Yes/No Data Type In Access Table

Jul 17, 2007

Is it possible to set the yes/no data type fields in an Access table to behave like radio buttons? In other words, if they click yes in one data field, it automatically prevents them from clicking yes in the next data field. If so, how?

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Linked Excel Table In MS Access Date Data Type Problem

Aug 29, 2005

I'm using MS access and Excel 2000. I have an Excel spreadsheet that contained 8 columns, the first column has all cell format as Number, the rest of the column is set as custom date format of 'dd/mm/yyyy'. When I create a linked table in MS Access, the data types does not matched my excel spreadsheet columns, the 'Number' data type is a double and I want a Long Integer in Access, and the custom date format become text datatype but I wanted a DateTime datatype. Is there any work around this? Seems like it is a common problem.

Your prompt response is greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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Forms :: Make A Button To Search Range Of Columns In Data Table With Data Type Yes / No

Apr 15, 2013

what I want to do is make a button to search range of columns in data table with data type Yes/no and display the results if the value is yes

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Tables :: Converting Text Data Type To Number Data Type

Nov 3, 2012

I have a table with a field with names set to text data type and i want to change it to number data type but when i do it in design view the data get lost. I want to know if there is a way to convert the data in the field as number type and keep the data in the field.

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Stock Symbol Table And Look Up Data Type In Related Table

Jul 10, 2012

I previously created 2 tables:

One lists all the stock symbols and company names = SYMBOL
The second table lists the purchase information for each stock = PURCHASE

I then created many queries, etc. using this data. Symbol is the key link between the various tables, queries, etc.

NOW that I understand the lookup wizard in the data type, I would like to change the symbol field in the purchase table to a Lookup field. I, of course, receive a message. I am told to delete the relationship with the other tables. If I remove the relationships and change the data type, can I then replace the relationship with out damaging all the queries and forms?

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Table Data Type / Look Up?

Mar 5, 2007

Trying to get back into Access after some time now and could do with some help please...

I have 2 tables, one table stores titles (mr, mrs, etc). I tried using the 'lookup' data type to link the data from the other table.

This however stores the field as a number and causes problems as only a number is shown rather that the text (in the tables).

How can I set it so Mr, Mrs, Miss can be displayed in a drop down list, rather than the Primary Number (ie Auto number).

Make any sense?


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Tables :: What Type Of Data In Table

Mar 16, 2013

I would like to work with a field "record number" like: "ABC01-01-2013A1".Standard data types do not allow for this possibility.I would also like the date updated itself automatically and the number incremented A1, A2 until A9 then B1

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Changing Data-type In Table?

Sep 27, 2011

My database consists of one large table of approx 3.9m rows and about 12 different columns. One of my columns is of a data type "date/time" but i need the format of this column to be "text"

The problem is that when I right click the table/go to design view/ and try to change the data type, I get the error "Microsoft Access can't change the data type. There isn't enough disk space or memory."

Which means i can't take the easy way out. Is there a way I can just create a new identical table and change the data type of my one column? I was thinking there might be something in SQL I could do, or some how in creating an identical table where only the field type has changed. I should note, I looked up this using the access in file, and it appears the ALTER TABLE SQL will not work on my machine.

the dataset was created from a txt file which as been lost to the ether, and I can't import the database into excel using a macro I didn't write unless the format of my column is text.

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Access Text Data Type Options

Nov 14, 2004

Hi All,

I was doing a project for school where I had to make a text field that would only accept the options Client Type(RET - Retail, SER - Service, DIN - Dining)

I thought I did it right by having a line with the field name as "Client Type" and the input as "text" with a field size of "3". and the description I put was "Client Type(RET - Retail, SER - Service, DIN - Dining)". But it doesnt work. I saved and everything. It will let me enter anything I want as long as it doesnt exceed 3 chars. I want it to ONLY accept RET, SER, or DIN and I want it to format it so its in CAPS.

