SQL Statement For ADODB Recordset.filter Method

Feb 8, 2007

I want to use the NOT IN operator for the filter method of ADODB.recordset in VBA. Do anybody in the forum know the syntax.

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ADODB.Recordset Error '800a0bb9'

Oct 25, 2004


I am new to asp so if anyone would be kind enough to help me i would appreciate it.
I am using macromedia dreamweaver to connect to an access database

This is the error i am getting

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0bb9'

Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another. /results.asp, line 47

this is my code
Code: <<A href="mailto:%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT">%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%><!--#include file="Connections/IDX.asp" --><%var MLSIDX__twn = "everett";if (String(Request('twn')) != "undefined" && String(Request('twn')) != "") { MLSIDX__twn = String(Request('twn'));}%><%var MLSIDX__type = "sf";if (String(Request('type')) != "undefined" && String(Request('type')) != "") { MLSIDX__type = String(Request('type'));}%><%var MLSIDX__beds = "1";if (String(Request('beds')) != "undefined" && String(Request('beds')) != "") { MLSIDX__beds = String(Request('beds'));}%><%var MLSIDX__baths = "1";if (String(Request('baths')) != "undefined" && String(Request('baths')) != "") { MLSIDX__baths = String(Request('baths'));}%><%var MLSIDX__min = "0";if (String(Request('min')) != "undefined" && String(Request('min')) != "") { MLSIDX__min = String(Request('min'));}%><%var MLSIDX__max = "999999999";if (String(Request('max')) != "undefined" && String(Request('max')) != "") { MLSIDX__max = String(Request('max'));}%><%var MLSIDX = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset");MLSIDX.ActiveConnection = MM_IDX_STRING;MLSIDX.Source = "SELECT * FROM mls WHERE LONG ='"+ MLSIDX__twn.replace(/'/g, "''") + "' AND PROP_TYPE ='"+ MLSIDX__type.replace(/'/g, "''") + "' AND NO_BEDROOMS >= '"+ MLSIDX__beds.replace(/'/g, "''") + "' AND NO_FULL_BATHS >= '"+ MLSIDX__baths.replace(/'/g, "''") + "' AND LIST_PRICE BETWEEN '"+ MLSIDX__min.replace(/'/g, "''") + "' AND '"+ MLSIDX__max.replace(/'/g, "''") + "' ORDER BY LIST_PRICE";MLSIDX.CursorType = 0;MLSIDX.CursorLocation = 2;MLSIDX.LockType = 1;MLSIDX.Open();var MLSIDX_numRows = 0;%><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><title>Untitled Document</title></head><body><%=(MLSIDX.Fields.Item("LIST_PRICE").Value)%><%=(MLSIDX.Fields.Item("LIST_PRICE").Value)%><%=(MLSIDX.Fields.Item("LAST_NAME").Value)%></body></html><%MLSIDX.Close();%>

any suggestions as to what i am doing wrong?

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Modules & VBA :: Opening ADODB Recordset

Jul 2, 2013

I'm building a lab environment into one of my projects. I'm testing the distribution of values over a largish number of attempts to create a unique value.I have a table called LAB_UniqueIDTest, with two fields:

LAB_ID - the string value being tested, and
LAB_UsageCount - the number of times the value has been created.

I'm trying to open the table using the following code:


' Initialize access to the LAB_UniqueIDTest table
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "LAB_UniqueIDTest", _
CurrentProject.Connection, _
adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

I have similar snippets of code all over the application - either with a literal (as here) or as a string parameter.I do not, ever, use the options parameter of rs.open.I get error message "Run time error -2147217900 (80040e14) Invalid SQL statement - expected DELETE, INSERT, PROCEDURE, SELECT or UPDATE

My guess is it's because somehow the Open procedure is trying to interpret the tablename as a SQL statement. But how come it isn't this obtuse at other times?

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ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BCD) Either BOF Or EOF Is True, Or The Current.....

