Tables :: How To Link Two Table On Part Of Field

Apr 6, 2015

I have two tables (A) and (B).

Table (A) contains key-field name "position1".
table (B) contains key-filed name "position2".

How to make a link between key-field "position1" and part of key-field "position2".

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Tables :: Auto Fill Part Of Form From Project List Table?

Nov 14, 2012

I have a master list of projects, with project reference number, project name, and nature of project.

I have also got a form for individuals to fill in details of project events, with date, time, name, and two or three other fields - also included are project reference and name. I'd like the name field to be auto filled when the user selects the project reference from a combo box; I think? (the list only shows open projects).

I'd did something similar some years ago in Access 2003 (I think) but cannot figure it out in the version I'm currently using 2010.

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General :: Search A Table Using Part Of A Field

Jul 24, 2014

We have a form with a field Drawing No from the Table Job Register

I want to be able to take the first part of the drawing number and display all matching items from the quote details table.

Aesthetics I can sort later.

I've created a query Item History.

My intention is to have a command button on the form Job Register that runs the query qryQuoteHistory displaying matching results.

My issues are as follows:
drawing numbers are sporadic in length and information ie:
a2-19520 rev a
1128215 issue d

Retrospectively I would have had issue or revision number in a separate field, or better yet have a products table and link the info there. Unfortunately this isn't the case.

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General :: Extract Part Of A Field From A Table

May 13, 2015

I want to take the first 15 characters from a field in my table and place those 15 characters into a new field in the same table , assuming i can do this with a query.

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How Do I Link 2 Tables To Act As One Table?

Nov 23, 2004

What I need is a table that will hold a primary key field and 16 text fields at 255 characters per field. (NO memo fields) This will total about 4,080 characters but Access 2000 limits the record size to 2,000 characters.

I have two tables with 9 fields in each table in a one to one relationship as follows:

Table1: Primary Key = MyKey = autonumber field.
Table1: 8 fields = text at 255 characters each field.
(i.e. Data1, Data2, Data3, Data4, Data5, Data6, Data7, Data8)

Table2: Primary Key = MyKey = number field.
Table2: 8 fields = text at 255 characters each field
(i.e. Data9, Data10, Data11, Data12, Data13, Data14, Data15, Data16)

The problem is I want all the fields to act as though they are from a single table and to be on a single form. I don’t know how to go about the LinkChildFields and LinkMasterFields without using a SubForm. A SubForm don’t work because it expects the second table to have many records.

Thanks Stan

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Link Two Tables - Changing Field Types

Jun 11, 2012

I am needing to link two tables but one field is in a "May 2012" format while the other table is in a "053112" format.. Is there a way beyond creating a formula to change "053112" into "May 2012"??

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Tables :: Two Fields In A Table / Link To Same Lookup Table

Mar 14, 2013

I have a table "Product" and in this table I have two fields "StoragePlaceID1" and "StoragePlaceID2". Both these fields link to the look-up table "StoragePlace"

*Attached Image "Product_StoragePlace" from the Access Relationship Window"*

When I want to add a new Product from my inter face i get the error you can see in the Attached Image "Save_Error".I think the problem is that the Relationship is defined as One-to-Many,there a way to define the relationship as Zero-to-Many.

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Tables :: How To Link The Table To Excel

Jun 21, 2013

I'm not very familiar with linking data from Access to Excel but I think it's what I'm going to want to do for my operation. I have a huge spreadsheet that my boss handed me and he wanted to see if it were possible to only present a part of it in access. I already have a form to a table that I created however, it came to my attention that creating a link also creates a new table so I guess my question is: Is there an easy way to have the form always correspond to the linked table? Or another question: is this the right way of thinking about linking the data?

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Tables :: Can Accdb Application Link To Mdb Table

Apr 22, 2013

I have just updated a big mdb database to accdb. But we have two associated databases that cannot be updated - they are for UPS and Fedex data, which presently does not support accdb. Can I link to mdb tables in another database from my main accdb database?

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Tables :: Two Primary Keys Link To Another Table?

Aug 18, 2014

So, I have two Primary Keys in my table, how then do I link another tables to it?

PatientID Number Primary Key
Visits Number Primary Key

PhoneID AutoNumber Primary Key

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Tables :: Manipulate Table With LINK To Data From SQL

Feb 25, 2015

I've nearly cracked where I want to be. I have essentially had to do the core of the back-end in SQL in order to organize the data in a way that actually makes sense to ACCESS.

Following this I now have a table with the following fields

Stock No
SK Code
Free Stock Qty
Stk Qty Pd
Actual Min
Actual Max
Forecast EoM
Forecast +1Month
Forecast +2Month

Essentially this is a stock forecast sheet. It takes into consideration incoming stock and estimated usage to provide an output as a "Forecast" stock level at the end of the forthcoming months.

The next phase of developing this is to allow users to manually change the front end by Group and Part Number with Quantity entry so that it auto updates the Estimated EoM, +1Month or +2Month figures depending on which month figure they are looking at. In addition, this information would need to be retained and ideally stored as individual tables or other .

