Removing Hash Sign In HyperLink Address (On Click) Command Button

Apr 14, 2012

I have a command button on a Web Mutli-Record form that is using a "= [Report_URL]" value within the Hyperlink Address property. This all seems to work other than the fact that when the link popups up it has a "#" on either side that basically makes it an invalid address. How do I get rid of the # signs to get the web address popup in the URL when a user clicks on the Command Button that is associated to the row the record is on.

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Code Triggered From Label On Click Behaves Differently From Command Button On Click

Nov 7, 2006

Often I use Labels as buttons due to the fact I can colour them the way I want, and use the on click event to trigger code.
The code below however works for a command button, but not a label button.

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmdatetime"
Do While Forms!frmdatetime!OKFlag.Caption = "False"

When this code is run by clicking on a command button, it works fine.
If run by clicking on a label, frmdatetime opens, but the mouse will not work on either of the 2 open forms unless you go down to the windows task bar, jump onto another window, and back onto frmdatetime.
If I remove the loop with the DoEvents in it, then the problem does not occur.

Can anyone enlighten me as to why this behaviour occurs.



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Need To Remove Hash At The Start And End Of Link Address Stored On Database

Apr 16, 2014

I am using asp and database to store info for example link addresses. Unfortunately, they have become stored in database column with a # on either side. I have tried find and replace but this does not work on # symbol. It can not be stored as a hyperlink because I need my website to extract info from remote database and then display info in results page as a hyperlink. Works fine if I remove them by hand but there are 3000 of them!

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Command Button Open Up Hyperlink From A Recordset

Jan 3, 2005

Hello all, I hope your hollidays were great!!

Ok I have a Continuous form that in one of it's fields contains Hyperlinks. The form is named [Song Info] and the field is [Play].
I want this field to be hidden and have a command button open up the hyperlink in that recordset. I think that all the info need
but if not let me know.

Rich M

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Date / ID Displayed As Hash Marks Until Click Them

Apr 18, 2012

why the ID and Date fields in my report are being displayed as ##### until I click it, then it shows the correct date?

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Help!Command Button Captions On Click

Aug 9, 2005

Hi all!

I have this command button whose caption switches from update record to save record with a msgbox verifying if the person really wants to take this action. On click the user is then allowed to update the record then in theory they would be able to hit the same button whose caption now reads save record, the msg box would appear with a yes or no answer required. The code I have is putting the msg box after the user clicks the update button.

Anyhelp and/or suggestions would be most appreciated!

Private Sub cmdOpen3_Click()

stDocName = "frmSearch"

If cmdOpen3.Caption = "&Update Record" Then
If IsNull(Me.FTMSubform.SourceObject) = False Then
Me.FTMSubform.SourceObject = "frmFTMInfo"

Me.FTMSubform.Form!txtFirstName.Enabled = True
Me.FTMSubform.Form!txtFirstName.Locked = False
Me.FTMSubform.Form!txtFirstName.BackStyle = 1
Me.cmdOpen3.Enabled = True
Me.cmdOpen3.Caption = "&Save Record"
Me.cmdOpen4.Enabled = False
Me.cmdOpen4.Caption = "&Update Record"
Me.FTMSubform.Form!txtFirstName.Enabled = False
Me.FTMSubform.Form!txtFirstName.Locked = True
Me.FTMSubform.Form!txtFirstName.BackStyle = 0
Me.cmdOpen3.Enabled = False
Me.cmdOpen3.Caption = "&Save Record"
Me.cmdOpen4.Enabled = True
Me.cmdOpen4.Caption = "&Update Record"
End If
End If

If cmdOpen3.Caption = "&Save Record" Then
If IsNull(Me.FTMSubform.SourceObject) = False Then
Me.FTMSubform.SourceObject = "frmFTMInfo"
If MsgBox("Save update to this individual?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Save Update?") = vbYes Then
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmFTM"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName
MsgBox "Return to the FTMInfo Form!", vbInformation, "Save Function Aborted!"
End If
End If
End If
End Sub


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Modules & VBA :: Append Query On Click Of Command Button

Oct 18, 2013

I would like to make an append query to piece together multiple tables into a holding table, once the command button is clicked.

a) how to make an append query in vba,
b) How to call an append query on click of a command button?

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Forms :: Command Button On Click Function - Search By Hedging Program

Jun 26, 2014

I have a command button using this code:

If Me.Setfilter.Caption = "Search By Hedging Program" Then
Me.Filter = "Hedging Program"
Me.FilterOn = True
cmd.Setfilter.Caption = "Don't Search By Hedge Program"
Me.FilterOn = False
cmd.Setfilter.Caption = "Search By Hedging Program"
End If

Hedging program is the column from the table I am trying to filter, it is a yes/no column. I want it to return all yes values in my query if it says search by hedging program and if it says Don't search by hedging program I want it to disregard the filter. I also have it set so that when I click the button it changes the caption from one to the other. So I don't know if I really need the cmd.setfilter lines because they may do the same as my command button on click function.

