White Spaces

Jan 8, 2002

Creating a text file using DTS, is there a function/way to take out white
spaces from columns. Example:
'1234 ','567 ' would come in text as

Thanks in advance.

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White Spaces In Data Fields

Jan 31, 2006

Whenever I insert a record into my table it adds trailing white spaces up to the amount of char's that the field is set to allow.  Obviously I don't want it to do this.
Among other problems then when I get the data back out it has a ton of white spaces, which normally wouldn't be a problem.  i could just use the .Trim() function, but for some reason when I bind the data to a drop down list and use the .Trim() function it doesn't trim the white spaces.
Anyways any ideas on how to make it so the white spaces don't get put in in the first place??  Or any other thoughts on this??  Thanks!

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How To Remove White Spaces Between Words

May 30, 2008

What is the Select statement to remove white spaces between words?

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Trim Trailing White Spaces

Nov 14, 2006

Hi All,

I have a column which has some white spaces that I suspect is tab delimeted one. So when I use a rtrim(col1) it would not trim those. So i used a scrip component and wrote this line,

Row.trimDetail = RTrim(Row.detail)

here trimdetail is an o/p column and detail is the input col with the trailing spaces.

but still I don know why the column has that spaces. Can someone help me to figure out what is the problem ?

Thanks in advance,

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Values Entered In Db Has Trailing White Spaces

Apr 24, 2006

Hi, I'm inserting a few columns into my db (they all have a nvarchar(50) ).. but i noticed when i retrieve them out of the db, the length of the string always have some trailing white spaces behind them and such when I try to do stuff like    dropdownlist.items.findbyvalue(),  it normally fails.I did trace and before the string get into the db, they were teh right length. so I'm not sure where did I do things wrong? thanks

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Removing White Spaces In A Varchar Column

Sep 15, 2005

I have a table . It has a nullable column called AccountNumber, whichis of varchar type. The AccountNumber is alpha-numeric. I want to takedata from this table and process it for my application. Before doingthat I would like to filter out duplicate AccountNumbers. I get most ofthe duplicates filtered out by using this query:select * from customerswhere AccountNumber NOT IN (select AccountNumber from customers whereAccountNumber <> '' group by AccountNumber having count(AccountNumber)[color=blue]> 1)[/color]But there are few duplicate entries where the actual AccountNumber issame, but there is a trailing space in first one, and hence thisduplicate records are not getting filtered out. e.g"abc123<white-space>" and "abc123" are considered two different entriesby above query.I ran a query like :update customers set AccountNumber = LTRIM(RTRIM(AccountNumber)But even after this query, the trailing space remains, and I am notable to filter out those entries.Am I missing anything here? Can somebody help me in making sure Ifilter out all duplicate entries ?Thanks,Rad

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Preserve Leading And Trailing White Spaces On Report

Dec 27, 2007

I spent huge amount of time figuring out how to preserve lading and trailing white spaces on report display without success. Can anyone help me here?

My problem is I have data with leading and or trailing white spaces and I need to show it as is. In designer preview it shows correct values. As soon as report is published and accessed on web, it truncates the whitespaces . I had a look at source, it shows values are correctly fetched(with spaces) but are ignored while rendering. I also tried replacing blank space with &nbsp;, however it reads this as &amp;nbsp;.

I am using asp.net 2.0 and SQL serer 2005 reporting services.

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SQL Server 2008 :: White Spaces Not Getting Ignored For Plan Guide Matching?

May 1, 2015

In sp_create_plan_guide documentation, it's written:

When SQL Server matches the value of statement_text to batch_text and @parameter_name data_type [,...n ], or if @type = 'OBJECT', to the text of the corresponding query inside object_name, the following string elements are not considered:

White space characters (tabs, spaces, carriage returns, or line feeds) inside the string.
Comments (-- or /* */).
Trailing semicolons

On SQL Server 2008 SP3, I created a plan guide for a query. Now, if I execute the query exactly how it was defined in the plan guide, SQL Server match it and use the plan guide to optimize the query.

