Torrent Program Can't Write On Disc

Aug 8, 2015

I have only one active account on Windows 10, and it xy -> account type is administrator. My UAC settings are set to never notify. Now every program that i run is not run as admin (as was the case on windows 7) but rather as normal user account. Is there a way to change that globally?

Some problems that i have because of that: Torrent program can't write on disc (first time i see this), all games can't update and write to disc, they run fine tho. I usually let BSPlayer to download subtitles and write them in movie folder that doesn't work as well. If i right click -> run as admin program s work fine but it's a hassle i want to avoid.

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[URL] ....

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[Code] …..

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Dec 16, 2015

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Can Install Windows To A USB Instead Of Using Disc

Mar 25, 2016

So I built my first PC. On Amazon I just purchased Windows 10 OEM for a one time use.. URL...I was wondering is there a way I can install Windows to a USB instead of using the disc or do I have to use the CD?

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