Bizarre Monitor / System Freeze

Feb 23, 2016

I'm not sure where to post this so I thought I'd start here. As part of my office network of 4 computers I have a 2013 basic Compaq desktop computer that I upgraded to Windows 10. This computer remains on all the time and I sometimes remote into the computer using Teamviewer. About once a week the computer will disappear from Teamviewer as if it was shut down. The computer is still on but the screen is blank and neither the screen nor the computer will wake up as if it was in a sleep or hibernate state.

Now here's the bizarre part: if I unplug the power cord from the monitor and plug the cord back in, the monitor turns on and the windows login screen immediately appears. I can login and it looks like the computer is starting up again even though it wasn't shut down before.

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Freeze After System Reset

Aug 30, 2015

I was having major issues on my HP DV7 laptop with win 10 so tried resetting to win 7 and now for 5+ hours has been stuck on "resetting this PC 99%". can I power it off and restart or should I just let it keep going? there was nothing worth saving so not worried about losing anything.

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Whole System Freeze - PC Restart Button Does Not Work

Feb 11, 2016

Since building my new Desktop PC and installing Windows 10 Pro I have had a rather worrying issue, it has happened about 3 times since January. On each occasion I am doing simple things with the PC nothing taxing on the CPU etc... Suddenly I go to move the mouse and it will not move I assume the mouse is disconnected, but my keyboard does not produce any results either I cant be USB related as the keyboard is a PS/2 port connection.

What is stranger still is that the reset button the the PC tower does nothing, I have to resort to holding the power button down until the whole device shuts off. The reset button does work though normally it only stop functioning when I stumble across this issue. I hate restarting the PC like this because I am adamant it is not good for the lifespan/integrity of the SSD.

My PC specs are:

Intel Core i7 6700K (I do not over clock)
Gigabyte GA-Z170 - Gaming 5 Eu Rv 1.0
Corsair Vengance LPX 4x8gb Configured RAM
Samsung SSd 850 Pro - (OS Drive)
Windows 10 Pro

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Microsoft Surface Book Random System Freeze?

Oct 26, 2015

I have read other threads on Win10 freezing after upgrades but they are very different than what I am experiencing. Just got the Surface Book this morning. It is the i7, 256 Gb hard drive, 8 Gb ram version. Without installing anything the system randomly freezes. Does it more often if using the stylus. The only way to recover is a hard reboot. I turned off BitLocker and reduced it from every few minutes to maybe 1x per hour. Looks completely random. I also changed to local login and appeared to reduce it more. Can actually use the stylus some now. I have downloaded all the updates. After reading all the problems with Win10 freezing I am wondering if it is an OS bug and not a hardware problem. It has me seriously considering taking this back to the store. I am going to try turning the blue tooth off and try it that way but without the stylus this laptop is not worth the 2400 to me.

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Performance :: System Freeze After A Random Period Of Inactivity

Jan 10, 2016

I didn't know where to put this thread, but because it has to do with system performance, I thought this might be the best place to post my issues with Win 10. Let me get straight to the point:Up-to-date Windows 10 install (ver 1511 OS Build 10586.36)I haven't tested it but it seems like when the computer becomes inactive after a period of time, the whole system freezes - the mouse isn't moving, the desktop remains static on the last windows that were there, the time remains static (it doesn't change), CTRL+ALT+DELETE doesn't work.

Only solution seems to be to a hard reboot.In all other aspects the computer works fine: no virus (as determined by up-to-date version of Free Avast AV), SSD runs super fast, computer reboots, shuts down and goes to sleep perfectly. It's just when I am working on the computer and get sidetracked and when the computer becomes inactive, the computer freezes.

System Specs (other relevant aspects of my system can be viewed on my system specs page):Custom Built: E6700 non-OC4 GB DDR2 RAMGTX 970 (up to date driver: 361.43) Is there some sort of log that I can call up to show what is causing this stall/freeze/hang-up?

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BSOD :: Constant System Freeze Using Mozilla Firefox

Nov 27, 2015

I recently upgraded to Windows10, and now my system freezes frequently. It mainly happens when I am using Mozilla Firefox, but also at other times. Each time I have to do a hard shutdown. What can I try? 

