Using Wildcards Efficiently With Equals Or LIKE

Jul 6, 2006

Is it possible to use wildcards with an equals statement? Such as
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE City = '%' AND State='Ca'
Bascially just stating where city equals anything...
I know you can do it with a LIKE statement such as...
SELECT * FROM Table WHERE City LIKE '%' AND State='Ca'
but is that very efficient?
The reason I want to do this is because I want to programmitcally
set the city, so just ommiting it won't work

Also, using City LIKE '%' seems to not include there anyway
to include NULL as well as anything else?

Thanks for your help!

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Invalid Operator For Data Type. Operator Equals Boolean AND, Type Equals Nvarchar

Jun 2, 2004

I get this error when I attempt to read from a datareader using the following sql statement:

Dim mysql As String = "SELECT PayrollTrans.PayrollID, Employees.[EmpFirstName] & ' ' & " _
& " Employees.[emplastname] AS FullName, Employees.[City] & ', ' & Employees.[State] & ' ' & Employees.[zip] AS CityState " _
& " , PayrollTrans.Date, PayrollTrans.EmployeeID, PayrollTrans.RegHours, " _
& " PayrollTrans.OTHours , PayrollTrans.RegPay, PayrollTrans.OTPay, " _
& " PayrollTrans.FedTax, PayrollTrans.FICATax, PayrollTrans.MedicareTax, " _
& " PayrollTrans.ESCTax, PayrollTrans.StateTax, PayrollTrans.ESCEMPTax, " _
& " PayrollTrans.FUTATax, PayrollTrans.NetPay, Employees.EmployeeID, " _
& " Employees.Address1, Employees.Address2, Employees.SSAN, " _
& " Employees.PayType, Employees.RegPayRate, Employees.OTPayRate, " _
& " Employees.MaritalStatus, Employees.FedExemption, Employees.StateExemption, " _
& " Employees.Active, Employees.SelectforPay, Employees.PayDate " _
& " FROM PayrollTrans, Employees where PayrollTrans.EmployeeID = Employees.EmployeeID;"

my reader command list as follows:

Dim objCM As New SqlClient.SqlCommand(mysql, SqlConnection1)
Dim objDR As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
objDR = objCM.ExecuteReader

Any ideas on where I am going wrong?

Thanks in advance

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Invalid Operator For Data Type. Operator Equals Boolean AND, Type Equals Datetime.

May 18, 2004

I am getting a error message saying: Invalid operator for data type. Operator equals boolean AND, type equals datetime.

I traced the pointer to @gdo and @gd, they are both dates!

INSERT INTO AdminAlerts values (CURRENT_USER, 'UPDATE', getDate(), @biui, 'Updated booking, ID of booking updated: ' & @biui & ', Booking date and time before/after update: ' & @gdo & '/' & @gd & ', Room number before/after update: ' & @rno & '/' & @rn & ' and Customer ID before/after update: ' & @cio & '/' & @ci)

If I cut that two dates out it works fine.
Could someone tell me the syntax to include a date in a string :confused:

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How Can L Rewrite This To Run Efficiently !!!!!!!!!!

Apr 18, 2002

How can l rewrite this and trim the code.

CREATE Procedure Disbursements_Cats
(@startdate datetime,
@enddate datetime)


SELECT Loan.loan_No AS Loan_No,
Loan.customer_No AS Customer_No,
Customer.first_name AS First_name,
Customer.second_name AS Second_name,
Customer.surname AS Surname,
Customer.initials AS Initials,
Bank.Bank_name AS Bank_name,
Branch.Branch_name AS Branch_name,
Branch.branch_code AS Branch_code ,
Bank_detail.bank_acc_type AS Bank_acc_type,
Transaction_Record.transaction_Amount AS Transaction_Amount,
Transaction_Record.transaction_Date AS Transaction_Date,
Loan.product AS Product,
Product.product_Type AS Product_Type,
Product_Type.loan_Type AS Loan_Type

FROM Transaction_Record INNER JOIN
Loan ON Transaction_Record.loan_No = Loan.loan_No INNER JOIN
Product ON Loan.product = Product.product INNER JOIN
Customer ON Loan.customer_No = Customer.customer_no INNER JOIN
Bank_detail ON Customer.customer_no = Bank_detail.customer_no INNER JOIN
Branch ON Bank_detail.Branch = Branch.Branch INNER JOIN
Bank ON Branch.Bank = Bank.Bank INNER JOIN
Product_Type ON Product.product_Type = Product_Type.product_Type


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Rewrite A Query Efficiently

Mar 15, 2007

Is there a efficient way to write this query?

