Queries :: Count Number Of Times Each Of Responses Show From Lookup Table

May 9, 2014

I have 2 tables...a lookup table with possible responses (i.e. yes, no, don't know) and the second with 8 fields that contain the values selected from the first table. Tables are related one-to-many. I need to count the number of times each of the responses shows from the lookup table shows in each of the fields in the main table. Have tried to query with the lookup field set to "group by" and each field set to "count".

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Queries :: Count Number Of Times Field Has Been Selected

Apr 2, 2013

I'm compiling a monthly report based on data from my table "JobSheet"

I want to count how many times last month a specific field was entered, it's a drop down list which is formed from it's own table "Problem"

Is there a simple way of doing this?

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Queries :: How To Count Number Of Times Data Appears In A Field

Sep 23, 2013

How to count the number of times that the data appears in a certain field (which is [Ema!l]). I have a list of ema!l addresses and I want to find out whether that ema!l address has appeared once, twice or more. I want to add this as a field in a query. I don't want to delete it or anything because it's perfectly fine for the ema!l address to appear more than once, I just want to be able to identify when the ema!l address has already appeared.

If I was using Excel I would use a Countif function to count how many times the data in the specified cell appears in the whole column, and that would give me the number. I'm not use to the language of Access so I can't figure out how to achieve this.

I tried adding a Total row to the grid in the query and then changing the total to 'count' but this just returned 1 for every row.

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Count Number Of Times Record Is Viewed...

Jun 16, 2006

What I would like to do is have a field in a given record increment itself every time that record is selected. For example, say you have a table that stores items in the inventory: each item has a times_search_for_field.

Now, lets say a user runs a search which results in the following SQL:

SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE experation_date=Today();

Now I want to have every record returned by that SQL statement increment it's times_search_for_field incremented by one. I'm just looking for the most efficiant way to do this.

I know I chould just have my asp .net code loop through the results and call an SQL UPDATE statement for each record, but it seems there should be a more efficient way of doing this.


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Count Number Of Times A Value Appears In A Column Using MS Access

Oct 9, 2014

I would like to count the number of times a value appears in a column using Ms Access

Name Count
Mike 2
Paul 1
Mike 2
Peter 1

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Modules & VBA :: Count Number Of Times Mouse Left-clicks On Active Form

Jun 14, 2013

I would like to update a txtbox with a simple int count of the number of times a mouse is left-clicked while on an active form. How do I do this?

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Queries :: Count Of Times A Appears In Query

Oct 24, 2014

I have a query that gives a value in a column either "A","V","L","H","P","S" or blank.

I want to be able to count the amount of occurrences of each letter and hold that number in a column. Is it easy to do?

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Queries :: Count The Amount Of Times A Name Appears In A Query?

May 31, 2013

I have a log in table that counts every time a user logs onto the database. Each time a user logs in it adds another entry to a table.

I have built a query to display the user name and date of log in so I could display this information in a report. The report is now getting rather long, and I am looking for a way to display each users name and have the total number of times they have logged in, not display each time they have logged in separately.

The Query has two fields "Agent Name" and "Logger Date"

The report displays the data as follows

Agent Name Logger Date
User 1 26/5/13
User 1 26/5/13
User 1 27/5/13
User 2 28/5/13

What I would like to do is have a report listing each users name, with a column showing how many times they have logged on. e.g.

User Name Login Count
User 1 3
User 2 1

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Queries :: Count A Field Multiple Times (sub Totals And A Total)

Jul 18, 2013

I have 2 tables (person / merit) currently the merti table has 4 fields (MeritID, PersonID, Issuer, Type) I'm trying to count the the Type field 7 times, once of each type (MC/MI/MN/MP/MS/MV) and once to count a grand total.

I want to produce a query to use in a mail merge that will list the total for each merit type and one grand total.

I've been trying a few different things including sub queries but I've not managed to get the query to produce a single record that counts each individual type.

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Queries :: Create A Query To Show Rows With Timestamps In Between Two Times

Jul 7, 2013

Create a query to show rows with timestamps in between two timestamps? my variables are cutoff time and the current time where cutoff time is saved on a table (tblcontroltable.cutoff ) a pseudo code of what i want to achieve is

select date, product, timestamps
from tblsample
where date = date and timestamps > cutoff and timestamps < time

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General :: Lookup Combobox - Field Show Number Instead Of Text In Listbox

Jul 7, 2014

I have a field in a table where it is a lookup is a combo box. So this makes the data type of the field a number when in reality it is a text. When I have this field show in a list box it shows the number instead of the text.

