Count From Multiple Tables In A Single Report

Sep 11, 2014

how to count from multiple tables. So currently I pull two separate reports to show the count of TaskIDs by customer state and another to show WrapID by Customer state for last month:

TaskID Count by Customer state Query:
SELECT CU.CustomerState as 'State'
,Count (CM.TaskID) as 'CaseCount'
From Customer CU


I am wanting to add both these counts into a single report so i tried the follow query but the counts don't match to the reports I pull separately.

SELECT CU.CustomerState as 'State'
,Count (CM.TaskID) as 'CaseCount'
,Count (CW.WrapCodeID) as 'WrapCount'
From Customer CU
LEFT OUTER JOIN acn_ccpwrapcode


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Multiple 1:N Tables In Single Report Builder Report

May 31, 2007

The version of Report Builder I have will only let me choose from a very limited range of layouts. For example, the tabular layout displays a single table on a page.

Is there a way to produce a report containing two tables and other fields?

For example, I would like to create a very simple customer report with customer name and address at the top, then a table containing all contacts I have for the the customer (a 1:N sub-table of customer) and then a second table containing all the orders from the customer (a 1:N sub-table of customer).

Is this possible in the current version of Report Builder or is it planned in a future relase?

P.S. I know this is easy in VS Report Designer but I specifically want to do this in Report Builder. The Report Designer client is simply too complex for my non-technical user base. Report Builder would be ideal.

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SQLCE V3.5: Single SDF With Multiple Tables Or Multiple SDFs With Fewer Tables

Mar 21, 2008

Hi! I have a general SQL CE v3.5 design question related to table/file layout. I have an system that has multiple tables that fall into categories of data access. The 3 categories of data access are:

1 is for configuration-related data. There is one application that will read/write to the data, and a second application that will read the data on startup.

1 is for high-performance temporal storage of data. The data objects are all the same type, but they are our own custom object and not just simple types.

1 is for logging where the data will be permanent - unless the configured size/recycling settings cause a resize or cleanup. There will be one application writing alot [potentially] of data depending on log settings, and another application searching/reading sections of data.
When working with data and designing the layout, I like to approach things from a data-centric mindset, because this seems to result in a better performing system. That said, I am thinking about using 3 individual SDF files for the above data access scenarios - as opposed to a single SDF with multiple tables. I'm thinking this would provide better performance in SQL CE because the query engine will not have alot of different types of queries going against the same database file. For instance, the temporal storage is basically reading/writing/deleting various amounts of data. And, this is different from the logging, where the log can grow pretty large - definitely bigger than the default 128 MB. So, it seems logical to manage them separately.

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions from the SQL CE experts with regard to my approach. If there are any tips/tricks with respect to different data access scenarios - taking into account performance, type of data access, etc. - I would love to take a look at that.

Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions,

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Getting The Count Of Rows For 3 Tables In Single Execute SQL Task

Feb 27, 2007

hi frnds,

im very new to SSIS package .my package consists of Single Exceute task.

In Single Exceute SQL task i had 3 seperate queries to get the count of rows of 3 tables.

the Query goes like dis ...

select count(*) AS precheckcount1 from new_main_dts where cust_nbr like '875%'

like dis for another 2 tables i had written with the alias name precheckcount2 and 3

i mapped the variable user::precheckcount1 to precheckcount1 in the resultSet and for other two alias name i did the same.

while executing the package the error is thrown : [Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "precheckcount2": "Unable to find column precheckcount2 in the result set.".

please help me its very urgent

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Insert Single Row / Multiple Rows Into Multiple Tables

Sep 3, 2014

How to insert single row/multiple rows into multiple tables by using single insert statement.

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Count From Multiple Tables

Jan 31, 2005

I have 4 tables
One is a user table and the other three contain records for the users. They all have a USERNAME column
I would like to get a count of records for each table grouped by USERNAME

My output would be:

Thanks For the help!

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How To Count Across Multiple Tables In A DB?

Sep 12, 2007

Thank you in advance for your assitance. I am trying to write a query that will query multiple tables for the same column. All the tables have thsi column "szF11". I am wanting something similar to this:

Code Snippet
SELECT count(ulID)
FROM (dbo.F_ACCOU_Data UNION dbo.F_AGNCY_Data UNION dbo.F_APPEA_Data UNION etc.....)
WHERE szF11 = ' '

Note: ulID is the name of a column that every table has and szF11 is also in every table.

Pseudo Code: I want to count how many ulID's (if there is a row then something is in the ulID column it is never blank) in all the tables that are listed that have a blank in the szF11 column.

I am getting a very cryptic error message and of course I can't find anything in the documentation to help me understand the error.


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Use Single Table Or Multiple Separate Tables?

