If/else Newbie Question (conditionalizing SELECT On Old/new Db, Existence/abscence Of A Column)

Jun 7, 2006

As to not get lost in the details of my problem, I'm oversimplifying this posting to get the root of my problem answered. :-)

Let's say a database has a table called CUSTOMERS, and it may or may not contain a column called ORDER_NUMBER, depending on whether or not the database is an old or new database.

Now if I run the following query in Query Analyzer (v8)...

if (1=2) begin
select * from CUSTOMERS where ORDER_NUMBER is not null

...I get "Invalid column name 'ORDER_NUMBER'."

Obviously 1 does not equal 2, so why is the code in that if block being executed? Or is there some sort of precompilation/schema checking that is going on which is causing the error? If so, can I set something to not have the code be precompiled?

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How To Add Identity To Existence Column

Jul 27, 2013

I have created a table and want to alter that table.

I want to add identity to my existence column.

How to add identity to my existence column?

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Select Backup Location -- Cannot Verify The Existence

Sep 15, 2007

When attempting to backup a database using Management Studio, I receive a ""Cannot verify the esistence of the backup file location. Do you want to use the backup file location anyway?" yes/no messsage afer entering a file directory which exists. When entering a new directory, when I select "yes," a file locaiton will not be created, however, the backup operation continues to success. Originally, I had configured the sql services to execute under a user account with domain admin and administrative privledges, and I vverified the folder's security config permited write access. I reinstalled and now al SQL services are executing as "Local System" (or "Network Service") with same problem.

Any recommendations as to how to correct what I am doing wrong? (Thanks).



SQL Server Enterprise 2005 running w/all patches on Windows Server 2003 Server.

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How To Check The Existence Of A Column In A Table

Jun 23, 2007

Dear All,

I wanted to know how do I know or check that whether a column exists in a table. What function or method should I use to find out that a column has already exists in a table.

When I run a T-SQL script which i have written does not work. Here is how I have written:

IF Object_ID('ColumnA') IS NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Table1] DROP COLUMN [ColumnA]

I badly need some help.

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Advanced SELECT For A Newbie

Oct 5, 2006

I have a table full of Latitudes, Longitudes, address, customername, etc. , I need to grab some input(Latitude, Longitude, range) from the user.  So now I have a source lat, long(user) and destination lat, long(rows in dbase).  I need to take the 2 points and compute a distance from the user given lat, long to every lat, long in the database and check that distance againt the range given from the user.  If the distance is below the range, I need to put that row into a temp table and return the temp table at the end of the stored proc.  As of right now I am completely lost and need some guidance. I would also like to be able to add the computed distance to a table.  Here is the function and stored procedure i have so far...ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_getDistance]      @srcLat        numeric(18,6),    @srcLong    numeric(18,6),    @range        intASBEGIN    SET NOCOUNT ON;    SELECT * FROM dbo.PL_CustomerGeoCode cg    WHERE dbo.fn_computeDistance(@srcLat, cg.geocodeLat, @srcLong, cg.geocodeLong) < @rangeEND CREATE FUNCTION fn_computeDistance (    -- Add the parameters for the function here    @lat1        numeric(18,6),    @lat2        numeric(18,6),    @long1        numeric(18,6),    @long2        numeric(18,6))RETURNS numeric(18,6)ASBEGIN    -- Declare the return variable here    DECLARE @dist        numeric(18,6)    IF ((@lat1 = @lat2) AND (@long1 = @long2))        SELECT @dist = 0.0    ELSE        IF (((sin(@lat1)*sin(@lat2))+(cos(@lat1)*cos(@lat2)*cos(@long1-@long2)))) > 1.0            SELECT @dist = 3963.1*acos(1.0)        ELSE            SELECT @dist = 3963.1*acos((sin(@lat1)*sin(@lat2))+(cos(@lat1)*cos(@lat2)*cos(@long1-@long2)))    -- Return the result of the function    RETURN @dist Thanks, Kyle 

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Newbie Select Question

Sep 14, 2007

How do I select all items in a table which begin with 'Ar' please?

So from a table containing:


it would return Arthur.