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Tables :: Creating Link To Oracle Table?

Jul 25, 2014

We have an MS Access 2010 Database that uses Local Tables, External MS Access Tables, and ODBC Linked Oracle Tables (Accessed for Read Only). The unsual issue occurs with the ODBC Linked Oracle Tables.

One of the more important aspects of the project is to modify the ODBC Links to point to upgraded Oracle Database Tables. Up until today, all of the Links had been able to be remediated with a simple refresh and test.

This morning, however, it was determined that one of the Database Tables did not exist in the Schema. Instead, it was an Oracle Synonym for a Table that existed in a different Schema. We believe that we have the proper authorization for access to all of the Schemas involved, and despite this fact, MS Access was unable to link to the Table properly.

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Tables :: Multiple Name IDs Link To Same Names Table

Jul 30, 2013

I have a risk table containing risks and risk owners (many owners for one risk), meaning that I have two risk owners columns. What I would like to do is to connect both risk owner columns (containing the name IDs) to the Names table. But Access does not allow to connect more than 1 column to another.

See the attached file...

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Possible To Link All Data In Ten Tables To Appear In One Master Table?

Aug 19, 2013

I was wondering if it was possible to have a master table where say 10 of my regulatory tables and their data once inputted from the forms will appear there? Is this possible? Because right now, each of my regulatory tables has a form where the data is inputted and appears within said table.

All these tables are separate, obviously. I want to consolidate all the information into one spot, is this a possibility within access?

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Create/Link Smaller Tables To One Large Table

Jun 22, 2005

I am a newbie when it comes to Access and ASP but I am trying. I am in the need for some help.
I have a large table in Access 2003 and need to break it into smaller tables (not using a query) where the fields are the same except each of the smaller, new tables will hold info for a specific person. These smaller tables would need tro be linked to the larger.
Is there an easy way to do this? I need to keep it in tables due to the ASP software I use to generate the asp pages.
Is this possible?
My goal is for each user to be able to only view/edit their data and for the large table to reflect any changes made to the smaller table.

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Forms :: How To Join Tables Using A Link Table In A Form

Mar 10, 2013

I have been asked to maintain a directory for our local Scout district. It's currently in a spreadsheet, but is crying out to be a database.I have created a "group" table, this lists all the groups in the district.I have a 2nd table called "people" this holds details of all the people in the district.As some people can have a role in multiple groups, I have created a 3rd table called "link", this is to link the people to groups.

Having read various different posts on sub forms, I am still at a loss on how to create a form / subform to populate the link table.My initial thoughts were to have a combo box on the main form, listing the people and then have a list of groups on the sub form (the are only 24). I would have a check box next to each group and if checked, it mean that the person selected in the combo is associated with that group.However my issue is that the tick box would be a "yes/no" field and the entry in the link table needs to be a number.

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Tables :: Error -1002 - Link A Table From One Database To Another

Jun 27, 2013

I simply want to link a table from one database to another but am getting an Error -1002 with the error description: "'|' is not a valid name. Make sure that it does not include invalid characters or punctuation and that it is not too long."

I have tried just creating a basic table with one field and linking it to another database and still getting the error. It happens when I compact and repair on close.

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Link Two Records In The Same Field Using Another Table?

May 1, 2013

I'm creating a database for guests at a snowmobile lodge. I would like to create a new Guest in tbGuests but then have the option to create a second new GuestID linked to the first GuestID by a SpouseID. I can't seem to think out how they should be linked. So far I've created a separate table holding the SpouseID as primary key, GuestID and SpouseGuestID. Both the original guest and spouse need their own GuestID's so that I can post charges to each Guest separately if necessary. Then the SpouseID needs to be stored in the tbGuests to reference which guests are linked.

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Tricky Question - Form Part Data Entry, Part Not

Dec 16, 2004

I have what I think is a difficult problem to overcome...

I am designing a form to create an invoice. The user will select a workstream and a date range in form frmInvByHrs. Within this I want two sub-forms, one is frmInvByHrsTsht and the other is frmInvByHrsBill. I want the first one to display all the staff and their hours done, and the second one to be in data entry mode where you can enter the hours you want to bill. Each sub-form is based on a separate query.

Is it possible to do this? ie. to have one sub-form in data entry mode, and the other not? It seems to me that the data entry mode is controlled by the MAIN form regardless of the sub-form settings!

If this is not possible, do you know how I can acheive this?



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Counting Part Numbers In Tables ?

Aug 2, 2007

I am pritty new to access and have been tasked with creating a database !
I have two tables one called main which has 26,000 claims (listed under there part number).
The other table called part numbers is a list of all the part numbers in the main table but with no duplicates (126 part numbers)
I need to somehow count how many times a part number apears in the main table. Maybe display a count in the part number table as a extra field ? then i could put this field into the form i created to browse the parts numbers (to show how many times the part number appears in the main table)

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Beginner Needs Help With Setting Up Part Tables

Apr 26, 2005

Hello everyone. I'm pretty new to access and need some advice on table structure for a new project I've been given.

