Domain Logon Error After Upgrade From W7 Pro

Sep 3, 2015

I have a domain based on samba 4.1.17-Debian ... I bought 10 laptops with W7 preinstalled .... With some fiddling in the registry the can successfully join my domain and everything works perfectly.....

But ... after upgrading those PC to W10 ( with automatic upgrade) i cannot logon anymore on domain. (local logon is ok) ... I get the message " no access server is currently available to open the session " ( translated from french , so the english message can be slightly different...)

Note that with a local session I can see and access the shared folders (mydomainsharedfolder )on the domain pdc, meaning that i can eliminate an authentication or  dns problem ...) Same behaviour on all laptops...

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Similar Messages:

Domain Credentials Not Passing Through?

Oct 6, 2014

once they joined domain with Windows 10 and accessing Domain joined servers or resources - it constantly prompts for credentials to open (shared drives or folders) - I have my Windows 8.1 desktop using the same credentials and accessing the same resources with no issues. Just the preview on my laptop is experiencing this, is there a new security setting in 10 that handles domain credentials that's causing this? 

View 14 Replies

Performance :: Slow Startup While Not In Domain

Nov 13, 2015

We are having some performance issues at starting up laptops outside our domain. When we logging at the office booting proces takes about 10 -20 seconden. (with networkshares etc)

When outside the office so at home when we are logging in it takes about 1 minute to logging on. I have also tried it without business network shares, but that doenst solve the problem. It looks like we cant reach the domain controllers (of course) but is there a way to speed this up?

Dell I5
8 - 16 GB memory
500 GB / 1 TB SSD
WIndows 10 pro

View 3 Replies

Domain Joined Won't Connect To MS Account

Jul 30, 2015

After upgrading my 8.1 pro to Win 10 pro i connected it to my MS account and all was fine. I then took it home and joined it to my domain and now I cant get it to connect to my MS account. I have group policy set to allow ms account sync, and my other 8.1 machines will connect to the MS account. On Win 10 I could get onedrive to connect and sync, but Cortana won't connect, either will the store or the user account option to add a MS account. I get the log in box for it, but after entering my MS email account and password the box just disappears without any error.I have deleted both user profiles on the machine and tried again and it still happens...

View 1 Replies

How To Connect To Domain - Option Is Grayed Out

Aug 11, 2015

I went into system settings and 'network id' is greyed out and doesn't give me the option to switch from workgroup to hooking up the domain.

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Accounts :: Clean Install On Domain Always Asks For User / Password

Nov 15, 2015

If I upgrade a Windows 7 Pro desktop to Windows 10 Pro, then I do not have any issues. However if I do a clean install of Windows 10 Pro, and create the password for the administrative account.

After getting it all setup, I add it to the domain on the network. I can log in with the login info from the Active Directory Server. Now the problem I run into, is say if I want to even change a file name, it asks for the Administrative username and password, at which point I have to enter ComputernameUser for the username then Password when the pop up happens.

Is there a way I can remove that? It doesn't seem to do that on any Windows 7 pro to Win 10 Pro upgrades though. And I have several more machines to do clean installs.

View 5 Replies

Networking :: Can't See Shared Machine / Seeker In Workgroup But Shows In Domain

Jan 21, 2016

We have a peer to peer network, with one Win 10 machine (acting as server - which we call server) which shares several hard drives for everyone in the office to access. It has network discovery on, file and printer sharing on, turn off password protected sharing off. It has all the drives named and shared properly so everyone has full access. All the other Win 7, and Win 8 machines have complete access as designed.

Another Win 10 machine has complete access as designed. All machines are part of the same workgroup Engineer. My machine is a Lenovo laptop which was upgraded from Win 8 to Win 10. When I try to access the Win 10 machine (which is acting as server), I get the Enter Network credentials pop-up asking for Username and Password which we do not use nor have ever set up on the Win 10 machine or any other. I know that there are several posts that have the Enter Network credentials popping up, but the difference is that their screenshot showed them as part of a workgroup.

See the following:

When I get the same pop-up on my Lenovo Laptop It looks like the following ....

My System Properties information ....

Notice that the example above which is part of the workgroup has no reference to a domain. My pop-up on the Laptop shows reference to a domain, and whats interesting is that the domain is the computer name of the laptop itself. There are no domains set up on any machine of our peer to peer network.

View 2 Replies

Networking :: System Event Notification Errors With Domain Logins

Jan 8, 2016

This error started happening only on computers with 1511 installed. The original RTM of Windows 10 doesn't do this, nor do Windows 7, 8 and 8.1. I tried some Google searches but all I see are relevant to 7 or 8, not Windows 10. It must have been something changed between RTM and 1511 that did it, too.

When I refurbish computers for our employees, I wipe the hard drive completely (either diskpart "clean" via the recovery shell, or using DBAN to wipe the partition table if I can't get into WinRE.

I then boot it up using network boot. We have a Windows Deployment Services server set up so we can install Windows using PXE. I put the Windows 10 Enterprise Version 1511 .wim in there and it installs fine.

