Pc Install Disk Does Not Recognize SSD

Aug 10, 2015

I want to clean install Windows 10 on another hard drive. When the custom dialogue comes up and it asks me which hard drive I want it to go on to, it does not give me the hard drive I want to put it on as an option. It is a 160 GB SSD. Windows 10 was registering it as a removable drive. I have a dual boot system and Windows 7 does not register it as a removable drive. It' s been working well as in internal drive for a couple of years until this Windows 10 thing.

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Installation :: Will Clean Install Attempt Recognize Windows 8.1 UEFI Stored Key

Aug 4, 2015

If I create a DVD with Windows 10 Home and try to perform a clean install on a computer that came with Windows 8/8.1 Home pre-installed. Will Windows 10 Home recognize and accept my genuine Windows 8/ 8.1 Home Key stored in UEFI or firmware etc?

By Clean install I mean not updating but directly trying to install on a computer, on which Windows 10 have never been installed before.

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Install From OEM Disk?

Oct 25, 2015

I have had no success in installing Windows 10 as an upgrade to Windows 7 on my newly built system. What I intend to do tomorrow is to install from the OEM disk which I just purchased for $117.14 from A...... I may return the Windows 7 disc ($61) for refund if it is successful. If not the Windows 10 disc goes back for refund and I will keep Windows 7. Yes, they will issue full refund and free return shipping no questions asked. That is an additional $56.14 to acquire Windows 10 (including a disc) but worth it to me I'd cross my fingers but those from my planet only have one digit per limb.

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Installation :: No Disk Install

May 31, 2015

Is there a way of going to 10 from 8.1 without burning an iso disk or USB, ie direct download and install.

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Refuses To Install Even On GPT Disk

Mar 16, 2016

I have an SSD with an OS already installed, now I want to install Windows 10 on another partition.The things is, when it's time to select the partition on the installer, it says that i can't install windows on the disk because it has an MBR table, and EFI needs to be put in a GPT one.

The problem is:

1) The disk is already formatted for GPT due to the old OS already installed on it.

2) i CANNOT format the entire drive!!! I need that OS there and currently i don't have ways to backup my data.

So my question is:Is there a way to fix this WITHOUT wiping the whole SSD? Because I've already googled everything related to this problem and EVERY WHERE the solution is to format the entire drive (which again it's not a solution for me).

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How To Make Install Disk

Jul 31, 2015

after activating windows 10 upgrade, how do you make the install disk so no key is needed and that you can do a clean install

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Installation :: Clean Install To Different Disk Drive?

Aug 10, 2015

I have successfully upgraded to Windows 10 from Windows 7 (and solved the initial network connection problems).

However my OS has a lot of crud from the pre-upgrade state and I would like to do a clean install of Windows 10, without losing any old data files. I've read online guides on doing clean installs of Windows 10, but it is not clear whether you can only install into partitions that already have a valid Windows OS installed.

My computer has two identical hard disks, one of which is (or can be made) blank so what I would like to do is keep one with the 'cruddy' version of Windows 10 - at least until I have copied over all the files I want to keep and made sure I've installed all the software I want on the new 'clean install' Windows 10.

So, are there people out there who have done this? Are there things I should look out for?

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Installation :: Install Disk Black Screen

Jan 21, 2016

When I go to repair Windows 10, I put in the install disk, it goes to the windows logo with the dots spinning around at the bottom then to a black screen. I left this for 1 hour and it did not progress. The disk also seems to have stopped spinning. The disk works in other computers.

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Installation :: Can't Seem To Make A Recovery Or Install Disk

Dec 31, 2015

I've tried using the "Create a Recovery Drive" and have tried making my own installation media using the "Media Creation Tool". Both seem to do nothing, just constantly search. The Media Creation Tool stays on the "getting a few things ready" screen for upwards of half an hour then I'll close it and it'll say "setup is cleaning up before it closes" and it'll stay on that screen forever. Even task manger won't close it - it will not show up as a process any longer, but still on the screen. EDIT: I have to shut down the computer to close the window.

Create a Recovery Drive, when choosing "Back up system files to the recovery drive", does pretty much the same thing, a screen with a green progress bar going left to right for hours. I'm trying to put it, either way, on a 32gb USB flash drive.

