Forms :: Memo Field Display In Form

Apr 1, 2014

I have a form with a memo field which is used by users to input transctiptions of Customer Contacts but the form is getting busy and the box now only 2.77 wide X 0.683 High.

this makes it impossible to read on the form even as a text box with to add a mouse over on it so that it fires up a large text/meg style box to display the contents?

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Memo Field Display & Convert Text When Exporting?

May 29, 2005

I use a memo field in a form. This memo field is used to store "steps" for doing something.

To keep things neat, I use ENTER between the steps so there is a blank line between each. This looks good in the form, however... I export this information (from the table) to a CSV/text file to use online. My online script requires that each record occupy only one line. But, the exported file has separated the "steps" into multiple lines just as it appears on the form.

I would like to use the HTML tag <BR> to separate the line feeds in the CSV file. I can enter these in the FORM instead of pressing ENTER, but then the form looks bad - harder to read.

Is this possible to do with code or filters or ??

Thanks for the help!

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Forms :: Using A Form To Search Keywords In Memo Field

Dec 6, 2013

Currently, I am trying to search a memo field on a table by having the user enter keywords on a form (up to 10 keywords can be entered). It works when just one keyword is entered, however it doesn't work if more than one is entered. How do I account for more than one keyword being entered to search the memo field and return the recors where any of the terms show up in that field. Each one of the keywords [KW1] ...etc are in a separate unbound box.

Current formula looks as follows:
Like "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW1] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW2] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW3] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW4] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW5] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW6] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW7] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW8] & "*" OR "*" & "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW9] & "*" OR "*" & [Forms]![KeywordInputForm]![KW10] & "*"

Should I be using AND?

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Forms :: Include Scroll Bar On A Memo Field In A Form

Oct 24, 2014

I gather that there is no way to include a scroll bar on a memo field in a form. What is the best workaround? The source is a mysql odbc table. It is set as medium text and comes into Access 2010 as a memo field. For a user coming to this field to read the material entered there, unless they click somewhere within the field, there isn't a scroll bar. It isn't obvious that that is what they need to do to see all of it. Is there any way to work around this limitation?

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Display Text From One Memo Field And Multiple Records In A Report

Apr 10, 2008

I have an Access database where we grade reports. At the end of the grading form I have a memo field [Comments] for the grader to enter comments about why the report received the grade [Grade]. Each report is graded by multiple people. So for example, ReportNum 08-001 may be graded by 5 people and therefore will have 5 records in the database. I need a report to show all the comments for all the reports where the grade is <80. I know how to do this except for how to display all the comments from the memo field in the 5 records on one report for that ReportNum.

I hope I am making sense. I appreciate any help.


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Modules & VBA :: Unbound Textbox To Display Memo Field Based On Listbox Record Selection

Apr 21, 2014

My table:

- HeatTreatmentID - PK
- HeatTreatmentDesc - Text
- HeatTreatmentDetails - Memo

My form has a listbox (lstHeatTreatments - Multi-Select disabled) that displays Heat Treatment descriptions and an unbound textbox (txtHTDetails) that I would like to have display the corresponding memo field when a description is selected from the listbox.

This is my code so far:

Private Sub lstHeatTreatments_AfterUpdate()
Dim myConnection As ADODB.Connection
Dim myRecordSet As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim mySQL As String
Dim selectedRequirementKey As Long
Set myConnection = CurrentProject.AccessConnection
Set myRecordSet.ActiveConnection = myConnection


When I run the code I get an error:


Run-time error '-2147352567 (80020009)':

The Value you entered isn't valid for this field

When I debug, it highlights:


Me.txtHTDetails = myRecordSet.Fields

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Forms :: Need A Form Which Will Display More Than One Field Per Line

Sep 2, 2013

I am teaching myself Access 2007. I have a successfully imported my database to a table, and now I want to design Forms and Reports. It seems Access wants to basically display the data in either one of two formats, either Columnar, or Tabular. One Form displays the data in columns, with one field per line, and the other displays the data in rows, with one whole record per line. I need a Form (and Report) which will display more than one field per line, and use more than one line. For example, some lines will have 2 or 3 fields, then the next line may have only 1 or 2 fields. Following is a print-out of a record from my existing database (stored in a comma delineated .txt file and read and printed by a program written in DOS, QBasic):
461-1036 :c: Assignment of O&GL
Feb 28, 2008 Filed: Mar 20, 2008
Grantor(s): Plains Exploration & Production Company;
Plains Resources Inc.; Pogo Producing Company LLC;
Pogo Panhandle 2004 LP; Latigo Investments LLC;
Latigo Gas Services LP; Latigo Petroleum Inc.;
Latigo Petroleum Texas LP
Grantee(s): Oxy USA Inc.
Comment: Assigns 50% of Assignors' interest;
CORRECTION ASSIGNMENT at 466-493 deleting certain
properties from the description

[The attached .pdf file shows a better view of the print-out]This data is abstracted version of a document recorded in the public record in a courthouse. On the first line there are 3 fields:

1) the Volume-page,
2) A notation that we have a copy of the document, and
3) the title of the document.

