General :: Populate Report Field Based On Combo Box

Sep 6, 2014

On paper I have designed a faculty contact database and have now come to the point where I am designing the form. In the contact information table are Cell, Home, Office fields as well as Personal, Work, Alternate email fields which will contain the corresponding information. On the form after the information is entered the person needs to select an option from each of four combo boxes to indicate which is the preferred number, number for student, preferred email and email for students. The question is how to populate the text fields in a report based on the selection of the combo boxes with the information stored in the corresponding field (cell, home, office phone numbers and personal, work and alternate email). I am assuming it is done in the query but I don't know how or can it be done in vba?

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General :: Auto Populate A Text Box Based On Selection Of Combo Box

Jul 24, 2014

I am trying to populate multiple text boxes from combo box using one table. First text box is getting populate on base of combo box value while 2nd text box is not getting populating.

I have used the following to populate the text boxes, even row count is correct, But why is not 2nd text box is not populating ?


One thing I noted when I provide the control source then selection gets stop from combo box...I am giving the valid control source is customerID but its not working.Could it be the reason ? Why selection gets stop from combo box when provide the control source ? If remove the control source then 1st text box is getting filled on basis of combo selection and 2nd text box value is not getting filled as describe above.

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Reports :: DLookup - Populate Textbox Based On Value That Is In Another Field On Report

Oct 20, 2014

I have a textbox on a report that I wish to populate based on the value that is in another textbox/field on the report, and I thought DLookup was the way to go - however, I cannot seem to get it to work.

I have a table (ComplaintsResponses) that has two fields, both text


The text from [ShortDescription] is saved in a field on another table that contains all the other relevant information that is used in the report, and whilst this short description is mostly fine, I have one report where I need the data from the larger [ResponseText] field.

I have tried the following code:

=DLookUp("[ResponseText]","[ComplaintsResponses]","[ShortDescription='" & [Reports]![PublicComplaintsArea]![txtSAPCRMResponse] & "'")


=DLookUp("[ResponseText]","[ComplaintsResponses]","[ShortDescription='" & [SAPCRMResponse] & "'")

Both of which return a #Error in the text box.

The field that contains the text that is used for the lookup is SAPCRMResponse, and the textbox on the report itself is called txtSAPCRMResponse.

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Forms :: Auto Populate Date In Field Based On Selection In Combo Box

Mar 11, 2015

I'm creating a form that when the user selects the following categories in the same combo box (Date Received, Date Reviewed, Date kitted, In Work, Complete) it auto populates dates in the respective fields. As I mentioned, it's only one combo box. The dates will be spread out, so the user will change the combo box selection based on when these events occur. I already have a field for each category both on the table and form. Also, I do have multiple tables for other parts of data, but these categories all fall into the same table.

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General :: Having Field Automatically Populate Based On Selection?

Aug 5, 2013

I have a training log that has 4 tables, the employee table, the training course table, and the department table.

These tables all contain the names of employees, training courses, and department in one field and their respective ID codes in the other.

The 4th table is the actual log where the manager logs in who took the training courses. When the manager goes to select the employee name, course name, and department name is there a way not using VBA for the respective ID number to appear in the 4th table (they use the same field names and are related)

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General :: Auto Populate A Table Field From Combo Selection

Jan 17, 2013

I have a Table (tblFPAData) that is being populated with entries from a form I created. There are several fields but if I can get an answer for one relationship then I can repeat it for the others.

In tblFPAData there are the fields MaterialNo and Description.

I am creating another table called tblSchedule and using a form to enter the information. I need the user to select the MaterialNo from a combo (cmbMaterialNo) and the then table auto populates the Description from tblFPAData.

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Populate Combo Box Based On Selection In Another Combo Box (Access 2010)

Jul 11, 2012

I'm have quite a difficult time getting a form in Access 2010 to perform the way I would like it to. I have multiple tables that I've created, and a query that contains the data from the various tables. I then ran the form wizard to select the data from the query that I wanted to populate in my form and I've added 2 combo boxes.

What I want to do:
1. I want users to be able to select a category in combo box #1 (example: "Bag")
2. I want users to be able to select a detail in combo box #2 based on the category they selected in combo box #1 (example: Combo box #1, "bag" would populate the following selections for combo box #2: "sandwich" and "tool")
3. I want users to then receive a list of suppliers that provide the product they have selected, either "Bag: Sandwich" or "Bag: Tool"

I have combo box #1 populating a list of categories already. However, I am not able to get combo box #2 to provide choices based on the selection chosen for combo box #1.

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Populate Data Based On Selection From Combo Box

May 16, 2013

I have a form that has a combo box in the header. I want to be able to select an employee name and the remaining info in the detail section of the form populate. My other fields are:

Employee Name - text box
Reporting Unit - combo box
Department - combox box
Primary Phone - text box
Secondary Phone - text box
Emergency Contact Name - text box
Relationship - text box
Emergency Contact Primary Phone - text box
Emergency Contact Secondary Phone - text box
B-Alert Txt - combo box
B-Alrt Phone - combo box
e-mail - text box

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Forms :: Populate Text Box From Table Based On Combo Box Value

Apr 17, 2015

I am trying to populate the text boxes in a form with data from a table based on the selection a user has made in a combobox. I am trying to do this through a DLOOKUP in the text boxes Control Source using the following:

=DLookUp("[upMobile]","tblRepName","[tblRepName].[repContactMobile] = " & Str([upRepName].[Text]))

in the form when viewing the data.

