Customization :: How To Add Color To Active Window

Aug 7, 2015

Just got Win 10 and if I have many windows open there is no distinction between which are active and which aren't. Before the active window would have a colored toolbar at the top while the inactive windows would be colorless or white. I've went into settings, personalization and color...turned the first one off and the other two on then selected yellow but still the active windows aren't getting the yellow across the top to show they are active.

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Customization :: Different Window Bar Colours For Active And Inactive Windows?

Nov 26, 2015

I'm using the Aerolite theme. I would like to have a distinct difference in colour between active and inactive windows (i.e. the window border and the window bar). In Windows 7 I was able to set the active window colour to blue and the inactive windows' colour to grey (similar to Windows Classic). Is there a way to do that in Windows 10? Simply having a darker and a lighter shade of the same colour won't be good enough -- I'd like to have two distinct colours.

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Active Window Changed Automatically

Nov 11, 2015

I am using Windows 10. Am having problem with Active Windows changed to other window automatically. For eg. Lets say am using Microsoft Word and Micro Excel and I am working on Microsoft Word. Then suddenly application changes itself to excel.

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Installation :: How To Add Color To The Window Borders

Aug 6, 2015

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Dec 2, 2015

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1. Change the audio playback device to a specific device.
2. Change the active window.

Both need to be able to be done in cmd. How would I be able to do that?

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Changing Window Colours - Want To Change Title Bar Color From White

Aug 1, 2015

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In win 7 personalization there was an option to change every part of a window individually.

This seems to have gone and the only choice left is for the high contrast options which are awful.

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Customization :: How To Get Back Highlighted Active Windows

Feb 10, 2016

Some of the Windows 10 GUI changes ARE SO STUPID. E.g.: why is there no more clear distinction between the currently active window (the one that has keyboard focus) and the others? Previous versions highlighted the active windows by giving its border and title bar a distinct color. Not so in Windows 10! I am constantly asking myself which window is the currently active now.

Is there any way to get the mentioned behavior back?

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3 Monitors But Only Need 2 Active At Once - Can Choose Which 2 Of 3 Displays Are Active?

Nov 30, 2015

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Customization :: Taskbar Color Customization

Dec 1, 2015

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I tried run<"control color">, but it was useless as well.

Is there any external tools that will allow me to customize taskbar color independently from accent colors and borders.

I saw some suggestions to modify registry, but I do not want to go this route.

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Customization :: Color Of Fonts

Dec 7, 2015

I do not like the blue fonts . I have tried many on line sites . I have been thru the computer and can not find any way to change the color .

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Customization :: Can't Change Task Bar Color

Aug 7, 2015

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Feb 10, 2016

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Customization :: How To Change Font Color

Jul 31, 2015

As it says, when using the aerolite theme for colored titlebars, it uses black colored fonts which are hard to read, my question is, how can I change these font colors? and also why the hell isin't this an option in the base windows 10 customization section?!?

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Customization :: Accent Color Keeps Changing By Itself

Dec 3, 2015

I am experiencing a very strange issue with my color, ever since the November update it keeps changing on its own. It happens after every reboot, and after about 24 hours of being on, the color changes to this ugly pumpkin orange. At first I thought they just changed it when you installed the update, but it keeps changing back. I've tried setting the color manually, or having it pick one from my background, but the orange keeps coming back.

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Customization :: Refuses Accent Color?

Oct 31, 2015

So the standard color for Windows 10 is grey. I tried changing through settings to blue. However Windows 10 is being really stubborn. It changes to blue, then when I click on the start button it changes back to grey, back and forth. But it gets better. The start button tiles change everytime I click the start button. From blue back to grey, back to blue etc. I tried using ClassicShell to change it. Succesfullyish. I got it blue, but the start menu still changes blue and grey the whole time. Also on my second monitor both the start menu as well as the taskbar change colors back and forth.

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Customization :: Theme Color Not Changing?

Jan 10, 2016

I am unable to change the theme color from an icky blue. I can change the desktop, I can enable and disable the color on the Start, taskbar, etc., I can make them transparent. I cannot change the color. If I attempt to click a different accent color, nothing happens. No color change on the preview. No color change anywhere. Just icky blue.

I've made sure that the Theme service is running and I've tried installing themes online. Nothing I'm doing is getting this color to change and it's really buggin' me out.

It could have to do with this being an Origin laptop. It was originally Windows 8 when I got it wherein, as an Origin PC, it had a default-installed Origin theme where the accent colors were red and black. I was able to change the desktop background while it was in '8, but I was unable to ever change the accent from red.

Now that I have Windows 10, I am not using the Origin-installed theme and my accent is not locked in red but is instead locked in blue..

I've not yet attempted a hard refresh of Windows 10, especially seeing as the refresh USB will simply install Win8 again with the Origin-brand-lock, so upgrading to '10 would only be extra time and stress for an issue that is going to happen in '8 and be brought forward again.

Is there a way to force the color scheme to change?

I am running Windows 10 Home on an Origin PC. 16GB RAM; CPU i7 @ 2.8Ghz; I am indeed the administrator.

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Customization :: Taskbar Font Color

Sep 12, 2015

I have a black taskbar with dark gray basically can't see anything at all... not real familiar with changing settings, how do I change this?

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Customization :: Toolbar Color Change

Mar 12, 2016

My toolbar color has changed to a sick shade of pink color. What changed it or how it came about. Can this color be customized/changed back to the default? 

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Customization :: Changing Background Color Of Taskbar

Sep 12, 2015

New windows 10 installation; background color of taskbar is ugly black, and can't figure out how to change it.

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Customization :: Changing Title Bar Color With Some Programs

Jul 31, 2015

Out of the four computers I own, I was only able to get one of them upgraded to Windows 10 so far, The one I had with me the day 10 was released is a HP Envy laptop that I use primarily for a hobby I have, Astronomy. The PC had on it several programs I use while using my telescope, one being a program I use that actually controls the telescope and allows me to you the laptops LCD screen to view/ record what the telescope is focused on.

That program before the upgrade had a very dark border making it easy to see images through the scope on the screen. Now the title bar is white , a very bright white and I can't find a way to change its color. The white has two effects, first it makes dim objects I am trying to see through the scope really hard to see on the laptop screen and second the title bar makes it nearly impossible to maintain the night vision a person needs to find things in the night sky to point the telescope at.

I have tried several windows themes with no luck. Currently I have to tape a dark piece of colored paper over the title bar to block out what light from it I can but it still bleeds down into the telescopes screen view area. How to fix this? I really like 10 and would hate to have to go back to 8.1 if it can be avoided.

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Customization :: Any Way To Change Titlebar Text Color?

Aug 9, 2015

Is there a way to change titlebar text color? like for active and inactive title bars? I mean I really do not understand at all why they removed all these customization options in windows 10, that even windows 95, 98, xp, me, vista, 7 and I think 8 had.

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Customization :: Solid Color Login Screen

Aug 9, 2015

How to make ones login screen solid color? I tried the regfix at How to Change the Login Screen Background on Windows 10 but it doesn't seem to work here in Windows 10 Pro.

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Customization :: Is It Possible To Change Title Bar TEXT Color

Nov 18, 2015

Today, Windows 10 Home version 1511, 10586 was forced on me and now my title bar text is an ugly white. It used to be black and I have no clue how to get it back that way. I searched and found this tutorial that tells you to modify a value in the registry, but that didn't do a thing. Is there a way to change this or is it stuck this way now?

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Customization :: Shortcut To Settings / Personalization / Color

Dec 13, 2015

Is such a shortcut possible? I can't identify a file to open,

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