WHEN Population BETWEEN 0 AND 100 THEN '0-100' WHEN Population BETWEEN 101 AND 1000 THEN '101-1000' ELSE 'Greater than 1000' END AS Population_Range,
COUNT(CASE WHEN Population BETWEEN 0 AND 100 THEN '0-100' WHEN Population BETWEEN 101 AND 1000 THEN '101-1000' ELSE 'Greater than 1000' END) AS [No. Of Countries]
FROM Country
CASE WHEN Population BETWEEN 0 AND 100 THEN '0-100' WHEN Population BETWEEN 101 AND 1000 THEN '101-1000' ELSE 'Greater than 1000' END

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Ordering Records - Efficiently

Feb 8, 2008

I hope I explain this correctly...

I'm required to allow users to order items in a field to be displayed on a page in the order they specified.

For example: A user can drag and drop items in a list to specify the order it will be displayed in.

I have my drag and drop code ready to do this.
I have an idea on how to do this but I think it’s too inefficient.
I was going to create an orderby field and populate it with a number that corresponds to the position of the item. However, as one can deduce, if a user drags and drops a record between two others, I would have to change not only its orderby number but then change all the other items orderby number.

For instances if I dropped an item with an orderby number of 3 between 6 and 7 I would have to change the 3 to a 7 and then recursively change all the other records orderby numbers up to 3 and then change everything after 7.

Well, I hope I make sense. It’s easier to visualize it on paper.

Does anyone know how to tackle this issue of user dynamic ordering?

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Efficiently Joining Same Table Twice

Jul 23, 2005

My main table has the following structure:t1 (id_primary, id_secundary, name) i.e. [(1,1,"name1"), (2,1,"name2")]I want to join this table with the following second table:t2 (id_primary, id_secundary, value) i.e. [(1, NULL, "value1"),(NULL,1,"value2")]The join should first try to find a match on id_primary and only if thatfails it should find a match on id_secundary. Every row in t1 is matchedagainst a single row in t2.The following query, isnull(b.value, c.value)fromt1 a left outer join t2 b on a.id_primary = b.id_primaryleft outer join t2 c on a.id_secundary = c.id_secundaryI'm wondering though if it would be possible to write a query that only usest2 once, since it actualy is quite a complex query that is calculated twicenow. Any ideas (besides using a temp table)?

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The Two Query Equals?

Mar 7, 2006

hi,In MySql,we can run below query
select appid,dvbpath,business from ocgxmldbinfo group by appid
but in MSSql,it can't!so i want to know whether the following query equals it?
select distinct appid,dvbpath,business from ocgxmldbinfo order by appid


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Why 'a ' Equals 'a' In SQL SERVER?

May 27, 2008

why following happens? can anyone explain the logic?

if 'a ' = 'a'

select 'equal'


select 'not equal'

result: equal

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What Is Wrong With My SQL Having Equals (=) ?

Aug 8, 2006

I have a table called "Inc_Exp_Accounts". The table has ledger account numbers and names. It also has a third column called "IsExpense". The IsExpense column is a bit field = 0 (false) if the account is an income account and = -1 (true) if the account is an expense account. I only have income and expense accounts. I do not have other accounts such as asset accounts. The distinguishing thing about income accounts is that the account number (an nvarchar(11) type) is a '3'. Anything else makes it an expense account.