Sep 2, 2005

ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0BCD)
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.

function combomaker(elSQL, elFieldNameID, elFieldName, elSelected, elConn)
' This function creates a generic combo box with values from a table
dim elRS
set elRS = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
set elRS = elConn.Execute(elSQL)

do while not elRS.eof
response.Write "<option value='" & elRS.fields(elFieldNameID) & "'"
if elSelected <> "" then
if cstr(elRS.Fields(elFieldNameID)) = elSelected then
response.Write " selected "
end if
if elRS.BOF then
response.Write " selected "
end if
end if
response.Write ">" & elRS.fields(elFieldName) & "</option>" & vbCrLf
set elRS = nothing
end function

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Forms :: Filtering A Form Based On ADODB Recordset?

Oct 16, 2013

I have a form that shows records from ADODB recordset.When I try to apply filter to the underlying recordset it works all right but the form doesn't reflect the changes. It shows same rows as before filtering. In debug I can see that the recordset contains only filtered records. Me.Refresh (Recalc, Requery) doesn't work.

Code is as follows:

Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open sql, conn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
Set Me.Recordset = rs

Sub combo_AfterUpdate()
Me.Recordset.Filter = "CompanyNo = 123"
End Sub

The form is in Continuous forms mode. I cant use DAO because the data comes from SQL server user-defined function.

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Modules & VBA :: Access 2010 And ADODB Recordset Count

Nov 24, 2013

I opened a 2007 Access db in Access 2010. This DB worked perfectly in Access 2007, but when I opened it in 2010 my recordset.recordcount no longer works.

This is what I have:

rsGetInst was previously defined
Dim intInstCount as integer
Dim rsGetInst As New ADODB.Recordset
rsGetInst.CursorLocation = adUseClient
rsGetInst.CursorType = adOpenDynamic
rsGetInst.LockType = adLockOptimistic

rsGetInst.open "Select * from tblInstruction where CustID = " & intCustomerID
intInstCount = rsGetInst.recordcount

At this point a get a "type Mismatch" error, and it is happening in all my recordsets recordcount.

Is there a command or reference that needs to be change when using Access 2010. When I compared the references the only difference is that in 2007 we reference Microsoft Access 12.0 Object Library and in 2010 is Microsoft Access 14.0 Object Library.

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Modules & VBA :: Form Bound To ADODB Recordset Is Read Only - Cannot Edit?

Sep 4, 2013

I can't make edits with ADODB recordset bound to my form.

Access 2010 linking to SQL Server 2008.

Simple form bound to a single table.

Connection string works fine.

Code is as below (cursor etc is set using enums btw).

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
If g1OpenRecordset(rst, "tblName", rrOpenKeyset, rrLockOptimistic, False) = False Then
Cancel = True
Exit Sub

[Code] ...

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Modules & VBA :: Finding Last Record (QueryDef Or Recordset Method)

Feb 11, 2014

My question is which method of finding the last record is best, QueryDef or Recordset? Here is my data:



Textbox to insert last record RMA into:

Here is some code I tried but get an invalid argument msgbox:

'Opens last RMA into textbox (For opening tag sheet)
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
'Get the database and Recordset
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("tbl_module_repairs")

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Payment Method - Multiple Filter Criteria On Same Field

Jul 30, 2014

I am using MS Access 2007.

I would like to display a report based on the table called "expenses", filtered by:

- "from" (datefrom field) and "to" (dateto field) date on "payment date" field;
- multiple criteria on same field called "payment method" (I would like to include only payment methods "check" and "credit card", but not the other payment methods in the field, such as "cash", "transfer", etc.)

For that end I made a query based on the table "expenses", and in the "payment date", in the criteria field, I entered:

between [form]![formname]![datefrom] and [form]![formname]![dateto]

This works fine so far, however when I attempt to add multiple criteria on the "payment method" field, it does not filter accurately any longer. In the same row of the criteria field where I completed the date criteria, I enter "check". In the next row, same field, I enter "credit card".