-- Steven

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Microsoft Access Can't Change The Data Type

Jan 24, 2007

Hi! I have a problem to build Pivot table in Excel 2003.
I’m creating this table base on the “External Data” which is a MS Access 2003 table.
The table has 50 fields and about 500.000 records. (This is the reason, I can’t just export table to Excel and then do pivoting). One of the fields of this table has a “text” type but stored numbers. Excel does not allowed me do Sum or Max function with this field – it needs to have Number data type.
I receiving this table “from outside”, so I can’t get the right data type from the beginning. If I’m trying simply opening the table, before, using as a data source for Pivot Table, in Design mode and just change data type from text to number, I have an error: "Microsoft Access can't change the data type. There isn't enough disk space or memory."
Any advice, how to change Data type in existing table using queries or something else what can help me to solve this problem.

Thank you very much at advance.


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Database In Access Data Type Problem?!?

Jan 6, 2005

Hey all.. I was wondering if anyone would be able to help because I am really stuck with this..

Basically in an Access Database holding messages of online chat conversations I need to run a query to find out which is the longest message and which is the shortest message sent. In order to this the number of characters need to be counted and then the max and min selected however I'm having problems with the data type of the message

Based on the LEN function I first tried :

SELECT User.User, Message.Message
FROM Message INNERJOIN [User] ON Message.[Message ID] = User.[Message ID]

This selected the user and message fields and ordered them based on the length of the message.

In the original Message Table the message field is set to Memo as there are quite long messages the above SQL did incorporate the full messages and ordered them in the correct manner...

HOWEVER.. I need to be able to count the number of characters per message and retrieve the longest message and then retrieve the shortest message.

I tried..

SELECT Message.Message, LEN(Message) AS [No of characters]
FROM Message INNERJOIN [User] ON Message.[Message ID] = User.[Message ID]GROUP BY Message.Message;

This counted the number of characters for each message but it did not incorporate the full messages, the maximum number of characters for the longer messages came up as 255 whereas I know that they are longer than that.. and it only displayed those 255 characters and cut off the rest of the message.

Ultimately I need to select the 'User' from the user table, 'Message' from the message table, Count the number of characters per message and then display the highest but the function needs to be aware of the messages that have characters more than 255 hence the Memo data type setting in the Message Table..

... any ideas/developments on the above??

I have been trying a few different things but getting no-where at the moment.. Ive tried asking in loads of different places but seems I have baffled everyone else as well as myself.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Problem Changing Data Type In A Table.

Jul 6, 2005

I am trying to change a field that currently has a data type of number and I want to change it to a date/time data type. When I try to do this, I get a message that says there isn't enough disk space or memory. I am working with a database that has about 100,000 records in it.

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General :: Lookup Data Type In Access 2013 Web App?

Jan 2, 2014

I want to create a Web App in Access 2013 that contains a table of client names, addresses etc, and a second table that contains order details, including client name. It would be nice to ensure that as someone adds a new order they are give a drop down menu containing existing client names, and I can see how you can do this for a brand new table using the lookup data type. But I already have an Excel spread sheet containing client names. If I import this into my Access web app to create the client table, and import the existing orders to create the order table, I then try and change the data type of the client name (in the order table) from short text to lookup, it won't let me!! (If I create an empty client table from scratch, it lets me define the company name as a lookup data type - but I can't then import from Excel into this empty table)

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Tables :: Access Returns Number In Data Type

Jan 16, 2014

I created several tables that contain the look-up data I want to post to database which I will use as the repository for a SharePoint form.Users visiting SharePoint site will enter the data to be kept in an Access database so we can create reports (not seen by the user)

Problem: When I created the database I linked fields to tables to create the look-up lists using the wizard.

When I saved the database, the first field that I linked returned a value of "number" instead of whatever the default value should be for a look-up text field.

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Tables :: Creating A Table With Yes / No Data Type Results

Jun 18, 2014

I am creating a table that is a master list of all of my company's product. Each "customer" that we have will always be ordering the same items, but not all of the items that we have available. I need a way to go through the master list and click a yes or no and have that item added to the "customer's list of items on a new table.

I need to create a sublist for each "customer" like individual shopping cats for each customer. These individual lists need to link back to the master list in case of product changes, description changes, and cost changes.

I would like to create a form where the end user can type in a product number, description, or manufacturer number and have that item added to the "customer's" list.

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Insert New Field With Specific Data Type In The Table?

