Select Only A Certain Data To Calculate In Report

Oct 26, 2006

I have a database that contained the following fields. VacEarned,VacUsed,VacPlan (Yes,No). In my report, I grouped VacPlan field (which is yes/no field) together and sum it up by VacUsed. However, I'd like to put another formula in my report to subtract the the Sum of the VacPlan from VacEarned...I have such a hard time doing that..Is there way that I can put if statement in the report option that would do the following: If VacPlan is Yes, than Sum VacUsed and use it to subtract from this possible..
I hope this make sense...

Thanks in advance..

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Forms :: Open Report Button To Select Data From 7 List Boxes And Present In A Report?

Aug 13, 2015

I have a form with 7 List boxes linked to 7 Query's which in turn are linked to a table. Each list box if for a particular trade.

I am trying to select a person or persons from each List box and then have them sent to a report. I have Code to do one list box, but do not know how to link all boxes with code to a 'Open report' button.

The code I am using is as follows:-

Private Sub cmdOpenReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenReport_Click
Dim strWhere As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant
'make sure a selection has been made


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Reports :: User Select Data For Report

Aug 22, 2013

How to proceed and what is the "accepted" version of events.I have created a report, a dynamic method statement actually, and want my user to be able select some data to appear in the report. Report is rptMS01, it is fed from a query and has some fields to automatically populate [Company], [Site], [Postcode] etc. All of the static text is in CanGrow textboxes to sidestep the report height limit. The report is opened by a button on a form which uses a macro to open only for the current site. All OK so far.

My boss would like a section/text box/subreport to select the personnel involved in each method statement and this to appear on the report. So, on clicking the button on the form which would usually open the report directly, some kind of intermediary selection form opens instead with a list of all personnel. User can then select which personnel to involve and on clicking OK this appears in the designated box on the report. A CanGrow/Shrink textbox would be ideal!

Do I need to include this in the current query which feeds the report? I know a listbox can have multiple selections but how would I reference this? How do I keep the other fields as well? Should I create a table with the personnel list?...

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Reports :: Select Data For Continuous Records In A Report

Feb 26, 2015

For the report in question all data is taken from one table named "Completions ". The fields I will be using are as follows:



When the records are added, the Branch is added using a combo box. There can be several rows of data with the same Firstname and Surname but with different Branches.The report layout must look something like this.I have tried using DLookup to select the data based on the data in the Name text box, but this just gets the first result and duplicates it.

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Queries :: Create Parameter Query To Select Which Column To Calculate Weekly License Info

Mar 2, 2014

Basically, I have a database table that is maintained every week. It is about e-mail account licenses for Office 365.

Each column represents a week of license data for every mailbox account which is about 10 000 plus users with the date as the field headers( something like "License information as of 06122013").

Basically, I have created 52 queries based on the license type I require to be calculated & I have a form created to control it. However, right now it is all output only as I have yet to create any user parameter to specify on any of the queries about the date I want

As I am currently unsure how to specify all the queries to use one field date header which I want the user to specify via drop down list in order to calculate all the licenses on this specific date.

For example, if I want to see the license information for 06/11/2013, I would choose "License as of 06112013" & it would then run all the queries based on the header specified earlier & output that information on the form.

Right now the queries are all configured as the "Select" type.

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Reports :: Select Records From Report To Populate Second Report?

May 24, 2015

We have a shift log that includes both personnel actions during any given day as well as operational actions. (We recently switched from a word document to an Access Database to allow multiple users to input events while another has the logbook open already (which you couldn't do with Word))

At the beginning of each day, my manager reviews the previous days log and forwards up pertinent data (some personnel, some operational) to our higher authorities. Is there a way to allow him to select which records he'd like to include on that higher-authorities report straight from the local-level report?

I'm not a fan of allowing him a "Save As" feature because that kind of defeats the data integrity purpose of an events log where he could save as an RTF and then edit any of the log entries without any checks or balances.

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Can't Calculate Report Values

Feb 3, 2005

Hi all -

I need to create record totals and grand totals on a report where I count up the # of Yes's and No's across 10 fields. I've already created calculated text boxes that come up with the record totals. What I can't figure out for the life of me is how to create a text box calculating the grand total based on the previous calculated fields I created. It seems that access isn't letting me sum a field I created on the report. Do I have to create a query first? Thanks.

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Calculate Time On Report

Oct 5, 2007

I have one table, Leopard Test Scores 2007, that has only two fields, employee and TotalSeconds. The totalseconds column has a "Number" data type with Long Integer. All entries in this column represent the number of seconds and individual spent to take a test.

All I need to do is calculate the total minutes for ALL records in this table for a report. I want the total to come out in this format: HH:MM:SS - so I've added the following three fields to my query:

Hours:[TotalSeconds] 3600
Minutes: ([TotalSeconds] - Hours * 3600) 60
Secs: ([TotalSeconds] - Hours * 3600 - Minutes * 60) Mod 60

However when I add those three fields to my report, I get an "enter parameter value" for hours and minutes. I must be missing something? any suggestions??

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Reports :: Calculate Percentages Based On Criteria In Report?

