Customization :: Colour Swap On Desktop Menus

Sep 25, 2015

Been playing with registry entries for a few days and I cannot seem to get the setup I want running. I will Pic appropriately to illustrate:

Basically, I want to move away from the Light, and into the Dark Theme, Keeping my Teal Colour scheme (looks win95/98, retro~) but the Dark themes apply only to the metro styling. I want Desktop Styling also, the Title Bars from White to Black (or more specifically the Dark theme RGB of 31,31,31):

applied to Title Bars of Desktop:

And of course the Active Window Titles from black to white (to show on the black title bars).

But I also want the Dark Menus:

Metro Dark theme Menu:

Applied to Desktop White Menu:

Photoshopped pic (OK MSPainted) to show what I mean:

(doesn't even need the 'Share + View' part, just the title will make me happy, looks nicer tho )

Hopefully I can get this working and list up all the useless preinstalled apps (to remove them from build), I can apply it to and build my own Win10 ISOs so I can clean-install my Desktop, Laptop and Tablet!

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2. An upgrade from Windows 7.

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At least on XP --->W8 you could st the individual fonts for system items such as titlebars etc.

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Usually it looks like this:

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Suddenly Have New Folder On Top Of The Context Menus

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Here are some screenshots:

On desktop

On explorer

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