Forms :: Button Import Database And Filter By Variable

Nov 19, 2014

I wanna create a button in form which can allow me to import database and when i select my file , i can select just the variable that i need .

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Modules & VBA :: Button In Form -Selection Variable Table To Import

Nov 19, 2014

I wanna create a button in form which can allow me to import my data base file with some tables , i would select just the variable that i need in the table not all of them .

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Forms :: COUNT Inquiry - 3 Drop Down Button That Filter Category Of Items In A Database

Jul 15, 2014

There are 3 drop down button that should filter category of items in a database:

Category 1
Category 2
Category 3

Whatever users choose in category 1, it will filter the items in Category 2. whatever users choose in category 2, it will filter the items in category 3. users can choose 1 to 2 categories or sometimes the 3 categories. the items will show in a subform. the subform are getting the items from a query. the dropdown button gets its value from a Table.

My challenge is that, i want to get the number of items in Category 1 once users chose it. if they choose something in Category 2 the number of items will change also. there will be 3 textbox for Category 1 COUNT, Category 2 COUNT, and Category 3 COUNT.

as of now, what im getting is only the filtering of Category 1 and Category 1 COUNT.

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Forms :: Command Button - Set A Default Filter And Filter On Load

Aug 13, 2014

I have a continuous form based on table "INCOMES" that shows all the payments received, which mediums can be (field "PMNT_MEDIUM"):

- check
- transfer
- taxes
- cash

Table "INCOMES" is filled using another form, but in this particular form I just want to show "check", "transfer" and "cash" (not "taxes") so that I can track all the cash incomes.

Note: taxes are loaded because they appear in my invoices and I need them there to reach the invoice total amount.So my form has a search bar which allows me to search by PMNT_MEDIUM listing all "checks", all "cash" or all "transfer". I can also search by payment number (meaning: check number). To that end I have a "search" button that applies the filter. And I have another button that "cleans" the filtering by "putting a "" in the search-bar and then calling the "on click" of the search button".

What I need is, no matter if I click over the "search" or "clean" button, it NEVER shows me the "taxes".Search button, on click code:

If IsNumeric(Me.busq_chq_med) Then
Me.Filter = "[PMNT_MEDIUM] like'" & Me.SEARCH_BAR & "*'"
Me.Filter = "[PMNT_MEDIUM] like'" & Me.SEARCH_BAR & "*' or [INVOICE] like'" & Me.SEARCH_BAR & "*'"
End If
Me.FilterOn = True

Clean filter button, on click code:

Call [Search button]_click
Me.Filter = "[PMNT_MEDIUM] like'" & Me.SEARCH_BAR & "*'"
Me.FilterOn = True

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Forms :: Filter Button On Form As Filter

Aug 1, 2013

I have placed a filter button on a form as a filter and written the following on-click event procedure:

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdApplyFilterSort
Me.FilterOn = True

When I click the filter button I get a blank message box titled 'Microsoft Access" and an OK button, when closed the filter works perfectly.I have checked this procedure in other forms and it works without showing the blank message box.The only difference with this form is that its control source is a union query.

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Forms :: Adding Import Command Button To A Form

Nov 4, 2014

i am trying to add an import command button to a form so that personnel not familiar with Access can simply push the button and then select the file to import. I want it to import information to a specific table by replacing all records in the current table with the import. I am not the best at coding, but I can understand enough to figure out what I may need to do.

I will be exporting a table to excel from the database. Multiple people will have this database and often times will not be able to access a shared database, so I need to export the table and then set up a way for them to import the excel document into their database by deleting the information in the old one and then updating to the new one.

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Forms :: Filter Form Only By Clicking Button

Jul 22, 2013

Every Page has its on data source based on query, and they aren't related to Parent form or to each other. I want to set few buttons on every Page which would filter records in predefined way.Ex: one page has calculated field named [Za platiti]. It has numeric values form 0 up. I want to set one button to filter only records where field [Za platiti] is greater then 0, and other butt to filter only records where [Za platiti] is = 0. Other filters based on combo box I use regularly.

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Forms :: Apply Filter To List Box - Toggle Button

Dec 18, 2014

I have a form with data fields and a list box, data is coming from a query. When I add a toggle button to apply a filter to the data on the form, the data in the fields are filtered, but the list box still shows all the data items. How do I use a toggle button or something on the form that when activated it filters the data in the list box and the list box only shows the filtered content.