Oct 22, 2013

I created a database to record time logged per workorder for each employee on my job. Each time log has a specific "Trade" attached to it along with a number of hours the employee spent on that workorder. I've created a report to display how much time the selected employee spent on each workorder (within a date range) and now I want to see what percentage of their time was spent on a particular "Trade" (for instance, during September Employee "name" spent "percentage" of their time on Electric, "percentage" on HVAC, "percentage" on Plumbing...[and so on])

I have trades listed in the table and in the time log, the form writes to the trades area of the table (probably very elementary for this discussion) and the report lists the name and grand totals with percentage of total time on each workorder, but does not list any trade information.

How can I add this into my report, preferably at the end (Report Footer?)

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How To Calculate A Total Of 0 When There Is No Data

Jan 8, 2014

Say I have a table with ID's of people and a column with the hours they need to work on a specific day. I want to make a query where I get the total working hours for every person in that table for a certain date. The problem is that when a specific person in the table has no hours for a certain day he doesn't show up in the query if I choose that day.., is there a way to make sure that I get everybody's names for every day even if they don't have any hours on that day, but instead of not showing it would show a "0" instead?

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Calculate Data If Check Box Is Checked

Oct 19, 2004

I have a user input form to enter traffic counts. There is a subform within that form that shows the total. I want to have a check box which, if checked, will multiply the data in the box by two. I have tried building expressions, macros...nothing worked. Dont know what I'm doing wrong. Any idea?

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Select 1 Pce Of Data And It Automatically Selects And Inputs Relating Data In A Form

Oct 24, 2007

i would like in a form for a combo box to be able to select an item from a table and input relating information automatically into other boxes in the form..

I have 3 tables: Table 1 has product code and product description.
Table 2 has invoice number company details, address etc.
Table 3 has product code and product description qty and invoice number..
Table 3 relates to table 2 by the invoice number and table 3 product code looks up the product codes available in table 1 and also table 3 looks up the list of products descriptions in table 1 using the combo wizard.
This means the wrong code can be put with wrong description.
What i would like to know is how i select a product description and the product code in the form fills out automatically?? i hope this makes sense please helppppp!!

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Forms :: Display Data In Form As Select Record In Subform In Data Sheet View

Nov 11, 2013

i have a main form named(EMP) i have a subform named(SEMP)with EMPID i have an another form Named(SDetail) with EMPID i want to open form Sdetail with filter records for data select in subform (SEMP) ,EMPID field Subform SEMP in as datasheet view. i can open sdetail for selected records only

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Calculate Numerical Data In A Text Field

Nov 29, 2004

is there any way I can make a field with a data type that calculates numbers in the field but also allows text to be entered into the field (e.g. N/A or No Score) The non-numerical data certainly wouldn't have to be calculated and could be filtered out when calculating averages and other numerical operations.


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Queries :: Calculate Percentage On Grouped And Filtered Data

Jul 20, 2015

I'm very new to Access and I'm attempting to write an expression in a query that will calculate the % of the count of "Exchange" field (Exchange is a text field and is grouped and the count based on each unique name) where the total count is based on the filter where "Group" = 'FS' or 'S'.

The below seems to work, but there is a better way of going about this (especially if I have to add more filter criteria). I added a pic of the query I'm trying to build.

PercentofTotal: (Count([Exchange])/DCount(Count([Exchange]),"[Holdings]","[Asset Group] = 'FS' OR [Asset Group]='S'"))

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Form To Select Report Content

Nov 24, 2005


I have a query set up as the record set for a form containing combo boxes.

The form has four combo boxes with various drop downs. I have linked these combo boxes to the query using this syntax in the query:


I have a preview button report on the form to load my report template to be populated with the combo selected info.

If I fill all four combo boxes with specfic info then my report displays all data records related as you would expect. For example I can select A 'Tool Type', 'Manufacturer', 'Model Number' and 'Tool Condition' and my reports will show me three test records relating to these specific parameters.

How do I set the code to allow me to complete only some of the boxes and return the records i.e. only 'Tool Type' and 'Model Number'.

I am trying to get my report to lift the data for test records for each specific tool by model number and tool condition and then do some calculations. This forms the full report.

I have tried this code:

If Not IsNull(Me![cboToolGroup]) Then
where = where & " AND [cboToolGroup] Like '*" & Me![cboToolGroup] & "*'"
End If

Can anyone help?

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Select Record From Table For A Report If...

Sep 7, 2004

Hello! I am building a report that tracks excessive call-in's for my hospital's employees. Data is entered into a form which then is stored in the table (duh!) "Call-In's." I have a query that lists all those who have more than 5 call-in's.

Here is the problem: In order to get the sum of callin's per person, I did a totals field in my original query and counted on Name. But now I needed to know the sum of each person's, and so I had to do a cross-tab query that included the name, department, the count (from the first query) and then I summed on the count field. What a mess, right? Also, I added a field for If >5, Yes, No.