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BSOD :: Complete System Freeze Forcing Reset

Jan 16, 2016

Fairly new to PC building. I built my current PC with windows 8.1 and it ran OK until I upgraded to windows 10 then it would just freeze and everyone in awhile Bsod different errors but mostly DPC_WATCHDOG_ERROR. other problems the USB, mouse, and keyboard slots will randomly freeze forcing reset.

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Color Calibrating Screen On Dual Monitor System

Sep 30, 2015

I am running Windows 10, and trying to calibrate my monitor which is the #1 monitor on a dual monitor setup. I am using the Spyder 4 Express for calibration.

When I put the calibration device on my #1 monitor and go through the calibration process, it saves the new profile, but the new profile does not correct the #1 monitor, it is effecting the color of the #2 monitor.

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Graphic Cards :: Dual Monitor Setup Locks 144Hz Monitor At 60Hz

Nov 22, 2015

I've been running a multi-monitor setup for a while now, with an ASUS VG248QE 144Hz monitor as my main, and one or more spare monitors as secondary displays. I've set the ASUS monitor to 144Hz without issue in the past, while the other monitors stay at 60Hz.

The other night, Windows wanted to update. I figured it was the usual patch session, so I let it do its thing. However, after restarting my computer, I noticed that my ASUS monitor would only operate at 144Hz if it was the only monitor plugged into the system. When I try to set it higher in the Nvidia control panel, it just reverts back to 60Hz after applying changes. I updated my graphics drivers (though I was only one version behind) and even sought a special ASUS driver for the monitor to resolve the issue, but nothing has worked.

Did Windows recently add a forced refresh rate sync between all monitors recently? If so, that really sucks because I only own one 144Hz monitor.

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Graphic Cards :: Changed Monitor Resolution Now Monitor Says Input Not Supported?

Nov 27, 2015

I installed Windows 10 and found some apps did not fit the monitor screen (too big). I went in and changed the monitor resolution to a larger size (windows recommended 1920 x 1080) but I tried something larger, and now the monitor has a black screen with a little box moving around which says "input not supported". Not being able to use that monitor to go in and change it back, I hooked up a flat screen t.v. which worked but Windows only showed the current monitor size (which was smaller than the original monitor.

I tried the monitor on another computer I have also running Windows 10 and it worked fine. It shows the resolution as 1920 x 1080. When I plugged it back into the original computer I get the same plack screen with "input not supported" so I can't change it there. I suspect the issue is with the registry somewhere in Windows 10 on the first computer, but what the problem is. I've been working on this for a whole day now. You can probably tell I'm not well versed in computer technology. I just want my old monitor back (Acer K272HL) and I promise I won't mess around with it again.

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Drivers/Hardware :: Eizo EV2750 / Windows Not Reading Monitor EDID / Only Recognizes As A Generic PnP Monitor

Feb 10, 2016

I recently got a new monitor, an Eizo EV2750, which Windows only recognizes as a generic PnP monitor.

I've tried connecting it thorugh DisplayPort, HDMI and DVI without any luck. The often mentioned sollution, to unlplug everything and wait 10 minutes, does not work either.

The graphics card seems to read the EDID however, as in nVidia control panel it displays correctly as EV2750. Same thing with other applications, like DisplayCAL which I use as my color management system.

Seems like it's only an issue with Windows. This issue, however, also means that I can't get full functionality from the monitor. For instance, the ambient light sensor does not work (which is typical when Windows doesn't recognize the display properly).

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Chrome Blurry On Second Monitor After Display Scaling On Main Monitor

Aug 10, 2015

So recently I upgraded to windows 10 at the same time I got a 4k display.When I set the display scaling to 150% on my main 4k monitor and ensuring that the scaling stays at 100% on my other two 1080p monitors, the entire chrome application is blurry when viewing on the 1080 monitors, and I cannot seem to fix this. Other applications seem to be okay.

Furthermore after the scaling change, some icons on my 1080 monitor's desktop get larger, as if some scaling is applied to them. Is there any solution to this? At the moment I have had to set the scaling back to 100% on my main monitor in order to use chrome on the smaller monitors.

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Laptop Monitor Won't Work - Go To Graphic Setting But It Only See External Monitor

Aug 14, 2015

I just installed Windows 10. Now my laptop monitor won't work - only the external monitor. I go to Graphic setting and click on multiple displays, but it states it doesn't see another device only the external monitor. Tried disconnecting the external monitor and rebooting, but the laptop display still doesn't turn on.

