Performance :: File Explorer Isn't Showing Recent Files

Feb 1, 2016

My new laptop has Windows10 pre-installed. It crashed and file explorer won't now show recent files. It seems to be showing recent folders but there are no recent files. Settings/personalisation/start shows "recently opened files" is turned "on" and File Explorer is showing on the Task Bar....

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Similar Messages:

File Explorer And Recent Files

Aug 26, 2015

At work, I'll open files on a network path that is only accessible at work, e.g.

These files will appear in my recent list when opening File Explorer (Win+E). The problem I have is at home where that network path is not accessible, and the File Explorer window will HANG for minutes trying to find the file. I can get around it by running CCleaner and cleaning recent files, but I was wondering if there was something else that could be done where I don't have to wipe out my recent list?

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Can Turn Off (Recent Files) In File Explorer?

Aug 13, 2015

Every time I open file explorer it displays my recent files. I would like to turn this feature off. If I can't find my own files without recent files, you can have my computer.

Why does Windows 10 want to hold our hand on everything?

You know those little kids in the Win 10 commercials? The ones that don't have to worry about security.

Well they will not have to worry about their EMAIL either. If email arrives Win 10 will never notify them, action center, sound and banner notifications never work.

Naturally the Mail App live tile only displays for 10 minutes if at all.

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Latest Build - File Explorer Not Showing Progress When Copy Files

Dec 18, 2015

Latest (preview) build - file explorer not showing progress when copying / moving files.

This - unless fixed soon will cause me to revert to previous build. Is it just something with my update. (W10 Pro X-64).

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Where Are Favorites And Recent Places In File Explorer

Aug 6, 2015

Much as I like Windows 10 (despite an unnecessarily difficult installation), I'm horrified to find that they have apparently abandoned the 'Favorites' and 'Recent places' folders - which I used constantly and had grown to love.

Are they hiding them somewhere? Is there a way to restore/find them? Have I missed something obvious?

(I can't believe that they would be so stupid as to get rid of them: 'recent files' and 'Frequent folders' are good, but not quite as useful...).

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File Explorer Icon - How To Stop Recording Recent Ones

Nov 25, 2015

When I right click the File Explorer icon on the taskbar, not only do I get the pinned files, but also the recently opened ones. How do I stop it recording the recent ones?

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File Explorer Quick Access Has Recent Folders Pinned But It Vanishes?

Aug 26, 2015

So File Explorer Quick Access shows Recent Folders, because I pinned it to be there:

But, when you go to "Save as" dialog box, Recent Folders inexplicably disappears from Quick Access:

Why is that? How can I fix it so that "Save as" and "Open" show Recent Folders in Quick Access in navigation pane?

View 6 Replies

External HDD Showing Twice In File Explorer

Jan 13, 2016

My external drive(Samsung) connected via usb3 has started showing twice in file explorer. Opening either shows exactly the same files inside. Screen shot below, I've never tried this so I hope I've done it OK...

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Pinned Items Not Showing In File Explorer

Sep 26, 2015

I have recently upgraded from Windows 8.1 Pro to Windows 10 Pro and everything was fine then. But recently I am experiencing an issue which is "Pinned items and Jump List are not displayed in File Explorer in both Taskbar and Start Menu". Pinned items and Jump Lists are displayed for other programs in Taskbar as usual but the issue is only with File Explorer. I have restarted the PC but still the problem persists and I have also disabled Cortana.

System Specs:
CPU - Intel Core 2 Duo
Motherboard - Gigabyte (G31M-ES2L)
RAM - 4 GB
Graphics Card - NVIDIA GTX 560 (2 GB)
OS - Windows 10 Pro (64 bit)

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File Explorer Error - Duplicate Folders Showing Up

Aug 6, 2015

This old error suddenly seems to have come back again

Some duplicate folders showing up again. (Note I CLEAN re-installed W10 after an upgrade - legally activated).

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File Explorer Showing Many Items And In Particular USB Flash Drives Twice

Aug 21, 2015

My Windows 10 File Explorer is muddled showing many items, and in particular USB Flash Drives twice!

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Drivers/Hardware :: Empty USB Ports Showing In File Explorer?

Dec 1, 2015

I just put the 1511 upgrade on (for the third time, but that's another story). I've noticed that when I open File Explorer I have a WHOLE BUNCH of USB ports that have nothing plugged into them... What the upgrade did, but these weren't visible previously. How do I turn them off?

And yes, I've gone into the File explorer options in the control panel and UNCHECKED "Hide empty drives". Didn't appear to make any difference...

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Networking :: Linux SMB Not Showing Up In File Explorer (but Can Be Accessed Direct)

Jan 17, 2016

I'm on a Windows 10 Pro PC accessing a linux server with samba etc installed and working well (visible via Homegroup to both Android and Windows 7 pro). From the Win 10 box, if I type the name of the server in Windows File Explorer, then the shares from the server show up without issue. However, if I go into the Network folder, it does not see the linux servers - even though they are correctly configured for the correct homegroup. My windows 7 machines can see the servers in "network" as can my android devices.

Here's a screenshot. Note, the red arrows show what displays in Network folder (red arrows). If I click on the Server Name (HunterNAS in this case), the server shares are displayed and it shows up in the Network folder (blue arrows). Even after making the successful connection, display of another file explorer window > Network folder displays no linux server shares...

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File Browse Dialog Showing Limited Results Compared To Explorer Window

Aug 17, 2015

I don't know if this is related to Win10, or an issue that existed with my Win8.1 before. I just noticed it after upgrading yesterday.