Apr 24, 2014

i wanna to insert a new field in the table ... which fill automatically with the date in which i modified the data in this record ...and then i'll insert this field in a report

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Table Design - Export Field Name, Data Type & Description

Feb 9, 2005

I was wondering if there is a way to export the Table Design Structure:

1) Field Name
2) Data Type
3) Description

Into a Spreadsheet.

I was able to do this a long time ago, but can't seem to remember. I'm using Access 2000.



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General :: Changing Data Type Of Calculated Field In Table

Jul 18, 2013

I am trying to change the data type of a field in a table from calculated to something else. It gives me the error "this data type cannot be changed once the field has been saved"

Is there any work around to this?

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Fields In Table Created With Relationship / Lookup Data Type

Jul 17, 2014

I created a table in MS Access using a Lookup & Relationship data-type. This means that my record cells call upon a particular table for values. It creates a LIST of values for that cell.When I query a particular value in this table I get every possible combination of the value. My query and code are below:


SELECT MainT.Content.Value, MainT.Source, MainT.[Entities Impacted].Value, MainT.Update,
MainT.[Divisions Impacted].Value, MainT.Announced, MainT.Effective, MainT.Stakeholders.Value,
MainT.[Ref#ID], MainT.[Issuing Agencies].Value
WHERE (((MainT.Content.Value) Like "*" & [Forms]![SearchF]![ContentCB] & "*" Or (MainT.Content.Value) Is Null)

[Code] .....

This means that if I query STATES: "California", I'll get back every possible combination that exists with the name California in that particular field.The issue with this is that I'll get MULTIPLE primary key values rather than just 1. So, if one record, under STATES has California in it, but the other fields in that record have the Lookup & Relationship data-type, then every possible combination of that record will query instead of the multiple field-values form that you'll see in the table I am querying.

notice that my primary key (REF#ID) is repeated numerous times! This obviously causes problems with generating records and forms concerning information for 1 particular primary key. Is there a way around this problem other than specifying search criteria down as much as possible?! Perhaps there is some SQL code.

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Tables :: Length Of Text Field - MS Access Can't Change Data Type

Aug 6, 2014

I have a table with about 300,000 records. About ten fairly small fields per record. I am trying to change the length of a text field from 25 to 40 characters, and I get the error message, 'MS Access can't change the data type. There isn't enough disk space or memory'.

I have never seen this message before. I have about 64 Gig of free disk space. What can I do?

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How To Create A Access Table Having Autonumber Type With Sql?

May 20, 2005

field type of autonumber can not be created with sql,why?is autonumber a data type like int,text ect.?but int or text field can be created

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Forms :: Add Time Value To Time Data Type SQL Server Field In Access

May 6, 2015

how to be able to enter time in access form the same way as if would be an access table (1p = 1:00 PM; 1.25 = 1:25 AM etc)

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Specify Data Type In "make Table" Query

Mar 16, 2006

Is there a way to specify, field by field, the data types in a make-table query?

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Tables :: Access 2003 Table Data Import Into Access 2007 Table

Apr 26, 2015

i have a database in access 2003 when i open it with access 2003 it shows data in table but when i open same table in access 2007 it shows only header rows , no data

how can i see this data into access 2007 or excel 2007.i want to link these table data with excel 2007 or access 2007 but with above problem i can't do it

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Tables :: Changing Field Data Type But Keeping Data

Oct 23, 2013

I have a field in a table that is comprised of mostly numerical data but some records are text.

I want to convert this field to numerical only and make a new field to put the textual data in.

However converting the field will delete the textual data. What is the easiest way to convert the field but save the textual data AND append the textual data to the SAME record that they were in originally in the new field?

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Problem Filtering Yes/no Data Data Type

Oct 2, 2006

I’m not an expert in Access and hope that someone can help me with my problem. I have about 20 fields of Yes/No data type.

StudentID- Tex
Science – Yes/No
Math – Yes/No
Biology – Yes/No
Chemistry – Yes/No
Economics – Yes/No

I would like to create a parameter query (without using form combo box) where when I run the query, it would prompt me for the subject name. Let say I keyed in Science, it would list out all the StudentsID who took up Science only (with a Yes) and the other subjects.

Pls help.


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