Its a new computer no software has been installed by me other than the MCT and a tool to find the windows product key. I'm very new to Windows 10 coming from XP.

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Installation :: How To Install With Minimizing Used Disk Space

Aug 27, 2015

how can I install Windows 10, that it uses the less disc space, it can? My problem is, that I have laptop with 64 GB SSD, and after upgrading (from windows 8.1) to Windows 10, the used space is more than 35 GB, so now I have a very little free disc space now.

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Installation :: Can Convert Disk To MBR And Install Windows

Aug 31, 2015

I know I need to disable secure boot in order to change the boot sequence. I ran into an issue trying to install Windows 10 on a GPT partition - it said it couldn't do it. So...after much searching, i learned (??) i need to use diskpart to clean the partitions to create one large unallotted space which would then allow me to install Windows. My question is, can i convert the disk to mbr and install Windows to it that way and run it in that mode. If i can do that, what would be the command to do that? > convert mbr after the clean command?? What about enabling secure boot?? Can i do that if i have installed Windows under MBR rather than GPT?

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Installation :: Install Windows 8.1 On New Hard Disk Before Upgrading?

Jan 30, 2016

I have a laptop that came with Windows 8.1. The hard drive failed and has been replaced with a new hard drive. If I want to install Windows 10 on this laptop, do I first need to install Windows 8.1. and then perform the upgrade to Windows 10, or can I just install Windows 10? Will Windows 10 use the Windows 8.1 license key in the BIOS to activate? Or will this not work unless I first install Windows 8.1. and then upgrade to Windows 10?

This computer has never had Windows 10 on it.

The computer has a new unformatted hard disk that has never had Windows 8.1. installed.

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Installation :: Completely Format Over Disk Partition Before Doing A New Install On New Drive

Feb 23, 2016

I have to do an install of Windows 10. It was only a few days ago I just installed to a hdd. The hdd is clearly screwed at a certain point. I copied a load of stuff to it and it is now totally locked into doing something. Whatever it is trying to figure out - I have seen it do it before. Just to cut a long story short - I am about to install win10 to a new drive. ssd incidentally.

do I need to completely format over that disk partition with win 10 on it before doing a new install on the new drive? What I am asking is whether it will refuse to license it if it detects another win10 on the system. Just that portion of the disk is screwed but I have stuff on different parts of that disk that are fine... They can stay. I will simply consider that partition out of bounds from now on.

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Installation :: Perform Clean Install On Disk That Has Data Partition?

Aug 20, 2015

I've been considering shrinking my one disk (disk 0) to create another volume, a data partition, but I'm still not clear what happens in the event that I want to refresh, reset or clean install Windows 10 in the future. Would the data partition remain or, as I thought I read, Windows will format the entire disk?

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Very Slow Boot And High Disk Usage When Logon After Clean Install?

Jul 29, 2015

I was having long boot time issues with windows 7. It was taking more than 5-6 mins for my pc to become responsive on desktop. Then I upgraded windows 10 today , issue still persisted. After that , I tried clean installing the 10.

I still have issues which are :

1)After Windows logo I have a black screen for a couple of minutes then logon screen comes. ( Last reboot : 1.5 mins )

2)After logon , my formatted pc takes some time to became responsive due the system and svchost processes using hdd %100.

(2mins after logon , usage goes down and pc is responsive)

I checked my HDD and it was fine when using win 7.

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Remove All Volumes Of Dynamic Disk And Convert It Back To Basic Disk And Format

Nov 5, 2015

I have a configuration where win 10 is installed on SSD but the Users folder is on a dynamic disk on HDD and the linking is made by a hard junction link from C: to D. I have removed paging on D as well as protection. Hence, I am able to remove all volumes of the dynamic disk and convert it back to a basic disk and format it.The problem is that I would like to keep all my installed programs (and settings, preferably). I have copied the Users directory to an external disk and copied them back to D after conversion. This seems to lead to a nonfunctional situation where I cannot even add a new user and most programs (even not all windows tools) do not work.What would be the best approach to avoid reinstalling the programs and to keep existing users? 

