Tables :: Automate Record Input Across Tables

Jan 13, 2015

Trying to get a record entered into a field on table (a) to automatically enter into same field on table (b).Example: Plant database table, input record in plant name field. Have same record appear in propagation table in the plant name field.Played around with relationships a bit, don't know if there is where u do this.Plant name is primary in both tables.

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Tables :: End User Input To Pull A Specific Record

Dec 5, 2012

I want to use a Form or Report to have the end user enter say a Customer # or the Customer Last Name and then have Access pull and display that record so that the end user can than print all the saved information from that record.

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Forms :: Creating User Record - Input Multiple Tables From Form

Mar 28, 2015

I am building a form to create a user record and at the same time i have some yes/no options which are located in other tables but when i want add a user i cannot select any yes/no options they seem locked?

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Automate Changes Of Fieldnames In Tables/queries

Jan 31, 2008

I have a reasonable large dbase with some 12 tables and some 40 Queries.
In three of the tables, there are fields with dubious names like AA1, CD-3, 227, etc.
I want to change these field names to some more appropriate names like : Testblok , Cspeler, Jaarnummer, etc, etc.

In doing so, I will have to go thru each and every Query ( and at a later stage forms/reports) to change the fieldnames in that query corresponding to the changes I made in the initial table field name.

Would there be another way of doing this, i.e. is there a routine for changes made in the fieldnames, being “automatically updated in the table bound query.

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Automate An Export Of Data To Access Tables.

Jul 28, 2006


Would it be possible for me to build an interface for a customer to use for importing data. So that they customer could choose from a drop down list, or input into a text box where they want to export from, and where they would like the export to be imported?

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Is It Possible To Automate The Following Data Input?

Nov 8, 2006

Can anyone please advise how I may be able to achieve the following?

The database in question is used to store info about members of a radio control model flying club.

I have a table (members) containing member’s personal details – names, addresses etc and a second table (club_membership) containing membership info in the Fields – year, membership_cat, insurance_cat. Each member has a record in the second table for each year they have been a member.

To simplify the renewal process (typically most members renew at the same time at our AGM) I would like to use a form which lists all members names with a check box (renew) which is checked if the member renews his/her membership. For every member checked I would like to automatically create a new record in the club_membership table for the next membership year (2007) by copying over values for the fields membership_cat and insurance_cat from their record for the previous year.

Many thanks


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Tables :: How To Fill Local Tables In Application With Disconnected Record Set

Sep 26, 2012

I want to fill local tables in some application with disconnected recordset. The tables in the front end application having the same table structure as in the back end database. The front end application was linked with the back end password protected database tables. I want no connected linked tables in the front end application. How can I fill the local tables in the front end application with the back-end password protected tables?

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Tables :: Adding Record To Multiple Tables

Aug 19, 2015

I am using Access 2007 on my front-end and SQL Server 2014 on the back-end. I have a table of Car Dealers and a table of contacts at the dealerships. These tables are SQL tables. The user can select a dealer and then see everyone that works at that dealership. When they look at this there is a field called Email. This is a hyperlink that they can click on to open Outlook and send an email. The table called DealerEmails is an Access table. My table layout is:


DealerID (FK)

DealerContactID (FK)

Now I'm trying to write the code to add a new contact. My code works but I need to obtain the AutoNumber from When I add a new record to the table dbo_DealerContact. My code is:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim adoDealerContacts As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim daoDealerEmails As DAO.Recordset
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()

[Code] ....

I tried to add Me.Dirty=False, but this still returned a value of 0 into my variable intDealerContactID.

I also tried moving intDealerContactID = .Fields("ID").Value outside of the With block.

I'm aware that there is a command in SQL @@Identity. But I'm unsure how to use it in this context.

Is there a way to get the primary key from dbo_DealerContacts so I can insert that into my Emails table?

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Making One Form Input To Many Tables

Jul 11, 2006

Hi there, i have a database i am setting up with 4 tables and am trying to think of the best way to input new data into it. All the tables are linked and its all based on printers. When a new printer is brought if it exists in the database then thats cool it just needs a Printer number assigned to it and the database will do the rest looking up printer model and what cartridges it requires. But if u add a model for a HP printer for example you need to add the model number to the tblink and create new cartridges and use the cartid to link the modelID i hope u get the picture!? lol there is a pdf i have created using onenote with screen dumps and comments about what i need it to do. If anyone has some advice or help it would be very greatful! Thanx mike

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Tables :: How To Input More Than One Product Per Order

Nov 19, 2013

i am very new to access. Logic and method needed in order to create a data base that records weekly orders.

What types of tables do i need?
How can i input more than one product per order?
How do o group the information in a organized way?

Ideally i would like to Input the clients name the week of the order and then all the products etc that are ordered.