Since it doesn't work, I tried putting both arguments in the same line as the date criteria (always in the payment method field) as: "check" and "credit card" but still does not work (now it filters the payment method correctly, but the dates filter appear as if I have never completed them).

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Queries :: Recordset Retrieval Using If Statement (With And)

Feb 24, 2014

Why I getting an error when trying to run the below code ? If I take out

Me.ClientNameList.Column(1) = rs.Fields("[Tracking Date]") Then . . .

add "And" to

If Me.ClientNameList = rs.Fields("[Client Name]") . . .

I do get a record, but with the wrong date. I need to match the client's name and tracking date, then move the related fields to a MS Access form.

The code follows:

Private Sub ClientNameList_Click()
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Progress Tracking")

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Using Recordset Inside SQL Statement?

Jun 19, 2015

Is it possible to use recordsets inside an sql-statement how described in following example. the error message: access can't find the table or querydef.


public function useRS (RS_ext_1 as DAO.Recordset, RS_ext_2 as DAO.Recordset) as DAO.Recordset
dim sql_RS_int as string
dim RS_int as DAO.Recordset

sql_RS_int = "SELECT * FROM RS_ext_1, RS_ext_2 WHERE col1_ext1 = 1 and col1_ext2 = 5"
set RS_int = CurrentDB().OpenRecordset(sql_RS_int)
set useRS = RS_int.Clone

end function

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Recordset Filter With Tick Box Yes/no

Nov 15, 2005

Hi There

Im Trying To Find A Solution To My Problem About Searching Records Through A Recordset Filter. I Have Performed The Follwing Code To Filter My Records From The Combo Box However In My Database I Have Several Yes/no Fields That I Would Like To Filter Out As Apart Of A Recordset.

Code is

Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT * FROM [qry Landuse Survey 2005] WHERE [STREET] = '" & Me![Combo255] & "'"
Me.RecordSource = sql

Does Anyone Know How I can use the same principle for Yes/no Field Types?

Comments Much Appreciated!

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Filter By Recordset In Combobox

Sep 1, 2005

I need to be able to use a combo box on a form to filter the records shown. The fields on the table are as follows:

ID No, Ref No, Start Date, Comp date, Price etc.

I have set the form up to run off a query that shows all records with a certain ID No. Each ID No has a number of reference numbers. I would like to use a combo box on the form so the user can select a Ref No and the form would be filtered to show only the details of that specific ref no.

What is the easiest way to do this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Recordset Filter Combo Box

Oct 18, 2005

Hi There. Im Trying To Filter Records Through A Combo Box Which Is So Far So Good. However What I Would Like To Do Is Select The Records Through The Combo Box And Have It Return And Populate Only Those Records. Has Anyone Got Any Suggestions To This?
Ive Attached The Sample Database Im Working On.


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Apply A Filter To A Recordset

Aug 13, 2014

I have an issue trying to apply a filter to a record-set. Here's the code:

Dim choice As String
Dim rset1, rset2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim dbs as DAO.Database
Dim var As Variant


Whenever the last line is executed, i.e. rset2=rset1.OpenRecordset, I get the following error message:<<<Too few parameters, Expected 2>.. It used to work before? Maybe an issue with my library?

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Filter Based On Another Forms Recordset

Nov 30, 2005

I've got a form based on a query. Is there a way I can filter the records showing on the form, based on the records in another form's recordset.
I've managed to get the second form to show the same records as the first using
me.recordset = forms!otherform.recordset

but I actually want some different fields in my second form so want to base it on a different query.

