Forms :: Open Report Button To Select Data From 7 List Boxes And Present In A Report?

Aug 13, 2015

I have a form with 7 List boxes linked to 7 Query's which in turn are linked to a table. Each list box if for a particular trade.

I am trying to select a person or persons from each List box and then have them sent to a report. I have Code to do one list box, but do not know how to link all boxes with code to a 'Open report' button.

The code I am using is as follows:-

Private Sub cmdOpenReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenReport_Click
Dim strWhere As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant
'make sure a selection has been made


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Use Multi-select List Box To Filter A Report With Two List Boxes

Nov 20, 2013

Allen Browne's "Use a multi-select list box to filter a report" solution, in particularly with two multi-select list boxes? The code works fine for me for either box so long as I code it for one box alone. Combining the two into one code results in a type mismatch error. I'm trying to use the code to pass the contents of both multi-select boxes as Where conditions to a report. Both boxes are based on number fields. To try to isolate the problem, I've removed Allen's setDescription and OpenArgs conditions. We're unfortunately still on Access 2003 as the company desires to squeeze every dime by using until end-of-life next year.

Private Sub cmdPreview_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
'Purpose: Open the report filtered to the items selected in the list box.
Dim varItem As Variant 'Selected items

[Code] .....

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Open Report From Multi-select List Box

Jul 22, 2015

I am running MS Access 2010 on Windows XP and my access skills are limited.

So I have a db with tables, forms and reports and would like to give my users the option of opening a filtered report (from a form).

The form (frmSelectStatus) and report (rptStatus) have been created and both open correctly by normal selection from the 'All Access Objects' side bar.

frmSelectStatus has a multi-select list box (lstStatus) and a command button (cmdStatus). When I click cmdStatus i get the correct report opening but it is all status records and not filtered by the selection made in lstStatus - and i know this is a result of not referencing 'lstStatus' in the code. i also have a query (qryStatus) which does not contain anything.

My 'on-click' code for cmdStatus is

Private Sub cmdSelect_Click()
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryStatus", acViewNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptStatus", acViewReport
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "qryStatus"
End Sub

I know I need to reference 'lstStatus' but am not sure where or how to do that in the code.

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Forms :: Run Specific Queries And Open A Report Using Combo Boxes

Jul 30, 2013

I have a form which runs specific queries and opens a report using combo boxes, these work perfectly fine if I just try to run them in the form. I have put the form into a navigation form and if I try to run the same query I get parameter queries popping up instead of just running the query and opening the report.

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Linking Command Button To Combo Boxes To Get A Report

Jan 25, 2005

I am facing a problem. i am very amateur at access. I want to design a form on which there is one combo box and one command button. If i made a selection from the combo box and clik on command button it should show all the details related to that particular selection (say Shop Order) on a report. I dont know how to link this things.

report may be like..
Shop Order Description Length Width Hight..
Ax12 xxxxxx xxx xxx xxx
Ax 12
for a particular shop order selection there may be no. of parts that should show on.
like an assembly thing. Suppose Shop order for a bag is A23 and its different parts are belt and chain...
SHOP Order description ......
A23 belt
A23 Chain...

i hope i described my problem..
please do help if you can..
Thank you

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Open Report On A Form With A Button

Feb 8, 2005

Good morning All,
I have a form with a command button to open a report ( based on a query ) for the currently displayed record. here is the code I have used:

Private Sub CS_notes_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_CS_notes_Click
Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "InternalSNwithRMAprodMASData"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , "TLAUnit = " & Me.UnitSN & "'"

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_CS_notes_Click

End Sub

I believe this came from this forum sometime. When the button is clicked I receive the error:
"Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '(TLAUnit = 26712B')'

TLAUnit is the report field, UnitSN is the form field.
Any help with the error?

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Modules & VBA :: Open A Report With A Button

Jun 26, 2014

I'm having a little trouble getting this accomplished. I can instruct access to print the report, however I just want to be able to view the report after I select a button. I will attach a picture so you can see what I have thus far. I do have an older version of this and it works flawlessly and as far as I can tell everything is a carbon copy of the working version.