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Queries :: Number Of Hours - Calculating Difference Between Times

Jun 23, 2014

I am starting to create a resourcing database that needs to be able to work with dates and times and perform calculations on them.

I need to work out the number of hours. I have two date/time fields Day_Start_Time and Day_End_Time. I want to calculate the difference between the two in hours and then multiply by the number of working days.

I tried this: Number_Of_Hours: DateDiff("hh",[Day_Start_Time],[Day_End_Time])*[Number_of_days]

But get #Func! when I run the query.

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Limiting The Number Of Times A Record Can Be Entered Into A Table

Sep 21, 2004

I want to limit the numer of times a record can be entere into a table. After a record has been entered 3 times, I want an error message or validation rule to tell me it can't be done.

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General :: Copy Single Record In A Table And Paste It Predefined Number Of Times

Sep 25, 2012

I would like to be able to copy a single record in a table and then paste this record a pre-defined number of times 10,20,30 depending on requirements. The reason I need to do this is that I want to set up a number of identical records that can easily be amended into unique records. This will vastly reduce the amount of work and time spent entering records individually.

The only way that I have been able to achieve this is to copy and transfer the master record into Excel, and then copy the row and paste it into a range of cells. Copy the range of cells back from Excel and then paste this range back into the Access table.

This works but is long winded; what I would like to know is is there a simply way of achieving this.

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Report Prints The Same Number Of Times As The Number Of Records

Jul 10, 2006

I've created a report and report has the same number of pages as the number of records that it's displaying.

If there are two records, the report has 4 pages...the first 2 are the actual report and then the other 2 are a copy. If there are 3 records, the report would have 3 copies (...6 pages).

Any idea how to change this so that I have only one copy of the report?

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Queries :: Count Number Of Dates Seen Or Zero?

May 28, 2014

I just can't seem to get this one to work right. I've got the following query. I need to count the number of Null dates or show zero if there are no Null Dates.

SELECT DISTINCTROW qryNoticeResponseNew.fldNoticeID, Count(qryNoticeResponseNew.[fldResponseSeen]) AS fldCount
FROM qryNoticeResponseNew
GROUP BY qryNoticeResponseNew.fldNoticeID;

Which is just counting the number of dates so far. It got me to thinking I need to do something like this.

SELECT DISTINCTROW qryNoticeResponseNew.fldNoticeID, IIf(IsNull(qryNoticeResponseNew.[fldResponseSeen]),1,0) AS fldCount
FROM qryNoticeResponseNew
GROUP BY qryNoticeResponseNew.fldNoticeID;

Which pops a "cannot have aggregate function in expression" error.

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Queries :: Count Number Of Duties

Jan 25, 2015

Consider the table

Date Shift-1 Shift-2 Shift-3
1-1-15 OP-1 op-2 op-3
2-1-15 op-4 op-3 op-5
3-1-15 op-2 op-1 op-4
4-1-15 op-3 op-6 op-1
5-1-15 op-5 op-1 op-3

How can calculate the duties of operators (Op-1 to Op-6)?

Possible result is

Op-1 = 4, Op-2 = 2, Op-3 = 4, Op-4 = 2, Op-5 = 2, Op-6 = 1

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Queries :: Count Total Number Of Records

Dec 18, 2013

I am wanting to display in a text box or on my report the total number or records in my database. Also I have some buttons that filter the results a little, I'm wanting to display the number after I hit the button(s). Would I just add the query to the end of each button I have?

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Queries :: Query To Count Number Of Different Records?

May 28, 2014

If I have a table called "Calls" with an autonumber and another field with names for stores like this:

1 Hobby Mart
2 Peter's Store
3 Hobby lobby
4 Hobby Mart
5 Peter's Store

How can I build a query to count the number of different store names?

For example, in this case I need the query to return the number 3.

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Queries :: How To Count Number Of Comma Within The Field

Nov 20, 2014

I have one field containing a couple of 6 digit codes and would like to count the number of codes in the field and write the number to a calculated field. Each code is separated by a comma and a space. How can I count the no of comma within the field?

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Queries :: Query Filter Out Data From A Table Between Times On 2 Dates

Jul 24, 2014

Running Access 2010 and developed this query to filter out data from a table between times on 2 dates (day before report run and day of report). Covers data from a shift that carries over to the next day.Trouble is, the PC i developed on still operates the query as expected. However, on the PC the database resides (not networked just stored) and operates, the query brings up no data at all unless I remove the Time filtering.