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Modules & VBA :: Return Folder Directory To Text Box On Forms Record When Click Browse Command Button

Nov 12, 2014

I need to return a folders directory to a text box on my forms record called Files_Directory when i click the Browse command button... The folder will have more folders within it along with documents all relivant to the folder selected, hense the need for just the folder directory rather than a file.

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Removing Address Field When It Contains No Data In A Report

Mar 5, 2015

I created a report to print out a letter that will be sent to all of our clients. In the address section of the letter there are two field for adresses...Address1 and Address2. One is for a street address and the other for a PO Box. Not all of the clients have a PO Box and for these, I do not want the blank line to show in the address. For example:

John Doe
3 Main Street

Franklin, MA 02038

The field and section of the report are set to "can shrink" and "can grow", but it still gives me a blank line in the address for the clients that do not have a PO Box. What else do I have to do?

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Hyperlink Address

Dec 19, 2005

Hello, I'm trying to add a hyperlink to my form that changes to a different location when the record changes.

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Using Parameters In HyperLink Address

Feb 21, 2007

Access 2003

I've inherited an Access Application which is basically a Front End for calling Integration Service Packages - for all intents and purposes it could be stored procedures or anything other executable. A number of forms have hard coded links that point to a particular executable on a network drive.

With regards to this the UAT packages will live in a different directory than the DEV code so is it possible to parameterise the link e.g. could W:CAT DevelopmentAutomation PackagesOTCOptionsImport.dtsx become W:PARAMETERAutomation PackagesOTCOptionsImport.dtsx - if so then how do I create a parameter, capture it and use it in the link above.

The whole project is lacking the use of parameters at an ACCESS level and Integration Services level but due to time constraints there is no scope to major overhaul the system design.

I am a developer with many years of experience but my Access knowledge is limited so any pointers would be helpful.

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Forms :: Inserting Variables Into Hyperlink Address?

Aug 31, 2013

I'm using Access 2007.

I have a customer table attached to a form.

I want to put a command button next to the customer's email address so that the user simply presses the button and Outlook will be started with the customer's email address automatically inserted from the table.

I am playing around with the Hyperlink Address function and whilst this seems to do what I want, I can't figure out how to get the customer's email address from the tabel and insert it......

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Forms :: Make A Multiple Item Form / Sign In Sign Out

Jan 8, 2015

My teacher instructs me to make a 'multiple item form' in regards to signing in and signing out of a dentist ( my scenario)...The fields i have are : Appointment ID, dentistID, Appointment time, Appointment Date and customerID..i have created have the multiple item form and i am now displayed with the fields.

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Queries :: Button To Display Current Time (Sign In And Out)

Jan 27, 2015

I have created a button to display the current time ( sign in and out).

It works fine with this code Me.field = time$

However i need a code beneath it to run the actual query that will display this time onto the table...

I have attached an image of one of the query, I need it to run.

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Modules & VBA :: Form With Textbox With LinkedIn Profile Address - Hyperlink Opens Twice

Jul 1, 2015

I have a form with a textbox with the "LinkedIn" profile address that I want the user to be able to pull up when they click a command button. It works, except that the link opens twice in two tabs in the browser. I've checked over the code for the whole form, and this code is only being run from the click event of the button, so why would it open the same tab twice? Here's the code:

Private Sub cmd_Click()
Dim ctl As CommandButton
Dim txthyper As String
Set ctl = Me!cmd
txthyper = Me!LinkedIn


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Tables :: Find And Replace Hyperlink Address With Text To Display Access 2013

Sep 8, 2014

In the Access Table, how does one Find and Replace part of the hyperlink if the Text to display is different?

Example of Hyperlink Editor:

Example of Find and Replace

In other words, I'd like to find FAKESERVER and replace it with C:Users in all 1000 records. Is there any possible way to do this if there is Text to display?

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Open File Msg (outlook) From Access With Double Click On Email Address

Mar 15, 2012

In an ACCESS DATABASE I have 2 fields



I want make double click on email_address field and open a specific files msg

example :

double click on

if the language is ITALIAN open in OUTLOOK file ITALIAN.msg

if the language is RUSSIAN open in OUTLOOK file RUSSIAN.msg

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Forms :: Copying Command Button Appearance Properties To Other Command Buttons

Dec 17, 2013

I am rewriting an old Access 2003 database in Access 2010. When creating new command buttons, the current theme gives them a default appearance. I need to apply this appearance to old command buttons. I know there is a way to select the default button and apply its properties to others quickly. I have done it before but didn't write the process down .

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General :: Use Hyperlink Command In Switchboard Database

Apr 17, 2015

I have a number of databases in my system and I created a database that only has a switchboard form in it. This switchboard form has links to all of the various databases I have created and opens their default input form. This works fine but now I wish to place a button on the switchboard to run a report that is located in one of the databases.

I tried to use the hyperlink command in the switchboard database but that will not show me the information in the other databases only the switchboard database. I assume I have to link the databases and create a connection to the other database and its report.

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General :: Removing Customizing Access Toolbar Button

Jan 23, 2014

I am currently using the code

<ribbon startFromScratch="True">


To remove the file button from access. however the more commands button in the quick access toolbar renders this method pointless unless i can remove the more commands button. How to remove the "customise quick access" button or failing that how to remove the more commands button?