Then be able to see in an orders table each client that made an order and a subdatasheet (the small plus in the corner) that once clicked i see all the products that are in that order?

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Update / Input Data In Two Tables

May 21, 2014

I have two tables that have a list of user info. One table has a status field. I want to update the status of users that is in table 1 but does not match any user in table 2 with "text". How would I do that? I do have an unmatch query of both tables.

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#Deleted Message On Input With Linked Tables

Apr 8, 2006

I'm just doing an access form to link to a mysql daabase to update a websites products, using a odbc connection.

When i input a new record and go back to it i see only #Deleted in all fields i have to close the database and open again to see the data correctly.
Is there a way to cure this problem?



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Query From Multiple Tables Using Date Input

Feb 22, 2008

I have 3 tables, "Customer", "Offsite Service" and "Service".

Last Name
First Name


Offsite Service:

All 3tables are joined by the ID#.

I need to create a sales report/query based on the results of the user input, which is a date range. I've got it working great with two of the tables, but not the third. Here's the code for the working one I have now. I had to add the Trans# to make sure it returned all the results. If I take it out it only shows a small percentage of the records. The Trans# is NOT the same on both the service tables.

This pulls the information from "Customer" and "Service" tables and returns
Last Name - First Name - Date(Based on user input) - Price

SELECT [Customer List].[Last Name], [Customer List].[First Name], First([Service Records].Date) AS [First Of Date], Sum([Service Records].Price) AS Price
FROM [Customer List] INNER JOIN [Service Records] ON [Customer List].ID = [Service Records].ID
GROUP BY [Customer List].[Last Name], [Customer List].[First Name], [Service Records].[Trans #]
HAVING (((First([Service Records].Date))>=["Start Date" Use format MM/DD/YY] And (First([Service Records].Date))<["End Date" Use format: MM/DD/YY]))
ORDER BY [Customer List].[Last Name];

This pulls the information from "Customer" and "Offsite Service" tables and returns
Last Name - First Name - Date(Based on user input) - Price

SELECT [Customer List].[Last Name], [Customer List].[First Name], First([Offsite Service Records].Date) AS FirstOfDate, Sum([Offsite Service Records].Price) AS SumOfPrice
FROM [Customer List] INNER JOIN [Offsite Service Records] ON [Customer List].ID = [Offsite Service Records].ID
GROUP BY [Customer List].[Last Name], [Customer List].[First Name], [Offsite Service Records].[Trans #]
HAVING (((First([Offsite Service Records].Date))>=["Start Date" Use format MM/DD/YY] And (First([Offsite Service Records].Date))<["End Date" Use format: MM/DD/YY]))
ORDER BY [Customer List].[Last Name];

I want to be able to pull records from a date range that returns customer name, the date and price from service AND the price from offsite service.This way I have the price from both tables that I can add up and get a total sales report.

And yes I'm an access dummy, so please keep your directions easy for me to understand. Thank you in advance.

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Data Input Form From Multiple Tables

Nov 4, 2004

Hi, I have a big problem. Here is the business rule, I am trying to track meeging request(MR) made. A meeting request is made by a manager,MR can include many analysts, and MR involves 1 project. I need to generate several reports from the MR information so I am trying to make sure the info is inputed correctly. I am trying to creat an input form for the MR table (tblMR) The input form is going to contain all the fields from the tblMR except the manager_ID and and the Project_ID, I am also going to have it track which analysts attended the meeting(1 or more). The problem I am having is in creating the form but having the analyst, manager, project values come from their own tables but after selecting them through combo box or list box, for values of Manager_ID and Project_ID to be entered in the tblMR. And for the analyst involved to be stored in a a composit table called tblMR-Analyst. this table will help me track how many meeting each analyst has been to. Any suggestions will help.

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Tables :: Data Input Writing Reversed?

Jan 27, 2014

I'm running pro bono a linked file database for a wildlife hospital in Australia. I have a Form in which there are several fields for vets to enter data about a wildlife patient. One of these is the Collection Plan (for the patient). This is a memo field from the TBL_Accession. The Collection Plan is written in straight English on the input form, but the data entered into the table is completely reversed, reading "etinuer ot ovra siht pu/p ot ronod". Translation for the line here is "donor to p/up this arvo to reunite".

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Tables :: How Safe Using Combo Box To Input Foreign Key

Aug 12, 2013

In a Related Tables, you need to enter a FK to link to the other table.You either key in the FG from memory..The standard procedure is to design the field as combo box AND use SQL to select the field that will input the ID of the other table. So, if you want to input foreign key 3 , the combo box will display what 3 is then when you selected Access will insert 3 for you.

My question is since I can later on, edit the table and change the the value to another value, and mess the whole thing up!!! HOW can I lock my first choice so it will stay unedited ? My second question is: Is this the only way to input the FK if you do not remember the exact ID number or there are thousands of records in the related table.?