One of our customers sends us an Excel spreadsheet each week containing their order. Currently, someone formats the spreadsheet, prints it out, and manually picks out the products we need to ship. I want to import this into an Access table. Basically, the sheet with some data examples looks something like this:


There are usually 30-40 records on this list. The COMPONENT field is actually a part kit. We have tables in a Excel sheet that list the parts in the kit as well as the quantity. For example.

Component: AAA1000

will contain



Component: ABB2000

will contain


What I basically want to do is run a report based on a query where each page has a contract number (one for each record) with matching ship date and location information and a list of parts needed on that kit.

For example, the first page would be:


Contract #:---11111111
Ship Date:----5/1/2005



and the second page would be:


Contract #:---22222222
Ship Date:----4/29/2005



I'm a little confused by the COMPONENT field linking to more than one part. In the little experience I've had with Access, one record was always linked to just one other record in another table. Also, I want the Contract Number, Location, Ship Date, and Kit # show up once at the top and the complete kit show up below.

I would appreciate any suggestions as to hot to set up my tables. We have about 30 different kits. Should I have a separate table for each or a huge table? Also how will I make relationships between the main table and the part table/tables? Am I going to have to have the kit # as a field in the part table and list it for every part/quantity record? I want to just list the description information (location, ship date, etc...) only once while listing all the parts and quantities for the kit.

I've only been using Access for a short time, so this might be a really simple question. I just need to be pointed in the right direction, so I can set the system up the right way. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You,


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Capturing Updates In Tables - Part 2

Nov 24, 2007

Could you answer a diabolical question? I am trying to track the changes of a record in a table when I have imported a text file.

I will import a txt file everyday and to that end I have wrote the code for the insert of new records into customer table and customer history tables and then the updates into the customer table.

However I will only be able to capture the updates in tables as there will be multiples. I understand that Jet can't capture the updates at the table level (no triggers).

So the diabolical question, is it possible to capture the updates only in tables using code??

Please help...

Many thanks

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Tables :: Two Part Primary Key With One Null Value

Jun 25, 2013

I have just inherited a database that currently has no primary key set up. I wanted to add a two part primary key, but have run into a couple problems. The purpose of the database is to keep track of parts that have come back for repair. I wanted to set the key up to be a combination of the call number and the part serial number. I should always have a serial number, but the serial number can be in the table more than once, as it could have needed repaired more than once. I will normally have a call number for each record.

However, the call number could be repeated more than once, if more than one part came in on the call. The combination between call number and serial number should always be unique (each time a part comes in, it should be on a different call). My problem is arising, when a part is just pulled off the shelf of the factory and sent in for an upgrade. In a case like that, there is no call number. However, a serial number will never come in more than once without a call number.

So the combination of call number and serial number should still remain unique. When I try to set this up in the database, it tells me that the primary key cannot contain a null value (referring to the times that a serial number comes in without a call number). I want to get this set up so that the people entering data in the database will not be able to enter the call number, serial number combination more than once. How can I do this if one part of the primary key can be null?

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Tables :: Auto-increment Part Of A Composite Key

Oct 17, 2014

My table key looks like this. Its a table that keeps a master record of conferences that occur during a calendar year

ConfYear (Date/Time) primary key
ConfNo (Byte) primary key

As you see its a composite key. Now each time a new record is created i want the ConfNo to autoincrement within its ConfYear. I used a byte as its not usually more than 4. Autonumber does not work as part of a composite key i found out.

2014 1
2014 2
2014 3 etc

And revert to 1 when ConfYear input changes to 2015

Is there a simple way to do this with say, a macro, or is the only way with VBA and DAO?

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Tables :: Change Record That Is Part Of Composite Key?

Feb 26, 2015

I am creating a database that tracks the selling of products amongst other things.

The user will enter in an order and may delay invoicing until the customer approves the quote - at which time the order is turned into an invoice.

In the transactions table the OrderID, ProductID and CustomerID constitute a composite key.

I want to be able to view the order and change it by either deleting or adding ordered items (obviously prior to invoicing) but because the ProductID is part of the composite key I cannot delete a line item.

Perhaps the solution is to remove ProductID from the index or is there a better way?

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Tables :: Auto-populate Table Field From Calculated Field In Another Table?

Jan 15, 2015

I am creating a database to keep up with the expenses for my art business. I have a table for Vendors with a field (Mileage) for one-way mileage that I enter manually (EX: 11.8 miles). Then I have a calculated field that basically just multiplies the Mileage field times two to get total mileage to and from my house to vendor location. (Total Miles) {The reason I want to do this this way right now is because I didn't keep up with my mileage this year and I am having to look up the distance from my home to each location)

Then I have a "supplies" table where I show the date, the vendor, the item, cost, etc, and I want to add a Total Mileage field based on the calculated Total Miles field in the Vendors table that will automatically populate based on the vendor of each transaction. I just can't remember how to make this work and I know just enough SQL to be dangerous.

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