After install I make a local account, make sure the drivers get installed automatically (so far, it's been auto-magic for all our hardware, even NVIDIA and AMD graphics cards), install antivirus + MS Office and whatever special software that employee would need, and then I name the machine and put it on the domain.

To prevent extra crap from being created in C:/Users (and in the registry) I don't log in with a domain account. I let the employees do that themselves.

The first time any domain account* tries to log in, it errors after about 20 seconds with


Windows couldn't connect to the System Event Notification Service service.Please consult your system administrator.
If they put their password in again, it goes through and all the initial settings are applied from our Group Policy Objects.

*I noticed that if I log in as an account which is a Domain Administrator (and via our GPOs, is also added to the Administrators group on the machine), I don't get that error. It only shows up for "normal" users which are not part of admins.

Nothing critical by any means as it will always work on the second try, but I'm really curious why it happens at all. What service is it even trying to connect to? The fact it happens on literally every computer (it even happens in VMWare images which I've done to test GPO settings) would imply it's not a problem with a particular machine, rather something in our domain. Or it's possible there's a GPO that was set years ago for Windows 7 that didn't cause any detrimental effects until now.

View 9 Replies

Why Is It Not Possible To Set Windows Logoff / Logon Sounds

Jan 28, 2016

So in Windows 8, MS removed the ability to have a login/logoff sound. In Windows 10, the same problem persists.

Interestingly enough, under the C:WindowsMedia folder, there is a file called "Windows Logon" which is a brand new sound from Windows 8, also in 10.

The "Windows Logoff Sound" file is the same as Vista/7, so no change there.

View 9 Replies

Accounts :: Bypass Logon Password

Feb 10, 2016

when I start my computers first thing in the morning or when I restart my pc at anytime is there a way to bypass the logon password

View 6 Replies

Change The Microsoft Account Associated With Logon?

Mar 5, 2016

So we setup a MS account for my daughter, using her email address, but accidentally put in my birthdate so it got created as an adult account. This means I can't add the account to my "Family" so I can setup parental controls. According to Microsoft, there is no way to change an adult account into a child account. The only thing I can do is delete the account and then wait 60 days before recreating it. This means that in the mean time she doesn't have a MS account to use to log on so I'm kind of screwed.

The only thing I came up with is to create a dummy MS account for her to use for 60 days until I can recreate it using her email account like it is now. Is that even possible? I would need to associate her current local account with the dummy account and then be able to change it to reassociate it with the new account once I recreate it after 60 days.

View 3 Replies

Logon Screen Flashing / Busy

Aug 10, 2015

Problem with the logon screen with windows 10. I upgraded on the morning of Saturday 8th August, without any serious problems. However, later on in the afternoon, I had to do a restart, after a virus/malware scan and removal of infections. The OS was updated at this point, after which a serious problem occurred. Once the OS reached the logon screen, it started flashing on and off between Logon screen and time/date start up picture, with the cursor showing busy. It also reported an error message to do with LogonUI .

I had no way to Logon, or to open task manager, so i had to boot into safe mode, and attempt various problem solving solutions read elsewhere for this issue on the net. None of these worked, so i had to roll back to Windows 7 for the time being. Should i upgrade again, this issue will have to be resolved.

Finally, though, i'm led to believe that LogonUI is malware, and not an important system file, but should it be removed, would this be the cause of the issue?

View 9 Replies

Switch Back To PIN From Windows Logon

Jun 18, 2015

The laptop that I use a PIN to log on clearly has on the login screen under the PIN area the option to change to other types of login credentials (i.e., MSID, Local Account), but on another laptop where I changed over to Windows Logon I do not have any such option displayed, nor can I find it in Settings:Accounts:Sign-in Options (though it DOES have there the option to change the PIN and other credential particulars).

View 5 Replies

Browser/Email :: Outlook Configuration For Custom Domain Email?

Dec 14, 2015

I have my own domain's email which uses Outlook itself. I can login via or and it works fine but I am unable to set it up via Outlook 2016.

Microsoft has provided me the following mail configuration in the settings:

Server name:
Port: 995
Encryption method: SSL

Server name:
Port: 587
Encryption method: TLS

But when I use this I get the following error ....

View 1 Replies

Customization :: Change Logon Screen Wallpaper

Aug 3, 2015

On the screen where you type your password in, any way to change the wallpaper? It's blue windows in smoke and does not match the rest of my theme.

View 9 Replies

NumLock Status At Logon From Cold Boot

Dec 9, 2015

I chose to log in use the PIN option. I like typing with the num pad.

At the log on screen Num Lock was always off.

1. Checked the BIOS settings:
Ensured that the NumLock status in the BIOS was set to enabled

2. Modified the registry a few times
Key: HKEY_USERS.DEFAULTControl PanelKeyboard
I set the String Value: InitialKeyboardIndicators
to 2
then I tried 80000002
then I tried 2147483650

So I have partial success, where NumLock is enabled after a restart, but it is not enabled after a cold-boot.