I would think I can use the following SQL statement to correctly set the IsExpense column:

UPDATE Inc_Exp_Accounts
SET IsExpense = IIF(LEFT(Account_Number, 1) = '3', False, True)
But nooo, I cannot! I cannot even run it because Visual Studio SQL Syntax checker rejects it. It complains about the second '='. If I change the second '=' to '>', then it complains about '>'. Therefore, I think I have the particular character about which it complains.

Ths specific complaint (error message) is: "Error in list of function arguments: '=' not recognized.
Unable to parse query text.".
So what is wrong?

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Efficiently Supplying Xml Data For Treeview

May 16, 2008

I have an interesting problem:

I have an ASP.NET web application that uses a Treeview control to display what can potentially be a very large data set. In the past, I would just run a recursive stored procedure in my database that would output the XML which I would save to a file. The Treeview used the XML file as its data source. I did this because it can take so long for the stored procedure to run (10 seconds or more) that, it isn't practical to have the treeview point directly to the stored procedure. This worked well enough because the data didn't change very often.

Now, it looks as if the application will be used in a production environment, and I really need to find a way to supply up-to-date data to the treeview in a dynamic way. I have tried creating a view that would provide XML and that would be updated any time the target table is updated but, that has not worked. I have also tried creating a trigger that would output to an XML file any time an edit was made (using the xp_cmdshell functionality) but, that has proven difficult as well.

Is there a simpler solution that I am just missing? I just want an up-to-date XML representation of the data that is a result of a recursive function.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

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Way To Efficiently Make Test Data ?

Dec 26, 2006

We have a website that accesses our SQL databases. In the past, we used our internal employees to improve our SQL databases. However, we want to outsource the work.

There is a lot of information we would like to keep private from the outsourcing.

Is there a way to efficiently make test data throughout our database without changing our original database?
Is a way to easily update our database to the new changes?

I found this product through Google EMS Data Generator for SQL Server
Would this program help us make test data?

Thanks in advance

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Problem In Seaching With Like Or Equals

Jan 14, 2008

I perform queries on tables with 500,000 plus records, when I use the like clause or the = for record names with large numbers I get different counts with each run. As an example if I was searching retail stores and k-mart was one I get counts like the following
1st run: k-mart 2200
2nd run: k-mart 2240
3rd run: k-mart 2197 etc. etc.
The records may be k-mart inc or kmart inc or k-mart etc.
If anyone has a better understanding of how the items are searched for and knows a better way please respond.
Thank you in advance.

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Efficiently Searching Multiple Words In A String

Feb 15, 2008

 Hi,I'd be interested in people's thoughts about the following.  A user on my site will be searching for a venue name, and that could officially include a sponsor which the user might not search for.  Now I am using the AutoCompleteDropdown from the AJAX Control Toolkit, so the user will start typing in a few characters and the results will be returned. I can generate the results from sql by doing a simple LIKE '%' + @searchTerm + '%' however, this fills me with great fear of table scans. At the moment, we'd be querying against a table of 5K records, but our application is very new.I'm thinking one option is to split the words into another table - a one to many relationship to hold each word of the venue.  The benefit of this would be that you could do a:LIKE @term + '%'but then I have the cost of the join. (And the added complexity which is not a major issue)Any thoughts/tips?Thanks!   

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SQL 2012 :: How To Efficiently Downsize Some Unicode Fields

Oct 12, 2015

We have a SQL Server 2012 Enterprise live transactional database that is now growing over 1G per month and is becoming a size problem for us. It is currently at 23G. Character type fields are all Unicode and I have calculated a savings of 5G in space converting only 2 such fields averaging 206 characters each to non-Unicode, and almost 10G in space if we convert a few more of them from nchar and nvarchar to char and varchar types. These fields will never have a requirement to hold Unicode characters that cannot be in the SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS collation as they come in as plain ASCII originally and will always do so per the protocol standard.

I’m the software architect and chief C# developer though only a DBA hack or I would not have designed our database to have Unicode fields for high volume tables that did not need Unicode for those fields when the database was created 3 years ago. I want to correct this mistake now before we finalize converting to an AlwaysOn environment to support with various performance and backup issues.

