BSOD :: After Downloading Microsoft Office 2016

Nov 13, 2015

I downloaded Windows 10 when it was released and have had no problems with it ... until I updated my Microsoft Office to 2016. Ever since then, if I have Office open I get the BSoD, with it saying either Unexpected_Store_Exception, or Critical_Process_Died. I have no other virus software, so it's not the incompatibility with Defender. I have run all of my maintenance software, rebooted my computer, etc. I'm at a loss for what else to do. 

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Apps :: Microsoft Office 2016 Not Opening Up

Nov 13, 2015

I tried to restart my PC. Nothing happened. I tried also to press change but nothing shown. I tried to uninstall it but it says "Access is denied."

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Apps :: Random File After Office 2016 Installation?

Sep 26, 2015

I installed Office 2016 and a random file appeared directly on the C drive in no folder. The file is called, "WindowsMSUIGHUB.tt2". know what this file is and if it's just some temporary file I'm safe to remove? I don't really want this file here as it looks ugly but I don't want to remove if it it's required for anything.

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Browser/Email :: Duplicate Office 2016 Icons In Taskbar

Sep 22, 2015

When I pin Office 2016 to my taskbar, then click on it opens a new icon on the taskbar instead of using the one already there.

Also, not sure if this is related. But when I right click on this new icon and go to the "tasks" menu with the "New email message, new appointment, etc" links none of them work. Nothing happens when I click them.

Tried repairing and reinstalling 2016 with no luck.

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Apps :: Microsoft Office For Android

Mar 5, 2016

How did I miss this one? I tested Office for Android when there were only Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Then Outlook became available. To be fair, I got an invite, but hadn't paid attention, since I didn't expect more than the base apps in the new Preview.

Now it seems that the whole enchilada is available for Android phones. I'm going to jump off the ledge and guess it's also available for Android tablets, since I haven't read Ed Bott's article.

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Apps :: Word Not In Microsoft Office Folder

Dec 6, 2015

I'm running Windows 10 64-bit and noticed one day when opening my start menu to open up word that in the programs list (now called "all apps" for some reason) the launcher for Microsoft Office 2013 Word wasn't in the folder labeled "Microsoft Office" but rather, it was under the "W" section as its own program. I went into the file location, and all the applications are in a folder there, but for some reason in the start menu, it's not in the Microsoft Folder. This bugs me, and I can't find any way to edit the start menu's folders/programs etc. in Windows 10. Before I continue, I must say that I'm a little biased toward the older versions of Windows, and am rather dissatisfied with the way Microsoft is heading.

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Apps :: Uninstall Microsoft Office From Control Panel

Jan 24, 2016

I do not need Microsoft Office that came with Win 10 is it safe to uninstall it from Programme and Features in Control Panel?

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Set Microsoft Office Picture Manager As Default Viewer

Aug 14, 2015

I would like to know how to set Microsoft office picture manager as my default viewer - win 10 - office 2007

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Install Microsoft Office On Secondary Hard Drive?

Aug 31, 2015

I have two hard drives in my pc. One is a small ssd for windows and the other is a large HDD for all of my programs and games.

I want office to be installed on my HDD. I bought office and downloaded the setup file but when I run it, I get no options or anything.

As soon as I open it it installs office to my ssd but I want it on the HDD. How do I install it on my HDD?

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Apps :: Retrieving Microsoft Office 2013 Product Keys?

Oct 14, 2015

retrieving a Microsoft office product key.

I'd upgraded my sister's laptop from Windows 7 to Windows 10 without saving any of its files (clean install). Now I was told that she does not know her Microsoft office keys.

Is there any way for me to retrieve the keys? It's a student key which was given by her Uni and she does not keep the keys.

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Icon Locked On Desktop - Can't Remove It (Microsoft Office Outlook)

Aug 7, 2015

I was messing around with folders and stuff in Windows 10, now this Microsoft Office Outlook icon is stuck on my desktop all of a sudden and there is no way to get rid of it.

-Doesn't provide a delete option

-Selecting it and pressing the delete key nor shift+delete works

-Doesn't show up in explorer when you navigate to Desktop folder

-Doesn't appear in search results

-Even trying to open it does nothing

-Is visible when using the Unlocker program, but still no option to delete. Clicking 'OK' just closes Unlocker.

Wasn't really installing anything when I noticed it, and malwarebytes found nothing, so I'm pretty sure it's not a virus or anything.

-Someone told me to "hold shift, right click empty area on desktop, click open command window here in the right click menu, type dir & hit enter, type del "name"" but it didn't show up there either.

-I was asked if I ever had Office 2007 or how old my machine is, but the answer is no and I built this desktop in 2011, just last week did a fresh install of Windows 10 Home. Also, this just appeared today; never before.

-Was told its a registry entry, not a file, and to to look for it in regedit [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorer but it's not there

-Told to delete {00020D75-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerDesktopNameSpace but it is also not there.

The only thing is that when I search for "Microsoft Office Outlook" in regedit, I get this file:

Deleted it and nothing happens. Reappears when you restart the computer.

I tried booting into safe mode as well as removing the latest windows update that occurred on the same day.

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Apps :: Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus Configures Each Time On Start

Nov 13, 2015

After install of November update, or 1511 (for the 11th month of 2015), or build 10586 windows 10 update now all apps in Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus except Microsoft Word configure each time they start.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus with same result.

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BSOD :: When Downloading Games Or Just Randomly

Feb 10, 2016

[ATTACH]62826[/ATTACH ]2nd.txt3rd.txt4th.txt

Here are the .txt files that shows the errors idk what they mean though.