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Main Monitor Only Works When A Second Monitor Is Plugged In?

Sep 23, 2015

I am running Windows 10

MSI R9 390 GPU
AMD Catalyst version 15.7.1
Main monitor is CrossOver QHD270 via Dual Link DVI
Second display is a Vizio TV via HDMI/DisplayPort

So I was messing around with a 3 display setup for the first time today, one monitor (DVI) and two TVs (one HDMI, one DisplayPort). Everything worked okay, and I could unplug one TV, but when I unplugged the second TV, my monitor went to a black screen. As soon as I plugged the TV back in, the monitor started working again. The main monitor I use every day is now completely dependent on a TV I occasionally use as a second display to be plugged in to function. When I turn on the computer with just the monitor plugged in, I can see the BIOS load up, and the first Windows 10 logo, but as soon as the password screen should be shown, the screen goes black. I tried uninstalling my graphics drivers. When the drivers were completely uninstalled, the monitor functioned normally, but as soon at AMD Catalyst Control Center was reinstalled, it went black until the TV was plugged back in. I've tried plugging the TV up through HDMI and DisplayPort, it makes no difference. Also, my monitor is listed as the main display in both CCC and Windows 10 display settings. Every once in a while when I unplug the TV, the Monitor will get darker and slowly fade to black instead of going straight to black.

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Random Freeze Up?

Oct 24, 2015

Sometimes it freeze up and I can only hard reboot it, mouse and keyboard doesn't works(audio sometimes works and sometimes it stops). I had this problem with windows 7 too. This problem is very random and I had it for a long time, it can happen every day in a week or just once in a few months.

I've run memtest86+ and didn't show any problems (I stopped it at 15 passes). Also checked my HDD and SSD but they were fine.

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Freeze On Awake?

Feb 1, 2016

Sometimes when my PC comes back up from hibernation (hybrid sleep enabled) it freezes so stiff that even the reset button stops working. The screen updates once so the clock widget on my taskbar shows the current time for a second. Sometimes the HDD light stays lit, other times it doesn't. I let it be for a few minutes but nothing happened, no BSOD. I checked the logs but could not find an event at the exact minute the freeze occurred, I only had stuff from when it went to hibernation and after the forced restart. I don't know how to continue the investigation.

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Picture Suddenly Freeze

Dec 7, 2015

My self-built PC experiences random freezes. It is an Athlon FX6300 + Asus M5A97 motherboard and a MSI Radeon 270 GPU. RAMs are Corsairs.

What i mean by freeze?If i am playing a game the picture suddenly freezes and i hear a continuous sound where the music or sound stopped. I got no BSOD and there are no strange sounds or alike. I never tried waiting longer then 1 minute to see if something happens. The numberlock is unresponsive as is mouse and keyboard. A reset restarts the PC without Issues.

I ran Memtest 86 for 26 hours and it turned out with 0 errors or warnings. I made a crystal disk scan of my harddrive and it says its "Good". I tried different RAM and the issues persist. I have no option to try different Motherboard or CPU.My PSU is a 650W Corsair.

I run a USB mouse and keyboard. Both plugged in from rear into the case. I checked out all connections and it seems fine. Reseated all power connections, tried different RAM slots.I ran a sfc / scannow and it turned out good.I ran the DM Log collector and have attached the generated file.I have a feeling that a fresh installation either doesnt fail or fails quite seldom. The PC crashes mostly while playing my favourite Game Farming simulator 2015, i tried running it with a system monitor up and there were no signs of overheating or similar.

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Shortened Startup Followed By Freeze

Dec 29, 2015

Every time I switch on my PC, it goes through a shortened startup (no startup tune, no checking Steam etc) which is very quick. Some time after this, the PC freezes and I have to hold the on/off button to switch off and restart. There is no obvious trigger for the freeze. When it restarts, the sequence is 'normal' and everything is fine until the next time.

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Hard Freeze With Laptop

Sep 30, 2015

To preface: I've tested all my hardware and it seems to be fine. The problem most likely comes from software but I've got no clue what it is exactly.