I based my Excessive call-in's report on the final (above) query. Like this:

Call In's table
Name, Department, Date of Call in, Call in type

Call-in's query
Name, Department, Date of Call in, Call in type, Count of Name

Call-in's crosstab
Rows: Name (GROUP BY), Department (GROUP BY)
Columns: Count (SUM) and total of Count (SUM)

Excessive Call-In's query
Name, Total of count, iif >5, Yes, No

There are already 54 records in the table, one of which has excessive call in's (more than 5).

Is there a way to run a report that not only lists the person's name and number of call in's but also the date of each one and the call in type? Both of these are fields in the call-in's table.

When I try to combine my Call-In's query with my Excessive Call In's query I get the matrix. Example: I get the same record for however many callin's they have. Thank for your help. I'm so sorry this is complicated. I've got to be doing something wrong, or at least inefficiently. Does any of this make sense? Thanks again.

Kelly (the clueless, but I'm trying)

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Tables :: Calculate Some Additional Data And Generate Quotations - Too Many Fields

Jun 2, 2015

I have a database that will take lots of data entered by an employee and calculate some additional data and generate quotations. Within each quote there is a possibility for 15 different metals (5 Precious Metals, and 10 Base Metals). There is also 5 fields that need to be filled out about each Metal (What the metal is, the market being used, weight, whether it is included in a different price, and the price). I currently have 75 fields to address each Metal and their 5 fields respectively. Is there a better way to Normalize this data, and accomplish what I need accomplished? I want at the form level the employee to tell the database whether they want to add a Precious Metal, or Base Metal, or Move on to other data entry.

Here is a Screenshot of the design view of one of my tables with too many fields : table screenshot1.PNG

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Queries :: Count Function Which Calculate Data With Date Criteria

Jan 20, 2014

Looking to have a count function which calculate data in sense like if records found on 1-jan-2014 the it give answer as 1, same as records for 2-jan-2014 it should return 2 and so on .. in short the criteria must look and give same number for same dates starting from 1

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Modules & VBA :: Report With Only Select Records In Table?

Dec 17, 2014

I have a master table located on the backend of the server with about 3 fields:


I have 4 databases, one for each software on the front end accessing this master table.

So far I have in the master table a dropdown to select 1 of the 4 software's, the version number and a brief description.

One the front end I have a button that when pressed will bring up the report based on the master table.

Can I have the report just select the software that it refers to. For instance if the datebase is Sony when I click on the report it only grabs the records with Sony on it. For my next database when I open up Sharp's database it only makes a report for the Sharp records.

How would I do this? Is this something I have to code or something I can do in criteria or do I create a query?

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Reports :: Filter A Report By Using A Multi-select Box

Oct 3, 2013

I'm using the following code to filter a report by using a multi-select box.

Private Sub cmdOpenReport_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdOpenReport_Click

Dim strWhere As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant


I have a report that contains a subreport. The report is simply an image of a word document. The subreport will contain the actual data.When I open the subreport, the IN query works perfectly. When I open the main report, I only get the first record listed in the IN query. I have the master/child links set properly.

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Forms :: Select Report To Run Based On Combo Box

Sep 3, 2014

I have a form with a field called "comRpt" listing all the reports available to run on AfterUpdate procedure. I would like to add a command button when clicked the selected report shown in the "comRPT" field runs then it is attached to an emailed. How I can accomplish this?

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Open Report From Multi-select List Box

Jul 22, 2015

I am running MS Access 2010 on Windows XP and my access skills are limited.

So I have a db with tables, forms and reports and would like to give my users the option of opening a filtered report (from a form).

The form (frmSelectStatus) and report (rptStatus) have been created and both open correctly by normal selection from the 'All Access Objects' side bar.

frmSelectStatus has a multi-select list box (lstStatus) and a command button (cmdStatus). When I click cmdStatus i get the correct report opening but it is all status records and not filtered by the selection made in lstStatus - and i know this is a result of not referencing 'lstStatus' in the code. i also have a query (qryStatus) which does not contain anything.

My 'on-click' code for cmdStatus is

Private Sub cmdSelect_Click()
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryStatus", acViewNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptStatus", acViewReport
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "qryStatus"
End Sub

I know I need to reference 'lstStatus' but am not sure where or how to do that in the code.

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Counting Records In Report From Select Field

Aug 22, 2015

there are 3 options Yes Somewhat and Not really I want to count the records that only have Yes.

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Reports :: Report With Date Select / Search And Other Variables

Sep 26, 2014

I have a report reporting events that occurred today, using =Date() in the query.I want to have a control/box on the report which shows today's date by default, but enables me to select a different date with the outcome that the report refreshes and shows the events on the selected date instead.

Maybe I need a form for this although I would like to do conditional formatting so a report is better.It would also be good to be able to sort by column values, as in a table on a webpage with sort controls in the column headings which work just by clicking.

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Reports :: Filter Report By Multi Select Listbox

Oct 10, 2014

I'm using pbauldy's code to filter a report by a multi-select listbox. The only issue do I include more (7 to be exact) listboxes to the code? It seems the OpenReport vba is only allowing 1 where clause?

Dim strWhere As String
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant
'add selected values to string
Set ctl = Me.VP_ListBox

[Code] .....

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