Tables :: How To Fill Local Tables In Application With Disconnected Record Set

Sep 26, 2012

I want to fill local tables in some application with disconnected recordset. The tables in the front end application having the same table structure as in the back end database. The front end application was linked with the back end password protected database tables. I want no connected linked tables in the front end application. How can I fill the local tables in the front end application with the back-end password protected tables?

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Tables :: Auto Fill Values In New Record With Data From Previous Record

Apr 29, 2015

How to fill values in a new record with data from previous record?

I've total 11 columns in a table and values in 3 4 columns are repeating for few rows before it needs to be changed eventually. I want to fill these rows with values from previous record.

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Tables Changing From Linked To Local At Runtime

Feb 18, 2008

Hi Guys,

This is one of this only times i've had a problem whose answer i couldn't find on this or other forums, so here's the question.

My DBase links to the back end tables

The following two tables are local, not linked

After running through the following code, all of the four above mentioned linked tables are now local. It's vexing. I'm terribly vexed. If you can help, my status would chnge from vexed to joyous....:

Thx in advance...

' 1) Join all together (Each Table)
' Create two recordsets, One for the Brkdn set, one for the Tradespeople Set.
' Brkdn: Want it to be the Union of all records in (tblBrkdn, tblBrkdnArchive) without duplicating BrkdwnID
'Standard Union Query with no duplicates. Transferring data into a temporary table
SQLStr = "SELECT * INTO tblBrkdnArchiveTemp FROM ("
SQLStr = SQLStr & "SELECT tblBrkdn.* FROM tblBrkdn INNER JOIN tblBrkdnArchive ON tblBrkdn.BrkdwnID = tblBrkdnArchive.BrkdwnID "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "Union ALL "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "SELECT tblBrkdn.* "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "FROM tblBrkdn LEFT JOIN tblBrkdnArchive ON tblBrkdn.BrkdwnID = tblBrkdnArchive.BrkdwnID "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "WHERE (((tblBrkdnArchive.BrkdwnID) Is Null))"
SQLStr = SQLStr & "UNION ALL SELECT tblBrkdnArchive.* "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "FROM tblBrkdn RIGHT JOIN tblBrkdnArchive ON tblBrkdn.BrkdwnID = tblBrkdnArchive.BrkdwnID "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "WHERE tblBrkdn.BrkdwnID is null);"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

' BrkdnTradespeople: Want it to be the Union of all records in (tblBrkdwnTradespeople, tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive) without duplicating ID
'Standard Union Query with no duplicates. Transferring data into a temporary table
SQLStr = "SELECT * INTO tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchiveTemp FROM ("
SQLStr = SQLStr & "SELECT tblBrkdwnTradespeople.* FROM tblBrkdwnTradespeople INNER JOIN tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive ON tblBrkdwnTradespeople.ID = tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive.ID "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "Union ALL "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "SELECT tblBrkdwnTradespeople.* "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "FROM tblBrkdwnTradespeople LEFT JOIN tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive ON tblBrkdwnTradespeople.ID = tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive.ID "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "WHERE (((tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive.ID) Is Null))"
SQLStr = SQLStr & "UNION ALL SELECT tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive.* "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "FROM tblBrkdwnTradespeople RIGHT JOIN tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive ON tblBrkdwnTradespeople.ID = tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive.ID "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "WHERE tblBrkdwnTradespeople.ID is null);"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

'delete everything from the four non-temporary tables
SQLStr = "DELETE * FROM tblBrkdn"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

SQLStr = "DELETE * FROM tblBrkdwnTradespeople"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

SQLStr = "DELETE * FROM tblBrkdnArchive"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

SQLStr = "DELETE * FROM tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

' 2) Paste the entire record set to each Brkdn table
SQLStr = "SELECT * INTO tblBrkdn FROM tblBrkdnArchiveTemp"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

SQLStr = "SELECT * INTO tblBrkdnArchive FROM tblBrkdnArchiveTemp"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

' 3) Delete from Active & Archive Brkdn tables WHERE [DATE] < txtArchiveDate.Text
SQLStr = "DELETE * FROM tblBrkdn WHERE ([DATE]<#" & dateStr & "#);"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

SQLStr = "DELETE * FROM tblBrkdnArchive WHERE ([DATE]>=#" & dateStr & "#);"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

' 4) Paste to Active Tradespeople table WHERE Associated Breakdown Record [DATE] >= txtArchiveBeforeDate.text
SQLStr = "SELECT tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchiveTemp.* INTO tblBrkdwnTradespeople FROM tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchiveTemp INNER JOIN tblBrkdn ON (tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchiveTemp.BrkdwnID=tblBrkd n.BrkdwnID)"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