View 4 Replies

Upgrade Error - Not Enough Space

Dec 25, 2015

Im trying to install windows 10 final on my ASUS x205ta, but the problem being that it has a 32GB ssd, and there is nothing on it but the OS, yet i still have the error of it saying there is not enough space, what should i do?If i get the ISO and install it that way will i still run into these problems? Plus i dont know my product key since it is a free upgrade and windows offered it to me? Is there any way to do this? I hate windows 8 and much prefer windows 10,

View 1 Replies

Customization :: Remove Or Change Logon Screen Background?

Aug 21, 2015

I would assume people may want to tinker with their logon screen background picture. (an example of this screen, to clarify, is below)

This is the picture that is behind the logon screen, which is by default the Windows 10 hero wallpaper. If you would like to change this image to your accent color, here's how

WARNING: To do this option, you will have to mess with registry settings. As you may know, registry settings influence the way Windows works on your machine. Therefore, if you do something incorrectly, you may have to reinstall Windows. Proceed with caution.

The first step is to open Run (+R) and type regedit

Once Registry Editor opens, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindowsSystem. There, make a new DWORD value called DisableLogonBackgroundImage and set the value to 1 to change it to your accent color. If you ever wish to revert this change, setting it to 0 will revert it back to the 'Hero' image.

Restart and your logon screen background will now be your accent color that you have selected. If it changes, the color of your logon screen will change as well.

View 9 Replies

Customization :: How To Disable The Secure Logon Background Image

Oct 10, 2015

At day 1 of the windows 10 release my Secure Logon background was a specified picture, the same picture as my desktop background. Since Windows automatically updated it has been changed to a picture.

How do I get the picture back?

To be clear, I want this specifically for the Secure logon screen (where it shows "Press Ctrl-Alt-Delete" to unlock), not the standard logon screen.

View 5 Replies

Logon Process Initialization Failure (occasionally While Logging Off)

Aug 25, 2015

I get the message: "Interactive logon Initialization process has failed." This occurs only once in a while, while login off from a user. I get a black screen with a dialogue box with the message and an OK button. I can't click the OK button and need to do a reset because the computer is frozen.

In the event log I get the following message: ID4005: Logon process from Windows has suddenly ended. (translation from Dutch). Also, a refresh doesn't work. I did a full fresh re-install of windows 10 but the problem remains. Maybe a certain program I'm running? 

View 2 Replies

Accounts :: How To Change Logon Options Using Password Or Pin Number

Nov 27, 2015

How do I change my logon options so that I do not have to use either a password or PIN#?

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No Accounts On Logon Screen (Every) Recovery Option Fails

Dec 20, 2015

Windows 10 x64 had been working fine. Yesterday, I noticed the system had gone to the spinning circle... I walked away and gave it overnight, but no change. After reboot, I get to the login screen for 30 seconds or so - with no user accounts showing - then it goes to the solid blue screen with spinning dot circle. I suspect the latest update was applied "while I was sleeping".

What I've tried:

Rebooting (Goes to same place)
Safe mode (same login screen - no user accounts listed)
System Restore (No restore points - argh! why?!?!)
System Image Recovery (No system images found)
Startup Repair (allows either admin to authenticate, says "Diagnosing your pc" , then fails) -- logs to d:windowssystem32logfilessrtsrtrail.txt, open in notepad, shows no errors, "OS booted successfully"
Command prompt (works - but what should I look at?)
Go back to previous build - save my files (fails at about 40%) - I would prefer not to delete my files. (though they are backed up)

View 12 Replies

How To Use Microsoft Email Account To Identify A User At Logon

Sep 7, 2015

Just upgraded my daughter's Compaq CQ-71 laptop to Windows 10. I had used my Microsoft account (email) to set up the initial account on the machine and this of course pulled over my profile picture etc. However, this question is about subsequent accounts created on the machine.

I had created a local account for my daughter while still on Windows 7 but now the machine is on Windows 10, how can I add a Microsoft account email to my daughter's login details so that her profile is shared between machines?

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Disabled Logon Screen But After A Week It Asks For Password Again

Dec 26, 2015

I've disabled the logon screen but after a week it asks for the password again. This is on a Dell pc. I have 2 other pcs, Asus and HP and the login stays disabled.why the login screen won't stay disabled?

View 4 Replies

Installation :: Upgrade From Win 7 Fails With No Error

Jul 30, 2015

I have been trying to upgrade 7pro for a day or so with no luck. First of all I tried the 'get windows 10 app' this tells me a update (KB2952664) is not installed. It was showing as failed in my update long but has since installed ok. However the app still says its missing. So I tried the media creation tool. This starts up fine but about 40 min in this screen appears

I press ok and after about 10 seconds the installer just closes, and that's it we are back to normal. I have tried this 3 times and I get the same result.

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Installation :: Upgrade Stops And Says Error

Jul 29, 2015

I am now getting a new error. The error i am now getting is error C1420127 windows 10 now installs almost but towards the end it stops and says error and then when i go to look at it that is what the error is.

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