So, my firewall just prompted me about an outbound connection attempt by a file (named C:WindowsSystem32SIHClient.exe) and I didn't recognize it. I found it using explorer, and it's unsigned; so I visited and tried to upload it... but from the file upload browse box in Chrome I can't see the file! Even typing *.* and open doesn't remove the "filter" and reveal the file. (I finally ended up copying it to desktop and uploading from there, but still don't know what the file does.)

I thought that Explorer's "File View Options" (show hidden files, do not hide operating system files, etc.) were used throughout Windows once applied. Am I wrong? Should I suspect a virus or is this normal? What gives?

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Performance :: Green Progress Bar In File Explorer?

Nov 19, 2015

I don't remember how or when I made a change in File Explorer, but each time I call it up now, I get a slow moving progress bar in the bar where it identifies the location. I noticed there in the search bar it shows where it is going: "search (J:) Jack" as an example.

How do I stop this? It takes a lot of time, depending on the folder.

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Performance :: File Explorer Slow / Never Loading

Aug 12, 2015

Ok so since upgrading from 7 to 10 file explorer has been a absolute nightmare! Everything was either incredibly slow, didn't happen or only partially load. After enduring this to this day I have decided enough is enough and started diagnosing by limiting the startup services using MSconfig.

After going through enabling startup services groups at the time and restarting the computer everytime! Eventually I found the service that was causing the problems with file explorer. The service is called Windows search and once disabled it restored functionality to file explorer. The search function in file explorer works but the search in the taskbar doesn't.

Step by step guide:
1. Hold Win+r to open run
2. Type msconfig and hit ok or enter
3. Click Services
4. Navigate to Windows search (you can sort the list in descending alphabetical order)
5. Uncheck tickbox
6. Click apply then ok
7. Select to restart now

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Performance :: File Explorer Take Long To Load

Sep 7, 2015

I just upgraded to windows 10 and one of the things that bugs me is the file explorer on task bar load very slow. It takes around 1 seconds to load if I click on the explorer on task bar. However, if I use the win+E button the explorer open instantly.

I tried to create shortcut from the file explorer exe in windows folder and the time it take to load is about the same with loading on task bar.

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Can't Delete Certain Files In File Explorer

Sep 12, 2015

I can't get rid of these files , they are leftovers from deleting backups . How to delete these? The second screenshot is the message I get .....

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File Explorer Won't Open Files

Aug 16, 2015

When i click on a file in file explorer after upgrading to Windows 10, it says: Windows cannot find 'C:UsersConnemara GraniteDesktop, How do I fix this? 

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Finding Files In File Explorer?

Aug 19, 2015

When I open my file explorer can I see all the files in there ....

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File Explorer Not Finding Files?

Oct 10, 2015

File Explorer is not finding some files that are present on my PC with my current settings and I don't know what else to change so that files will be found. 
In Folder Options View Tab I have Show hidden files, folders, and drives enabled.  In Folder Options Search Tab I only have Include System directories checked.
In C:UsersUserNameAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsThemes I have many files whose name contains Arkham.

If I click on This PC in the Navigation Pane and then type Arkham in the search box, I get No items match your search.  What do I need to change so that the search will find these files.  Ultimately I would like search to find any file on This PC whether it be system, hidden, or read only.  I don't need for search to look in compressed archives (just the archive name). 

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Performance :: Windows Explorer - Attaching File To Email?

Feb 10, 2016

So whenever I want to attach a file to an email for instance and I go to browse thru Windows Explorer, it literally will just sit there "We're Working On It" and it takes a few moments to come up. What could be causing this? I have 2 256GB SSD's so I hope they're not on their way out.

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File Explorer Crash When Selecting Files

Feb 10, 2016

I have encountered this problem (in thread line) for the past 3-5 days and I have come no closer to any solution during that period of time.Basically, as soon as I left click or right click on a file in Windows Explorer it will crash. My Windows icon in the bottom left has also stopped working and I cannot ask Cortana anything (not that I did anyway...).

None of the advanced boot options work either (system restore, clean install etc...).

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File Explorer Files Cannot Be Deleted Says No Longer There

Feb 2, 2016

I am running File Explorer in Windows 10 and it displays some files and folders In a portable (F) that I cannot delete. When I try it says "This is no longer located in F:. I have hit F5 to refresh, rebooted and even ran defrag to eliminate this problem. It does show a file size for the files located in these folders. I have also installed LockHunter software to delete these folders and files; it didn't work. It says "no processes locking this file have been found", and "Cannot delete file..." I have another program called Directory Lister that also finds these files. I also have tried accessing them using C Prompt, which will display the folders and files but cannot be used to delete them.

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How To Open Files Direct From File Explorer

Sep 30, 2015

Click on file generates an OPEN WITH window - eg an .xlsx file shows Excel as main option If I check 'always open with this app' & then OK - nothing happens 

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Performance :: File Explorer Slow In Opening Folder With Shortcuts

Feb 10, 2016

Recently a change occured (after an update?). I have a folder containing only 6 shortcuts, linking to devices or to drives, connected to devices, in my home network. Opening this folder takes about 30 sec. It has to do with those shortcuts that link to drives, connected to devices, which are off.

Apparently, file explorer, when trying to present the shortcuts, also tries to get some info from those drives. After failing, file explorer nevertheless decides to present the shortcut after long waiting time. This effect has come recently in W10. In most cases, the effect is there, but in a few cases, the map is opening normally.

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