Administrator Permissions Denied?

Sep 25, 2015

the error message says--onenote (office 2010) cannot fully register itself with windows desktop search because you dont have administrator permissions, to complete the registration, contact your system administrator and then repair the one note installation.

ive made sure i have administrative permissions, and attempted to "repair" one note install, from programs and features, but dont have administrative priviledges.

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Similar Messages:

Access To Folder Is Denied See Administrator For Permission

Jul 30, 2015

Upgraded to Windows 10 last night. Today, while on Google Chrome (my preferred browser) I tried to download an image into my folder (as I am the only user) and it says "You don't have permission to save in this location. Contact the Administrator to obtain permission. Would you like to save in the picture folder instead?" Then when I answer yes, the same box comes up again telling me access is denied.

I had to save it under my Documents folder instead. I had access to all my folders prior to the install. I went under the picture folder/library properties and gave my username permission (the only one without permission) and that didn't work.

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Accounts :: Creating Administrator Account But Getting Access Denied

Jan 13, 2016

When I first converted from Win 7, Win 10 transferred my main ACCT: Patrick

But, the boot time became so elongated, the net gave me some tips but to so, I had to use SAFE BOOT. But the old F8 would not work so I used the MSCONFIG. But, then Win 10 CREATED a new account using my email and password I had for Microsoft Live web site, DELETED MY OLD PATRICK AND REAL ADMIN ACCT. It took considerable time to figure the PW it was looking for.

So went back to regular boot, renamed the EMAIL name to the original PATRICK acct as it had been deleted,

They did give me ADMIN rights but that rarely works when you do some heavy lifting.

This leaves me with ONE ACCT, PATRICK with ADMIN RIGHTS, not with full ADMIN privileges.

So, lets create a REAL Admin account.

Net says: in DOS mode, net user administrator /active:yes
Wrong, access denied
tried: net user patrick /active:yes
Wrong, access denied

When I was converted, it converted the Home Premium to Home.

How to CREATE a REAL ADMIN on "Home"?

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What Are The Default Msiexec Permissions

Oct 18, 2015

what are the default permission the users, admins,system have in the msiexec application in sysWow64?

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Access Is Denied?

Oct 21, 2015

When I go to This pc-Local Disc c-Users-admin there are a lot of shortcuts that bring up an error message. Can these be deleted ...

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Revert Permissions To All Folders Quickly?

Aug 20, 2015

Windows 10 seems to have changed the permissions settings to all my files and folders - and I have lot of them (documents, photos, music etc).

I must have at least 30 000 images stored as I'm a pro photographer and thousands of documents. I currently can't save or change anything as I'm told the files are read-only and I don't permission to do that. This is seriously delaying my work.

I'm not on a network and I am the administrator.

A) There is a universal way to do this throughout my drives (C and D) quickly or if I have to do it by folder (which could take forever).

B) The easiest way to do it.

C) Microsoft are aware of how they have seriously messed up our computers and if they are doing anything about it.

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Why Cannot Set Permissions To Full Control Of My Files

Feb 12, 2016

Like many other new Win10 users, I've experienced Microsoft's built-in gotcha: all the files I transferred from my old PC are now Read-Only. OK, I know that I can uncheck this attribute in each file's properties. I've read that in recalcitrant cases I should go to the Security tab of Properties and edit them to allow Full Control. That works in some cases... but I'm finding cases where the Edit is greyed out, and I am unable to make changes. Most often, the only User in the box is Home Users. There is no other line for Administrator or anything else. How can I get past this roadblock?

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Inherit Permissions When Moving Files?

Dec 27, 2015

how I can set Windows 10 up, so moved files will inherit the permissions from the destination folder?

I enabled the inheritance option on the parent folder and that works when copying files, but not when moving files.

In previous versions of Windows I could resolve this issue, by adding MoveSecurityAttributes in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorer (as described in the article below), but this does not seem to have any effect in Windows 10.


View 4 Replies

Deleted Local Disk Permissions

Jul 30, 2015

After I installed win 10 yesterday, I was looking around and I noticed the windows.old file in my local disk. I looked online and saw that it was safe to delete it, but I couldn't because I didn't have permissions. So I followed a youtube tutorial on how to gain permissions, but I performed this on the entire c drive (note that this is my only drive). The video showed that I had to delete all the permission settings previously there. You can kind of see where this is going. So I did then I gave myself permissions. I immediately saw that win 10 started to not function properly. So I tried to re-add system and administrators to the drive permissions. Some of the win 10 functionalities returned and I thought that restarting my pic would fix the rest. But now after the win 10 logo I get a black screen and I can't log in.