Sep 7, 2005

We are building an application for online system for people to place ADs for selling various used items like Car, Electronics, Houses, Books etc.
If someone selling a car then he can fill out headline, year, make, model, mileage, transmission, condition, color, price, description, contact etc.
Similarly if someone selling a digital camera he will fillout headline, memory, zoom, megapixel, maker, model, color, batter, description etc.
Option 1: I can have a main table to hold the common attributes of all different types of ADs (headline, images, contact, price, color, condition, description)
+ 1 table to store string values of all ADs (car: maker, model, square feet (if house), memory, megapixel (camera) etc)
+ 1 table to store the droplist select values(car: transmission, door, seat etc; house: year_built)
pros: single table for all ADs. unique IDs for all ADs, easy to extend as new attributes can be dropped easily.
cons: lot of physical reads of 2nd and 3rd table from join. 10 times physical reads compared to option 2 when reading 5000 records.
Option 2: have different set of table for each AD type. Car will have its own main table + 1 table to store multiselect list box values.
Similarly housing will have its own set of tables
pros: 10% less physical read than option 1.
cons: hard to add new attributes. We have to modify the main table by adding one column.
Query will go to different table based on the category.
Do you have any suggestions on which way to go?Thanks

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Exporting Multiple Tables To A Single File

Oct 1, 2004

I need to export data from multiple tables into one single file. The big problem here is that the tables will have different column types.

I am attempting to create something that allows users to be able to send me the contents of their tables's, through either email or ftp. I would prefer to make it easier for them so they only have to deal with one file, instead of the multiple files that bcp and dts create when exporting from multiple tables.

I was thinking of using DTS or BCP and then join (append) the files (either zip them or append the files together in some fashion), but I was hoping that there was an easier method out there.

Any ideas on how I may accomplish this would be greatly appreciated.


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Single DTS Package Can Cover Multiple Tables

Oct 15, 2007


I want to create a DTS which will export 4-5 tables into txt format from a database

Can any one help on this


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Update Multiple Tables In Single Query

Apr 3, 2008

Hello All,

I want to update multiple tables using single query and fields name are same of tables.
I am trying like:

update tablename1 t1,tablename2 t2 set t1.fieldname1 = t2.fieldname1 = 'value' where condition;


update tablename1 t1,tablename2 t2 set t1.fieldname1 = 'value' t2.fieldname1 = value where condition;

Plzzzzzz help me.Thanx in advance.

Thanx & Regards,

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Update Multiple Tables Using A Single Query

Nov 6, 2007

I am using SQl server 2005.
want to update rows in 2 tables,which have a relation on Id field.

Some thing like
Update tblA a , tblB b
Set a.UpdatedDt=getdate(),b.Updateddt=getdate()
where a.Id=b.Id and a.Name='xyz'

can anyone out there help me?


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Select Multiple Tables Count

Oct 5, 2013

I'm trying to get the number of records from one table where a column matches another column in a 2nd table. I then need the total values of another column that it has selected.

SELECT HOLIDAY_REF].holiday_id, COUNT([BOOKING].booking_status_id) AS record_count COUNT([BOOKING].total_value) AS total_value FROM [HOLIDAY_REF] LEFT OUTER JOIN [BOOKING] ON [HOLIDAY_REF].holiday_id = [BOOKING].booking_status_id WHERE [BOOKING].holiday_id=[HOLIDAY_REF].holiday_id && booking_status_id = '330'

holiday_id | holiday_name
1 | Italy
2 | Russia
3 | Spain

holiday_id | booking_status_id | total_value
1 | 330 | 2500
3 | 330 | 1500
1 | 330 | 1750
2 | 330 | 1240
2 | 330 | 5600

Results would be:
Holiday_id | holiday_name | total_value | record_count
1 | Italy | 4250 | 2
2 | Russia | 6840 | 2
3 | Spain | 1500 | 1

Not sure I'm going about it the right way.

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How To Pass Multiple Value From A Single Parameter In Sql Report

Jan 25, 2008

In my form i have a list box and i need to display paticular records of all employees I selected.So please tell me how to pass multiple values from a single parameter.

currently i am able to pass single value through a parameter using following code

osqlreport.reportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = new Uri("http://localhost/reportserver");

osqlreport.reportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportPath = "/employee/5_0emplyeedata";

List<Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter> paramList = new List<Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter>();

string stritem;

stritem = Convert.ToString(this.lstSelectedData.Items[0]);

paramList.Add(new Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ReportParameter("paraempno", stritem, false));




what changes do i need to do to make it work.(lstSelectedData is my list box)

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Using Multiple Data Sources In Single Report.

May 7, 2008

I am using SQL RS 2005. I have a report that is using multiple data sources from different offices. I can add these data sources in my report but is it possible that I can select a specific data source based on a selected parameter value. In this case user from each office, select their office location and be able to see the data from their office. I would appreciate any suggestions.