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Newbie Help! SqlDataSource + Select Parameter

May 21, 2008

 Why does this not work?        <asp:SqlDataSource ID="employeeSource"            runat="server"            ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:mainDB %>"            DataSourceMode="DataReader"            ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient"            OnSelecting="OnSourceSelecting"            SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE ID = @employeeID">                        <SelectParameters>                <asp:Parameter Name="@employeeID" Type="Int32" />            </SelectParameters>        </asp:SqlDataSource>In code behind:        protected void OnSourceSelecting(object sender, SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs args) {            // THIS LINE THROWS EXCEPTION: An SqlParameter with ParameterName '@campaignID' is not contained by this SqlParameterCollection.            args.Command.Parameters["@employeeID"].Value = 3;    // In future, will use dynamic value.        }        If, instead I do this:                    <asp:SqlDataSource ID="employeeSource"            runat="server"            ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:mainDB %>"            DataSourceMode="DataReader"            ProviderName="System.Data.SqlClient"            OnSelecting="OnSourceSelecting"            SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE ID = @employeeID">                        <SelectParameters>                <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="@campaignID" QueryStringField="id" />            </SelectParameters>        </asp:SqlDataSource>(Of course I call page with EmployeePage.aspx?id=123)I get the exception: Must declare the scalar variable "@employeeID".

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Newbie - How To Update Multiple Rows With Select Statment

Oct 25, 2004

Newbie to the SQL Server.


Here is the explaination of the above query, I have a column which has the values like '23462Golden Gate' or '348New York'. Above query is stripping all the characters and keeping only numbers. So I need to update the same column with only numbers which is the output of abover query.

Immd help will be greatly appreciated.


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Newbie-Alter Table To Change Column Name

Apr 22, 2008

I am modifying a table and some of the columns are changing. The following syntax is resulting in errors. What am I doing wrong?



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Newbie Question: Table Polling And Select Query In A Loop

May 2, 2007


I am a newbie in SSIS.

Can anybody please help me in the following.

Here is the task that I want to achieve:

1. continously poll a db table every 1 minute,

if the value of a paticular cell in the table has changed since last poll,

then initiate the second task

2. do a select query that picks about 10,000 new rows off another db table,

the 10,000 rows should then be stored in a in-memory dataset.

Every time the poll initiates a new select query, it should insert the new rows to the existing in-memory dataset.

thus if the select runs for 2 times in 2 minutes, the the in-memory dataset would contain a maximum of 20,000 rows.

3. Then I want to apply a set of transformations on the dataset and then finally update some db tables, push some records to the ssas database. (push mode incremental processing)

which sub tasks can be achieved and which cannot.

if not, Is there a workaround?

Please do provide some specific links that accomplish some of these similar tasks.

I have tested some functionality, like

doing a full processing of a ssas database.

reading from a database table and inserting into a flat file.

I tired to use the ExecuteSQLTask, and i also assigned the resultant to an user:variable. the execution completed succesfully but I am not able to see the value of the variable change. also I am not able to use the variable to figure out a change in previous value and thus initiate a sql select. or use the variable to do anything.


Vijay R

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Newbie Case/search Question In Derived Column Expression Syntax

Feb 6, 2008

Hi everyone,

I am a newbie to SSIS and looking for answer to a simple search/replace style question.

I am building a derived column and looking for some expression syntax that can search for several strings in one column and set a value in a new column.

A bit like a case statement:

CASE ProductLine
WHEN 'R1' THEN 'Road'
WHEN 'M1' THEN 'Mountain'
WHEN 'T1' THEN 'Touring'
WHEN 'S1' THEN 'Other sale items'
ELSE 'Not for sale'

The twist is that 'R1','M1','T1','S1' could feature anywhere in the string that is ProductLine.

Thanks for all your help,



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Newbie Search/replace Case Style Functionality In Derived Column Expression Syntax

Feb 6, 2008

Hi guys,

I am looking for some syntax to help me with a traditional search/replace style requirement. I am wanting to examine the contents of one column and populate another.

similar to this SQL case statement

CASE ProductLine
WHEN 'R1' THEN 'Road'
WHEN 'M1' THEN 'Mountain'
WHEN 'T1' THEN 'Touring'
WHEN 'S2' THEN 'Other sale items'
ELSE 'Not for sale'

the twist is that R1, M1 etc. can appear anywhere in the ProductLine column.

thanks for any assistance you can provide.



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Newbie Here With A Newbie Error - Getting Database ... Already Exists.