On the 2nd line there are 2 fields:

1) the date of the document and
2) the date the document was filed in the courthouse.

The next 3 fields are displayed one at a time in columns. How I can get Access 2007 to display like this?

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Display Field From A Query On A Form Not In The Forms Record Source

Jul 27, 2005

In short can I display a field on a form that is not in the forms field list without using a sub-form? I am trying to show a value from a query on this form. I tried this in the control source:
[qry_op500_entry_delta]![countofphone model]
I get an error stating that this is not in my field list for the form.
If the answer is No or if needed I can give more information on what I am trying to do.

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Forms :: Display Field From Separate Table In A Form To Use As Reference

Mar 25, 2014

In my form (source tblJobs) i input a contract number from tblContracts. but i would also like it to show the contract address when the contract number is entered. Both fields belong to tblContracts but i only wish to enter the contract number, the address will just be used as a reference as it isnt something i would have to enter again.

So for example

112 - Main Road

If i enter 122 in my ContractNo field i would like it to show the contract address for that specific contract.

Can i do this? If So how?

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Forms :: DLookup - How To Get Combo Box To Display Data Into A Field In Form

May 16, 2014

My intentions are to get my combo box to display data into a field in my form, when it is changed/selection is made. So far my form has the following:

Combobox: CBOCharacters
Field: CharacterGender

Both of these are in the same table; tbl_Characters. The data type for CBOCharacters is a number and its called CharacterID in the table.

So far I have created this piece of code:

Private Sub CBOCharacters_AfterUpdate()
Me.CharacterGender = DLookup("CharacterGender", "qry_StillNeeded", "[CharacterID]= " & Me.CBOCharacters)
End Sub

When I run this event procedure i get an error:

Runtime error '2471'

The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this error '[CharacterID]'

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Forms :: Display Field List For The Table Associated With Form - Access 2010

May 21, 2013

I am new to Access 2010. When working with a form, how do I display the field list? The list of fields for the table associated with that form.

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Forms :: Display Description Field Instead Of Primary Key In Datasheet Of Split Form

Aug 8, 2014

I have a split form on my database where I have my combo boxes bound to a primary key but they display the description field so it's much easier to understand. Is there a way to do this with option groups? In other words, I would like the datasheet part to display the option group labels rather than the values so it is easier to understand.

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Forms :: Memo Field With Many Entries

Aug 25, 2014

A user enters text into a memo field for an existing client, then it's closed, the same record reopened and more entered into the memo.The problem is when it's reopened the existing text is hi-lighted, and it's really easy for someone to begin typing and write over it.I want to reopen it, create a new line, enter a date stamp maybe, create another line with the cursor in it, ready for the user to enter new text.

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Forms :: New Line In A Memo Field

Jun 1, 2013

When I am displaying a memo field, is there any way that I can force a new line? Can I add a character to the text to do that?

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Forms :: Memo Field Has Color

Jan 14, 2015

I have just noticed that one of my forms (memo field) with copied text from internet has lots of different color letters when the text is highlighted.

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Forms :: Prevent Wrapping In Memo Field Box?

Aug 28, 2013

Is there a way I can prevent wrapping in a memo field box?

I have a memo field with a list of email addresses and usernames however the email addresses often just wrap around the end of the memo box just creating a new line in the memo box rather than properly showing the email without the wrapping.

Even if the message scrolls out of the box, id rather that then wrap the text.

Also is there a way in which I can enable someone to open the "ZoomBox" whilst the text box is locked/disabled.

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Forms :: Memo Field In Rich Text Box

May 6, 2014

When I changed the memo field from plain text to Rich Text, I got the below divs and slashes. Is there any way to get rid of them?

<div>GC in process - EB1.</div>
<div> </div>

I had only "GC in process - EB1" in plain text.