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Forms :: Multi Select List Boxes And Parameter Queries

Apr 16, 2013

I am creating an absenteeism database which has the following tables:

tblEmp - PK - auto number, EmpId, First Name, Last name
tblFunction - PK - FID (autonumber) has departments
tblTL - PK TLID (autonumber) has list of team leaders
tblRelated - pK - Id (auto), EmpId, TLID, FId as long integeres
tblCodes - CodeId (auto), list of absenteeism codes like late, mia, etc
EmpLeave - pk - autonumber, empid, codeid, hours, date of absenteeism

I have a Qry_Master which just joins all the information together as it gets updated on a monthly basis

Now, I am trying to create a form where the user has option to select one or more tls and one or more codes and when they hit the button, it should come up with all emps that have those codes and report to the team leader selected.

In my form, I have made both my list boxes as multiselect and i have Qry_frm that is a parameter query but when i run the button nothing happens and i cant seem to figure it out. I have attached the sample database to this thread.

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Forms :: Multi-Select List Boxes To Filter Subform

Oct 6, 2014

I have 7 multi-select list boxes, which I want the user to be able to select multiple items and have it filter a subform by what is selected. The subform will not be visible.

Here is the code I tried for filtering my subform (which is throwing an error when I call it).

Private Function MasterSearch()
On Error GoTo Error_MasterSearch

Dim StrgSQL As String
Dim WhereClause As String
StrgSQL = "SELECT * FROM MasterTbl"

[Code] ...

The above code was to test just 1 of the 7 listboxes. When I call it on click for the command button, it throws an error about the "Call MasterSearch".

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Open Report Based On List Box Result?

Oct 24, 2013

I am trying to setup a button that will open a report on click. The catch is that the report name is coming from a query result that is populated into a list box. The way it works the list box will never have more than one result so by default it will always house the name of the report appropriate to a chosen client. I would like to do it this way so that I don't have to clutter up the from with extra buttons all pointing to specific reports.

I found some references to this in this forum, including the example listed below, but I have been unsucessful in making work so I assume that I am entering wrong, entering it the wrong place or maybe the code is incomplete. Unfortunately I am a complete novice to Access VBA so I am still learning how it all works together.

List box name is BillingFormat

The first of 5 reports is named Standard Billing

So in the form I enter the client number and BillingFormat is auto populated with Standard Billing

I tied the button to this code: DoCmd.OpenReport Me.BillingFormat, acPreview

The results I was looking for was for the report named Standard Billing would open. The first way I set it up nothing happened not even any errors. The other way threw an error stating it did not recognize DoCmd as a valid function.

what I am doing wrong?

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Pulldown Report List/combo With Button

Nov 2, 2006

I have about 10 reports and I have them listed in a combo box. I would like to just pull down the report I want and click on the single button and it would open up. I know I am a pain in the *** but I could always hook the reports to 10 buttons but that design looks trashy.

I already made the reports and just waiting for some help. I think im losing my mind, it seem every time something is done in this database, people keep asking for more changes. What is going on.....

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Reports :: Summary Of Multiple Records - Open Report With Button

Jan 27, 2014

I have a report that is a summary of multiple records in it. What I have next to the record on the report is a button.I have report that are labeled:

rptIncident Summary
rptIncident Report
and a button labeled
"open report"

I would like to click on the button and then it open the rptIncident Report with all the information, not just the summary. I will put a picture so you know what I am trying to accomplish.Is this a simple Onclick event with a where condition or what? Or does this go beyond to having something to do with VBA?

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Reports :: Using Command Button In A Form To Filter And Open A Report?