I've done several clean installs trying to fix this to no avail. Usually, 10 will work fine for a few days with zero problems. Then, hard freeze out of nowhere no matter what I'm doing. Hard drive light turns off, everything is unresponsive including mouse, keyboard, touchpad, etc while I'm stuck staring at the screen where it froze. I'm forced to hold down the power button to reboot. THEN, once this initial hard freeze happens, they become more and more frequent until I get a hard freeze right before the login screen, in which I'm forced to try another clean install. Safe mode is affected by this, HOWEVER I can use "Safe Mode With Command Prompt" totally fine.

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Why Laptop Freeze Upon Closing

Jul 30, 2015

I downloaded Windows 10 yesterday evening on my new laptop, which, according to the tests I ran prior, is fully Windows 10 compatible. Nevertheless, just since downloading Windows 10, when I fold down the laptop's screen to close it, it freezes. I open it to a black frozen screen that is unresponsive whether I tap the touchscreen, keys and/or power button. Therefore, since Windows 10, I have to reboot my laptop every time I open it in order to use it, which is an inconvenience that nobody should have to suffer. The laptop never had so much as the slightest glitch before Windows 10, and I want Microsoft to fix this.

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Wireless Adapters Freeze PC

Aug 10, 2015

I am having major issues with Windows 10 Pro and my wireless card in my desktop. I have an ASUS Maximus Impact VII with the mPCIe Combo IV WiFi card. I had to disable the card in the BIOS just to get Windows 10 installed. I re-enable the card and can boot into W10, it shows up in Device Manager and adapters (greyed). I can't enable it. Tried uninstalling and deleting drivers, then scan for new hardware. It kicks the card on and I get WiFi bars in the taskbar, but then immediately freezes Windows. This is coming from a clean install of 10, no VPN in 8.1 and I tried the reg delete command to make sure. I purchased a USB WiFi adapter to see if it would work. Same results. I decided I would install Windows 7 out of curiosity. SAME THING. It's strange, the WiFi works flawlessly in Windows 8.1, but not at all in 7 or 10. I have tried the 3 latest BIOS revisions for my motherboard, as well as the only available W10 driver for the adapter.

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Idle Freeze / Hang

Aug 16, 2015

I upgraded to Windows 10 from 8.1 and for some strange reason if i leave windows idle for no more than 10 minutes it decides to freeze hang. I had problem prior to this such as freezing/Hanging/blue screens after waking the PC from sleep, but now it happens during idle. I hope its not my CPU or Mobo. Everything else i should be able to replace easily in time.

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EMachine Freeze After 5-10 Minutes After Rebooting?

Aug 25, 2015

I've installed clean Windows 10 Pro (eMachines e732).

After 5-10 minutes of work it starts to be irresponsible:

Browser doesn't load pages (infinite loading) but still can create new tabs.start menu doesn't explorer does not open on 'win+e' key.task manager is not opening.

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Random Freeze At Certain Interval - Event ID 153

Aug 23, 2015

I had my win 10 installed for about 2 weeks , but there's some problem about randomly freeze at some interval , so i checked event viewer and got event id 153 which is say about "The IO operation at logical block address 0x204d96b8 for Disk 0 (PDO name: DeviceIdeIAAStorageDevice-1) was retried" what it is ?coz I dont really know about I/O operation at windows .

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Can't Startup After Freeze And Force Shut Down

Dec 4, 2015

Windows 10 froze suddenly when I went through the search results tabs of a search done on I was using Firefox (latest version). My fear is that I may have come across a dodgy website which caused the freeze. My Keepass Passwords Database was open at the time so I was even more apprehensive. This type of freeze had never happened before. The CPU light on my laptop turned on full-time and the interface became generally unresponsive. I could use the mouse but could not access task manager. So I saw no other option than to force shut down by holding down the power button.

When attempting to boot up again the CPU light was on full-time again at the beginning. Then, after a little longer than usual CPU goes dead (no light) and I am left with the black screen with the blue windows logo and the spinning circle. At this step the boot process gets stuck.

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Start Up Menu And Taskbar Freeze?

Jan 13, 2016

I have spent all day trying different cures for the Startup menu and task bar freeze problem to no avail. The problem does not exist in my user acct only in the wife's and she is getting upset. I did some how get it to stop locking out and forcing a restart. It's no wonder they give this away if you had the audacity to charge people for something this screwed up you could get into real trouble

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