Customization :: Define Special Colour Showing Up Wrong In Personalize

Sep 27, 2015

I defined the custom colour as ffffc5 which is supposed to be a really pale yellow as seen here

But instead, it looks like this:

I figure it could be from Windows using ABGR instead of the RGB I used to get these colours from Paint, but how could that change the hexadecimal code I translated it to?

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Customization :: Themes No Longer Easily Found Under Personalize

Oct 11, 2015

I was trying to change my slide show of pictures as background theme. Now when I right click on the desktop , then click on personalize , I get a pop up that is different from what I had before. Now the theme selections are no longer displayed for easy selection . In its place is a browse button so I had to browse to where the original themes I downloaded are stored. ie users/name/appdata/local/microsoft/windows/themes .

Is this normal ? I don't recall having to do this after upgraded to win 10.If this is the new norm , then can I move the downloaded Themes folders containing the pictures to another location like "my pictures " so I can easily navigate to them and change the photo selection ?

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Customization :: Colour Swap On Desktop Menus

Sep 25, 2015

Been playing with registry entries for a few days and I cannot seem to get the setup I want running. I will Pic appropriately to illustrate:

Basically, I want to move away from the Light, and into the Dark Theme, Keeping my Teal Colour scheme (looks win95/98, retro~) but the Dark themes apply only to the metro styling. I want Desktop Styling also, the Title Bars from White to Black (or more specifically the Dark theme RGB of 31,31,31):

applied to Title Bars of Desktop:

And of course the Active Window Titles from black to white (to show on the black title bars).

But I also want the Dark Menus:

Metro Dark theme Menu:

Applied to Desktop White Menu:

Photoshopped pic (OK MSPainted) to show what I mean:

(doesn't even need the 'Share + View' part, just the title will make me happy, looks nicer tho )

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Aug 23, 2015

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As it would be far easier to be able to spot the ones that you want to use for different things.

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Sep 8, 2015

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Customization :: Change File Explorer Background Colour?

Feb 10, 2016

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I Need Change From White Colour to Grey. Can I Do This On Windows 10 ?

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Feb 23, 2016

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Customization :: Wrong Fonts On Websites

Aug 14, 2015

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Aug 8, 2015

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Can I set my FF portable to my default browser?

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Dec 9, 2015

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Customization :: Two PCs Showing Same Background

Aug 4, 2015

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Feb 2, 2016

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View Settings Not Saved For Special Folders (Desktop / Download)

Aug 24, 2015

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In all.. those special folders are a mess! I have to move forward and backward non-stop between them as I work but their settings just keep resetting!

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Nov 24, 2015

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Aug 19, 2015

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Customization :: Re-customizing Windows Desktop Themes No Options Showing

Nov 4, 2015

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No Colour And Desktop Background Options

Feb 3, 2016

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In the photo below that's what i am missing. [URL] ....

What mine looks like [URL] .....

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Right Click On Desktop And Click On Personalize Or Display Settings

Aug 2, 2015

I just upgraded to windows 10 and when I right click on the desktop and click on "Personalize" or "Display Settings" I get the following error message:"This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action, please install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the default programs control panel".

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