Jun 26, 2014

I'm trying to use a command button in a form to filter and open a report. I am able to get it to open the report, but I cannot get it to filter the report based on a combobox in the form. I've tried every combination of code I could think of and find. Here is what I currently have:

Private Sub FilterReport_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report", acViewReport, "First Name='" & Me.FName & "'"
End Sub

Option Compare Database
Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.RecordSource = Me.FName
End Sub

"FilterReport" = Form Button
"Report" = Report
"First Name" = Report Field
"FName" = Form Combo Box

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Select Only A Certain Data To Calculate In Report

Oct 26, 2006

I have a database that contained the following fields. VacEarned,VacUsed,VacPlan (Yes,No). In my report, I grouped VacPlan field (which is yes/no field) together and sum it up by VacUsed. However, I'd like to put another formula in my report to subtract the the Sum of the VacPlan from VacEarned...I have such a hard time doing that..Is there way that I can put if statement in the report option that would do the following: If VacPlan is Yes, than Sum VacUsed and use it to subtract from this possible..
I hope this make sense...

Thanks in advance..

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Reports :: User Select Data For Report

Aug 22, 2013

How to proceed and what is the "accepted" version of events.I have created a report, a dynamic method statement actually, and want my user to be able select some data to appear in the report. Report is rptMS01, it is fed from a query and has some fields to automatically populate [Company], [Site], [Postcode] etc. All of the static text is in CanGrow textboxes to sidestep the report height limit. The report is opened by a button on a form which uses a macro to open only for the current site. All OK so far.

My boss would like a section/text box/subreport to select the personnel involved in each method statement and this to appear on the report. So, on clicking the button on the form which would usually open the report directly, some kind of intermediary selection form opens instead with a list of all personnel. User can then select which personnel to involve and on clicking OK this appears in the designated box on the report. A CanGrow/Shrink textbox would be ideal!

Do I need to include this in the current query which feeds the report? I know a listbox can have multiple selections but how would I reference this? How do I keep the other fields as well? Should I create a table with the personnel list?...

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Reports :: Select Records From Report To Populate Second Report?

May 24, 2015

We have a shift log that includes both personnel actions during any given day as well as operational actions. (We recently switched from a word document to an Access Database to allow multiple users to input events while another has the logbook open already (which you couldn't do with Word))

At the beginning of each day, my manager reviews the previous days log and forwards up pertinent data (some personnel, some operational) to our higher authorities. Is there a way to allow him to select which records he'd like to include on that higher-authorities report straight from the local-level report?

I'm not a fan of allowing him a "Save As" feature because that kind of defeats the data integrity purpose of an events log where he could save as an RTF and then edit any of the log entries without any checks or balances.

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Reports :: Select Data For Continuous Records In A Report

Feb 26, 2015

For the report in question all data is taken from one table named "Completions ". The fields I will be using are as follows:



When the records are added, the Branch is added using a combo box. There can be several rows of data with the same Firstname and Surname but with different Branches.The report layout must look something like this.I have tried using DLookup to select the data based on the data in the Name text box, but this just gets the first result and duplicates it.

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Reports :: Adding Data To Report That Was Selected Using Combo Boxes?

Jan 21, 2015

I am using Access 2010 (self taught and continuing to learn each time I get asked for a new report). I have created a query based on the data being selected from two combo boxes on a form, ie start date and end date. The report works as it should but I want to be able to automatically use the dates in the report heading. For instance, Summary Report from xxxxx to xxxxx, where xxxxx is the start and end dates that the user entered into the two combo boxes.

The date field on my query reads
Between [forms]![F - CboReportDates]![Start Date] And [forms]![F - CboReportDates]![EndDate]

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Forms :: Using Two Combo Boxes To Generate Report

Jun 25, 2013

I have a database with a table name tblTeachersProfile and a report format based on the table. I also have a form with two combo boxes name cboState and cboCounty base on field from the table and a control button called Get. Now, I would like to make selection from the two combo boxes and generate a report after updating both combo boxes based on my selections.

This is what I have but it is not working: For my Get button

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptInServiceIndividualSchoolAndTeachersInformation", acViewReport, , "strCounty = '" & Me.cboState & "'" And "strDistrict = '" & Me.cboRegion & "'";

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Forms :: Select Report To Run Based On Combo Box

Sep 3, 2014

I have a form with a field called "comRpt" listing all the reports available to run on AfterUpdate procedure. I would like to add a command button when clicked the selected report shown in the "comRPT" field runs then it is attached to an emailed. How I can accomplish this?