' 5) Paste to Archive Tradespeople table WHERE Associated Breakdown Record [DATE] < txtArchiveBeforeDate.text
SQLStr = "SELECT tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchiveTemp.* INTO tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive FROM tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchiveTemp INNER JOIN tblBrkdnArchive ON (tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchiveTemp.BrkdwnID=tblBrkd nArchive.BrkdwnID)"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
' 6) Clean up: Delete all records from the temporary tables
SQLStr = "DELETE * FROM tblBrkdnArchiveTemp;"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

SQLStr = "DELETE * FROM tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchiveTemp;"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

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Link To Tables On Server From Local Machine

Oct 10, 2004


I'm trying to establish the link from my local mdb to an mdb on a commercial server I'm using.

The problem is there's no way to locate the remote access database when using the Link Table wizard.

Anyone knows how to establish that connection??

Thanks in advance!

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Modules & VBA :: Convert Linked Tables To Local?

Jul 1, 2015

I have the following script that either converts a single linked table to a local table or ALL linked tables to local tables, however I am getting the following 2 error messages on several tables for the ALL tables script.

error 3709, the search key was not found in any record

Error 3300, cannot create a relationship.

Sub Convert_Linked_Tables_To_Local()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Set dbs = CurrentDb
GoTo Multi1


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Tables :: Add Existing Field To Local Table Within Same Database

Oct 31, 2013

Adding a field in Access 2007.

I am adding a exisiting field which is already available on a Global Table and would like to add it on a local table within the same database. Also bearing in mind the db contains main objects - Tables/Queries/Sharepoint lists/forms/reports

Whats the process in doing this? Once added how does the data get populated?

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Tables :: Can Accdb Application Link To Mdb Table

Apr 22, 2013

I have just updated a big mdb database to accdb. But we have two associated databases that cannot be updated - they are for UPS and Fedex data, which presently does not support accdb. Can I link to mdb tables in another database from my main accdb database?

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Modules & VBA :: Auto Fill Between Two Tables?

Jun 21, 2013

I am in Access 2007. I have two tables (Employer Contacts and Employer Followup). I have been successful in linking the "Employer Name" sections between the tables, and I have added to the "Employer Followup" table a combo box for the "Employer Name" field that when clicked successfully shows all the companies we added to "Employer Contacts" table in the field of the name "employer name". This is what I want. Now the trouble comes with trying to get the data from the fields; Location, contact name, original contact date, phone and email to auto fill into "employer follow up" using the information captured from the "Employer Contact" table. I can see it all in the drop down box but cannot get it to auto fill.

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Tables :: Fill One Field Based On Another

May 24, 2013

I'm creating an accounting database for my use at work. I order goods and services from a multitude of vendors, using varying payment methods, and at last count, 8 different accounts. The time I'm spending on repetitive entry into excel spreadsheets has forced me to sit down and make an access database to track everything.

Right now, the following:
1) Table named "Accounts" with two fields - Account # and Account Description. Account # is PK.
2) Table labeled "Orders", which I'm going to have the top-level information for each order (order #, Account #, Account description, + others that don't matter here). I have another table for the order details (product #, description, price...).
3) Relationship between "Accounts" and "Orders" is one-to-many, enforced referential integrity, cascaded update.

For my order entry form, I want to enter the account description, so I set up a combobox. But, for my paperwork, I am going to need the account # to print when I do a report, and for future flexibility I want that field to remain in the "Orders" table.

I know my accounts by name, not number, and I want it set up so that when I select, for instance, "Supplies Account" for the description on the form, the Account # field on the Orders table is automatically populated with the account # that correlates to that description.

Is there a way to tell the table to auto-fill this entry?

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Auto Fill Data Between Tables

Aug 31, 2011

I created a database to track a group of records (people). I couldn't figure out how to auto number the primary key to a random unique number that was less than 10 digits so I generated a list of random numbers and just use the next number off the list as I enter the next person which works OK- but I have to put that number on each table as the ID number to relate back to the Primary key and it seems that I should be able to have those auto fill with the entered number. Is it possible to have the number typed in "table 1" (people) primary key auto fill onto each of the other tables as an ID number??

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Auto Fill In And Check Data From Other Tables

Mar 15, 2007

I am new to Access, and I need some help for this project I am working on. Please let me know if my question doesn't make sense.