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Auto Populate Fields Based On Combo Box Selection

Jan 23, 2013

I have three tables with the following columns:

Mold_NoPart_NamePart_NoMaterialDateWork_Ord(Pri Key)
Log_IDMold_No(Pri Key)Part_NameLog_DateTime_InTime_OutHours
Mold_No(Pri Key)Part_NamePart_No

I am trying to build a form in the MoldReq section so when the user selects the mold number(combo box) it will auto populate the Part_Name and Part_No fields by pulling the data from the Molds table.

I have tried following this video where I create a change event:

Private Sub cboCombo31_Change()
Me.txtPart_Name.Value = Me.cboMold_No.Column(3)
Me.txtPart_No.Value = Me.cboMold_No.Column(4)
End Sub

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Combo Box - Populate List Options Based On Data Already Entered

Mar 6, 2008

Microsoft Access 2003

Novice and working on a project with deadline... please help.

I have a table w a field that I want to convert into a combo bo and use data in the field as the options:

FIELD: Student Status


How do I get the combo box to automatically pull the values from that field into the options in the field when u pull down the drop down box?

Am I being clear?

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Forms :: Auto Populate Text Boxes Based On Value From Combo Box

May 16, 2013

I have a form called frmPO based on a table called tblPO One of the fields in tblPO is linked to the field idAddress in the table tblAddresses

The following fields exist in both tblAddresses and tblPO

The form contains controls for these fields on tblPO. I would like to give the user the choice to either enter a shipping address manually, or selecting a preregistered address from tblAdresses. For this I would like a combo box showing the values of idAddress. I f a user selects a preregistered shipping address, I would like the form to fill the rest of the fields based on the value of this control.

My understanding is that I should set a BeforeUpdate event to set the values of the different controls, unfortunately my command of VBA amounts to 0.

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Forms :: Auto Populate A Text Box Based On Selection Of A Combo Box

May 24, 2013

I have two tables: tblWeightTickets and tblWasteType.

I want to create a form: frmWeightTickets, where a user can enter information and the data is stored in tblWeightTickets.

There are two fields in particular that I am working on ... "WasteType" and "Rate".

On the form, I want "WasteType" to be a combobox "cboWasteType" and when I select a type of waste I want the "Rate" textbox on the same form to auto populate with the rate amount for that particular type of waste (i.e. recycling, garbage, etc).

The Rate amount is located in the table: tblWasteType under the field name "Rate". How can I do this and at the same time store the information in the tblWeightTickets? I already have the combo box loaded with the types of waste - I just need it to populate the rate text box and store it in the Weight Tickets table.

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General :: Populate A Text Box Based On String

Sep 12, 2014

I have a select query that holds anywhere between 1 to a couple hundred records, I need to take the Name field and populate a textbox which after verification I write to a text file that I later use in a powershell script. So far have tried using VBA to create a variable and populate the textbox based on the string but it only provides me the first item, I've tried dmax and this gives me a single result last Item, Dlookup only gives me the first item, changed it to a listbox which populates the box correctly but only writes the selected item in to my text file.

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Modules & VBA :: Populate Data Sheet Subform Based On Combo Box Selection ALL

Aug 20, 2013

I have an unbound combobox on a form that is used to filter the records of a subform based on who they have been assigned to. The combo box is based off of a query to the personnel table and utilizes a UNION querry to add the option "**ALL**" with a id number "111111" as the first option in the combo box.

In other words: the combo box has a list of names to choose from and the word "ALL" at the top as the first selection. The idea is that when "**ALL**" is selected, the subform should display all records regardless of who they have been assigned to. I'm trying to accomplish this with VBA. I've started developing the code to try to impliment this, however currently when "**ALL**" is selected, I'm getting a datatype missmatch that seems to be caused by my use of recordset.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub cboTaskListName_AfterUpdate()
'On Error GoTo cboTaskListName_AfterUpdate_Err


Also once the queried records are saved into the record set, how can I communicate that to the subform so that it displays them?

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Tables :: Auto Populate Field Based On Answer Of Another Field In Same Table

Feb 28, 2013

Within my table if Field 1 has an answer of Self (from drop down), then, I would like Fields 6-12 to auto populate; however, if Field 1 does not have an answer of Self, then leave Fields 6-12 blank.

I am not quite sure how to lay this out. I am using Access 2010.

