Extend The Desktop When Using Dual Monitors?

Oct 6, 2015

What I would like to do is to Connect Two Monitors to my Computer (which I have already done)

But how do I display different Content on each Monitor.

As an example, I would like one Monitor to display my email all the time while using the other Monitor for normal Surfing

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Dual Monitor - Extend These Displays Not Working (duplicate View Only)?

Oct 6, 2015

After upgrading to Windows 10, the "extend displays" function is not functioning well on my PC (ASUS monitors; ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO display adapter). I have tried disconnecting & reconnecting and have tinkered with most related settings I am aware off, but all in vain.

I found a crude workaround accidentally. I restart my PC from the log in screen until the dual monitors start in the extended view (how this works!). It usually takes about two to three restarts.

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Different Wallpapers For Dual Monitors?

Aug 18, 2015

So whenever I'm setting up my background, it applies the image to both without giving me the option to set for a certain monitor.

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Task View With Dual Monitors

Mar 21, 2015

I have a dual monitor setup:

- Main screen, where I work using different applications in different virtual desktops.
- Secondary screen, where another application constantly running in the foreground (e.g.: showing a movie, youtube videos etc.), which I need to be always shown.

When I create multiple desktops in my main screen, Windows also creates the same desktops in the secondary screen.

When working, I alt-tab to move between main screen's applications, which potentially changes desktops.
The problem is that the same desktops are changed in my secondary screen; therefore, my application stops showing when changing desktops.

I was wondering if I can resolve this somehow. For example:

1) Disabling virtual desktops for my secondary monitor specifically
2) Copy application to all desktops (therefore, it shows regardless of which desktop I am switching)

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Customization :: Dual Monitors - Want Same Theme On Both

Nov 30, 2015

When I upgraded to Windows 10, all of a sudden, my NASA Hidden Universe slideshow theme displays different photos on my dual monitors. I prefer having the same picture displayed on both, as it did on Windows 7.

I'm running Windows 10 Professional.

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Screensaver Does Not Work With Dual Monitors

Jan 22, 2016

I've read pretty much all of the solutions offered up the the screensaver issues in Windows 10 [and the variety of issues indicates Microsoft has some work to do], but none of them seem to work for me.

I don't care about saving my monitor, or watching pretty pictures, or saving power. I need the screensaver for security reasons to lock the screen after an unattended time period. Apparently nobody else uses this feature, or if they do they haven't posted the problem on the web, or I simply haven't found it.

1. This is a clean install of Windows 10 Home. The dual monitors were installed AFTER the initial install, and the screensaver worked fine with that configuration. I'm now using an Nvidia Quadro NVS 295 graphics card with two identical Dell monitors. The latest driver is installed (dated Oct 2015).
2. I have no HID devices other than a wireless mouse and keyboard. I have tried a different mouse and keyboard to no effect. I have tried disabling the HID devices one by one to no avail.
3. If I disconnect one monitor at the computer, the screensaver still doesn't come on.
4. I have the screensaver set to "Blank", and the preview function works perfectly well, blanking both monitors.

No further way to try, other than buying a new graphics card and seeing if that solves the problem. The fact that the preview function works dissuades me from thinking the problem lies with the card. 

View 13 Replies

Customization :: Setting Different Backgrounds For Dual Monitors

May 26, 2015

If you have a dual monitors and want to set a different background for each. You don't need third party program to set them. Here's an easy way:

Copy the background images to: C:WindowsWebWallpaperWindows

Use CTRL key for multiple selection to select both backgrounds.Right click on one background->Set as desktop background

You should have a separate background for each monitor.

The background images will be stored under:

Transcoded_000 and Transcoded_001 without extension

If you want to swap the images, just rename 0 to 1, 1 to 0. Sign out and sign back in or right click on desktop and select: Next desktop background

Here's an example .....

View 9 Replies

Customization :: Dual Monitors - Synchronizing Slideshow

Aug 8, 2015

Upgraded to Win 10 (from Win 7) on Friday, very impressed. The only problem I'm having is that I have two monitors operating in dual mode and previously used to run a slideshow as the background and the same photo was shown on both monitors. In windows 10 for some reason the slideshows photos are not the same.