After downsizing these two or more fields, we would like to shrink the database one time to take advantage of the space savings for full backups, and for seeding an AlwaysOn environment.

1.What is the safest and most efficient conversion technique for downsizing columns from nchar/nvarchar to char/varchar types? Esp. when there are multiple fields in the same table to be converted. I tested doing an “add new column, set new=old, drop old, rename old to new” for both of the main two fields I want to convert from nvarchar(max) to varchar(max), and it took 81 minutes on our test server (4 virtual core, 8G memory) before running out of disk space even though there was 8G left on the disk, and the db has unlimited size set (Could not allocate space for object ''.'PK_xyz' in database 'xxx' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full). I did delete an old database before it finished after getting a disk warning so maybe it did not count that new space. Regardless it was too slow. And this was on just the two largest of these columns (12.6M rows) and only ran 2 to 3% CPU busy so seemed not very efficient, and indicated unacceptable downtime if we were to convert even these two fields much less any additional fields. Average field size for these two fields was only 206 characters or 412 bytes each. Another technique I plan to try is to create the new table def in a new schema, select into it from the old table, then move tables amongst schema and delete the old table. I have a FK and indexes to contend with on the table.

2.If I figure out how to do #1 efficiently within an acceptable maint window, what is the safest practice for doing a one-time shrink and end up with organized/rebuilt indexes and updated Statistics? I understand the logic of not doing regular shrinks and that sometimes it can actually increase the size.

3.Is there any third party tool that could take a backup and restore it into a new database with the modified field definitions or otherwise convert certain field types?

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Need Opinions On Creating A Reporting Database More Efficiently

May 27, 2006

SQL Server 2000.
At my new employer they have a production database on one server and a copy of it that is set to read only on another server which is used for reporting.

They have an SQL Server Agent job on the production server that: (2 times a day)

Backs up the production database
Copies the backup file to a directory on the reporting server. (Its pretty big and can take time if there are problems with the LAN)

They have an SQL Server Agent job on the Reporting server that: (scheduled to run 2 hours or so after the job on server 1 has runthey figured that it would be a safe bet that the backup and copy process of the first job would be done by then)

Breaks the user connections to the reporting database
Performs a restore on the reporting database using the backup file that was copied to the holding directory by the production job.
Sets some permissions for various users.
Sets the reporting database to READ ONLY.
What I would like to do is find a more efficient way to create this reporting database, I have started doing research into DTS methods but would like some opinions from more experienced users.

Thank You,

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Rounding Number With Ending Equals 5

May 30, 2006


How do I round when number is ending with 5 for example:

When the number next to number 5 is an even number

24.5 = 24.0 round down

0.245 = .24 round down

1265 = 1260 round down

when the number next to number 5 is an odd number

23.5 = 24.0 round up

0.235 = .24 round up

1755 = 1760 round up

Thanks in advance!

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Efficiently Creating Random Numbers In Very Large Table

Jan 19, 2007


I need to sample data in a very large table in SQL Server 2000 (a gazillion rows of Performance Monitor statitics).

I'd like to take the top 5%, for instance, based upon a column containing random numbers.

Can anyone suggest a highly efficient method of populating a column with random numbers.

Thanks in advance.


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Select All Records Where Date Column Equals To Today

Nov 13, 2014

I have a table with a column of type date. I want to select all records where the date column = today. I tried

Select * from myTable where DateSent = GetDate()

but it returns no records.

Do I really have to use this slow method?

select datesent from Messages where convert(varchar,DateSent,103) = CONVERT(varchar, GetDate(), 103)

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Empty String Equals To Blank: How To Change This Behaviour?

Feb 11, 2008

This seems to be a rather old problem ( but I couldn't find an answer yet.

The problem is: I have two tables t1 and t2 where t1 is a staging area of t2.
t1: (id int not null, phone varchar(30))
t2: (id int not null, phone varchar(30))

Data in t1: (1, '') <- empty string
Data in t2: (1, ' ') <- a blank

Comparing with results in equality which in my opinion isn't correct.

