Drivers/Hardware :: Mouse Cannot Straight Line Anymore

Dec 5, 2015

My mouse is rather fokked, but in quite a subtle way; you see, since yesterday-ish, myself/my computer just can not figure out how to mouse. I like to play games, but this oh-so-subtle fokkery has got me on the ropes in terms of not losing my mind midprocess. Attached is a picture of 6 lines drawn from right to left in as straight a fashion as I could manage; from top to bottom: top is 500x:500y dpi, 1700x1700, 2700x2700, 3300x3300 dpi plus a bonus at 3300x3300, and an extra on a different surface at my typical navigation settings of 2700x2700. My mouse is a Cyber Snipa Silencer, ( Cyber Snipa - Silencer Gaming Mouse )

Now friends, my question is... Why has this fokkery occurred? I haven't changed my mouse-surface equipment for years. No updates have been installed to my knowledge. restarted my computer, still fokkery.

P.S. here is another picture of 6 lines, same parameters, but drawn from top to bottom, left (500x500) to right (2 sets 3300x3300 then 2700x2700 different surface.)

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HP pavilion dv5 notebooselectk PC , windows 10 Home , 64-bit operating system .

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of the RF Nano Laptop Optical Mouse.

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RF Nano Laptop Optical Mouse Status: Driver error

Model: Rf Nano Laptop Optic...

Category: Mouse

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