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Reports :: Data Range Asked Twice For A Field When Open Report

Mar 26, 2014

I am in the process of making some changes to an inherited database. One of the things I need to do is to fix an issue with the reports. The reports have a field which asks for the data range (from xx/xx/xx to xx/xx/xx) as soon as the report is opened, but then the query that fills that report also asks for the same data range so you end up entering it twice.

What do I need to do to enter the data range only once and have it show up on the report and also be used on the query?

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Forms :: Unable To Open A Report With Subreports

Nov 26, 2013

I am trying to open a report (with subreports) from a form. When the report opens, I want the form to hide, which most of the time does. Sometimes, though, it won't hide when the report opens. So, I even created an error handler, and moved that part of the code to SubExit section, but the problem still occasionally occurs. Here is my code:

Dim strWhere As String
Dim strDate As String
Dim strDist As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
strDate = "=DateSerial(" & Year(Me.txtAsOfDate) & "," & Month(Me.txtAsOfDate) & "," & Day(Me.txtAsOfDate) & ")"
strWhere = "YearEnd = " & Year(Me.txtAsOfDate) - 1


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Forms :: Create A Report Using Currently Open Record?

May 12, 2015

I am creating a database to store patient ultrasound reports in a clinic. The form I've designed contains a single patient's report with various values and measurements. I need a button on that form that opens a report showing ONLY THAT PATIENT'S data.

So, for example, if I've opened the form (AbdomenForm) on patient with ID 4, when I press this button, it should open the report showing only patient ID 4's data.

I can get it to work manually by creating a query (AbdomenQuery) that contains 4 in the criteria for ID (my table's primary key). Then I made a report (AbdomenReport) that uses AbdomenQuery as its data source and everything turns out well.

Now, how do I go about making a button on the form so that when patient ID 5 is open, that button opens the report for only patient ID 5? What code should I use and where should I put it?

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Forms :: Opening Report From List Box In Form

Aug 4, 2014

I have a report that runs a parameter query identifying which StudentID it wants to run the report of, and what month/year.I want to leave the month/year as a parameter, but what I want to do is get the record that I selected from the listbox (IE. student 1000) and then when I click on Run Report Card, it wouldn't ask me for the parameter of the student, but just the year, and then it would run the report card for the student I selected.

I tried doing the open report macro and in the where row I put
[StudentID] = [Forms]![Form1]![List12]

but it didn't seem to work.

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Using Multi Select List Boxes To Run Queries

Apr 21, 2006

I have a simple question that I know will have a very complex answer

You have two sets of tables with identical structures. The first set contains data that is a model for the second set. The users run queries that append data to the second set of tables

Here is an example of the structure



As you can see TblSourceTwo contains a foreign key from TblSorceOne and TblSorceDetails contains one from TblSourceTwo

The main table for the second set


The user adds a record to the main table (TblTargetOne) then uses an append query to add all of the applicable records from TblSourceTwo to TbleTargetTwo


So now the user has a data model in TblSourceTwo which has been “copied” to TblTargetTwo

Next for each record in TblSourceTwo that has been copied to TblTargetTwo that has daughter records in TblSourceDetails another query is executed to copy all of the pertinate records to the TblTargetDetails


Now the user has completely copied all of the necessary record for both table.

Finely the question

How can I use a multiselect list box to achieve this in one operation? I don’t care if it includes running multiple queries but it needs to appear as one single operation to the user.

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Forms :: Open Report Based On Combo Box Selection?

Jan 29, 2014

I am struggling to pull out a report based on the combo box selection. I have NOI database and want to pull out a report for a specific customer that how many NOIs are generated by this customer..

I have a separate table of customer and another table of NCRs and the customer information comes from customer table.

I have tried the below statement but gives me an error message:

code for Macro that pulls the report in click event:


do i need to mention the report as well in some where in report ?

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