The question ist: How can I change the behaviour of SQL-Server to result in inequality so that the change in my staging table is detected correctly?

Thanks in advance

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InSQL 7.1 - Count How Many Times A Tag Equals 1 Over A Specified Time Period Query....

Aug 2, 2007

Need help to create a query to count how many times over a specified time the tag(s) equal the value of 1.



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Sql Cannot Resolve Collation Conflict Equals - Comparing Rows And Fileds Between Table1 And View1

Jun 27, 2007

Hello,I currently have Table1 and View1.View1 is a query from 2 or 3 tables that works fine on its own.However in my current query if I try to use it...something like...SELECT a.col1, a.col2, a.col3, b.col1, b.col2, b.col3FROM View1 a JOIN Table1 b on a.col1 = b.col1WHERE a.col2 <b.col2 OR a.col3 <b.col3It throws an error "Server: Msg 446, Level 16, State 9, Line 1 Cannotresolve collation conflict for not equal to operation."Clearly I need to use collation between Table1 and View1, But I dontknow where I need to use "COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP850_CI_AI" andhow? this is the collation set on Table1.Thank you!Yas

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Sql && Wildcards

Jan 22, 2007

HelloI am trying to search 2 columns on a databsae table  using a string put into a box, the code i have at the moment is SqlConnection conn =                        new SqlConnection(SqlDSFindPost.ConnectionString);        SqlCommand cmd =          new SqlCommand            ("SELECT * FROM tblBlog WHERE UserName LIKE @UserName OR Title LIKE @Title; ", conn);        cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = '%' + TextBox1.Text + '%';        cmd.Parameters.Add("@Title",SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50).Value = '%' + TextBox1.Text + '%';        conn.Open();        cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();        GridView1.DataBind(); I have tried all sorts of strings and even typeed the string directly into the parameter but never get any results, yet when i type the wildcards directly into the textbox i get the correct rows returned. Can anybody see anything wrong with my code  and tell me where i am going wrong, or alternativly point me in the direction of some c# code for searching a database similar to the search box abovei dont do a lot in asp or c# so this is driving me crazy  Thanks for looking 

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Jan 19, 2005

Does anyone know how I could show all the records of tools with the word released after them? For example, 'Volume Monitor 4.4 Released'

I tried this statement with no luck:
Select * from Issues where Tools LIKE 'RELEASED %'


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Using Wildcards

Feb 24, 2000

I have a need to use wildcards in a sql statement. e.g. select * from tbl where field='%computer%'.
How can I substitute the string "computer" for a variable declared in the stored procedure.
Procedure Sample
@Str varchar(50)
select * from tbl where field = '%' & @Str & '%'
(How do incorporate the wildcard variable @Str?

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Wildcards In BCP

Apr 21, 1999

I am running the data import below in a stored procedure:

EXEC xp_cmdshell "bcp TCCSTGB..TGB_Fimport in d:MSSQLTGB_ImportsNNNYYYYMMDDHHMM.SDF /f d:mssqlFormatsTGB_Fimport.fmt /Usa /P ", no_output

I want to replace the NNNYYYYMMDDHHMM with a wildcard (for example *), so that import will pull ANY .SDF files in, but it will not run. i get the following:

Bcp: Unable to open host data-file.

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Using Wildcards %

Nov 1, 2007


I need to replace the use of wild cards in my query with something else which achieves the same thing. The problem is the web application which uses the query does throws an error when using '%' characters. Any ideas?

The following statement appears in the where clause:

AccType.Value like '@Opened_By[%DIST%APP% as Distance and Business Provider, DIST% as Distance, APP% as Business Provider]'


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Sql Case With Wildcards ???

