not result in a compilation error rather during the execution time.?

--create the procedure and insert into the temp table without creating it.
--no compilation error.
INSERT INTO #tmp(dt)

only on calling the proc does this give an execution error

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Power Pivot :: Temp Table Or Table Variable In Query (not Stored Procedure)?

Jul 19, 2012

I don't know if it's a local issue but I can't use temp table or table variable in a PP query (so not in a stored procedure).

Environment: W7 enterprise desktop 32 + Office 2012 32 + PowerPivot 2012 32

Simple example:
    declare @tTable(col1 int)
    insert into @tTable(col1) values (1)
    select * from @tTable

Works perfectly in SQL Server Management Studio and the database connection is OK to as I may generate PP table using complex (or simple) queries without difficulty.

But when trying to get this same result in a PP table I get an error, idem when replacing table variable by a temporary table.

Message: OLE DB or ODBC error. .... The current operation was cancelled because another operation the the transaction failed.

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INSERT INTO - Data Is Not Inserted - Using #temp Table To Populate Actual Table

Jul 20, 2005

Hi thereApplication : Access v2K/SQL 2KJest : Using sproc to append records into SQL tableJest sproc :1.Can have more than 1 record - so using ';' to separate each linefrom each other.2.Example of data'HARLEY.I',03004,'A000-AA00',2003-08-29,0,0,7.5,7.5,7.5,7.5,7.0,'Notes','General',1,2,3 ;'HARLEY.I',03004,'A000-AA00',2003-08-29,0,0,7.5,7.5,7.5,7.5,7.0,'Notes','General',1,2,3 ;3.Problem - gets to lineBEGIN TRAN <---------- skipsrestINSERT INTO timesheet.dbo.table14.Checked permissions for table + sproc - okWhat am I doing wrong ?Any comments most helpful......CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[procTimesheetInsert_Testing](@TimesheetDetails varchar(5000) = NULL,@RetCode int = NULL OUTPUT,@RetMsg varchar(100) = NULL OUTPUT,@TimesheetID int = NULL OUTPUT)WITH RECOMPILEASSET NOCOUNT ONDECLARE @SQLBase varchar(8000), @SQLBase1 varchar(8000)DECLARE @SQLComplete varchar(8000) ,@SQLComplete1 varchar(8000)DECLARE @TimesheetCount int, @TimesheetCount1 intDECLARE @TS_LastEdit smalldatetimeDECLARE @Last_Editby smalldatetimeDECLARE @User_Confirm bitDECLARE @User_Confirm_Date smalldatetimeDECLARE @DetailCount intDECLARE @Error int/* Validate input parameters. Assume success. */SELECT @RetCode = 1, @RetMsg = ''IF @TimesheetDetails IS NULLSELECT @RetCode = 0,@RetMsg = @RetMsg +'Timesheet line item(s) required.' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)/* Create a temp table parse out each Timesheet detail from inputparameter string,count number of detail records and create SQL statement toinsert detail records into the temp table. */CREATE TABLE #tmpTimesheetDetails(RE_Code varchar(50),PR_Code varchar(50),AC_Code varchar(50),WE_Date smalldatetime,SAT REAL DEFAULT 0,SUN REAL DEFAULT 0,MON REAL DEFAULT 0,TUE REAL DEFAULT 0,WED REAL DEFAULT 0,THU REAL DEFAULT 0,FRI REAL DEFAULT 0,Notes varchar(255),General varchar(50),PO_Number REAL,WWL_Number REAL,CN_Number REAL)SELECT @SQLBase ='INSERT INTO#tmpTimesheetDetails(RE_Code,PR_Code,AC_Code,WE_Da te,SAT,SUN,MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI,Notes,General,PO_Nu mber,WWL_Number,CN_Number)VALUES ( 'SELECT @TimesheetCount=0WHILE LEN( @TimesheetDetails) > 1BEGINSELECT @SQLComplete = @SQLBase + LEFT( @TimesheetDetails,Charindex(';', @TimesheetDetails) -1) + ')'EXEC(@SQLComplete)SELECT @TimesheetCount = @TimesheetCount + 1SELECT @TimesheetDetails = RIGHT( @TimesheetDetails, Len(@TimesheetDetails)-Charindex(';', @TimesheetDetails))ENDIF (SELECT Count(*) FROM #tmpTimesheetDetails) <> @TimesheetCountSELECT @RetCode = 0, @RetMsg = @RetMsg + 'Timesheet Detailscouldn''t be saved.' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)-- If validation failed, exit procIF @RetCode = 0RETURN-- If validation ok, continueSELECT @RetMsg = @RetMsg + 'Timesheet Details ok.' + CHAR(13) +CHAR(10)/* RETURN*/-- Start transaction by inserting into Timesheet tableBEGIN TRANINSERT INTO timesheet.dbo.table1select RE_Code,PR_Code,AC_Code,WE_Date,SAT,SUN,MON,TUE,WE D,THU,FRI,Notes,General,PO_Number,WWL_Number,CN_Nu mberFROM #tmpTimesheetDetails-- Check if insert succeeded. If so, get ID.IF @@ROWCOUNT = 1SELECT @TimesheetID = @@IDENTITYELSESELECT @TimesheetID = 0,@RetCode = 0,@RetMsg = 'Insertion of new Timesheet failed.'-- If order is not inserted, rollback and exitIF @RetCode = 0BEGINROLLBACK TRAN-- RETURNEND--RETURNSELECT @Error =@@errorprint ''print "The value of @error is " + convert (varchar, @error)returnGO

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SQL Tools :: Adding Column To A Table Causes Copying Data Into Temp Table

Sep 23, 2015

If on the source I have a new column, the script generated by SqlPackage.exe recreates the table on the background with moving the data into a temp storage. If the table is big, such approach can cause issues.

Example of the script is below: in the source project I added columns [MyColumn_LINE_1]  and [MyColumn_LINE_5].

Is there any way I can make it generating an alter statement instead?

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tmp_ms_xx_MyTable] (

[Code] ....

The same script is generated regardless the table having data or not, having a clustered or nonclustered PK.

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Transact SQL :: Update Table With Its Value And Data From Row In Temp Table For Matching Record?

Oct 25, 2015

I have a temp table like this

  ID int,
  Source varchar(50),
  Date datetime,
  CID varchar(50),
  Segments int,
  Air_Date datetime,


Getting Error

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure PublishToDestination, Line 34 Incorrect syntax near 'd'.

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