However, if I add just a space between a column name and an operator in the WHERE clause, the plan guide is ignored. How come it doesn't ignore the extra space, like mentioned in the documentation?

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Create TRIGGER Remove White Spaces From A Fields In Table-scan And Fix

Apr 21, 2008

i have table i use it for update insert
and the users use this table from a grid on the web
and i need to prevent from white space in the fields in table
so how to
create TRIGGER remove white space from a fields in table scan and fix it ?

Code Snippet
SELECT TRIM(fieldname)
, LTRIM(fieldname)
, RTRIM(fieldname)
, LTRIM(RTRIM(fieldname))
FROM tablename

Code Snippet
WHERE (LTRIM(RTRIM(fieldname)) = 'Approve')

Code Snippet
replace(@text,' ','')

create TRIGGER on update insert and not to damage the text in the all fields

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Reporting Services :: Exporting To Word And PDF - White Spaces Left Out Between Grouped Items

Aug 7, 2015

I have a report which shows up as below,

Product Type - A
Product Name  - 1
Product Price -  1
Product Name - 2
Product Price - 2

Product Type - B
Product Name - 1.1
Product Price - 1.1
Product Name - 2.1
Product Price - 2.1
Product Name - 3.1
Product Price  - 3.1

Similarly i have different Product types and product names and its prices underneath each product type. As you can see, there might be varied number of products under the product type so i am grouping it on Product type. The issue is when i export the report to pdf or word, when ever we have a big group of Product Type( example: Product Type X and it has 10 different Products under it) along with few other smaller groups, the big group tends to jump on to the next page of word or pdf and leaves a big empty space in the previous page. Any way i can break those big groups and  fit  as many as we can on the page and the rest should follow onto the next page rather than leaving the previous page with blank space. 

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In Print Preview Mode White Is Black And Black Is White...

Mar 22, 2007

When I go to preview mode and select the print preview. The white background is black and the black is white. Any one know how to set this back to the original way it worked?

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SQL White Space! HELP!

Oct 4, 2006

Ok, here is the problem.
Client created a database with Allocated Space of 5GB. THEY WILL ONLY EVER HOLD A MAXIMUM OF 1GB IN DATA!!! Don't ask.

In any case, they currently have a database filled with 600MB of Data and 4.4GB of White Space. From what I can see, the database is backing up that entire database nightly, based on 5GB of allocated space. It doesnt care that only 600MB is being used, it only knows that someone put aside 5GB and its gonna darn well back it up.

I need to get rid of that space. Their Backups are taking hours on end and Batch Files are timing out. Quite honestly, they dont need to back up 4.5GB of white space.

How can I eliminate that white space? I have tried to run several SQL scripts to Truncate the DB and eliminate unused space, unfortunately it is not working.
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.


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White Space In A Field

Oct 1, 2006

I think this may be a dumb question, but here goes.If there is a lot of "white space" in a field in SQL Server, does it take upserver space, or is it just ignored?Example:Name of product<br>Manufacturer's Name<br>Manufacture's Phone number<br>Instead of this:Name of product<br>Manufacturer's Name<br>Manufacture's Phonenumber<br>I think it would, but maybe not?Thanks, J~

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We Have A New White Paper On Connectivity!

Jan 10, 2007

Dear Forum Members,

We've been working on a white paper targeting SSIS connectivity which we hope will help answer some of the key questions in the following areas :

What are the SSIS components and their support level for ADO.NET, ODBC, and OleDB?

How to deal with 64-bit connectors? what is supported, what is not?

Special sections on popular data sources such as SAP, Oracle, DB2, Flat File, XML.

A comprehensive list of data sources and available connectors from Microsoft and other 3rd parties.

You'll also find answers to why some of the things are the way they are today.