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Forms :: Command Button To Unlock And Lock Fields / Edit Button?

Feb 19, 2014

I have created a web-database (? - There are globes over all the forms and tables icons) based on the Issues & Tasks template. This means that most of the data is entered and seen on the "Main" form, which has two tabs - Open Issues and Closed Issues. I have created a form that allows people at my work to input the necessary data and save it, so that it will show up on one of the two tabs. However, once a record has been created, I want to be initially locked if the ID/PK is clicked, so that data can't be changed or entered inadvertently.

SO, I changed the code so that when the ID/PK for a record is clicked, it brings up a different form, but one that looks exactly like the one that is brought up when entering a new form, but I locked all of the fields so that the information cannot be changed. It seems from what I have read that I can create a button on this form so that when clicked, it unlocks the fields on the form so that they can be changed, and then when clicked again it will lock the fields again. Is this true? If so, how can I do it? Or is there something similar I can do? I have seen codes that I could copy and paste, but I cannot figure out the place to copy and paste codes in Access 2010.

I have changed the Form properties so that Data Entry and all the "Allows" are set to No...

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Control Date Value From Command Click

Jan 24, 2006

Dont be overwhelmed by the following, but it may require some extensive thought and I dont expect everyone to understand....

I want to have a unbound form control a subform. On the form I have an unbound text area entitled txtDate. In this area it displays the current date being viewed. I have put left and right buttons on the main form that will add (+1) one day to the date being shown and subtract (-1) one day from the date being shown. I want to conrol it though the "On Click" but I dont know what to enter in the "On Click" field that will allow me this. The reason is, co-insiding with the previous, when the date is changed, the subform is also changed to a new day. Therefore instead of displaying 24 hours of today, you can view 24 hours of yesterday, tomorrow and so on. See, if one is to set the onclick to be: Me.txtDate=Me.txtDate-1, or Me.txtDate=Me.txtDate+1, it calls for a custom macro and I dont know why. I know it somehow resides in some similar command set up.

I also need to know how to make the subform bound but continous, and what exactly does that mean?

Anyone care to offer some assistance? :confused:

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Double Click Listbox Command Won't Work!

Jun 27, 2005

Hi everyone!

First, I want to say I would REALLY appreciate any help I could get with this problem. Let me lay out the details.

I DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT know the first thing about programming for ms access. I am an absolute novice, no exaggeration at all. I was a liberal arts major in school!!!!!

Here's the thing: being adventurous and all, about 2 years ago a co-worker and I were fiddling with databases to try and help out our employer keep track of dispatching his equipment for his business. With a little too much time on our hands, before we knew it, our database became fairly complicated, for such novices. A kind gentleman on this forum did us an enormous favor, and programmed a search form for our database. you could enter any or all of the id #'s for various equipment, and it would pop up in a list box. Double-clicking the listbox would open the particular record you were looking for.

Fast-forwarding to now, I'm trying to create another database to keep track of our inventory while while various equipment moves in and out of our yard. I have tried using the old search form as a foundation to create a similar search form for this db. I think I actually have it (kind-of) working! You type in a container number, and the record should pop up. which is a miracle all its own.

problem is, is that when you doubleclick the selection in the list box, I receive the following error:

"Run-time error '3075':
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '[ShipID] = '.

I click debug, and visual basic brings me to:

DoCmd.OpenForm "Inventory Table Form",,, "[ShipID] = " & Me.lstInfo

I don't know what to do! I'm sure it must be something painfully simple or obvious, but I'm really stuck & would appreciate any help.

Also, I would really appreciate any advice on this: I'd like to also be able to search by chassis # in addition to container number, but i don't know how to do it. no big deal, though. THANKS SO MUCH!!

p.s., I've attached the db. please let me know if you can open it ok

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Hyperlink Button Linked To A Combobox

Jun 9, 2006

I have a button that, when clicked upon, I would like to hyperlink to one folder--the location of which being specified by a value the user selects from a combobox.

Example of what I would like to happen:
1)The user selects the Ship Name "AGER 2-Pueblo" from the combobox list.
2)The user clicks the "Go To Ship Folder" button to go to this ship's folder.
3)Access takes "AGER 2-Pueblo" from the combobox and tacks it on the end of the general address of "C:Documents and SettingsDesktopShip Stuff" so that the folder "C:Documents and SettingsDesktopShip StuffAGER 2-Pueblo" opens.

I tried searching for this...but found nothing except the application.followhyperlink code, which I can't get to do this. Can this be done? I would appreciate any help.

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Save Record Button Needs A Hyperlink

Dec 2, 2006

Hey all,

I am embedding a MS Access 2003 Database form into web page (iframe) by creating a "Data Access" form.

I have created it all and it works fine. But there is one last thing i need to sort out.

When the user clicks the Submit button (Really a Save Record Button), i would like the button to also forward the visitor to a basic "Thank You" html page, in the actual iframe. At the moment the record saves, but it doesn't give the visitor any acknowledgement that they submitted successfully.

What code do i need to add to the <Button> code on the Data Access form, in order to create a hyperlink. I am not too familiar with VB.


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