Did The Default Hibernate File Size Changed?

Aug 26, 2015

In Win 7 the default hibernate file size is 75% of RAM.

I have 6 GB RAM, dual boot Win7-x64 and Win10-x64.

6 GB RAM shows as installed in both OS's (it's not a hardware reserved issue).

Win10 set the hiberfil.sys to 2.39 GB.

Win7 set the hiberfil.sys to 4.49 GB.

Is this as expected, or do i have an issue ?

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C:Program Files

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icacls * /T /Q /C /RESET

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Changing Default Program File Location?

Sep 19, 2015

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Performance :: Folder Size Greater Than Size On Disk

Jan 13, 2016

My 32GB Windows 10 Home PC (recently upgraded from 8.1) is low on disk space. I deleted Windows.old and I have hibernation disabled. Apart from a few browsers, very little else is installed, yet I only have 11.7GB left?

One reason may be the size of the Windows folder:
Size 14.7GB
Size on Disk 9.91GB

From my calculations, Windows appears to be using the higher figure in determining available disk space.

Why is 'Size' so much greater than 'Size on Disk', can I do anything about it? I have a similar 8.1 machine, it does not have this disparity (12.4GB and 12.3GB).

What would be a normal 'Size' for a Windows folder on Windows 10 Home PC very recently upgraded from 8.1 i.e. with few, if any Windows live updates run ?

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