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File Access Denied

Nov 12, 2015

I get the following message when I try to 'save, 'save as' or 'paste':

File Access Denied

You require permission from Unix User obody to make changes to this file.

What causes this nor have I made any security changes.

View 9 Replies

Lost All Permissions And Control Of Files / Folders

Dec 9, 2015

earlier I plugged in the hard drive from my wife's PC into my own PC (both windows 10) so I could try to recover some files from it (as it's currently not booting into windows).

As soon as I booted my PC back up I could see the second hard drive was there but since then I've been experiencing all sorts of issues. I am still an administrator but I just don't seem to be able to do anything - it's hard to describe, but I can't move or change or delete ANY files or folders on my system, I can't move files to or from an external drive for back up, on the desktop the right click menu doesn't come up at all and on files/folders it has no ability to access properties.

Also, whilst most programs still open normally, any Microsoft Office programs just don't do anything at all when clicked on. It's as if I have lost all control over making any changes on my PC.

I assumed that the two drives were conflicting in some way so removed the second drive but the problems are still there.

View 3 Replies

Do Not Have Correct Permissions To Read / Write Files

Oct 11, 2015

I recently upgraded to windows ten but ever since I did my computer keeps telling me I do not have the correct permissions to read/write files. I have tried to change the settings to allow the one and only account the permissions. It works temporarily but after a few days it goes back to not allowing me again. I also tried activating the built in administrator account to save files but of course a built in administrator account cannot access the same things as the original account can.

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Accounts :: Granting Two Users Different Permissions To Different Folders?

Feb 10, 2016

I have a Windows 10 PC that acts as a file share. Within this file share there are several hundred folders. I'd like to know if there is an easy to grant two different users different permissions to these several hundred folders.

For example, I'd like like one users to be have full control to folders A, B, C and the other user to have full control to folder 1, 2, 3 - Neither of which should be able to see what access the other user has.

Is there an easy way to do that other than going to each folder and granting each user appropriate access?

View 5 Replies

How To Reset Default File Permissions For These Directories

Oct 25, 2015

The other day, I was trying to fix Windows Default Apps not working by adding "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES" to the following directories as indicated here: [URL]

However, it seems to have messed up the permissions as what I did was take ownership and then added both myself and "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES".

My question is, how do I reset the permissions of the following folders and their sub folders and sub files to the defaults:

C:Program Files

Does this command below do it?
icacls * /T /Q /C /RESET

My other question is will it fix the folders to the default inheritance if I enabled inheritance to child folders/files for a folder that was by default disabled or if I disabled inheritance to the child folders/files for a folder that is by default enabled?

Other than the above, Am I correct that I will have to manually change the permission for each users folder under C:Users so they own and have full control of that folder.

View 9 Replies

Accounts :: Apps Reset Default Permissions

Jan 30, 2016

Is there anyway to reset the permissions back to Account Unknown() for the WindowsApps folder? I wanted to have a look in it, I changed the ownership to myself and now I just want to reset it back to the default. The default was Account Unknown(sequence of some kind), but you can't just set it back.

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OneDrive - Resetting Security Permissions Every Boot

Aug 4, 2015

After having multiple, miscellaneous, seemingly-disconnected issues with file and folder permissions, locked files, inability to save or edit in my user files, open Outlook, play games, etc, I accidentally stumbled across some oddities in my file shares in computer management related to OneDrive. I posted a more thorough description and permanent work-around here: Windows 10 OneDrive Default Settings Causing Major Issues With - Microsoft Community

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Permissions For Modify Files On Programs Folder

Aug 2, 2015

I come from windows 7 and i have not problem to copy delete etc. files on programs. Now every time i search to change file o delete or copy a windows appear ask me a permission..There is a way to disable this warning or ahve full acces to programs ?

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External Hard Drive Permissions Not Working

Mar 29, 2016

I cannot get my external hard drives to give me write permissions over my local network in some directions.I recently replaced our hard drives with SSDs and with the reinstall, I had some difficulty getting the permissions on my external hard drives working correctly.

I did several Google searches and read a procedure that I needed to go through adding a user called "Everyone" to each of my drives that I wanted to access and share. I did this and gave "Everyone" full read/write permissions and also went into advanced options (or wherever it is) and chose the checkbox to give all child files and folders these same permissions. It took ages but eventually it all seemed OK.