Can I do something along the lines of...
Form1 based on Query1 with fields CustID, Field1
Form2 based on Query2 with fields CustID, Field2 but filtered where CustID in Form1.Recordset?
I've probably not explained that very well so please ask if you need more info. :)

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General :: Recordset Filter - How To Get Minimal Value From Column

Mar 26, 2015

I would like to get minimal value from "Ski" column. Need to use recordset instead Dmin function because this value will be changed many times. I work with dao.recordset but I never used recordset filter so I need to do something like this:

strSQL = "select tblGoraZleceniaNowaWyceny.id_gora_zlecenia, tblGoraZleceniaNowaWyceny.naklad_pracy, tblGoraZleceniaNowaWyceny.nazwa, tblGoraZleceniaNowaWyceny.Ski, tblMontazSzczegoly.iloscuzytkow from tblGoraZleceniaNowaWyceny inner join tblMontazSzczegoly on tblGoraZleceniaNowaWyceny.id_gora_zlecenia = tblMontazSzczegoly.nazwa where tblGoraZleceniaNowaWyceny.id_wycena_pre=" & Forms!frmWycenyObszarRoboczy!ID_wycena_pre & " order by error desc"

Wor = 5
Get the minimum value from strSQL (Ski column)
update this value = Ski+1
wor = wor-1
and loop all procedure until Wor = 0

So the problem is how to requery strSQL to show NEW minimum value at the beginning query - rst.requery doesn't work.

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Modules & VBA :: String And Date - Data Type Mismatched In Recordset Filter

Jan 10, 2015

I am trying to filter a recordset with a variable q. The field in the table associated with the record set is of data type Date/time. I assigned data types String and Date to q but both cases generates the error message " Data type mismatched in expression".

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SQL Statement Won't Filter Out Dates?!

Oct 4, 2007

Hi all, thought i had finished this one but apparantly not yet :)

Firstly can anyone see a problem with this statement?

SELECT Final.* INTO NewTable FROM Final WHERE LoginDate <> #02/07/2007#

It works fine with non date/time values..

It's probably something silly i know but any help is appreciated...



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Queries :: Filter From Combo Box Also Has IIF Statement?

Mar 15, 2013

Here is what I have in my Query
IIf([Forms]![Report Form]![Combo56]=0,1 or 3,[Forms]![Report Form]![Combo56])

in the combo box I have it setup like this
Yes = 1
No = 3
All = 0

it is pulling for a SQL database and what I am looking to do is if they want them all select 1 and 3 but when I save the Query is changes it to this and doesn't work.

IIf([Forms]![Report Form]![Combo56]=0,([BigAssQuery MTD].[Calc_ID])=1 Or ([BigAssQuery MTD].[Calc_ID])=3,[Forms]![Report Form]![Combo56])

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Forms :: Filter Statement Asks For Parameter Entry

Aug 22, 2014

I have a bound form, in its heading I have a combo box which lists three choices. Basically I want to filter all my purchase records by checking a field PUOrderNb (Example: PO200100025) against the choice made in the combo box, namely DE (for demand), PO (for Purchase order) etc. On the after update event of the combo box, I have the following code:

Dim strfilter As String
strfilter = " left ([PuOrderNb],2) like " & cboFilter.Column(1)
Me.Filter = strfilter
Me.FilterOn = True

When I make a choice in the combo box, I get a window asking me to enter a parameter value and it lists the value of the combo box choice as a sort of a title just above the white input fame.When I type in PO for instance, the program does correctly filter all order numbers starting with PO, but the whole point of having a combo box is not to have to type anything.The other odd thing is, when I change the choice in the combo box, after my first choice, I do not get this parameter question but nothing happens as to filtering. The first choice remains active.

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Forms :: Adding All Selection To Combo Box That Acts As Filter For SQL Statement

Nov 4, 2014

My form has a combo box which is bound to a query that selects a list of member numbers. The value selected the goes onto filter a list driven by an SQL statement.

Private Function PopulateADO(qpMemberNo As Long)
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

[Code] .....

This works fine when a single member is selected from the combo. But obviously i want a "select all" or * wildcard option.