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BSOD :: Error While Downloading Files

Oct 17, 2015

Have tried finding a solution on the internet but so far no luck.. I keep getting BSOD when downloading (and only when downloading) files. L1C63x64.sys ...I have attached the dump files.

Everything seems to point at my network adapter driver. Which is from Atheros. Alas they do not have drivers for Windows 10. Anything I can do here? I already tried driver verifier and it doesn't seem to be a 3rd party problem. Also did a memory check and it's not that either..

Uploaded the correct zip ....

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BSOD :: Cannot Login To Microsoft Account

Aug 11, 2015

I upgraded my win7 to win10 and after that i tried to start cortana. It asked to login to my Microsoft account, but i could not, because a small gray window popped up and after 5 seconds its gone ( I think it must be the "login panel" ). I tried to login different ways, at the account settings, at the xbox and also at the store but did always the same thing.

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BSOD :: Can't Sign In To Microsoft Account

Sep 6, 2015

When i go to sign to microsoft account in windows 10 through "Sign to Microsoft account instead" , when i click this , nothing shows up like a pop up window for sign in .

I've tried turning on & off the services "RPC - remote procedure call" & "Microsoft Account Sign In Assistant". I've also set them to start type "Automatic Delayed".

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BSOD :: Fresh Install While Using Microsoft Edge

Nov 2, 2015

i decided to do a fresh install of Windows 10. I've faced two BSOD already, usually i was getting these due to graphic card issues previously however i haven't even installed any drivers yet.I've attached the SFTool files and the text file from BlueScreenView.

The specs are:
Gigabyte H87M-D3H
AMD Redeon HD 7770
16GB G-Skill Ripjaws Ram
128GB Sandisk SSD
1TB Segate HDD

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BSOD :: PIN Not Working After Microsoft Password Update

Sep 11, 2015

I recently changed my microsoft password.After a reset, after entering the PIN, i was greeted with the message: " username or password is incorrect".I changed it to log on with my new password and it worked perfectly.

If i enter a different PIN: " the PIN is incorrect"

It is worth mentioning that i changed my PIN several times but with no result.

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BSOD :: High CPU Usage Microsoft Search Filter Host

Jan 23, 2016

I am surprised that this is not a topic of discussion. On my laptop which I migrated from windows 7 to 10, I always have a high CPU usage for Microsoft Search filter host. A search of the internet shows that this is an issue.

I have tried to disable with no luck. My next attempt will be a change in registry.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionImage File Execution Optionssearchfilterhost.exe]

Add a REG_SZ value named Debugger and give it data of c:windowssystem32svchost.exe.

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Outlook 2016 Backing Up Of Emails

Jan 16, 2016

I have been having a problem with unwanted deletion of emails. I just purchased and began using Outlook 2016.

Is there is a program available for backing up emails received and sent with Outlook 2016? 

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Nov 27, 2015

I installed Quicken 2016 on my SP3, but it won't open unless I "run as Administrator." There is no error message when I try to open it regularly. I am the only user and am logged on as Administrator. Quicken 2015 worked just fine. I am running build 10586.14 version 1511. Quicken support seems to think it is a Windows 10 issue.

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Add Yahoo Mail Account Into MS Outlook 2016?

Mar 8, 2016

I'm the yahoo user, need to setup my yahoo account ( with Outlook 2016, so how to do this?

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Apps :: Export Calendar From Mail To Outlook 2016

Feb 10, 2016

who has just installed Office 2016 on her computer, which was recently upgraded from Win7 to Win10.

She's been using and has accumulated a fair amount of email, contacts and calendar appointments. I've managed to get her email to show up by adding it to Outlook 2016 as a POP3 account. I was able to import her contacts into Outlook 2016 from a file called OutlookContacts.csv. Now I'm trying to get her calendar with all its many calendars and appointments into Outlook 2016.

I'm not sure why but the appointments all show up just fine in Mail and Calendar for Windows 10, even though we did nothing to put them there (as far as we know). But she'd like them to appear when she clicks on the Calendar in Outlook 2016 and I can't find any information on how to do that. I've also looked for some kind of Export function in the Mail and Calendar for Windows 10 app but I came up empty.

How do I get her calendar into Outlook 2016?

I can't be the only one who finds Microsoft *awful* at documenting this kind of basic functionality. Millions of people must have tried to do the same thing before me but if there's any information out there on how to do this, it has eluded me so far....

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Apps :: How To Change Default Calendar App To Use Outlook 2016

Aug 26, 2015

How can I change my default 'Calendar' app to use my Outlook 2016? So that when say "Hey Cortana", she can make appointments to my calendar managed by Outlook 2016?

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Apps :: Jump Lists Not Working For Word Or Excel 2016

Feb 23, 2016

So jump lists via my taskbar and windows 10, I'm not having much joy. I've just got a new desktop (Jan 2016) with windows 10 pre-loaded and I installed office 2010 - jump lists didn't work - so I thought I'll uninstall and install office 2016 64bit - jump lists still don't work....

But they work for IE and notepad and file explorer but not for firefox or photoshop elements. I've tried deleting the files from:


And rebooting but to no avail. I really need jump lists working for Excel & Word.

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Browser/Email :: Outlook 2016 - How To Make Alerts Stay On Longer

Jan 8, 2016

I am running Outlook 2016 under Win 10. Under all previous versions of Outlook I have be enable to increase the time a new email alert stays on the screen by editing the registry like this.


I have set the value of that DWORD to 360000 in an attempt get the alert to stay on an hour. The alerts stay on only about 3 or 4 seconds.How can I make the alerts stay on longer?

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