Mar 28, 2007

I’m trying to use case statement in my view with wildcards for '%Tradies%', instead of listing all items      
WHEN 'Tradies Rebate1' THEN 'Test'
WHEN 'Tradies Rebate2' THEN 'Test'
WHEN 'Tradies Rebate3' THEN 'Test'
WHEN 'Tradies Rebate4' THEN 'Test'
At this moment '%Tradies%' does not work and gives me null values in EventGroup column.
Here’s my statemnt
CASE [dbo].[Event].[EventName]
      --WHEN 'Tradies Rebate1' THEN 'Test'
      --WHEN 'Tradies Rebate2' THEN 'Test'
      --WHEN 'Tradies Rebate3' THEN 'Test'
      --WHEN 'Tradies Rebate4' THEN 'Test'
      WHEN '%Tradies%' THEN 'Test'
      WHEN 'Install Products' THEN 'All Installed'
      WHEN 'Installation Product Conversion' THEN 'All Installed'
      WHEN 'Installation Products' THEN 'All Installed'
      WHEN 'BK 3' THEN 'All Bright Kids'
END AS [EventGroup],
Please help!!!

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How To Use Wildcards In WHERE Clause

May 5, 2004

I have a SQL statement which is generated dynamically. I need to know what is the correct syntax for this

WHERE status = 'open' AND salesman = * AND dat = * AND customername = *

i.e. fetch everything WHERE status = 'open'

I know that simply WHERE status = 'open' would do the trick but I need it like the first example because of the way the statement is being generated i.e. this salesmen bit is like this.

If Salesman <> "*" Then
sql2 &= " AND salesman = '" & Salesman & "'"
sql2 &= " AND salesman = *"
End If



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Wildcards In Words

Apr 28, 2005

Hi I'm using the full-text indexing on a table and I'm trying to implement a search where users can search for words and use wildcards themselves. However I'm working on a method so that can enter a wildcard in the middle of a word to get records where they are unsure of the spelling etc.
For instance, a search of 'Ste*en' should return results like 'Steven' and 'Stephen' etc. So if they are searching for word 'establishment' they can search for 'estab*ment' and it should return all the records using this query:
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE CONTAINS(myField,'"estab*ment"')
If I do a wildcard at the end e.g: SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE CONTAINS(myField,'"estab*"')
I get the results I am looking for. But the middle wildcard does not seem to work as expected even though it is the syntax used on MSDN and other SQL info sites.
Is there something I am not doing properly?

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How To Insert With Wildcards

Aug 22, 2000


it's a little stupid but i can't seem to insert a certain data.
it's like this:

insert into dept(dept_no,dept_name)

how do i insert with the (') included in the string?

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Wildcards In SQL Server

Nov 1, 1999

I have a stored procdure in SQL Sever that accepts paramteres. I am trying
to return rows where parameter that is passed is somewhere in the cuustomer's
name. Without the variable the SQL would look like this:

WHERE CustomerName LIKE '%Smith%'

I can't figure out how to replace LIKE '%Smith%' with a varible. I tried
'%@CustomerName%', ('%' + @CustomerName + '%') and neither works. Any ideas?

ps my column's type is char(50) and so is the variable so trailing spaces
don't matter.

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Problems With Wildcards

Sep 7, 2007

Hi all,I am creating an ASP.NET site, and I'm having lots of issues trying to get wildcards to work with the following query:DECLARE @Status varcharDECLARE @AssignedTo intDECLARE @AppID intSELECT dbo.Issue.IssueID, dbo.Issue.ReportedBy, dbo.Issue.ShortDescription, dbo.Issue.DateReported, dbo.Issue.Status, dbo.Priority.Description AS Priority, dbo.Application.ApplicationFROM dbo.Issue INNER JOIN dbo.Priority ON dbo.Issue.Priority = dbo.Priority.PriorityCode INNER JOIN dbo.Application ON dbo.Issue.Application = dbo.Application.ApplicationIDWHERE (dbo.Issue.Status LIKE '%' + @Status) AND (dbo.Issue.AssignedTo = @AssignedTo) AND (dbo.Application.ApplicationID LIKE '%' + @AppID)ORDER BY dbo.Priority.PriorityCode When running this through query analyser I get the error:Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 5Syntax error converting the varchar value '%' to a column of data type int. Could someone help me understand this please?Thanks

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