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General :: Populate Combo Box From Table

Nov 9, 2013

So the information that I had to start with was






Mouse Pad

So I've created 3 tables - one for each information group arranged like so. However my problems are - I don't know how to make it so that as soon as all the info for one set of parts is filled another set automatically appears? And in the Design section of the Form I have the following error because I wasn't too sure what to use apart from a text box-

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Forms :: Creating Lookup - Populate Contact Number Based On Selection From Combo Box

Mar 31, 2015

I want to create a text box within a form that automatically populates a contact number based on a selection from a combo box, also in the same form.

For example, I have a Bidders Table (tblTenders), this form includes information regarding the Tendor like the company name and a main contact within that company and a phone number for that contact.

I've created a separate table for all the contacts called tblContacts. This table holds all the contact information for each contact. I have a simple form called frmTenders that asks the user to input the Customer (which is the company who are bidding) and the Main Contact, which is a combo box to select the main contact from tblContacts. Below that combo box is a text box called 'Contact Number' - I want this box to display the contact number for the main contact automatically when a main contact is selected from the combo box.

The contact number text box isn't storing that information in any tables etc. It's just for viewing purposes when we need to make a call to that specific tender.

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Make Field Auto Populate Based On Value Of Field In Another Table

Mar 4, 2008

I'm creating a database that keeps a track of questions and scores.

The questions in the database need to be dynamic and are changed frequently.

I have a scorecard table which keeps a record of scores and the applicable question at the time the record was saved. I need to do this because in 6 months time we may want to provide feedback. As the question may have changed we need to be able to refer back to what the question was.

I want the question field in my scorecard table to populate with the value in my question table.

I have tried a number of things including setting the question field in the scorecard table to a lookup based on the following query:

FROM tblQ1;

This works however only as a list or combo box. I don't want the user to have to select the question. I want it to auto populate, is this possible?

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Automatically Populate A Date Field Based On Value Entered In Another Field

Nov 10, 2005

I need to create a New Form control for this situation:

If I enter a date into a field and the choice for another field is equal to a certain value. How can I get the date I entered to be automatically populated into another date field.

For example:

If I enter 11/10/2005 in a date field and I choose either "BN", "BA", or "BT" in a text field, I need that date of 11/10/2005 to be automatically populated in another date field on the same form.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Queries :: Query To Run Before Report Based On Criteria Based From Two Combo Boxes On Form

Mar 20, 2013

I have a report that gets its data from a query. I need the query to run before the report based on criteria based from two combo boxes on a form.

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General :: Use Fields In Query Based Subform To Populate A Table

May 29, 2015

I have a main screen that has a tabbed form in it. Each of those tabs has a sub-form in it that displays information and allows some information to be updated.

In one tab I have a query based sub-form that returns information related to the project. This information cannot be manipulated or changed as it comes out of a company managed database. I would like the analysts to be able to add more granular information to a new table by inputting information in a dropdown field for one of the new table fields, but utilizing two of the existing sub-forms fields as identifiers in the new table.

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Forms :: Populate One Field Based On Another

Jun 11, 2014

See the attached example, I need to populate the Field B on the form from the associated value in SubTable for the data selected in Field A.

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General :: Populate Unbound Textbox With Combo Box After Update Event

Nov 13, 2012

I am populating a table using combo boxes in a continuous form. The box box alone works fine without any issue of repeated data. But as you know obviously the combo box only populates data in a single column of the table, in which case mine is the LASTNAME; so now I am attempting to populate a unbound textbox with the FIRSTNAME side-by-side with the combo box for the same record.

In the After Update event of the cboLASTNAME:

Me.txtFIRSTNAME = Me.cboLASTNAME.Column(3)

However, after updating the the combo the textbox data is repeated.

Is there a possible solution to this?

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General :: Combo Box To Populate Rich Text Textbox In Form

Aug 30, 2013

I am new to access and have been staring at the same Run-time error for 3 days (pathetic I know). I cannot for the life of me figure out why it does not like my Dlookup. Esentially, I want and After Update event in my combo box to populate a Rich text textbox in my form. After reading DLookup is the easiest way to make this happen. Here is my code:

Me.emailbody.Value = DLookup("[Escalation_1]", "Status_Emails", "Status_Emails.Status =" & (cboStatus.Value))

My error reads: "Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'Status_Emails.Status = LOCATION NEED MORE INFO'.

LOCATION NEED MORE INFO is the value in my criteria cbostatus.value.

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Populate Attachment Field Based On Combobox Selection

Jan 8, 2013

I am creating a Database to track product details and inventory for items we purchase.

I have several Tables and several Forms already working properly, except for one thing.

I have a Form called "Lights", and it contains a ComboBox called Light_Name and 6 TextBoxes: Manufacturer, Model_Number, Cost, Weight, Light_Type, Notes. It also has an Attachment Field linked to the same table.

I am using the Code:

Me.TEXTBOX = Me.Light_Name.Column(#)

to populate the Textboxes with the relevant info from the Light Table.

This works for every Textbox I have.

However I cannot get the Attachment Box to change. And when I try to add code to it I get a debug error. The Attachments are PDFs and I need them to show based on the ComboBox Selection.

I have tried the same code as above, and as I said, it gives me an error.

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