How To Open Multiple Excel Spreadsheets On Screen

Oct 4, 2015

I've just switched from Microsoft operating system (OS) 7 to the free OS10 upgrade on one of my computers, and a right click on the Excel icon does not open more than one of the files listed with the option "New.". All I want to do is to open multiple new files and then assign specific files for each of the new open spreadsheets on the screen ones that have no content. I typically have 10 or 20-files on the screen that I'm working with. I've done this for years using OS7. I also have another computer with OS8, and it's not a problem.

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Oct 19, 2015

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(2)I was able to open Word without any problem. When I tried to open Excel, however, it froze ("not responding"). I reopened it in "safe mode" and it displayed a blank spread sheet. I keep my files on a USB drive (connected and read by Explorer) and Excel is defaulted to open to that drive. But in safe mode I need to use "Explorer" to access them. So, I click on the "My Computer" icon in Excel and ... "not responding."

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Jan 6, 2016

I recently upgraded my win 8.1 pro to win 10 and I have an annoyance.

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What I'm trying to do here is remove or lower the spacing between each window. To make the list tighter.

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Nov 6, 2015

I'd like to use Prey project on my notebook. I recently updated from windows 8 pro to windows 10. Prey software is effective only if thief can use my notebook.

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Aug 10, 2015

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Sometimes Multiple Accounts Shown On Login Screen

Dec 10, 2015

1. I have run netplwiz to not require a user name or password

2. 95% of boot ups, boot into Windows 10 without asking for a user name or password

3. I do not have any local accounts

4. I only have my Microsoft account

5. And here are my questions

10% of boots, and I will see two accounts shown on bottom of Windows 10 login screen

Please see screenshot

What is this second account I am seeing in this screenshot ?

Why would I get a login screen on 10% of boot ups

How do I get rid of this second "account" when I have no local, no other accounts....

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Multiple User Login Screen Like Windows 7

Jul 26, 2015

I need that option back of Windows 7, where you would be offered with multiple user login screen. I am up for pretty long, so might not be making myself clear, so explaining more. I have two accounts (offline accounts), A and B, and when I turn on or Restart my desktop I want both the user account login option on the login screen, NOT the stupid way it does now, by straightly logging into the last accessed account.

I would like to do it without installing any additional software, if possible.

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Blue Screen Of Death When Have Multiple Videos Playing

Oct 24, 2015

the error is "Driver_irql_not_less_or_equal"

Im running x2 gtx 970 on SLI
i5 4690 on a z97x gaming 3 mobo
8gb ddr3 2133mhz ram.

Now i never got any of this on windows 7, i upgraded whilst keeping files and stuff, and i figured the driver was calling this, now i completely uninstalled nvidia software and all the drivers on device manager, then scanned for them and re-installed windows 10 64bit versions of them on freshly, now it continues to happen, if i have multiple tabs of videos on my pc crashes giving me that message.

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BSOD :: Multiple Errors And Black Screen With Cursor On Start Up

Oct 2, 2015

I know it says to install and run the program in the sticky but i can't get into windows

PC has been running fine until recently. I have been getting occasional random BSOD errors over the last few days which I didn't think much about, but today I started getting a lot of them, occurring a few minutes after boot. After a few restarts I then started getting a black screen with cursor when the login screen should appear. The jingle still sounds. Some of the BSOD errors I wrote down.

Bad pool header

PFN corrupt

Memory management


The black screen will not respond to CTRL ALT DEL etc. I tried following steps on some posts to enter password blind by pressing space /ctrl but this does not work for me. The screen stays on indefinitely.

I have also tried chkdsk on C drive. No errors. I tried system restore, but it says I have no checkpoints. I thought I did have it switched on but I guess not.

I tried start up repair but it says it cannot fix the problem. I don't have a system image either (I know, I'm a fool). I tried safe mode and low res mode. Same black screen just with a larger cursor.

Apart from reinstalling windows again, i can't think of any other things to try.

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Multiple Reboot Attempts Never Got Past 4 Blue Square Screen After Kernel Security Error

Mar 23, 2016

A couple of weeks ago when booting up my PC, I came to I assume the Windows 10 version of the blue screen of death. It said something to the effect of a kernel security check error, it said it was repairing the PC and would reboot.

However, it wouldn't reboot. The farthest it would ever go is the 4 blue square windows screen and then eventually the screen would go black. For a while, the blue light on my monitor would stay solid but the "analog" and "digital" icons on the screen would alternate between analog and digital. Eventually it would just go black and the monitor screen would blink and the HDD light would stay off.

Multiple reboot attempts never got past that screen, and eventually the screen will just go black and the monitor light just blinks.

I went to my office computer that also runs Windows 10 and made a repair disk. I got home today, got into the BIOS and changed the boot priority to the DVD. I was able to get it to boot up to the repair disc (after a couple of attempts) and got into the repair utility. I tried the Start Up (or boot) repair, and it said it couldn't fix it. I tried the system restore and it said I had no restore points. So I thought (stupidly), maybe just getting into this repair disc area it would go ahead and boot on up. So I clicked "Exit and continue to Windows 10". Well that got be right back to where I was, a black screen.

So then I decided I would just go back in and use the utility to "reset", keep certain files and do a clean Windows 10 reinstall. Now I can't even get back into it. When I try to boot, IF I can even get any data to show on the screen and the monitor to "wake up" I can't get back into the repair disc. I can get as far as "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD" and then it will go to the 4 blue square windows screen that I was at previously, then eventually the screen will flash and then just stay black. By a little googling, sounds like maybe it could be a video card issue?

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Installation :: Cannot Open Settings Screen

Jan 13, 2016

I upgraded from windows 7 to windows 10. Now I cant open the settings screen.

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