How To Create A List Of Tasks

Dec 29, 2015

I just want to create a list of tasks. in Windows 8 or 10

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How To Do Windows 7 Tasks

Sep 8, 2015

Is there a table that tells me (translates for me) how to do in Windows 10 what I used to be able to do in Windows 7?

For example, how do I make my Windows 10 jump lists have as many entries for 'recent' or for 'frequent' as I used to have for Windows 7? (My jump list for Word had the 10 most recent files -- now in Windows 10 it only shows about 3)

Or, how to set the amount of time before inactivity on the computer causes it to lock?

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Why Are Some Tasks Not Opening

Apr 4, 2016

I keep on getting this bug where it won't let me click on some tasks running on the taskbar, I am currently using Windows 10, is there any fixes? Am i the only one getting this issue?

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Accounts :: Switch User Option On Power Option List Or On Start Menu List?

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Can I use switch user option on power option list or on start menu list ?

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Where Are Disabled Tasks Located

Jan 1, 2016

I just got a Win 10 computer, and I am in the process of starting to prep it for moving all my old files over from my XP computer (using PCmover).

One of the things PCmover told me to do was go into Win 10's Task Scheduler and disable the tasks under the Active Tasks tab, which I did.

But now I can't find those disabled tasks to enable them after I complete the PC-to-PC file move. They've disappeared completely.

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TaskSchedule Shows Many Hidden Tasks

Sep 26, 2015

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Task Scheduler Errors - SPP And Other Scheduled Tasks

Jul 29, 2015

Been noticing a number of errors when I open task scheduler for e.g. SVC Restart Task - The task XML contains a value that is incorrectly formatted or out of range" Other than the aforementioned task there are errors with the following:

a) Schedule Scan
b) Reboot
c) Policy Install
d) Queue Reporting
e) sih
f) Scheduled Start
g) Automatic App Update

I am a member of the WIndows Insider programme, and these errors have persisted across different builds including the latest one 10240. These were reported to MS thru the Feedback app.

I downloaded the official ISO today and upon doing a clean install noticed the errors.

Application Log entries read as follows:

Error 16385 "Failed to schedule Software Protection service for re-start at 2115-07-05T14:11:34Z. Error Code: 0x80041318"

This happens every 30 seconds or so for about 3 minutes. And starts again every time I launch an MS Office program.

I have tried the old trusted method of deleting the relevant registry entries and importing the task XML to no avail.

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BSOD :: Computer Randomly Restarts While Doing Tasks

Aug 28, 2015

I have an ASUS Desktop PC M11AD Series computer with an Intel core i5. I am running windows 10 Home on my computer and ever since I got Windows 10, It has been randomly restarting. It will restart while doing simple tasks, like using Google Chrome, or using Skype. I have tried to monitor what apps cause the restarts, but it is extremely random. I upgraded my computer 2-3 weeks ago, and it is starting to get on my nerves. I have switched my browser to Microsoft Edge and it has been working fine.

When this occurs, my computer will freeze for about 5-10 seconds, and then it will to a regular restart. Sometimes when it boots back up it says "Windows is updating" and sometimes nothing. I have disabled auto updates on my computer and I just can't seem to find the problem. Sometimes it will freeze in chunks like 3 seconds, it works for 1 second and then 4 seconds and then restarts. My friend also has Windows 10, but his doesn't restart. I can't find out what build I'm on, and I upgraded when Windows said I could upgrade. 

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Performance :: Find (Wake Up From Sleep) Scheduled Tasks

Dec 18, 2015

Other than going through each and every task in the task scheduler, is there a way to see those that are allowed to wake the machine while it is sleeping? My PC woke up this morning at 3:30 am. It then went back to sleep about ten minutes later. I've checked all of the normal things (no auto-maintenance, etc.) so I' suspecting it is a task that woke the PC up.

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Performance :: Tasks Running But Not Appearing In Task Scheduler

Oct 18, 2015

After upgrade to windows 10, tasks still run but don't appear in task scheduler so I can't edit them. Where are they kept? More importantly, how to I get them to show up where I can edit them?

When opening Task Scheduler I get at least 50 boxes I have to close before I can exit the program (or use task manager to do so.)

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Add Item To Start List

Aug 7, 2015

When I add a item to the start list it only appears in the panel list and not in the column list where I want it.

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How To Set The View To Be Always In List Mode

Sep 28, 2015

How do I set the view to be always in list mode ?

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Empty All Apps List

Nov 3, 2015

I'm not sure when this started happening. Might have been after a Windows update and the system reboot. I've been living with it for a couple weeks now.

When I click All apps in the start menu, the list is empty. The apps in the most used list are still populated and when I install a new app, it shows up as a new app. But when I click All apps, it never shows anything. Just an empty menu with a back button.

The apps in the tile portion of the start menu show up fine and I'm able to search for apps to launch them, but I'd like to be able to easily go through all the apps I have installed.

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How To Get Rid Of Recent Files List

Jul 30, 2015

if i click file explorer right under frequent folders there is a recent files list this is a privacy issue is there a way that it wont show a list of recent files.

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Sorting The All Apps List?