I've updated graphic card drivers etc and been through all setting I can think of, but just cannot synchronize things.

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Moving Windows Across Screens With Dual Monitors

Dec 2, 2015

Is there a way to get rid of the feature that means that i have to move my mouse quite drastically to get a window from one screen to the next?

With windows 10 they have given us the ability to snap a window to a side, that's great but when i want to move it to the other screen, its gets irritating, how do i get around this? I just want to disable the snapping of windows when my mouse goes near the middle of my two monitors, it was good on windows 7. I hope i have explained this correctly, its quite difficult mind.

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No Screensaver Or Sleep Mode On Dual Monitors

Aug 13, 2015

I have upgraded my pc to Windows 10 an ran all update drivers. But my dual monitors well not go into sleep mode or screensaver. I have a AMD A10-7850k with a ASUS A88x Pro mobo. tried restarting an no luck.

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Customization :: Dual Monitors / Show Stuff On Both Taskbars?

Jul 30, 2015

I have dual monitors on my computer. How can I show Clock, Date, WiFi, and sound on both Taskbars?

View 4 Replies

Dual Monitors - Mouse Movement Blocked Top / Bottom Of Screen

Jul 31, 2015

I've done some looking up on what the issue is, and I believe that it's something commonly referred to as "sticky corners". There is a few pixels space on the bottom and top of the screen (between both monitors) which does not allow mouse movement from one screen to the other. To get the mouse to the other screen, I need to drag the mouse down about a centimeter and then it moves across to the equal position on the other screen (not the very top, meaning that it's not a scaling issue). I drag windows around constantly, and they keep getting stuck in the top or bottom of the screen, and it's quite distracting.

As you see in the screenshot that I've attached, the small red line is where the mouse simply refuses to move across, regardless of the speed of the mouse.

This was apparently a feature in Windows 8.1 as well, which there was a solution for by messing around in the registry editor, however this is no longer the case in Windows 10 (the files which used to be edited are no longer there in 10).

How to disable these "sticky corners" ...

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Desktop Monitors Go To Sleep After About A Minute Of Inactivity

Aug 21, 2015

My desktop monitors go to sleep after about a minute of inactivity no matter what I set sleep mode to do. I currently have it on "never" and it still sleeps to the lock screen. Extremely annoying. I talked to some others having the same issue but no one has a clue or has seen the issue discussed.

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Can't Extend C Drive

Oct 22, 2015

I was installing Linux as second os and split my drive in partitions.

After 2 hours (and installing linux) I can't extend my primary drive into the space thats left. I right click and "extend" button is grey. i want my 100gb back.

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How To Extend The Size Of Partition

Sep 27, 2015

When I first got my PC I installed RAID 5 across it. I stupidly gave Windows 30GB and the rest as storage. Big mistake I know. Now I have no room at all to update windows and cant figure out how to extend the size of the partition. I would prefer to make a fresh install and give windows around 100GB and keep the rest for storage.. How would I come around to do this without losing the storage contents

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Drivers/Hardware :: Unable To Extend Partition

Nov 23, 2015

Since upgrading to Windows 10 I have had to keep extending the primary partition, now up to 250Gb and full. I do have free capacity on another partition from which I have been taking spare capacity with any problems so far, but the partition tool won't let me take any more.

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Drivers/Hardware :: No Given Option To Extend Volume

Nov 3, 2015

Okay, so I have a 3TB Seagate BUP BK External Harddrive, I recently partitioned it for some Ubuntu action. Problem is, I got rid of all the Ubuntu leftovers and now i'm not able to reunite the two parts on my HDD. However, I can do whatever the hell I want with the other two terabytes. I can partition, extend, and manipulate it however I want.

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Drivers/Hardware :: Cannot Extend Un-allocated Space

Sep 26, 2015

I cannot extend my c drive to take this unallocated space of 651MB? How do i do it?

