Customization :: Refuses Accent Color?

Oct 31, 2015

So the standard color for Windows 10 is grey. I tried changing through settings to blue. However Windows 10 is being really stubborn. It changes to blue, then when I click on the start button it changes back to grey, back and forth. But it gets better. The start button tiles change everytime I click the start button. From blue back to grey, back to blue etc. I tried using ClassicShell to change it. Succesfullyish. I got it blue, but the start menu still changes blue and grey the whole time. Also on my second monitor both the start menu as well as the taskbar change colors back and forth.

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Customization :: Accent Color Keeps Changing By Itself

Dec 3, 2015

I am experiencing a very strange issue with my color, ever since the November update it keeps changing on its own. It happens after every reboot, and after about 24 hours of being on, the color changes to this ugly pumpkin orange. At first I thought they just changed it when you installed the update, but it keeps changing back. I've tried setting the color manually, or having it pick one from my background, but the orange keeps coming back.

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Customization :: Taskbar Color Customization

Dec 1, 2015

Taskbar color choices are extremely limited in W10, very difficult to read tabs. What is wrong with MS.....?

I tried run<"control color">, but it was useless as well.

Is there any external tools that will allow me to customize taskbar color independently from accent colors and borders.

I saw some suggestions to modify registry, but I do not want to go this route.

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Dec 7, 2015

I do not like the blue fonts . I have tried many on line sites . I have been thru the computer and can not find any way to change the color .

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Customization :: Can't Change Task Bar Color

Aug 7, 2015

There's no way, i can't change the taskbar color.No matter if i go to Settings - Colors and change the options, it keeps showing me a white ugly taskbar. i've found in my w10 installation.

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Feb 10, 2016

is it possible to change the color transparent of tiles windows 10 by one personalized Windows style 8.1 I leave a catch edited by Paint

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Customization :: How To Add Color To Active Window

Aug 7, 2015

Just got Win 10 and if I have many windows open there is no distinction between which are active and which aren't. Before the active window would have a colored toolbar at the top while the inactive windows would be colorless or white. I've went into settings, personalization and color...turned the first one off and the other two on then selected yellow but still the active windows aren't getting the yellow across the top to show they are active.

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Customization :: How To Change Font Color

Jul 31, 2015

As it says, when using the aerolite theme for colored titlebars, it uses black colored fonts which are hard to read, my question is, how can I change these font colors? and also why the hell isin't this an option in the base windows 10 customization section?!?

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Customization :: Theme Color Not Changing?

Jan 10, 2016

I am unable to change the theme color from an icky blue. I can change the desktop, I can enable and disable the color on the Start, taskbar, etc., I can make them transparent. I cannot change the color. If I attempt to click a different accent color, nothing happens. No color change on the preview. No color change anywhere. Just icky blue.

I've made sure that the Theme service is running and I've tried installing themes online. Nothing I'm doing is getting this color to change and it's really buggin' me out.

It could have to do with this being an Origin laptop. It was originally Windows 8 when I got it wherein, as an Origin PC, it had a default-installed Origin theme where the accent colors were red and black. I was able to change the desktop background while it was in '8, but I was unable to ever change the accent from red.

Now that I have Windows 10, I am not using the Origin-installed theme and my accent is not locked in red but is instead locked in blue..

I've not yet attempted a hard refresh of Windows 10, especially seeing as the refresh USB will simply install Win8 again with the Origin-brand-lock, so upgrading to '10 would only be extra time and stress for an issue that is going to happen in '8 and be brought forward again.

Is there a way to force the color scheme to change?

I am running Windows 10 Home on an Origin PC. 16GB RAM; CPU i7 @ 2.8Ghz; I am indeed the administrator.

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Customization :: Taskbar Font Color

Sep 12, 2015

I have a black taskbar with dark gray basically can't see anything at all... not real familiar with changing settings, how do I change this?

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Customization :: Toolbar Color Change

Mar 12, 2016

My toolbar color has changed to a sick shade of pink color. What changed it or how it came about. Can this color be customized/changed back to the default? 

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Customization :: Changing Background Color Of Taskbar

Sep 12, 2015

New windows 10 installation; background color of taskbar is ugly black, and can't figure out how to change it.

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Customization :: Changing Title Bar Color With Some Programs

Jul 31, 2015

Out of the four computers I own, I was only able to get one of them upgraded to Windows 10 so far, The one I had with me the day 10 was released is a HP Envy laptop that I use primarily for a hobby I have, Astronomy. The PC had on it several programs I use while using my telescope, one being a program I use that actually controls the telescope and allows me to you the laptops LCD screen to view/ record what the telescope is focused on.

That program before the upgrade had a very dark border making it easy to see images through the scope on the screen. Now the title bar is white , a very bright white and I can't find a way to change its color. The white has two effects, first it makes dim objects I am trying to see through the scope really hard to see on the laptop screen and second the title bar makes it nearly impossible to maintain the night vision a person needs to find things in the night sky to point the telescope at.

I have tried several windows themes with no luck. Currently I have to tape a dark piece of colored paper over the title bar to block out what light from it I can but it still bleeds down into the telescopes screen view area. How to fix this? I really like 10 and would hate to have to go back to 8.1 if it can be avoided.

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Customization :: Any Way To Change Titlebar Text Color?

Aug 9, 2015

Is there a way to change titlebar text color? like for active and inactive title bars? I mean I really do not understand at all why they removed all these customization options in windows 10, that even windows 95, 98, xp, me, vista, 7 and I think 8 had.

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Customization :: Solid Color Login Screen

Aug 9, 2015

How to make ones login screen solid color? I tried the regfix at How to Change the Login Screen Background on Windows 10 but it doesn't seem to work here in Windows 10 Pro.