I have created four tables: Clients, Tenants, Property, Contract

Client ID | Client Name |

Tenants ID | Property ID | First Name | Last Name

Property ID | Client Name | Contract ID

Contract ID | Clients ID | Client Name | Tenant ID | Tenant Name |Property ID |

Is there a way that when I enter Client Name in the Contract table, Client ID would automatically come up and check against other fields in the table if the information entered in Contract table is in sync and relevant against to data entered in Client, Tenants, and Property table?

Please let me know if this is not clear and I need explain more. Thank you.

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Automatically Fill A Table From Data In Other Tables

Mar 20, 2006

I have 3 tables:

Student Info:
Student ID (Primary Key)
Name etc.

Assignment Info:
Assignment ID (Primary Key)
Assignment Number
Criteria Number

ID (Primary Key)
Student ID - Linked to [Student ID]
Assignment ID
Criteria Number

What I would like to do is be able to link the tables in such a way that for each student entered in the Student Info table, entries are automatically entered into the grades table for each assignment criteria.

For example:
Assignment 1 has criteria 1.1, 6.3, 7.2, Assignment 2 has 4.2, 3.3

When John Smith is entered in student info, the grades table is automatically updated with 5 new entries in the form:

John Smith - 1 - 1.1 - Enter Grade
John Smith - 1 - 6.3 - Enter Grade
John Smith - 1 - 7.2 - Enter Grade
John Smith - 2 - 4.2 - Enter Grade
John Smith - 2 - 3.3 - Enter Grade

That way I can have a form that automatically shows the possible criteria for each assignment on the sub form for each available student without having to type it in each time.

Your help would be wonderful

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Forms :: Auto Fill Fields From Associated Tables

Sep 24, 2013

I have a data entry form feeding a table named [Group Members] using Access 2010.

It has 4 fields; [Group ID] & [Group Name] derived from tbl.[Groups] and [Member ID] & [Member Name] derived from tbl.[Mail List]. The 'ID' fields are foreign keys from the respective tables.

The 2 'Name' fields have drop down lists for input selection, but my requirement is to cause auto fill of the 'ID' fields when the respective 'Names' are selected.

I had assumed that this simple requirement could be achieved with a suitable control on the form property sheet. It is so simple to do in Excel!!

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General :: Auto-fill Within A Form From Other Tables

Jun 25, 2014

I'm stuck on making a form to automatically fill information in the other boxes based on what I typed in a previous box.

In one table, called Project_ID, there are three fields, in which the first, contains the unique key for the product. Example:

ProdID (unique key) | Product Name | Product Use | etc

In the other, I have a table called Shipping Reports, in which it contains the two fields previously stated after another unique key called ShipID

ShipID | Product ID | Product Name | etc

What I am trying to accomplish, is when I go to a form under Shipping Reports, and type in an ID in the field for Product ID, I want it to extract the information for the Product Name under the table Project_ID

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Auto Fill Data Number Between Tables

Feb 7, 2014

I am creating a Access Data Base for Product Complaint. I have created several tables that share an auto complaint number (Primary Key). How do I make that auto assign? Below is the format of my Complaint number;

A Complaint Number is assigned using the format: PCYYMMXXX
PC = Prefix indicating Product Complaint
YY = Last two digits of the year when complaint originated
MM = Two digits for the month when complaint originated
XXX = Sequential number starting at 001 for each year

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Tables :: Auto Fill Fields With Drop Down List

Nov 9, 2012

I have a Table named TBLBookings...on one of the fields I have a Lookup wizard thats linked to a Table named TBLVehicles which includes

Car Reg
Car Type

When I run the TBLBooking and click the drop down list it shows up

Car Reg
Car Type

but once the field is clicked all it shows in the records is the REG where in a form id like to see what vehicle it is location it possible to have extra fields in the form named Car Type and Location and once the registration is chosen it automatically fills in the correct details for them?

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Tables :: Fill Exiting Table With Data From Array

Jan 24, 2013

I need to fill a pre existing table with data based in an array.

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Tables :: Using Combo Box To Auto-fill A Column On Table?

Feb 7, 2014

My problem is I have two tables. One of the tables was made specifically to draw information from to populate the second table. The second table has a combo box that draws information from one of the fields from the first table. What I am hoping to do though is have each selection from the combo box in the second table to draw different information from another field in the first table and use that data to populate another field in the second table.

Simplified: Combo box in Field (1) on table two has multiple selections that I want to autofill the data in Field (2) on table two based upon the selection of the combo box. Data from both fields in table two would come from two different fields from table one.

I have tried to work with the After Update button in the After Events section on the ribbon at the top; however, I am simply lousy with coding. Is there an easier way to do it other than using that option?