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Unable To Extend Volume For OS (C) In Disk Management

Mar 11, 2016

I have received this message about not enough storage on my OC (C: ). So I searched and made changes to some of my files such as MyDocuments. I changed the location of it to my other disk (D: ). However, after a few days I get that message again so I have searched it up again and merging my extra space from other drive into OS(C: ). Perhaps looking at the image attached would explain my situation better than my English

My OC(C: ) Is only 119 GB and its almost full, yet I have plenty of storage in "Disk 2" as my "Data 2" File is empty. 

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Drivers/Hardware :: Extend Hard Drive Space?

Dec 13, 2015

I'm going under Computer Management>Disk Management and have deleted a partition which gave me the unallocated 48gb, and I'm trying to add that unallocated space to the main drive (C), and it's not letting me, When I right the C drive there is only a shrink volume option, the extended volume is shaded gray.

I have windows 10, not 8. I'll attach a picture. Dropbox - issue.png

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Drivers/Hardware :: Can't Extend Partition Into Unallocated Space

Jan 21, 2016

Until recently, I ran a dual boot system with Ubuntu - but for business reasons, I uninstalled it (along with it's bootloader). Anyway, I cleared up the hard drive space in the Disk Management app on windows 10, I have about 350GB free space from Ubuntu and I cannot extend the C: partition, you can see what I mean here

I can't seem to extend my partition and whatever program I use I have to buy the full version to extend my partition,

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Reallocate Space To C Drive - Extend Volume Button Greyed Out

Oct 10, 2015

So my C: Drive has been acting up lately, with barely enough space to stay alive. I tried to take some space off the D: Drive, which has 240 GB of unused space, and add it to the C: Drive using Disk Management. But when I shrink the D: Drive and Right Click on C: Drive the Extend Volume button is Greyed Out! I think this is happening because the Free Space is not adjacent to the C: Drive.

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Windows Moving Between Monitors By Themselves

Nov 6, 2015

I'm running Windows 10 Professional, and have a triple monitor setup. I have two 22" Dell monitors side by side, and I have my 55" Vizio TV mounted on the wall above my monitors. The Dell monitors are connected to my video card via VGA/DVI connections, and the TV is connected via HDMI.

Well, the annoying problem I'm having is that Windows 10 will randomly move my opened windows between monitors, but only when I'm not using the computer. For example, the Dell monitor on the right is my "main" display, where I usually keep my windows open (Chrome, uTorrent, etc.). If I turn off my monitor, later when I come back, I'll find the windows I left open on my left monitor, so I end up having to drag them back over. Another example is when I used Plex Home Theater. I run that program on my Vizio TV at all times. But if I don't close the program before I turn the TV off, it ends up getting moved to my Dell monitor on the left. Also, when I have my TV turned off, and I turn it on, it blacks out both of my Dell monitors for maybe 5 seconds, and during that time it moves whatever windows I had open on my right Dell monitor over to the left one.

I had Windows 8 and Windows 7 on this PC previously, and I never had any of these issues. I have the most current video drivers installed

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Mouse Gets Stuck Trying To Move Between Monitors

Oct 1, 2015

I have an annoying problem. When I move from my secondary LCD to the primary, sometimes the mouse won't cross the threshold unless I move it fast. I read about mouse monitor escape speed from this thread, but after adding the reg key to the control panel/desktop and the edgeui, I still have no luck.

I noticed the thread was old. Is this something where those fixes no longer work in the latest and greatest version of Win10? If so, is there a way to stop it from sticking?

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Customization :: 2 Monitors Only One Background Picture?

Apr 30, 2015

With the latest build 10074 there doesn't appear to be a way to use two different background pictures on two monitors. This feature has been available since Windows 7, perhaps earlier. I have provided that information to Microsoft.

Using a horizontal inversion on one picture makes a nice desktop background.

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App Launch Location When Using Multiple Monitors?

Oct 15, 2015

I use multiple monitors while at work (As I assume most people do now). One quirk I have seen on Windows 8/8.1 and now Windows 10 is how the start menu launches applications. Now that Windows has start menu access on all monitors is there a way to force the apps to launch on the monitor they are being launched from? For example, I use the start menu on Monitor 3 I would expect the app to launch on Monitor 3 not Monitor 1.

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