'Exceeds The Limit Of 1,000 Row (actions) For A Macro' But Does Not Apply!

Jun 17, 2005

I have a table used for years. I added new fields bringing number to 160.
When I go to insert another row, I get message saying 'Row inserted in the grid exceeds limit of 255 rows for table or 1,000 rows (actions) for a macro.'

BUT as the number of records had not increased and I am under the 255 limit why the error message?

I tried in vain to copy and compact/repair the database, but still no luck.



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Forms :: Macro To Apply Filter - Search Multiple Fields

May 9, 2013

I'm trying to implement a macro to filter through accidents to see if my company has already been hired on a particular case.

In the first form the user enters the date, location, and last name of one of the drivers. Then they click a button which opens a new form as a datasheet with accidents that match ANY of the three controls. Evidently, I need a filter that contains some form of a series of OR operators.

However, whenever I try any variation of a button that opens the second form and then applies the filter, I always get no matches.

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General :: Automatically Add Information After Field Exceeds?

Sep 20, 2012

I have a field "Permit_Date_Expired" field automatically is created by adding one year to the "Permit_Date_Issued" field.

when the "Permit_Date_Expired" field exceeds TODAYS() date I want it to automatically change the field "Permit_Holder" to say Expired is this possible?

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Queries :: Counting Records Which Exceeds Monthly Average Value

Nov 14, 2013

I am currently working on a small database to track my own investment records.

I would like to create the function which enable to count the number of records that has exceeds the average value during that period.

Following is the SQL that I have managed to produce:

SELECT [ED 2013].Code, Count([ED 2013].Start) AS CountOfOpen1
FROM [ED 2013]
WHERE [ED 2013]![Date] Between #1/1/2013# And #2/1/2013# AND [ED 2013]![Start]>[ED 2013]![End]
GROUP BY [ED 2013].Symbol;

This SQL does work. However, when I try to add the Avg function. The Query stop working.

Meanwhile, I am wondering if there is any existing Ms Access template (free or commercial - but must be customisable ) available?

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Forms :: Restrict User To Enter Data If Dsum Exceeds Total

Sep 8, 2014

I need to be able to restrict users enter a value in the text box (on Form B) called "FTE Assigned" if Dsum of a field called "FTE Allocated" in another form A is less than what is going to be sum of FTE Assigned after the value is entered.

Both these forms are used by users to enter data in the 2 separate tables which are linked together through a join.

Master table - having FTE Allocated values and secondary table having FTE Assigned values.

Basically a message box would do if Dsum (of FTE used) is coming out higher than FTE allocated.

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How To Have Actions At The Close Of Mdb

Jul 13, 2006

How can I perform an action when ever the db closes…
Basically I have a table, users, and when the db starts a logon form is used. Once the logon is successful it records into the user table that a user is logged in. I want to at the close of the db rewrite the record to show that the user is not logged in.

So say user A logs in successfully so then the users table would show
Key | Name | password | logged date | currently logged on(these are the column headers)
Somekey | user a | ***** | somedate | yes

I want to rewrite the yes to a no when the db closes and the user is currently not logged on.
For the rewrite I can use a simple SQL statement to update the users table, the question is where would I place this code, the on close property for the switchboard is not enough, is there an on close property for the entire db.

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Prohibiting Certain Actions By Users?

Jan 6, 2007

Hello all,

About 2 years ago, I created a database (my first real one actually) which is extensively used. I havent had to maintain it too much in this time but I was looking at the live table data and noticed that the users are placing inappropriate entries in fields designed for other data such as listing the Company name where the last name of the person should appear and also they are using the first name field for the entire name of the person (lastname, firstname). Knowing this is an issue, I contacted the user who didnt seem to care as thats how they chose to use the database. Since Im the person who created it and Im ultimately responsible for it, I would like to prohibit these types of entries in the future. Does anyone know of a way to force integrity in an example such as what I outlined above? I thought about trying to prohibit the use of a comma in the form field, but then I suspect they would probably choose something else or nothing at all and we would be at the same point with no resolution. Im not trying to be a jerk, but the point of the DB is being tossed away because the users choose to be stupid. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Selecting Items And Automating Actions

May 19, 2012

I have a report, which shows all unsold items for a particular auction date, and I have created a form using this report.

I'd like my sister in law, to be able to go through and easily select which items to relist, and which to return.

I've tried using a subform, but I've either not done it correctly, or its not quite the right tool for the job. I've tried listbox control but can't get it to work properly either.