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Forms :: Filter Form With Two Text Boxes / Command Button?

Mar 22, 2013

I am trying to filter a form by using two unbound text boxes that a user can enter in their criteria and then clicking a command button to filter the form using the criteria entered into the text boxes. My fields are as follows:

Bound Field: MondayD1
Unbound text box: txtMonday
Bound Field: SundayD7
Unbound text box: txtSunday
Command Button: cmdSelect
MondayD1 = txtMonday
SundayD7 = txtSunday

I have looked up several options using vb for the on click event of the command button but I either get an error message or the form shows up blank.

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Forms :: Import Changes Into Proper Database

Mar 26, 2013

I have updated my copy of a database which included updates to a number of forms. I now want to import those changes into the proper database, so I used the Import function. I didnt get any errors when I imported everything, but the forms do not work as they did in my copy of the database.

One of the forms that dont work comprises of a number of drop down boxes, I have updated these so that the user has a filtered selection, to do this I put an SQL function in the Row Source property. This SQL function has been copied over correctly in the imported form, in fact when I go into the form in design view to check this fact then revert it back to normal view (after having not changed anything) it then works and all the other drop down boxes that didnt work on that form now work! How can viewing a form in design view and not changing anything make it now work?

So I could go into each form in the design view, check the Row Source property, then revert back to normal view and it would solve the problem of my forms not working, but, this database that I am importing the forms into is the back end of a split database and the first thing that the front end of the database does is import the changed objects into its database but the forms dont work.I have made changes in this way before and not had any problems before.

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Forms :: Display Row Names And Blank Table Until Filter Button Is Pressed

Jan 7, 2015

So what I've basically got here is a form with 4 combo boxes and a button that when clicked will filter the results of a table (which is a subform/subreport) based on the values inside the combo boxes. So the problem I have is that when I open up the form it displays a fully filled table but I just want to display the row names and a blank table until the filter button is pressed.

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Forms :: Create A New Blank Database And Import Everything?

Nov 22, 2013

I have comboboxes on forms that i have entered the values for the drop down list in.They are on a form with textboxes and go through a one to many relationship via an intermediate table.I deleted one value from the list as it was no longer required and i also deleted the records that used to use that name.

When i looked at the list, the value is still there?I tried inserting a new Combo Box - the same?Will it clear if i create a new blank Database and import everything?

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Modules & VBA :: Import From Excel (variable Ranges)

Jun 12, 2014

I am trying to import data from an Excel file to MS Access (2013).

The Excel sheet consists of 700 columns. A group of 7 columns (always same header) are to be implement in Access one among the other.

That means:

At first columns A-G, than columns H-N, than columns O-U

I am trying to solve this with a loop (as you can see in the code)

But, if I start the modul I get this error:

"Runtime error 1004. The method Worksheets for _Global object failed"

But the module works, of I start it a second time. The error message appears only at the first start.

Apart from that, the code works. Sometimes, the module imported empty rows into the Access table.

Sub ExcelImport()
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Set xlApp = New Excel.Application
xlApp.Workbooks.Open FileName:="C:Users...DesktopBeispiel.xlsx"

[Code] ......

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How To Create Filter Button On Form And Filter Records

Nov 26, 2012

How can I create a "Filter Button" on a form and filter my records? I create a textbox on a form and a filter button on the right. Then I click the filter futton, the filter function will search/match the content in the box through the datasheet. And then the results of the filtering will be pop up on the split form datasheet.

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Filter Query With More Than 1 Variable Problem

Jun 2, 2007

Can someone help me with this filter query problem i have?

My query contains a criteria [forms]![buyform]![Grp]

Grp is set up as an invisible text box on my form called 'buyform'

Problem i have is i want to be able to sort my query records using multiple variables.

For instance in my code, if i set Grp = "Paul", then the query will filter all the records with Grp set to Paul this works fine, but if i set Grp = "Paul And John" i get no output.

How do i fix my query such that i can pass more than 1 condition to it from my VBA code?