Question is 2 parts.
1. How do i add the all or wildcard option to the bound combo?
2. How do i code the all or wildcard option into the SQL statement?
Is it something like is not null ?

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Remote Access Through ADODB

Nov 8, 2005

Hi everyone, I'm just a newbie in DB programming and I'm having a trouble:

I have a database located in my IIS server: "c:inetpubwwwrootwebapplication1dbs1.mdb".

I'm also developing a VB6 app in another computer which will access to my IIS server to get data in my database. I'm using ADODB, but I don't know how to establish the connection as well as to get the data from the server (remote machine).

Can anyone in here help me by showing an example in VB6 code?
Thank you very much, any sugestion is welcome
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RecordCount Problems With ADODB 2.6

Feb 28, 2005

The company I work for remains on the 2.6 version of the various MDAC components. Unfortunately, upgrading is not an option that I can control. So....

When I open a recordset which DOES contain records, I often return a RecordCount of -1. EOF is false, so that is working, and I am able to use that to get around part of my problem. Where I need the count after iterating through the recordset, I am able to use an iCounter variable to get that. I have tried using MoveLast, MoveFirst, etc. before calling for RecordCount, but that does not help.

In many instances having the count BEFORE going through the recordset would be very helpful. Has anyone else ever encountered this problem? Anyone devise a workaround?

Thanks in advance for any help!


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Setting ADODB.Connection

Aug 14, 2006

I am trying to set up an unbound form inn access 2003 to link to a PostgreSQL database. Being a newbie to this sort of stuff, I am having a few problems. Using Access 2003 VBA Programmers Guide, I have found some code to help in what I am trying to do but I cannot get my head around the connection settings.

The code under the form General Declarations is:
Code:Dim rsTest As ADODB.RecordsetDim cnTest As ADODB.ConnectionDim boolAddNewMode As BooleanPrivate Sub pPopulateFields()' Check to be sure the recordset is not in a BOF or EOF state.' If it is then do nothingIf Not rsTest.BOF And Not rsTest.EOF Then' rsTest.Resync adAffectCurrentMe.job_number = rsTest.Fields("job_number")Me.customer_ref = rsTest.Fields("customer_ref")Me.pen_contract = rsTest.Fields("pen_contract")End If' Set focus to the Exit controlMe.cmdExit.SetFocus' Reset the text boxes and save/cancel buttons to a' locked or disabled state.Me.job_number.Locked = TrueMe.customer_ref.Locked = TrueMe.pen_contract.Locked = TrueMe.cmdCancel.Enabled = FalseMe.cmdSave.Enabled = False' Reset the boolAddNewMode flagboolAddNewMode = FalseEnd SubCode under on Open event of form:Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)' For simplicity, we will use the built-in connection of the ADP.' If we were creating an MDB or connecting to a different SQL Server,' then the full connection string would need to be suppliedSet cnTest = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")cnTest.Open "FILEDSN=PostgreSQL"' Create the recordset and move to the first recordSet rsTest = New ADODB.RecordsetrsTest.Open "Digi Ticket", cnTest, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimisticrsTest.MoveFirst' Populate the text boxes on the form with datapPopulateFieldsEnd Sub
I want to the form to pickup data using a filedsn called PostgreSQL from a table called 'public_digipen_tickets' and populate a form called Digi Ticket.

Can anyone offer any assistance.

thanks in advance.

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Modules & VBA :: Stuck At ADODB Collections

Apr 29, 2015

I try to use collection of a ADODB.recordset eg rsTarget,Essentially I want to assign the fields (columns) in this rsTarget with respective data. I tried to use of

two sets. (fld as adodb.field)
Set fld = rsTarget.Fields.Item(count)
Set fld = rsTarget.Fields.Item(Column(count))

Then I try to use following to assign
RsTarget!fld.name = Data1

It failed stating that there is no fld.name. Using column set, it state that there is no column function. How to do it right?

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