Feb 24, 2007

Hi there
I sorry if I have placed this query in the wrong place.
I'm getting to grips with ASP.net 2, slowly but surely! 
When i try to access my site which uses a Sql Server 2005 express DB i am receiving the following error:

Server Error in '/jarebu/site1' Application.

Database 'd:hostingmemberasangaApp_DataASPNETDB.mdf' already exists.Could not attach file 'd:hostingmemberjarebusite1App_DataASPNETDB.MDF' as database 'ASPNETDB'.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Database 'd:hostingmemberasangaApp_DataASPNETDB.mdf' already exists.Could not attach file 'd:hostingmemberjarebusite1App_DataASPNETDB.MDF' as database 'ASPNETDB'.Source Error:

An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below. Stack Trace:

[SqlException (0x80131904): Database 'd:hostingmemberasangaApp_DataASPNETDB.mdf' already exists.
Could not attach file 'd:hostingmemberjarebusite1App_DataASPNETDB.MDF' as database 'ASPNETDB'.]
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) +735075
System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +188
System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj) +1838
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.CompleteLogin(Boolean enlistOK) +33
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.OpenLoginEnlist(SqlConnection owningObject, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, String newPassword, Boolean redirectedUserInstance) +628
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds..ctor(DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, Object providerInfo, String newPassword, SqlConnection owningObject, Boolean redirectedUserInstance) +170
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection) +359
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.CreatePooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnectionOptions options) +28
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.CreateObject(DbConnection owningObject) +424
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.UserCreateRequest(DbConnection owningObject) +66
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection(DbConnection owningObject) +496
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection) +82
System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory) +105
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() +111
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillInternal(DataSet dataset, DataTable[] datatables, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) +121
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, Int32 startRecord, Int32 maxRecords, String srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior) +137
System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet dataSet, String srcTable) +83
System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceView.ExecuteSelect(DataSourceSelectArguments arguments) +1770
System.Web.UI.DataSourceView.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments arguments, DataSourceViewSelectCallback callback) +17
System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataBoundControl.PerformSelect() +149
System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseDataBoundControl.DataBind() +70
System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView.DataBind() +4
System.Web.UI.WebControls.BaseDataBoundControl.EnsureDataBound() +82
System.Web.UI.WebControls.CompositeDataBoundControl.CreateChildControls() +69
System.Web.UI.Control.EnsureChildControls() +87
System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() +41
System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() +161
System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() +161
System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() +161
System.Web.UI.Control.PreRenderRecursiveInternal() +161
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +1360

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.210
 This is the connection string that I am using:
<add name="ConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|ASPNETDB.MDF;Integrated Security=True;Initial Catalog=ASPNETDB;User Instance=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
The database is definitly in the folder that the error message relates to.
What I'm finding confusing is that the connection string seems to be finding "aranga"s database.
Is it something daft?
Many thanks.

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Is It Possible To Re-reference A Column Alias From A Select Clause In Another Column Of The Same Select Clause?

Jul 20, 2005

Example, suppose you have these 2 tables(NOTE: My example is totally different, but I'm simply trying to setupthe a simpler version, so excuse the bad design; not the point here)CarsSold {CarsSoldID int (primary key)MonthID intDealershipID intNumberCarsSold int}Dealership {DealershipID int, (primary key)SalesTax decimal}so you may have many delearships selling cars the same month, and youwanted a report to sum up totals of all dealerships per month.select cs.MonthID,sum(cs.NumberCarsSold) as 'TotalCarsSoldInMonth',sum(cs.NumberCarsSold) * d.SalesTax as 'TotalRevenue'from CarsSold csjoin Dealership d on d.DealershipID = cs.DealershipIDgroup by cs.MonthIDMy question is, is there a way to achieve something like this:select cs.MonthID,sum(cs.NumberCarsSold) as 'TotalCarsSoldInMonth',TotalCarsSoldInMonth * d.SalesTax as 'TotalRevenue'from CarsSold csjoin Dealership d on d.DealershipID = cs.DealershipIDgroup by cs.MonthIDNotice the only difference is the 3rd column in the select. Myparticular query is performing some crazy math and the only way I knowof how to get it to work is to copy and past the logic which isgetting out way out of hand...Thanks,Dave

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SELECT Column Aliases: Refer To Alias In Another Column?