Once she has gone through the list ticking one or the other, I'd like to be able to automate with a button "Relist" and a button "ReturnItem".

I'd like Items to be returned - to automitcally close item off so it no longer incurrs a weekly listing fee and change status to "ReturnToSeller" and the relist ones, to create a new entry line into the main item table, with replicated information, except it clears out the "lot number", as they enter that manually when the generate a new list for the next auction, my ID numbers remain current and unchanged but the tableID is automated to a new one which is my key number.

then on my invoice, I get for instance, 3 rows for one Item, which could have 3 different lot and ID numbers, and get a listing fee of £1.20 for each week you see.

How can I automate the actions to relist and Return to Seller?

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Forms :: Buttons To Store Actions And Dates?

Apr 8, 2015

Suppose I need a database with customers, able to store: what different events, were performed on what date.

So let's say possible actions are: a customer called, emailed or visited.

(note, it might be possible that a customer both called, emailed and visited on the same day)

Should I start with four different tables for: customers, called, emailed, visited? Or would the three actions just go into one table?

Another aspect that I don't understand at all yet is how to proceed with the dates.

Should I create another table with a long list of possible dates for the coming x-years?

I would like it to work:

I am thinking about creating a form with buttons behind the terms 'called', 'emailed' and 'visited'. When one of those buttons is pressed, I want an entry for that action, day and customer entered in the database.

So that later on I could e.g. look up on what day how many customers called, etc. etc.

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Add Identifying Information For User Actions That Took Place

Oct 20, 2015

I don't know if this can be done. I'm using Access 2010 and I have users updating information on a hourly basis.

Can I have a field that basically shows the last user that edited the form or saved it?

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Edit A Query In SQL View To Perform Multiple Actions

Aug 11, 2005


How can I edit a query in SQL view to run multiple lines of SQL?

For example I can use the GUI to create a query, then in SQL view enter the following:

FROM Employees_copy;

which clears the Employees_copy table. Perfect. But what if I want to do this for mulitple tables in the same query eg for a second table Employees_copy_2 as well? I've tried

FROM Employees_copy
FROM Employees_copy_2;

which gives a syntax error, as does

FROM Employees_copy,
FROM Employees_copy_2;

any suggestions?

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Automatically Updating Client Settings For Confirm Actions

Feb 27, 2014

how I can automatically change the Client settings either with a macro or code. Specifically for the three confirm actions (Record Changes, Document deletions and Action queries). I have a database that is distributed to end users in different offices around the world. The old way lazy way, was to go to each computer and set these settings to "off" manually, but this isn't possible. I want to be able to run delete queries and action queries in the back end without the end users knowing its happening and having to select yes all the time.

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Forms :: Data Not Updating When Open Form - Refresh Actions?

Jan 31, 2014

Test findings showed that when I open a form the data does not update. I added a refresh action after the openform action. If I want to open three forms via the macro, do I need three refresh actions, one after each openform action, or simply a single refresh action that would apply to all three forms.

Scenario 1:OpenForm1, Refresh, OpenForm2 Refresh, OpenForm3, Refresh
Scenario 2:OpenForm1, OpenForm2, OpenForm3, Refresh

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Modules & VBA :: Write A More Complex Macro That Will Start Another Macro At Preset Time

Dec 8, 2013

I am trying to write a more complex macro that will start another macro at a preset time, however I am getting stopped at the first hurdle - getting a macro to run another macro.

Here is the code i am using at the moment, all I want to do currently is click the first button, then get the second macro to execute. But no luck, getting error 2157 "cannot find the procedure"

Private Sub Command3_Click()
MsgBox "1st macro running", vbExclamation, "Note"
Application.Run "teststart1"
' Application.OnTime TimeValue("19:55:00"), "teststart1"


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Cannot Apply Filter?

Mar 27, 2007

I have a query where on an IIF result a field is displayed or an "OK"

I have an imported field of 6 chrs where I only want the left 5 so I use
Loc:=Left([Location],5) ,

I then compare the result in, MoveTo: to another fixed field [PreferLoc]

MoveTo: IIf([Loc]=[PreferLoc],"OK",[PreferLoc])

I wish to citeria out all the "OK" values so I have <>"OK" in the critria section but when I try to run the query I am presented with a selection box asking for Loc
This Query feeds a report so I set the filter to yes in the report properties and use [MoveTo]<>"OK" as the filter and this works great until I close and reopen the app where the filter has gone ?
Can anyone advise where I am going wrong with my query and or my report ?

thanks in advance

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Apply A Sort

Oct 21, 2005

Hello Everyone

I have a form with a "Keyword Search" This functions great. It applies a filter when I do the search. Which is what I want.
But when I'm done, I want the filter removed. I can do this with a macro "ShowAllRecords". This works fine when I click on the command button it is applied to. The only thing is, it is no longer sorted by the "Auto" number field :( . I would like this to be done automatically when I remove the filter.