Note that this white paper is currently under official editing and publishing in Microsoft. It'll be a while before it goes public officially, but I wanted to share it with you, as the rich content it offers can't really wait. You'll find the paper in my blog, which is really a wiki site about SSIS connectivity fully open to public, so feel free to add/update content in there as you feel proper, and help the SSIS community with your wisdom!

A lot of feedback went into this white paper not only from Microsoft, but also from some of our partners and MVPs. I'd like to extend special thanks to Bob Beauschemin for authoring this challenging white paper.


Deniz Erkan

Program Manager - SSIS


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Function Like Len() That Counts White Space

Aug 10, 2007

Good day to you, community friend!

Just a quick one - I swear I've seen a function before that was like Len() but it counted the white spaces too. I have a feeling it was something along the lines of "data_length" but I can't for the life of me find it!

Many thanks,

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Export To Pdf Problem, Getting White Pages

Jan 23, 2008

When I exported report to PDF, I am getting a white page alternately between my report pdf pages.
What is the problem behind that? Please suggest a solution.

Thank you very much.

Praveen Kumar. M

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Unacceptible White Space On Report

Aug 2, 2007

I am hoping there is either a quick fix within SQL reporting services or a 3rd party tool for SQL reporting services that will fix my error. If not, we will be forced to go back to Crystal Reports.

I have a large report, that per each record prints between 3 and 5 pages of information. It is laid out like an MS Word document (as that is what is needed to send off to the client), so it is in standard letter style with the text growing down vertically.

I have about 10 large text (SQL Server Text field types) fields on this report. The report itself was built using the SQL Reporting Services table tool, so I could correclty group the information into the same record and also to keep the needed specific report formatting.

Everything looks GREAT, except for large white space in the report. The cause is that each row on the SQL Reporting Services table contains a field of data. Well, in some instances there is too much text to fit on the current page of the report (in some cases as much as 3/4 a page of paper), so instead of starting to print on the page and then continuing to print on to the next page, the data will skip the page and start at the top of the next page.

This will leave large white spaces in my report. In one instance I have a Text field that with the correct formatting is larger than a page. So the report prints on 1/4 of page 2, is blank for remander 3/4 of a page 2, and then starts printing the large text field on the following page (page 3). So 3/4 of a page in my report is left empty.

Is there a work around for this, or a 3rd party tool that can be purchased to allow for this? I have not found a setting or a way to keep the table rows together as there is in Crystal Reports.

Thank you for your help!


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White Space Problem When Controls Are Hidden

Dec 24, 2007

White space

In SSRS the controls(chart and table) are hidden .Some white space occured for each full page. How to avoid such white space (blank page) for every page.

In our report there is five Controls and some of the controls are to be hidden. And that some pages having only white space. How to avoid such blank spaces.


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Trying To Pull Data From Server But Getting A Blank White Screen

May 3, 2007

Hey guys, i finally connected to the db fine however for some reason i cannot pull the data.  I was hoping somebody here might be able to help me.  The code is below
    Function MyQueryMethod() As System.Data.DataSet        Dim connectionString As String = "server='xxxx'; user id='xxxx'; password='xxxxxx'; database='wel"& _            "sh_indiv'"        Dim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(connectionString)
        Dim queryString As String = "SELECT [test12].[name], [test12].[grade] FROM [test12]"        Dim dbCommand As System.Data.IDbCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand        dbCommand.CommandText = queryString        dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection
        Dim dataAdapter As System.Data.IDbDataAdapter = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter        dataAdapter.SelectCommand = dbCommand        Dim dataSet As System.Data.DataSet = New System.Data.DataSet        dataAdapter.Fill(dataSet)
        Return dataSet    End Function
 im kinda new to programming with vb for asp.net pages so please bare with me.

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Microsoft's Connectivity White Paper Is Officially Published

Feb 14, 2007

Hello All!