I had one folder which could not be corrected this way and ended up having go change each file individually. Anyway, I thought I was all set but if I try to move a file from Machine A to Machine B (the drives are attached to , I get an error that I don't have permission to do this. No overrides or Admin permissions are an option and when I check the specifics it *is* correctly shared with not only Everyone but this machine as well (so it attempted to fix the permissions itself at some point). However, if I go to Machine B and grab the files from Machine A over the network ...

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Change Permissions On Redirected MyDocuments Folder

Sep 22, 2015

I have a new install of Windows 10 and I created a separate partition to keep my data files on so I don't lose them when/if I do a fresh windows install.So I redirected the MyDocuments, Pictures etc folders from the system partition to the data partition. What I would like to do now is restrict access to those folders so that only the log in that they belong to can access them.

View 1 Replies

Access Denied When Copying Pictures?

Aug 10, 2015

I have just upgraded to Win 10 but now when I try to save pictures from my Nokia it says access denied, even the Nokia suite does not sync? I tried to use snipping tool to capture the dialogue box but I can not save that either, tho I have copied it below. I have lowered UAC status, but that does not work?

View 9 Replies

Access Denied To Folders And Files

Aug 22, 2015

Running win 10 since 2 weeks. Trying to copy all files from external HD to new second internal HD. Some files copied no problem, other files and folders will either not copy (administrator rights) or are outright "access denied". All are films, no programs.

I got full administrator rights, only one account, turned on all file sharing it will let me. Never had the problem with win 7. This is non-trivial. I got full admin rights. How can I access my files?

View 3 Replies

Access To Users / Documents Denied

Sep 13, 2015

Everything was working fine till now, then suddenly I get an error message that access to Users/jain/Documents is denied. I searched a bit online and I ended up unlinking my OneDrive account and enabling the hidden Administrator account to no vail. Its not just Documents folder but Pictures as well. The permissions for the jain folder are okay, I think. Its the permissions of the Documents folder thats messed up. I can do everything with the hidden account, everything is fine there.

View 7 Replies

File Access Denied To Many Files?

Nov 16, 2015

Since Upgrading to Windows 10, I am now experiencing problems accessing many files?

How can I gain access to ALL my files?

Can this be done in one operation, easily, or is it difficult?

View 2 Replies

Access Denied When Running A Game EXE

Aug 1, 2015

I upgraded to Windows 10 Pro last night from Windows 7 Pro. It was a clean installation, the PC was reset to factory settings. I've installed Medieval 2 and Rome 1 games on my new Windows 10 and after the installation I try to launch and get the ''Access Denied Please login with administrator privileges and try again'' message.

I then go to my users tab in the control panel and it says my account is administrator, I've also tried going into the security tab on the exes and enabling full control but that doesn't work either and of course, I've tried running them as admin but nothing seems to be working.

Also, I'm using the original disk copies of the games and not the Steam versions, I've tried running some games on Steam that I have installed and they've run fine, but I don't own these 2 games on Steam.

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Access Denied When Trying To Backup To External HD

Jan 14, 2016

So i have a folder in which i do all of my work, that's why it's a google drive folder located in C:UsersTaloGoogle DriveFacu

The thing is that i also want to back it up into my passport external drive (just in case). I'm using WD SmartWare software to do this. I have no problem in backing up my other files, but i can't get it to backup this google drive folder because it says "Access denied".

How i can allow access to that folder? I tried running the WD Smartware as administrator but the same happens.

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Can't Drag And Drop Files - Permissions And Security Settings?

Dec 11, 2015

Ever since i've updated to Windows 10 i've been having an issue with permissions which im unable to fix.

Basically all of my software and files located on a non-system hard drive appear to be restricted in one way or another despite the fact that i've manually set all of the permissions and made myself an owner of an entire hard drive.

Here are the examples of issues i've experienced:

1) I can't run any software i've installed on that hard drive unless im running it as administrator. This includes GOM player, Adobe Photoshop, Filezilla, Steam and other applications. I can run any software on a system disk without confirming it first as administrator though.

2) I can't drag and drop files from that hard drive to or from installed applications like GOM and VLC player's or Adobe Photoshop - it just won't let me since the cursor changes into a cross. If i installed the software on a system drive - i can drag and drop files (movies, photos, etc) just fine when i need to play something in VLC or edit files in Photoshop.

3) I couldn't use archives and drag and drop files from and to archives without a warning about "harmful files" popping up constantly until i installed winrar on a system disk.

4) Some files gotten locked if they were downloaded from the internet. I think i was able to fix that by editing permissions and security settings in gpedit.msc and explorer though.

Is there a reason why this keeps happening?

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