Apr 9, 2008

Using SQL Server 2000.  How can I refer to one alias in another column?E.g., (this a contrived example but you get the idea)SELECT time, distance, (distance / time) AS speed, (speed / time) AS acceleration FROM dataNote how the speed alias is used in the definition of acceleration alias but this doesn't seem to work.

View 11 Replies View Related

SELECT Column Aliases: Refer To Alias In Another Column?

Apr 10, 2008

Using SQL Server 2000. How can I refer to one alias in another column?

E.g., (this a contrived example but you get the idea)

SELECT time, distance, (distance / time) AS speed, (speed / time) AS acceleration FROM data

Note how the "speed" alias is used in the definition of "acceleration" alias but this doesn't work.

View 14 Replies View Related

Using Column Number Inplace Of Column Name In SQL Select Statement

Jul 20, 2005

Hello All,Is there a way to run sql select statements with column numbers inplace of column names in SQLServer.Current SQL ==> select AddressId,Name,City from AddressIs this possible ==> select 1,2,5 from AddressThanks in Advance,-Sandeep

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.NET 2.0 And .NET 1.1 Co-existence?

Oct 26, 2006

I downloaded Quest Software's freeware version ofComparison Suite. When I attempt to install, it tellsme that it requires .NET framework 1.1.4322. I alreadyhave .NET 2.0 installed (as part of the MS-SQL native client install)and I really don't want to mess that up.Is it *safe* to have the installer download/install .NET 1.1to coexist with 2.0? Is it likely to work?

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Select Column Value Which Is Selected From A Column Of Another Table

Jan 2, 2004

i need help to get the value of a column which is selected from a column of another table....

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Transact SQL :: Select Row With Max (column Value) Group By Another Column

May 19, 2015

i dont't know how to select row with max column value group by another column. I have T-SQL

MAX(T.[Second Start Date]) AS [Max Second Start Date],


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Checking For Row Existence

Nov 1, 2006

Can someone show me some C# code for detecting if a SQL row exists or not?  This seems like a very typical action and I cannot for the life of me find a tutorial online that explains this step.  In my code I'm either going to INSERT or UPDATE a record.  I tried sending a SELECT command through a ExecuteNonQuery, but only got -1 as a response.  Apparently ExecuteNonQuery does not work with SELECT.  I then saw that T-SQL has an EXISTS keyword, but I cannot see anyway to use that from within C#.So...can anyone share the typical code they use to identify if a row exists or not within a database.  I guess I was execting there to be some method available to do this sort of thing.

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Existence Of A Value In Table

Sep 24, 2007


I have a table with the follwing values

Table Cats

CatID, date
Cat1, D1
Cat2, D2
Cat3, D3

I just wanted to check whether Cat1 exists in the table. Can anyone post the query

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How To Know Existence Of The Data In The Databse

Jun 9, 2008

Hi Friends,I have one table in the databse,i.e userTable with one field userNameIn my form I have one Label ,textbox for entering the userName and One button for submit,So I am entering the data into the table(userTable) after clicking on the submit buttonBut my problem is before entering the data into the table I want to find wheather the given data exits or notif its not exists the data has to insert into the table otherwise its has to display the message"the user is already existed"for this I wrote the code like this in C# public Boolean isUserExists()    {        SqlCommand cmduserName = new SqlCommand("select count(*) from userTable where userName= " + txtuserName.Text + ")", conn);        SqlDataReader rdr = null;        rdr = cmduserName.ExecuteReader();                 conn.Open();               int count = 0;        while (rdr.NextResult())        {            count = rdr.GetInt32(1);        }        conn.Close();        if (count == 0)        {            return false;        }        else        {            return true;        }              protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        if(isUserExists())            {                Response.Write("Opps ! User already Exists");                                       }                SqlCommand adapInsert = new SqlCommand("insert into userName values('" + txtuserName.Text + "')",conn);        conn.Open();        adapInsert.ExecuteNonQuery();        conn.Close();        Response.Write("data inserted");       }   is it write or not because I am not getting the output .please tell me any one where I have to change the code ThanksGeeta 

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Co-Existence Of 6.5 & 7.0 Client Software

Aug 20, 1999

We are currently running MS-SQL 6.5 and are getting new apps which require 7.0.
The new apps will be on their own server(s). My question is - Can a PC run both the
6.5 client and the 7.0 client (simultaneously) to access both 6.5 and 7.0?

