Unwanted Programs In C Drive

Feb 14, 2016

I put my Asus K54C back to O.O.T.B. factory settings by tapping F9 on a reboot and it went through a 'EMS settings' and restored the whole computer, took about an hour. As we all know there are loads of programs that are unwanted and just wastes space. Advertising, games and just junk basically.

I elected to install windows 10 and opted for the 'keep nothing' when it came to the programs that I wanted to keep. Just a complete install of windows 10 'only'.It took everything of, even the factory settings for Asus programs that was on my desktop etc. My HD went from about 45 gig to just 15 gig but there are still programs on C:Drive such as the 'esupport' from Asus that is still there and its a whopper more than 2 gig in size.
My first question is: How do I get rid of these programs that are on C: Drive without upsetting the laptop's running (registry etc). These are not in the 'programs and features' where you can uninstall them safely. Through past experience many years ago I did 'delete' them thinking I was doing good but totally messed up the laptop's running completely. So how I can take them of safely? My second question is: In my C:Drive there have been folders added that was not put there by me (I don't think so anyways) such as,

1. $SysReset. (I think it is a dollar sign at the start of the name, not sure) in this folder is 'Logs' and it has SetupAct_offline.log as a text Document.
2. Also 'ESD' on the drive but with nothing in it at all.
There are a couple of folders such as 'AsusVibeData' and the 'esupport' that was left behind when windows 10 was installed.I just want to get rid of these folders that are taking up so...... much space safely and find out how to do it.

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my ASUS X54C Computer, powered by Windows 10. My conversion was smooth and seemed to function well but after Chrome 47 was rolled out in late Nov/early December, I had so much trouble, that I temporarily switched to Firefox as a browser. Lately, it seemed to be functioning well and I went back to Chrome. Last week, without warning, my printer was switched to offline and running the Windows Diagnostic just produced an ERROR message. Today, I tried to install a new printer which my computer did not recognize so I called a techie. It seems that an unknown IP address had installed itself on my hard drive and things were inadvertently being shut down without my knowledge.
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Administrator HomeUsers; Administrators
His-name HomeUsers; Administrators
HomeGroupUser$ HomeUsers (even though the network has NO Homegroup now)
UpdatusUser HomeUsers (used for NVIDIA updates so probably OK)

So I deleted the HomeGroupUser$ account.

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Oct 28, 2015

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Start Menu Search - Unwanted Results Shown

Sep 2, 2015

Search in Windows new start menu is annoying, each time web search using bing results are also shown, which is really unwanted.

Using :: Computer Configuration -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Search
We can enable the following 3 options to disable web search:

Do not allow web search
Don’t search the web or display web results in Search
Don’t search the web or display web results in Search over

However, as usual I'm looking for a way to do this via registry.

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HP Pavilion Laptop / Phantom Unwanted Mouse Clicks While Typing?

Nov 8, 2015

I updated my HP Pavilion laptop to Windows 10 last weekend. Ever since then, I've had a problem any time I'm typing. I can't seem to type for more than 5 seconds without a left click happening on its own (sometimes it's a right click, oddly), which usually either opens a menu, moves where in the document/webpage I'm typing, or stops my typing altogether.

For example, if I'm on an email website, and click New Mail or Reply and leave my cursor hovering over that button, after about five seconds of my typing, the button is clicked again. If I'm typing in a box (like I'm doing right now), I can keep the cursor hovering over the box and my cursor will click somewhere else in the box suddenly, or if I keep the cursor hovering over the outside of the page it'll click and suddenly I can't type anymore. If the cursor is hovering over something I've already typed, I'm suddenly typing back in that earlier text.

This happens when using both a wireless mouse or the touchpad. I typically have the touchpad turned off so I can use the wireless mouse, but have the same problem with the mouse off and its USB dongle not connected.

I also have a problem when using the touch pad that after I've typed for, again, about five seconds the touch pad is completely unresponsive. That's not as bad a problem, since I normally use the wireless mouse. But I'd like to get that fixed, too.

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Sep 22, 2015

Problem back with 10547. Windows Update trying to install 15 year old driver for printer. Previously hid the update with Wushowhide and it was gone for months. Back again this morning. Reran Wushowhide and it showed the update was hidden but still there after restart.

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