Many of you have seen the draft version, but we finally have it out the door. You can download the new version directly from Microsoft's official site.

The momentum in our connecitivty wiki is growing! so check back and see if you can get useful information on 64bit, Office 2007 connecitivity, and samples.

Some of the recent activity in our connectivity portal:


The new connectivity white paper is now officially available, click here (http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/7/c/27cd7357-2649-4035-84af-e9c47df4329c/ConnectivitySSIS.doc) to download.


There's a new article from Deniz Erkan on Office 2007 Connectivity (Data Sources/Microsoft Office (2007)).


Bob Beauschemin provided us a sample package to connect to Excel 2007.


Microsoft's Partner ETI has a new separate page for connectivity offerings for SSIS (Data Sources/ETI High Performance Data Integration).


Microsoft's Partner Persistent (Data Sources/Persistent Systems Products for SSIS) has put together a list of options for SSIS connectivity.


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Both Foreground And Background Color Appear To Be White In Expression Builder...

Dec 3, 2007

I have a co-worker who applied build 3161 to SQL Server 2005. The original problem was that the print preview was showing up as black.This is a documented issue with Microsoft here:


Now, when she goes into expression builder, the foreground AND background color for what you type in there appears to be white... so everything shows up as invisible. You can highlight the text you type and it shows up but otherwise it is obviously invisible.

Anyone know how to fix this?

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Best Practices White Paper On Pre-Installation Server Setup

Oct 17, 2007


I am very well versed in the proper way to set up a SQL Server server prior to installation.

In this I mean, the proper process in placing your MDF, LDF and NDF(s) on seperate spindles/discs and also to place TempDB on its own spindle/disc and such.

There are numerous other points to cover in setting up the server based on memory, security, processor and such but I am sure you understand.

What I am looking for is the link(s) to the whitepapers discussing these Best Practices methodologies for pre-installation setup.

I looked on the Best Practices page but did not seem to find a doc that contains all the Best Practices that should be followed, if possible of course, in setting up a server prior to the SQL Server 2005 installation process.

Can anyone please point me to a link(s)/doc(s) that describe what I am looking for.

I need to pass this information down to other members of my team.

Thanks and have a great day!

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SQL Server - Green Circle With White Arrow Question

Dec 7, 2007

I know that this may be a stupid question but I have yet to find the exact answer. Within the SSMS the servers are displayed in the registered servers. I register the server and then connect successfully. What I don't understand is although the server is running or the sql server agent is running the green dot with the white arrow is completely white. I can click on the server and look at the databases so I know that the server is running. This happens on remote servers and servers here at our location. Does anyone know why the white dot is not green with a white arrow? I'm just curious to know why this is like that. Thanks for any help you can provide.

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Reporting Services :: Control Raw Height / White Space

Jul 20, 2015

I am trying to print only the grand total raw. The grand total is based on the information in the groups and therefore I cannot hide the groups.

Instead I am trying to minimize the size of the group raw by sizing font, shrink, etc but with no success. I still get a lot of unwanted space. How can resolve this?

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Hiding Columns -White Space At End Of The Table*****Extremely Urgent

Mar 27, 2008

Hello everyone,
In reports ,My customer requirement is to display column based on selected criteria in UI .
The columns which are not selected by him will hide.
for that we kept an expression in Visibility --> Hide

Code Snippet
= NOT Parameters!Parameters.Value.ToString().Contains("Name")

then coming to HTML Report
It is working fine,but white space coming at end of the Table.
can't we supress the white space?
The white space width is exactly the width of the column which is hidden.
My designing in layout is wrong?
Else is that Problem with the SSRS?
Experts Please let me Know!!!!
Give me Solution!!!
Customer is strictly focusing on that requirement.