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Multiple Stored Procedures,single Report

Sep 3, 2007

Hi ,

I have a Report which has 8 stored procedures to get 8 resultant data sets . the stored procedures are almost similar such that they have only difference is the where clause and column getting returned.

So ,every stored access same set of tables and temporary tables getting created to store some set of active data derived from big table.

what happening is ,when i run the stored procedures individually in query analyser ,it is taking the time which is accepatable individually,but when i keep them in the same report. it is taking the time which is equal to sum of all the times taken by the stored procedures ran individually in query analyser which is some what not acceptable

can anybody through an idea,what can be done here. i already thought of locks and kept set transaction isolation level read uncomitted for all the stored procedures.but the time taking is same.

please help me here,i am stuck

Thank you

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Is It Possible To Render Multiple Reports Into A Single Report ??

Jul 20, 2007


I have an application wherein I need to generate a single report(possibly in PDF format) which contains more than one report. Iam using SSRS 2005. In my application Iam using report server url to render reports. The below is URL for rendering single report.


Is it possible to render multiple reports into a single report ?

Can anyone help me in this regard ?


S V Ramakrishna

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Single Report Multiple Data Sources

Jun 22, 2007

I have multiple data sources that I would like to use for a single report. The data sources are separate due to security requirements. I have a table that I can get the Initial Catalog from. How do I get that field from the database into the data source connection string at run time?

I saw this link here but the light bulb didn't go off:

"define a query that retrieves a list of data sources at run time"

Can somebody help me out here?


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Combining Multiple Subreports Into A Single Report

Oct 2, 2006

The goal is to produce a single PDF consisting of a number of subreports. Some are landscape, others are portrait. The subreports may also be run as independent reports. The master report that contains them defaults to the width of the widest subreport, which is landscape. This causes all portrait subreports to spill over producing blank pages. Are there any work-arounds to concatenate multiple, single report PDFs into a single PDF and have page numbering too?


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Return Single Records By Joining Multiple Tables

Jun 4, 2008

I would like to know if it's possible to return a single record by joining the tables below. [Persons]
PersonID [int] | PageViewed [int]
=============== =================
1 10
2 5
3 2
4 12

[PersonNames] - PersonID JOINS Persons.PersonID
PersonID [int] | NameID [int] | PersonName [nvarchar] | PopularVotes [int]
=============== ============== ======================= ===================
1 1 Samantha Brown 5
1 2 Samantha Green 10
2 3 Richard T 10
3 4 Riko T 0
4 5 Sammie H 0

[AltNames] - backup for searches caused by common spelling mistakes
AltNameID [int] | AltNames [nvarchar]
================ =============================
1 Sam, Samantha, Sammie, Sammy
2 Riko, Rico

[PersonAllNames] - JOINS [PersonNames.NameID] ON [AltNames.AltNameID]
NameID [int] | AltNameID [int]
============= ================
1 1
4 1
3 2 
This is ideally what I'd like to have returned: PersonID | PageViewed | MostPopularName | NameSearch
========= ============ ================= =================
1 10 Samantha Green Samantha Brown, Samantha Green, Sam, Samantha, Sammie, Sammy
2 5 Richard T Richard T
3 2 Riko T Riko T, Riko, Rico
4 12 Sammie H Sammie H, Sam, Samantha, Sammie, Sammy
[MostPopularName] is [PersonNames.PopularVotes DESC].[NameSearch] combines all records from [PersonNames.PersonName] and [AltNames.AltNames].
The purpose for this is that I'd like to cache the results table so that all searches can just perform a lookup against the NameSearch field.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Pete.

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Copying Rows From Multiple Tables To A Single Table

Sep 20, 2007


I have 3 tables with the follwing schema
Table <Category>

LastDate DateTime

Assume the follwing tables with data following the above schema

Table Cat1

1, D1
2, D2
3, D3
Table Cat2

2, D4
4, D6
Table Cat3

1, D7

I have a Master and the schema is as follows
Table master

Cat1 DateTime, -- This is same as the Table name
Cat2 DateTime, -- This is same as the Table name
Cat3 DateTime -- This is same as the Table name

After inserting the data from all these 3 tables, I want the my master table to look like this
Table Master

UniqueId cat1 cat2 Cat3
------------ --------- ------- -----------
1 D1 NULL D7
2 D2 D4 NULL
3 D3 D5 D8

Please remember the column names will be same as that of table names

can any one pelase let me know the query t o acheive this

Thanks for your quick response
~Mohan Babu

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Transact SQL :: Updating Multiple Tables In A Single Query?

Apr 27, 2015

Is there any way to update multiple tables in a single query. I know we can write triggers. Apart from triggers, is there any other way available in SQL Server. I am using 2008R2.