This PC used to operate correctly up until early this year (about 18 months operated correctly) when the PC was replaced due to failure. Access version is the same and I am at wits end to what the cause is. Here is what my query looks like:


SELECT Breakdowns.BreakdownDate, Breakdowns.Time, Breakdowns.Shift, Breakdowns.Downtime, Breakdowns.Equipment, Breakdowns.Conveyor, Breakdowns.Fault, Breakdowns.Stopper, Breakdowns.Gate, Breakdowns.Dolly, Breakdowns.Carrier, Breakdowns.FaultType, Breakdowns.Comments, Breakdowns.Tradesman
FROM Breakdowns
WHERE (((Breakdowns.BreakdownDate)=Date()) AND ((Breakdowns.Time) Between #00:00:00# And #6:29:00#) AND ((Breakdowns.Shift)="Night")) OR (((Breakdowns.BreakdownDate)=Date()-1) AND ((Breakdowns.Time) Between #22:30:00# And #23:59:00#) AND ((Breakdowns.Shift)="Night"));

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Forms :: Need To Count Number Of Records In Table Between Dates In Another Table

Mar 6, 2013

I have created a booking system for a set of resources for schools. Most schools have a membership which entitles them to 2 free sets. I have a booking form with a membership subform (membership table), and a booking details subform (kitloan table).

Once a school is selected on the main form, the membership subform shows the most recent record for that school based on schoolID.I want to display the number of sets they have already had within their membership period (can start at any time of the year, and lasts for 1 year) on the membership subform, so we know how many free ones they have left.

I therefore need to count the number of KitBkID (ID of the booking) in the Kitloan table where SchoolID = the SchoolID displayed on the membership subform, and the DateOut (booking date on kitloan table) is between the DateJoined and DateRenewal displayed on the membership subform (from membership table).

I can do this with a query which works when run and provided with the parameters SchoolID, DateJoined, and DateRenewal.

SELECT Count(Kitloan.KitBkID) AS CountOfKitBkID, Kitloan.SchoolID, Kitloan.DateOut
FROM Kitloan INNER JOIN Membership ON Kitloan.SchoolID = Membership.SCHOOLID
GROUP BY Kitloan.SchoolID, Kitloan.DateOut
HAVING (((Kitloan.SchoolID)=[Me].[SCHOOLID]) AND ((Kitloan.DateOut) Between [Me].[DateJoined] And [Me].[DateRenewal]));

What I can't do is get it to run on the form and take those values from the form.From the searching I've done, I'm thinking a DCount should be the way to go, but I cannot get the criteria right. I created a query (KitloanCountQry) so that criteria could come from both the kitloan and membership tables.

SELECT Kitloan.KitBkID, Kitloan.SchoolID, Membership.DateJoined, Membership.SCHOOLID, Kitloan.DateOut
FROM Kitloan INNER JOIN Membership ON Kitloan.SchoolID = Membership.SCHOOLID;

I have put the DCount as the control source for a textbox on the Membership subform (but have tried it in VBA too):
This works but obviously gives me the total for all bookings.


Although I have to admit to getting lost in the syntax. This produces #Error.

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Queries :: Count Number Of Records With Values Within Specified Ranges?

Oct 1, 2014

How do I count the number of records with values within specified ranges?

My database contains a field with values ranging from say 1 to 1000. I need to write a query to show count the number of records with values in ranges I specify in the query.

I'm looking for output such as

<100 - 50 records
101 - 500 - 30 records
501 -1000 - 50 records

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Queries :: Unable To Count The Number Of Null Fields

May 16, 2013

I am trying to create a clean database and code to generate a report.

I am trying to count the number of null fields in one of my queries:

However, because of this expression, I cannot carry other fields with it. So the end result looks like:

But I would really like it to spit out the following information:

Total Not Fixed: 241
Department: Sustaining Eng

is there a way to create an SQL query to simply add data: I have tried the following:


ALTER TABLE qrySustainingEngNotFixed2 ADD Dept TEXT(25)
Insert Into qrySustainingEngNotFixed2 (Dept) Values (Sustaining Eng)
SELECT TotalNotFixed, Dept
FROM qrySustainingEngNotFixed2;

The above isn't working. Keep in mind that I want this is just for display purposes. I pondered making a custom table and then making a Union Query, but I'm trying to do this all in one SQL statement.

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How Do I Count Number Of Rows In Table...

Oct 4, 2004

I need to do a count of the total number of rows in a table or query. Say I have a table with 7 records, I want to be able to get total number of rows instead of the sum of the row and save it to some other table.

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Queries :: Query Between Dates But With Count Grouped By Model Number?

Mar 18, 2013

I currently have a query of between dates which the user enters, but when I try to get a total count of model numbers it gives totals for each date. I am trying to get a count of model numbers between these dates with the dates excluded in the grouping.

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