***Note: white Space is Some what Acceptable.But My Reports are very big like 45 columns around.When he selects 10 out of 45 then you can assume how much space is coming????????****

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Hiding Main Report White Space If Subreport Is Empty

Jul 27, 2007

I have a main report and a subreport. If the subreport doesn't have any data then I hide it, but the main report still shows the white space of where the subreport would show up if it had data. So how can I get rid of the extra white space in the main report?



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Looking For White Papers Or Articles Describing Best Practices For SSIS Implentation

Aug 26, 2006

My company's SQL environment consists of hundreds of servers. We are just beginning to upgrade from SQL2000 to SQL2005. I'd like to find some readings that might help us with basic design decisions regarding SSIS, especially whether to have SSIS running on many of our servers or to have just a few (maybe even just one?) server(s) dedicated to SSIS that will host all packages. Can anybody suggest a good source for this kind of information? Thank you.

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Giant White Space Shows Up When Viewing In Report Manager Only

May 16, 2006


I have created a report that works how I want it in the visual studio 2003 designer. I have deployed it to our test box (sql server 2k, reporting services with sp2) and when we preview the report, there is a giant white space between the graph in the report and the matrix object below it. This white space was not in the designer. It only shows when previewing the report. If you print from the report manager, it does not print the white space.

Is there a way to remove it from the report manager when the report is previewed? I am sure users will complain when they see this.



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Reporting Services :: Getting White Space When Report Is Exported To Word

Sep 28, 2015

I build a tablix A in SSRS, which contains a tablix B and a textbox C. When the report is exported to word,  I found that there is white space between the tablix B and textbox C if the row of  tablix B is spilled over to next page.

If I export the report to PDF, the white space issue is gone.

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Drilldown: Collapsed Detail Lines Still Take Up White Space Instead Of Resizing On Page

May 15, 2007

I have a report that (for purposes of this example) displays States and the Cities in a state.

Now the State is the first group which I want to drill down into by expanding and then show the Cities as the detail line.

What I would expect to happen (and what does happen if I use the wizard instead of creating the report manually) is that I would click on a State and then the page would expand to make room for all the cities listed below.

(That is to say if I am showing only states, not expanded, then all 50 states fit on a single page. Then if I expand California all the states below that shift onto other pages to make room for the 400+ cities in California)

However, what happens is that when I preview the report instead of being 1 page long it is many pages in length with empty white space between the States (white space that would be occupied by the cities if I were to expand the state).

Can someone tell me what setting I need to adjust to get the report to dynamically resize when I expand/collapse groups?

Thank you.

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Trim - Cannot Change Source Of Data To Strip Out Special Chars / White Space?

Feb 12, 2015

I have some sql below..

t.Doctor, t.LedgerAmount, t.TransactionDate,
ISNULL(lg.LedgerGrpDesc, 'No Sales Group') AS LedgerGroup
Transactions t
LEFT OUTER JOIN LedgerGroups lg ON t.LedgerDescription = lg.dbLedgerDesc

[Code] .....

My problem is that the data in t.LedgerDescription sometimes now has either leading/trailing white space or more likely special chars so the join against lg.dbLedgerDesc doesn't always work.

I can't change the source of the data to strip out special chars/white space so am stuck on how to deal with it.

I tried using LTRIM & RTRIM in the where clause but this doesn't seem to have had any effect...

LEFT OUTER JOIN LedgerGroups lg ON LTRIM(RTRIM(t.LedgerDescription)) = lg.dbLedgerDesc

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How To Replace Empty Space Or White Space In A String In A Stored Procedure

Nov 14, 2007

 I am trying to do this:
UPDATE Users SET  uniqueurl = replaceAllEmptySpacesInUniqueURL('uniqueurl')
What would be the syntax.
Any help appreciated.

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Removing The White Space In Between The Image And Page Border Of The Page Header

May 26, 2008

Hi Team,

When i view the Report from SSRS Report preview Tab it's working fine, But when i deploy that and try to view in the IE
I am seeing the Body background color in between the image and page border of the page footer how to solve that?

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