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Tables :: How To Make Table Not To Fill Entire Screen

Nov 11, 2013

No matter how much I maximize or minimize Access (2010) my tables fill the entire screen. This happened once before but I don't recall the fix. It was something very simple. How to make the table not fill the entire screen?

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Tables :: Select Table Lookup And Auto Fill In Another Field

Apr 10, 2014

i have a user permission table.that consists of PermissionPK, UserFK, CompanyFK. I also want the username to be automatically filled in?So when a user ID is filled in on the table, it also fills in what that UserID's Username should be?As i need both the UserId and Username text for code that looks at the Environ username.

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General :: Auto Fill Multiple Fields In A Form From 2 Tables

Apr 3, 2015

I have two tables, "Summary" and 'POC Information". In the "POC Information Table I have all my Contacts Information (Name, Title, Phone, Email, etc...) and I am trying to assign 2 POCs to each of my multiple projects located in the "Summary" Table. I am using a Form called "JCIDS Tracker Input Form" as the link. So far I am able to assign one POC by a combo box that lists "Full Name", then it autofills the other information...Phone Number, Email, etc... The problem come into being when I want to assign a second POC to the same Project...I can assign a name, but it won't correctly autofill the rest of the just autofills in the information from the first POC that was selected.

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Tables :: Adding Record To Multiple Tables

Aug 19, 2015

I am using Access 2007 on my front-end and SQL Server 2014 on the back-end. I have a table of Car Dealers and a table of contacts at the dealerships. These tables are SQL tables. The user can select a dealer and then see everyone that works at that dealership. When they look at this there is a field called Email. This is a hyperlink that they can click on to open Outlook and send an email. The table called DealerEmails is an Access table. My table layout is:


DealerID (FK)

DealerContactID (FK)

Now I'm trying to write the code to add a new contact. My code works but I need to obtain the AutoNumber from When I add a new record to the table dbo_DealerContact. My code is:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim adoDealerContacts As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim daoDealerEmails As DAO.Recordset
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()

[Code] ....

I tried to add Me.Dirty=False, but this still returned a value of 0 into my variable intDealerContactID.

I also tried moving intDealerContactID = .Fields("ID").Value outside of the With block.

I'm aware that there is a command in SQL @@Identity. But I'm unsure how to use it in this context.

Is there a way to get the primary key from dbo_DealerContacts so I can insert that into my Emails table?

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Tables :: Automate Record Input Across Tables

Jan 13, 2015

Trying to get a record entered into a field on table (a) to automatically enter into same field on table (b).Example: Plant database table, input record in plant name field. Have same record appear in propagation table in the plant name field.Played around with relationships a bit, don't know if there is where u do this.Plant name is primary in both tables.

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Tables :: Auto Fill Part Of Form From Project List Table?

Nov 14, 2012

I have a master list of projects, with project reference number, project name, and nature of project.

I have also got a form for individuals to fill in details of project events, with date, time, name, and two or three other fields - also included are project reference and name. I'd like the name field to be auto filled when the user selects the project reference from a combo box; I think? (the list only shows open projects).

I'd did something similar some years ago in Access 2003 (I think) but cannot figure it out in the version I'm currently using 2010.

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Tables :: Choose Number From Field1 To Automatically Fill Field2 With Appropriate Data

Jun 30, 2015

I have 2 fields in access table. In one field i fill numbers eg (1,2,3,4,5) drop down list. In the second field I need to fill another data. When I chose one of the numbers from Field 1, I want automatically fill the second field with appropriate data.

1 = 24857
2 = 24869
3 = 24899
4 = 24944
5 = 24994
6 = 24903
7 = 15480
8 = 15164
9 = 15482
10 = 15479
11 = 15468
12 = 15476
13 = 15489
14 = 15494
15 = 7524
16 = 7537
17 = 7523
18 = 7544
19 = 7533
20 = 7536
21 = 7539
22 = 7534

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Tables :: Auto-Fill Fields Based On Linked Table (Access 2007)

Jan 6, 2015

I understand right off the bat if you're reaction is "don't duplicate data!!" -- mine would be too (don't fret, I know my normalization).

I've linked a table in my db to my Global Address Book in Outlook 2007 and, upon entering an employee number as a new record, would like to verify that the number entered is listed in the GAL and then pull in the associated name and location info.

The key is that I don't want this info to rely on the GAL going forward. For example, if an employee leaves or is no longer listed in the GAL, I don't want to lose the employee info (past data is needed for audit purposes). Note: I will be creating a report later to show if there are discrepancies between the GAL and my table, but that's another story...

So, what would be the best auto-fill options in Access 2007?

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