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Checking For Existence Of Files

May 14, 2008

So I want to check a directory for a particular extention of file. ex: *.txt, *.zip etc. (I'm using T-SQL by the way)

I tried this:


insert #a EXEC master..xp_fileexist 'G:wklyld_SQLRMAPOLLOADUntar*.txt'

this code works as long as I give it a specific file name, but if I try the *.txt or *.zip it wont work.

I've also been trying to run


EXEC MASTER.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'dir "G:wklyld_SQLRMAPOLLOADUntar*.*"

and then copy the results to a temp table and then run queries against the table. But I havent had much luck with that either.

Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.

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Broadcast Existence Of SQL Server

Feb 7, 2006

Hi All:

Does anyone know where to find the property that disables the broadcast of the sql server from the point where you do not see the server show up in the list when one goes to

"New SQL Server Registration" -> "..."

beside the "Server" field. The dialog itself is titled "Registered SQL Server Properties". Assume both SQL Servers are both behind the firewall.

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Testing For Cursor's Existence

Jul 23, 2005

How is it possible to test at the beginning of a stored procedure if acursor I want to declare already exists? (So I don't cause an error bydeclaring it).ThanksBruno

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Detect Existence Of Datetime Fields

Jul 20, 2005

I'm looking for an efficient t-sql script to loop through all usertables in a db and determine/print the value of each row having adatetime field (including cases where there are multiple datetimefields per row)Help greatly appreciated..

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Transact SQL :: Check For Existence Before Inserting

Nov 3, 2015

I have a webpage where users can connect with other users by sending them a request. Sending the request just puts a row in a connect table that contains the users id, the targetusers id, a requesteddate, an accepted date and a disconnectdate (for the original requester to end the connection and a reject bit the the target can reject the request. Hoever I need to check to assure that the connect does nt already exist either as pending (requestdate is not null and accept date is null) or both dates are not null (connection already complete.).

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[requestConnect]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@requestor int,
@requested int
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from interfering with SELECT statements.

[Code] ....

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SQL Query To Detect Non-existence Of Certain Records

Dec 27, 2007

Here is my query:

SELECT dnn_Roles.RoleName, xyzUser.FirstName, xyzUser.LastName, xyzUser.Email, xyzRewardPoint.Points, xyzRewardPoint.RewardID
FROM xyzRewardPoint INNER JOIN
xyzUser ON xyzRewardPoint.UserID = xyzUser.UserId INNER JOIN
dnn_UserRoles INNER JOIN
dnn_Roles ON dnn_UserRoles.RoleID = dnn_Roles.RoleID ON xyzUser.ProviderId = dnn_UserRoles.UserID
WHERE (dnn_UserRoles.RoleID = 3) OR
(dnn_UserRoles.RoleID = 4) OR
(dnn_UserRoles.RoleID = 6)
ORDER BY dnn_UserRoles.RoleID

What I need is to extend this query to detect any users who exist in dnn_UserRoles.RoleID 3, 4 or 6 but do not have a RewardID value of '43' in the xyzRewardPoint table.

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How To Check For Table Existence Before Dropping It?

May 8, 2006

Apologies if this has been answered before, but the "Search" function doesn't seem to be working on these forums the last couple of days.

I'd just like to check if a table already exists before dropping it so that I can avoid an error if it doesn't exist. Doing a web search, I've tried along the lines of
"If (object_id(sensor_stream) is not null) drop table sensor_stream"
"If exists (select * from sensor_stream) drop table sensor_stream"

In both of these cases I get the error: "There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 1,Token in error = if ]"

Sooooo... what is the standard way to check for existence of a table before dropping it? Someone help? This seems like it should be simple, but I can't figure it out.

Thanks in advance!

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TSQL Checks File Existence?

Sep 3, 2007


Does TSQL provide methods to check if a file exists?

For example, a TSQL script will read data in a .dbf file into SQL Server. It will check if the file exists before read. How to do this check?

Thank you.

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Existence Of Index For Temp Table

Oct 4, 2007


create table #tmp(a int)

create index idxt1 on #tmp(a)

insert into #tmp values (42)

select * from sys.indexes

where name like '%idx%'

order by name

But I can't see any rows about idxt1 :-(

If I say

create index idxt1 on #tmp(a)

againg I got error, because it exists.

How to check for existence using query?

B. D. Jensen

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