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Tables :: User Input Once Imported Data

Jul 9, 2013

I am using Access 2002.I am going to be producing a macro that imports a txt file. Once the text file is imported there will be a empty field for a date value. Nothing in the file that is being imported will have a date in it.

I would like to (if possible) to, once the file is in the table, open an input box asking the user for a date (formated as YYYY-MM-DD) and once the date has been entered and the ok button pressed it inputs that date in to all records in the date field.

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Tables :: Display Input Field Format

Apr 5, 2013

I have the following input mask for a certain field in an ACCESS 2010 table : 00-000-a-a-a;0;-

It works fine. That is when I tab down to it and if I know that the format is : xx-xxx-x-x-x

but if someone does not know the format , things can be out of do I code the field such that the format (xx-xxx-x-x-x) is displayed in the input field awaiting the actual keying of the data?

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Tables :: Input Data To Email Address

Oct 23, 2012

I am new to Access and i send an email to my user's to input the data to their email address.

I would like to know if I can get my "Email address" column automatically updated whenever they send an entry using their email address ?

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Create Input Form For Database With 88 Tables

Apr 30, 2014

I have a database with 88 tables that have 5 fields each. Each field has the same name in every table. The ideal situation would be to have a single table to hold the data currently stored in the 88 tables but each table holds different information. Each of the 88 tables is related to 3 additional tables that hold header information. Needless to say the header info will be identical for each entry of the 88 tables. Access is limited to 256 fields per form so having all fields in a single form has not worked this far. Splitting the forms into groups of tables somewhat works but the header info needs to be inputed every time and it creates duplicate info. Creating a single form with multiple tabs does not work due to the 256 field limitation.

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Tables :: Delete A Record From Two Different Tables?

May 6, 2014

I have a form which contains many text boxes. What I'm doing now is that any time I create a new record I save this record to the table the form was created from and I also save to a specific field of an irrelevant table(other table) the index of one of the text boxes of this form.


My form contains the text boxes: "Index", "Tabletype", "Component".

I save all of the above to the table "tblTransistor".

Then I take the "Component" only and I save it in the field "Test" of another table which I call "tblManComps".

My form is called: "Transistor".

Now I want to be able to delete at the same time the record from each table.

Is it possible to have some VBA which will do it?

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Tables :: Field Size Set To Double - 0.5 Is Input But Table Says 2

Dec 20, 2013

I have a form that utilizes a combo box with 2 options: 0 & 0.5. If I select 0.5 on the combo box the field in the table records it as 2. Why doesn't it reflect as 0.5? And how do I fix it?

This is the general info that I have for the field properties:

Field Size - Double
Decimal Places - 1
Default Value - 0

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Tables :: Input Mask For A General Date Field?

Feb 8, 2013

I need an input mask for a general date field. When I add the date "11/01/2012 10:00:00" it works fine.

When I add an input mask of 00/00/0000 00:00 it then doesn't work.

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Tables :: Access Input Mask For Text Field

Nov 8, 2014

I'm trying to set an input mask for a text field.

The data will be 1 to 4 digits preceded by 1/

I have tried the masks 1/####;; , "1"/####;; 1/####;; , "1"/#### , '1'/#### but none work as if the first nubber entered is a 1 it replaces the 1 in 1/

If it is a 2 then it works fine.

I can set the 1 to and f (f/) and it works no problem.

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Tables :: Limit Data Input Based On Another Fields Criteria?

Dec 22, 2014

I have two tables linked by ID (Table1,Table2)

The Table1 holds data that is a request for a task.

ID, Request, Task_tms (the number of times the task is required to be done)

1, Make a cup of coffee,15

Table2 is my allocation of people to the tasks.

ID, Person, Task_done (the number of times this person has done the task)


What I want to do is to limit the amounts of allocation in some way (ie in this case if I have already put 10 for Sally then I would be unable to put anymore than 5 when entering the amount for Eddie.

Additionally if I were to allocate all 15 to Sally then no additional people would be able to be allocated to this task (ID 1)

The two table are in datasheet format linked on a form.

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Tables :: Limiting Table Input Based On Variable Values

Feb 7, 2014

I'm quite new to Access and am just working on a little practice database where I keep track of sales of a product.
Basically I have a table keeping track of the different types of products, a table keeping track of customers, a table for orders and one for replenishments of stock. I have a query that calculates the stock of each type of product based on replenishments and sales.

Now I want to make sure that a customer can't order any more than there is in stock. I know you can restrict what's entered into a table with a validation rule but that's only for static restrictions. After searching the internet for an answer I've pretty much learned that I can't really make this restriction directly in the table, correct? But then how can I achieve this? Do I have to restrict the amount through a form somehow?

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