Is there any way to do this without clicking on my field, and then clicking on the "sort" button on the toolbar?

Thanks for any help.

:p Up to now, I've been able to find the answers to my questions by doing a search on this forum.
So thanks to everyone who has been answering everyone's questions


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How I Can Apply Alphabetic Grade

Dec 7, 2005

Hello friends.....
I am new here... and want your help...
Please tell me how I can apply alphabetic grade (A, B, C or F) in MS access

For example we have these marks of students


Then how I can apply grade to these values..

Hopping to see u soon.
Take care, and have a good time.

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Survey - Check All That Apply

May 23, 2007

I will have the following tables:

QuestionID -PK
SurveyTakerID - PK

You get the idea - a normalized table.

Anyway for questions that state "check all that apply" I could either store in the Response Field a yes, or a no (or a number code for those answers) OR simply store the yes values for ones that are checked. Seems like the latter, but for querying later, will I run into problems? I have had different views based on reviewing posts.

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Apply Code For Each Record

Aug 19, 2004

I have a form where people can enter multiple records. In a command button on that form I have code that assigns a unique identifier for the record. Unfortunately I am getting an error and I think it is b/c the code is not running for each record. Is there a way to tell the code to run once for each record?


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ADP/ Apply/filter Error

Jun 13, 2006


I am working on an ADP ( first time working with this ). I have a form that is based on a parametized query.

The record source for the form is the parametized query which works fine the first time it is brought up. When the user wants to change the client number, a button "change client" is clicked and the event that gets triggered is openform=("edit client")...... Well, instead of being prompted, I get the error "The ApplyFilter action contiains a filter name that cannot be applied".... When I do a right -click on that same button, and "remove filter "I can get my prompt, but I dont want to keep doing that. I am not sure how to remove the filter from this button. I am not sure what the error message is telling me. Thanks for your help.

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Apply Filter In ACCDR

May 6, 2015

I have created a runtime setup package for a friend to let her use my Access 2010 application, without having to purchase Access 2010. However, the ApplyFilter macro in one of the forms doesn't work in the runtime environment. The message suggested I use a SelectObject before ApplyFilter but that gave me another error.

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Apply A Filter To A Form

Mar 26, 2015

How do I apply a filter that automatically loads when a form is opened? For example, I have a check box and I only want to load records where the box is checked.

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Apply Changes From Date Changed

Jun 12, 2014

I have a database that contains a table with all tasks made in our team and the time it takes to perform the task. I have another table with month, year and value in which I put month after month the volumes that each task handles. So, in a query I multiply the time to perform the task and the volume; month after month I have different results. However "the time to perform the task" may vary depending on processes improvements that we made. If before I had 5 minutes to perform the task and now I have 2, I change it and then the results on the query are changed for all months. I do not know if there is a way to specify that that change must be applied from the month where it is updated to the following months and not retroactively.

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Apply A Filter To A Recordset

Aug 13, 2014

I have an issue trying to apply a filter to a record-set. Here's the code:

Dim choice As String
Dim rset1, rset2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim dbs as DAO.Database
Dim var As Variant


Whenever the last line is executed, i.e. rset2=rset1.OpenRecordset, I get the following error message:<<<Too few parameters, Expected 2>.. It used to work before? Maybe an issue with my library?

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Apply 'save Formatted' To Reading?

Jul 2, 2007

I have a DB with tables where the primary key fields are autoincremented, but with formatting applied.

Formatting is for example "CC"000000 so record 1 will be CC000001.
(each table has a different alpha prefix)

This works fine, except the database content is being read by another application, and it sees only the 1, 2, 3 etc.
Exporting the data to Excel format proves that this is due to Access not the other application.

However, if I export to Excel format, and tick the "Save Formatted" option, the data exported is as I require, CC000001, CC000002 etc.

Is there a setting or way to make Access present the data when it is read by another application to be the 'formatted' version of the data?

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Is There A Way To Apply A Different Filter To Each Column In A Table?

Apr 18, 2007

Is there a way to apply a different filter to each column in a table without the filters affecting each other?

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