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Drivers/Hardware :: Cannot Change Dynamic Disk To Basic Disk

Nov 17, 2015

Running windows 10, due to some personal reasons want to change my dynamic disk to a basic disk... But the option for the same is greyed out in Disk Management.

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No Boot Disk Has Been Detected Or Disk Has Failed

Aug 25, 2015

So, after about 2 weeks of experiencing Windows 10 I've decided to revert back to Windows 8.1, since I was more experienced at it. So I followed every step to downgrade the system, waited for about a few hours, then I noticed that when Windows restarted, it somehow went to an "automatic repair" loop. I've tried literally everything there was so I can get it running again, but nothing seems to work. But, there was only one option, in which I feel like an idiot to try out.

I went to Command Prompt and typed in diskpart.exe, then enter. I then typed in LIST DISK, then SELECT DISK SYSTEM, and finally CLEAN. Since I thought at the time that CLEAN works like resetting the PC, I rebooted it again, and I came to an error message saying: No boot disk has been detected or the disk has failed.Is, or will there be any other way to start my PC in a condition like this? If I'm missing any other details then feel free to ask.

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Disk I/O Error - Replace Disk And Then Press Any Key?

Feb 2, 2016

Every time I boot up my pc I get a black screen with 2 lines of text "disk i/o error, replace the disk and then press any key". After I press any key pc boots up fine. Lenovo pc with Windows 10.

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Does Not Always Recognize MP4 Files

Aug 21, 2015

Sometimes the video streams, other times I get the message ...

Can't play. Try playing something else. This items file format may be unsupported, the file extension incorrect, or the file may be corrupted 0xc00d36c4 (0xc00d36c4)

I know that the file extension is correct, and the file is not corrupted.

I didn't ever have this problem when using Windows 7.

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Will Not Recognize The DVD / CD Drive Since Installing

Dec 4, 2015

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OS Won't Recognize Installed 3rd Party Fonts

Dec 3, 2015

A month ago I installed ~dozen 3rd party fonts - Stone Sans and Stone Serif (all OTF) - and all was fine. I was able to use them in InDesign and Word. Today, neither program sees the fonts and they aren't listed in the Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> Fonts directory, even though I installed them there a few weeks ago! When I go back to the individual font file and install, I'm told (by Win10) that they are already installed. I reinstalled them (just in case) and they still don't show up in the Fonts directory, nor are they accessible in ID or Word. So although I reinstall them, they are still "invisible" - I can't find them or use them. These are fonts I use a lot so I can't just use other fonts. I bought them from myfonts.com so they are legit copies AND I've used them on this laptop (Thinkpad Yoga 14) just a few weeks back.

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Drivers/Hardware :: CD / DVD Won't Recognize Disks

Dec 1, 2015

New win 10 and new dirve .drive shows in 'this computer'. Cant recognize any disks. here is the event log:

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No Longer Recognize Hard Drive

Feb 10, 2016

i have windows 10 installed and generally like it. and the only thing holding me back from using edge, is there is no extensions for it. But the problem i have is that it runs fine, but suddenly it will no longer recognize the hard drive, and even startup diagnostics cant fix it. then ill have to stick the windows 10 usb in and boot that way and once im up and running using that method, i can pull the usb and windows 10 will boot normally to my hard drive.

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Networking :: Doesn't Recognize Ethernet

Nov 27, 2015

I ran Windows 8.1 on my desktop machine a few months ago, and later upgraded to Windows 10. Everything worked great at that time, but since have replaced Windows with Linux. Now I'm trying to install Windows again, with the same 8.1 disk that I used for my earlier installation, and my ethernet connection isn't found. (this is a direct wired ethernet, not wireless) I've installed with a local user account, dug into every networking utility in Windows, but whatever I do the internet goes undetected. I've run the ethernet thru different routers, and even circumvented the router all-together, but no luck. Has my 8.1 disk "expired"?

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Do Not Recognize The Image System In A Backup

Oct 26, 2015

I had updated windows 7 home premium to windows 10 then when the update was complete I created a backup image of the whole system.... and saved in an external HD. then my fixed disk died, replaced by a new fixed HD I can not recover the backed up windows ten image from my external HD ... is that due that when replaced the new HD I am contrived to recover the system with windows 7 home premium and windows 7 do not recognize the backed image of windows 10?

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