Jan 4, 2016

OK. I know how to "go to file location" and some of the other basic tips, but I am still having two issues with the Windows 10 start menu after several hours of searching reading and pulling hair out.

1) A few of my apps (programs I installed, not apps from the store) were originally in folders with no other shortcuts in them, so I decided to remove those folders and put the shortcut at the top level. This leaves me with a Mozilla Firefox shortcut which I want to rename to just "Firefox". I can rename it, but no matter what, it just stats under M in the all apps list. I also have 2 other apps with this problem, but I listed Firefox as an example.

2) When I open the start menu (before entering All Apps), I wonder if there is a way to replace "File Explorer" with "My PC" or some other label. I have already changed the behavior of this button to open the "My Computer" screen I am used to. I just want to change the label if possible.

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Charms List Disappeared

Aug 15, 2015

I am unable to access the charms list that was on the right side of the screen it just disappeared it does not work by pointing the mouse cursor at the top right hand corner and I have tried Windows + C but all that does is bring up Cortana. Also I can't find the recycle bin there is not tile for it and it is not on the task bar or Desktop either.

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Contacts List In Outlook

Jan 6, 2016

Where is the contacts list in Outlook? I want to add names and cant find where to add them . 

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How To Add Articles To Reading List

Dec 23, 2015

I updated my Surface Pro from W8.1 to W10. In W10, I can't figure out how to add articles from MSN News and Finance applications to the Reading List, like I used to in W8.1. How can I add news articles to the Reading List?

)The Microsoft Windows Reading List FAQ has no entries whatsoever.)

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Notifications Do Not Stay In List

Sep 30, 2015

I have a laptop and a PC both with Win10.

On my laptop, when I receive notifications, I can later on see them in the list.
On my PC, they seem to be cleared. I can never see them.

I am an experienced Windows user and do not understand why I can't figure out how to make them they where they belong.

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How To Remove Certain Items From All Apps List

Aug 2, 2015

I have about Windows 10. Back on Windows 7, under the all programs list I was able to delete anything I didn't want listed there. Unfortunately with Windows 10 I can't remove everything. So I am wondering how can I clean up the "All Apps" list under the start menu?

For example, I want to remove "Calculator", "Calendar" and "Camera" from all apps. When I right click on these items I can only either pin to start bar or task bar.

Is there any way to remove these items so the All apps is a little bit cleaner?

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Apps :: Add / Remove Programs From Most Used List

Sep 16, 2015

I have passed from Windows 7 to Windows 10. I remember that on the windows 7 i could drag and drop in the start menu
all the programs i use mostly and in the mean time i could sorted the alphabetically.

I would like to have the same on Windows 10 but i cannot sort it out. How you can see in the attached picture,the list is always empty:

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Customization :: Can Modify / Customize And Add To The Most Used List?

Jul 13, 2015

Not sure what Microsoft is thinking, but the "most used" list...isn't functioning as you would expect. I want programs I launch often to go there, with the recent file list fly out, that's the most user-friendly feature brought over from Windows 7....

However, what Windows uses to identify "most used". I use one program every single day, it never appears.

A program I used a few times over a month ago is still in the list, when I chose to remove it, no other programs replaced it...why wouldn't the next most used program appear?

How do I set the number of programs to list...the number grows and reduces all on it's's quite bizarre.

This would all be fine if I could CHOOSE to add programs to the start menu (The "real" one, NOT the "modern" one, with it's useless huge icons) can't!!!

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Programs Used List In Start Menu

Nov 2, 2015

How do a get a program that I use quite often to get on the "Most Used Programs List". I realize that I probably have to use it more for it to appear on the list. But I want to know if I can get it there even though the program is not used as often as the others.

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Unknown Account In List Of Users

Aug 9, 2015

Only just recently downloaded win10 and everything is fine, however in going to edit the tag information for an audio track I noticed two additional "Groups or user names" in my list which weren't there when I was running win7.

The first one is " Account Unknwon (A-#-#-##-10#-10#-10#-4#)" where A represents a letter and # a number (and therefore 10# is 10 numbers, and so on) with the actual string omitted for security (just in case). This account has permissions limited to "Read & Execute" and "Read" (<- duh microsoft).

The second is WMPNetworkSvc, which after the slightest bit of googling told me is some kinda service for sharing media. The questions here are;

Did this service activate automatically with win10 upgrade (didnt exist for me before then), is it important?,

Can i delete it without effecting my "windows experience" considering I dont use any of the new features outside of the local machine (i.e. apps, etc) and if yes to 3, how?

These users only pop up in specific locations, for example, if i right click the desktop folder in "Quick Access" it only has the three standard users. In the same manner but for the music folder both of these new users show up. In the documents folder the anonymous user has permissions by not WMPNetworkSvc.

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How Can Unhide Hidden App From Share List

Aug 20, 2015

I used the Share by mail of Windows 10 frequently. Accidentally, after pressed the Share button, I right click and hide the Mail app in the Windows 10 "share list" (The list displayed to the right after the share button is pressed). How can I unhide the hidden app?

The share button in windows 10 is the circle with 3 points. It is found in many app and in the share menu of File Explorer.

OS: Windows 10 Pro
Computer: Surface 2 Pro
Memory: 4Gb 

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