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Using Variable In Filter Property (in Code)

Mar 28, 2006


Me.Filter = "Country = 'USA'"
Me.FilterOn = True

can i use a variable instead of the text 'USA'

give me an example if any pls.

thanks for help.

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General :: Variable Button Label

Oct 28, 2014

I have a printed form that pulls some of its data from a table.What i need is that printed form to have a variable that two area in the form can change based on who is printing the form.I have a table that has all the users data in it. the current form pulls that information from the label and places it into the for. easy enough so far right.

for example. But i need this printed form to be able to be dynamic. So for instance Tom inst sitting that the computer wanting to print the form and so on for four different users who will print the form.So the button that allows the print either needs a way to have a selection or i need four different button. So the second part of this Mark Twain quits his job and Johnny takes his place. easy enough to change the data in the table that my form is pulling the data from but the button label needs to change to that the button.

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Forms :: Hide A Button When A Record Is Found In Database

Jun 24, 2015

I want to show/hide a button on my form.The button is for entering a new record in the table of the database.Now when i Load the form, i want to check if there are already records in the table for a specific lanID. When there are no records, the butten has to be displayed. When there are already records for that lanID the button has to be hidden.

I have found some code to tackle that, but When i use the rs.MoveLast it hides the button when there are records, but when there are no records it gives an error that there are no records found. I almost forgot to say that i use Access 2010..Here is the code that i use:


Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim SQL As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim landmeterID As String
landmeterID = [Forms]![MainForm]![LanIDTxt]
SQL = "select * from dbo_Lan_Opleiding where Id_landmeter ='" & landmeterID & "'"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL)


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Forms :: Search Button On Navigation Form In Database

Jul 30, 2013

How can I put search button on the navigation form to search all form in my database? I have eight form I would like to be able to search to be able to pull all information for one student worker.

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Forms :: Button To Make A Copy Of Entire Database

May 28, 2015

Is there any way i can a button on a form which will make a copy of my entire database?

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Loading Button Caption To Global Variable

Nov 13, 2013

I have a form with up to 100 buttons generated based on a number of conditions. I am trying to pass the caption of a button to a sub so that I can open the correct forms. When a button is clicked how can I read it's caption. Me.caption is reading the form caption.

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Forms :: Create A Button That Search In All Fields Of Database Table

Dec 1, 2013

I am new to MS Access! I have design a database and a form to record the information of customer feedback.

The first thing I want is to search the record from the whole database. Secondly I want to print that searched record. And finally I want to make a Form Reset Button.

I have made a "Clear" button but it is not working correctly and removes the record from the database after saving.

I have attached the database!

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Forms :: Sort Listbox With A Button - Find Records In Database

May 3, 2013

I have a Listbox that I use to find records in the Database. It has two fields, [ShootID] and [ShootDate]. It is curently sorted in the query by [ShootID] but I want the user to be able to change it to sort by [ShootDate] and then back again.

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Forms :: Task Storage Database - Form With Multiple Items And Submit Button

Oct 6, 2014

I have this database with the purpose to storage all the tasks that are done in my team. I have a table named Tasks with all their fields. Now, I would like to set a more user friendly way for clients to update this table. I have created another table with a list of most common tasks, so when a client wants to add their tasks list they can choose one of this tasks and add it to the list. I had created a form with multiple items that contains the common tasks and next to each task a button that adds the information they choose into the table "Tasks". This works just fine. However, I would like to add a single button at the top to add all the tasks instead of having to choose one after one.

The "Add All tasks" button has this code:

Private Sub Command79_Click()
Dim valSelect As Variant, MyDB As DAO.Database, MyRS As DAO.Recordset
Set MyDB = CurrentDb()
Set MyRS = MyDB.OpenRecordset("Tasks", dbOpenDynaset)

[Code] ....

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Making A Button To Import .csv Files

Feb 8, 2006

Hello, i want to make a button on my form to input .csv files. What is the best way to do this? I simply want to click the button and be asked for the csv location, i want the csv to be imported and be formatted. Whats the best way to do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Import Button To Ask For Location Of File

Oct 22, 2013

I have been searching all over on how to create an import button on a form in access 2010 where I can set which table it should copy the data into but the user could locate the import file.

NOTE: the reason being I have locked all the ribbons...

If necessary I could make a specific import template file which would have all the headings locked...

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