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Memo Form Field

Jun 26, 2005

Hello All...
I've got an address multi-line field in my form. The user types his 1st line of address in the field, presses enter, types the 2nd line of the address, presses enter & so on....And submits the form. The problem is only the 1st line is uploaded into the access database. The field is a memo data type. Can anyone help me with this problem? Cheers...

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Forms :: Comma Delimited List In Memo Field

Oct 9, 2013

I have inherited a database where technicians track equipment that has been repaired.In this database, there is a memo field where the technician lists all the part numbers he / she uses to repair the piece of equipment. This field was never reported against and was strictly used for reference. However, someone is coming to me now and asking that a report be generated with that information. Then she will separate those parts out on her end. because it is a free form field, the technician is not forced to put a comma between each part number. I was wondering if there is a way for the database to go through approximately 62,000 records and ensure that there is a comma between each part number? I was also wondering if there is way to program the database to automatically insert a comma after each part number.

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Forms :: Comments In Descending Order In Memo Field

May 5, 2015

Having some trouble with a memo field. For each record, the notes field is present on the Form.... I added an unbound text box (txtMemoAdd) and a command button (Add New Note). When the button is selected, it adds the note to the Read Only Notes Field and adds a timestamp using the following code:

Me.Notes = Me.Notes & vbCrLf & Now () & VbCrLf & Me.txtMemoAdd
Me.txtMemoAdd = ""

The note is added to the bottom, and I was wondering if there was a way to make the new note go to the TOP of the field (Descending Order rather than Ascending).

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Forms :: Place Cursor At The End Of First Line In Memo Field

Dec 2, 2014

I have created a button that takes the contents of a memo field and adds a new line of text at the top with the date, time and initials of staff member. So far, so good...

However I want it to end with the cursor ready at the end of the first line (to type the note) The following code does everything but ends by putting the cursor right at the end of all of the text in the memo field (instead of the end of the first line):

Private Sub Command59_Click()
Me.Note = Format(Now, "d mmm yyyy hh:nn") & " - " & "(" & DLookup("[login]", "logintable") & ") " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Me.Note
Me.Note.SelStart = Len(Me.Note)
Me.Note.SelLength = 0
End Sub

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Forms :: Using Combo Box To Populate A Field From Memo Source?

Aug 22, 2014

I am programming a database for a reorganized group in my office. For whatever reason they want their correspondence letters within the Database instead of in Word templates. This way I can standardize their headings and automatically import data from their tables onto their letters.

For this reason I chose a form. I felt using a report wouldn't give them enough editing power. Almost all of the fields on this form are unbound and set to default values. I want to use a combo box so the worker can select the "letter type" they want from the drop down and it will automatically update the body of the letter with the standard format of that type of letter.

Just one problem--these letters are wordy, so the "content" field had to be a memo. I know you can't set memo fields to combo box columns, so I'm in a jam.

how I could populate this memo field into the unbound field using some kind of selector? It doesn't necessarily have to be a combo box.

I want to populate the memo field into the unbound box, but I don't want it to establish a link or control source because I don't want the worker modifying the original record (think of it as a template).

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Form Problem With A Memo Field

Feb 4, 2006

I have a memo field set up on a form. When I add more information to the field the old information in the field deletes? WHat can be wrong.

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Forms :: Log History Of Inputs - Using ComboBox To Update Memo Field

Jun 25, 2013

I am currently using the column history to log the history of inputs into a memo field.

But i now need to swap how my database runs and now require a combo box to have the same history function, as this is for a status updates and i require users to only input certain status's.

I no that I cant use the columnhistory command with a combo box.

When selecting a status from the combo box it automatically update the memo field (which will be hidden on the form) so the column history function works.

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Forms :: Copying Memo Field Comments To Other Queried Record

Jan 15, 2015

I have one memo per change (user input)...I need to have the comment the user inputs to copy into other records that were queried. I tried insert. My coding does one of the records or all of the records ..I need it to copy just to the queried records ...and I have a query but no filter set.

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Forms :: Handling Large Amount Of Data In Memo Field

Jun 9, 2013

My DVD library database I have a memo field which has the description of the movies.

In some cases, like my tv show records, I have a lot of data because of the episodes and episode descriptions.

I'm currently displaying this data using a split form with the datasheet on the left

I must use a small font in the memo field in order to display all data.

I could use a larger font and simply scroll but I'm looking for an alternative.

I've even thought of creating a hyperlink filed and point to the movie on IMDB's web site. But when I click the link nothing happens even though I copied and pasted the link into the field.

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