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Customization :: Is It Possible To Change Title Bar TEXT Color

Nov 18, 2015

Today, Windows 10 Home version 1511, 10586 was forced on me and now my title bar text is an ugly white. It used to be black and I have no clue how to get it back that way. I searched and found this tutorial that tells you to modify a value in the registry, but that didn't do a thing. Is there a way to change this or is it stuck this way now?

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Customization :: Shortcut To Settings / Personalization / Color

Dec 13, 2015

Is such a shortcut possible? I can't identify a file to open,

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Customization :: Changing Color Of A Single Tile

Nov 18, 2015

I really like how Microsoft combined the old start menu with the new Metro style tiles. There is only one problem though: How do I even change the color for a single individual tile? I know I can change the color of every tile, but how about only one?

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Customization :: Change Background Color For Taskbar?

Feb 23, 2016

The advice given (to go to "personalization" and turn "show color on Start, Task bar, action center and title bar" to "on" and pick a color) does not change the background color of the task bar, which remains black regardless of this setting. how can you change the background color of the task bar from black to something that will actually contrast with the icons? Black is a terrible color; some of the icons are barely visible with that setting.

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Customization :: Taskbar Color - Build 9926

Jan 29, 2015

In build 9926 it seems that the Windows Taskbar transparency is gone. Which, for me, is not a good thing. On the positive side, we've gained control over taskbar color through registry keys:

To change the Taskbar color add DWORD:


Format is hex, color foormat is BGR (not RGB, as would be more intuitive)

To change Plate color (the color under active icon) add DWORD:


Format is hex, color format is BGR (again)

To change Plate opacity add DWORD


Format is decimal, range 0-256

To refresh just press Win key (Open and close Start menu). Example registry file (use at your risk and don't blame me for the global warming, etc, etc)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorer]

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Customization :: Set Color On TaskBar And Start Menu

Oct 7, 2015

Why are some tiles gray and others blue? Can I set DVD player and weather gray too?

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Customization :: Change Color Intensity Of Taskbar?

Aug 2, 2015

what I see about Windows 10 so far, but one thing that does bother me is the vibrancy of the colors of the start menu and task bar. I would prefer a more pastel color theme, but so far I haven't been able to find how to do that. I've tried following the second half of this guide (basically, just run "rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,Advanced,@Advanced") to get to the old style "Show color mixer" menu. And that menu does in fact have sliders for "color intensity" or "saturation." The problem is, adjusting those sliders doesn't seem to actually change anything.

So is it possible with Windows 10 to actually change this color option?

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Customization :: How To Change Color Of Title Bars

Sep 9, 2015

In Windows 10 the title bar of all the desktop apps is just plain white. Unlike in the previous versions of Windows, you cannot change the title bar color that easily with just a few clicks in the personalization panel. Even though the decision to remove the ability to change the title bar color is part of the design choice, it is absolutely a deviation from the previous Windows options.

If you think the white-colored title bar is too light for your eyes, or if you just want to change the title bar color to your favorite color, then you can do that by following the below guide. The procedure detailed below is not necessarily difficult but is certainly messy. So follow through and you can easily change the color of Windows 10 title bars.this procedure only applies to desktop apps and not to modern apps. This is due to the fact that the developers of modern apps can choose their own colors.

Change the Color of Window Title Bars.To change the color of Window title bars, we are going to be using Windows Aero Style files. To start, open the File Explorer and navigate to the folder “C:WindowsResourcesThemes.”Once you are in the Themes folder, copy the folder “aero” and paste it in the same folder. This action will create a new copy of the “aero” folder. You will receive a couple of warning messages; just click on the “Continue” button followed by the “Skip” button on the second warning window to complete the copying process.

Once the folder has been copied, rename the folder to “color.”After renaming the folder, open the folder, locate the “aero.msstyles” file and rename it to “color.msstyles.”in the same folder, open the “en-US” folder and locate and rename the file “aero.msstyles.mui” to “color.msstyles.mui.”Once you are done with the above changes, head back to the “Themes” folder and copy the “aero.theme” file to your Desktop.As soon as you’ve copied the file, rename it to “color.theme.”

We need to edit this file to change the path for “VisualStyles.” To do that, right-click on the file, select “Open With,” select “Notepad” from the list of options and click on the “Ok” button.The above action will open the file with Notepad. Here, scroll down and find the line “Path=%ResourceDir%ThemesAeroaero.msstyles” under “[VisualStyles],” and modify it to “Path=%ResourceDir%Themescolorcolor.msstyles.” Now, save the file and close it.After completing the editing part, cut (Ctrl + X) the file and paste (Ctrl +V) it in the Themes folder. After pasting the file in, simply double-click on it to make the changes take effect.

If you’ve done everything as described in the article, Windows will change the title bar color as shown in the above image.The title bar color will be the same as the Windows 10 Accent Color, but you can easily change it in the “Colors” panel in the “Personalization” settings. If you let Windows pick the Accent Color automatically, then the title bar color will be changed according to your desktop wallpaper.the change is only applicable to the desktop apps and not to the modern apps. If you want to undo the changes, simply double-click on the “aero.theme” file in the Themes folder.Click to expand...

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Customization :: Change Color Of More Apps Text

Nov 22, 2015

I just read this tutorial, and I had no trouble following it, but there's another color I would like to change. In the image below I would like to change the color of the text inside the red rectangle. Is there a way to do that?

You might not be able to see the text in that image, and it's just barely visible on my desktop. I would like text to be more easily readable.

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Customization :: How To Change Font-color Of Toolbar

Sep 13, 2015

I got this. How to get white text color? 

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Customization :: Changing Font Color Of Login-screen

Feb 10, 2016

is it possible to change the font-color of the username in the login-screen?Maybe changing the font and fontsize too?

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