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Reportviewer - How To Link Multiple Tables Into A Single Dataset

Sep 13, 2007


I want to design a report in which it will contain fields derived from 2 different stored procedures. I understand a 'table' can display data from a single dataset. How can i bind these two stored procedures into a single dataset so as when i click on the table and use its property 'DataSetName', to be able to select the dataset which holds all columns from stored proc 1 and stored proc 2. How can i link multible tables ( multible stored procedures with different column names in each one) into a single dataset to feed the report?

Thank you

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COUNT Function And INNER JOIN On Multiple Tables

Jun 23, 2014

This is so complicated (for me) because I usually only work with single table and simple queries (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE), but now I am in a situation where I am stuck.

What I am trying to archive is that: when a project manager logged-into his/her account, a grid-view will show a quick overview for all of his/her projects (id, created date, name and how many files are in pending) like below picture:

3 tables will be involved are:

Sample data for manager_id = 11

I tried this query but it not worked, it seems to display all columns right but the COUNT pending files column (assume the manager_id = 11)

SELECT COUNT(file_id) as 'Pending files', projects.project_id, projects.project_name, projects.status, projects.start_date
FROM ((project_manager
ON project_manager.mag_id = files.manager_id AND project_manager.mag_id = 11 AND file_status = 'Pending')
INNER JOIN projects
ON projects.project_id = project_manager.project_id)
GROUP BY projects.project_id, projects.project_name, projects.status, projects.start_date
ORDER BY projects.status, projects.start_date DESC

result of this query:

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How To Generate A Report Containing Multiple Single Page Reports

Mar 14, 2006

I am using SS 2005 RS. I am able to generate single page pdf reports by passing "id" as a parameter. Now I need to send multiple ids as parameter and generate one big report which would contain reports for all the ids supplied on separate pages. Is this possible? If yes, then how do i do this.

What I have tried so far is, I created new report with a list control and added single page report as a subreport to this list control and grouped this list control using id parameter. When i send multiple ids in the parameter, for example 3 ids, it generates 3 page report but only for the first id. So it generates report for the first id and repeats same report 3 times.

Thanks for your help,

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Combining Multiple Tables Into A Single Flat File Destination

Aug 21, 2007


I want to combine a series of outputs from tsql queries into a single flat file destination using SSIS.

Does anyone have any inkling into how I would do this.

I know that I can configure a flat file connection manager to accept the output from the first oledb source, but am having difficulty with subsequent queries.

e.g. output

personID, personForename, personSurname,
1, pf, langan

roleID, roleName
1, developer
2, architect
3, business analyst
4, project manager
5, general manager
6, ceo


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Writing Data From Multiple Tables To A Single Flat File

Sep 13, 2005

I have a package that contains three database tables (Header, detail and trailer record) each table is connected via a OLE DB source in SSIS. Each table varies in the amount of colums it holds and niether of the tables have the same field names. I need to transfer all data, from each table, in order, to a flat file destination.

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How To Delete Unwanted Data From Multiple Different Tables With One Single SQL Query?

Mar 18, 2008

This a microsoft SQL 2000 server.
I have a DB with mutliple tables that have a column called "Date_stamp", which is used as a primary ID.
Here is my problem:
Some of tables have a bad datetime entry for the "Date_stamp". The bad entry is '2008-3-18". I need to delete this entry from every single table that has a name similary to 'Elect_Sub%Daily'.

I know how to get the user table names from the DB as follows:

FROM dbo.sysobjects
WHERE xtype = 'U' and name like 'Elect_Sub%Daily'

What I need to do is have a query that will basically scroll through the tables name produced by the above query and search and delete the entries that read '2008-3-18".

delete from tableName where Date_Stamp = '2008-3-18'

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Transact SQL :: How To Count Where Two Tables Multiple Columns Match

May 4, 2015

There are two tables

TABLE 1 (NAME - Groupseats)

id session course groupcode sub1 sub2 sub3

1 2015 ba1 137 HL EL Eco
2 2015 ba1 138 EL SL HS
3 2015 ba1 139 SL EL His

From this table i use to admit a student and select their choice of group simultaneously all the subjects associated with GROUP is save on another table.

Here is the TABLE 2 Structure and sample data:

table 2 (NAME - tblstudetail)

id studentID session course sub1 sub2 sub3

1 15120001 2015 ba1 EL SL HS
2 15120002 2015 ba1 HL EL Eco
3 15120003 2015 ba1 SL EL His
4 15120004 2015 ba1 HL EL Eco

AND so no..........................

Now i just want to COUNT the Number of Groups Filled in tblStudateil.

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Multiple Report Server Instances Sharing A Single Report Server Database

Mar 30, 2007

I would like to know if it is possible to have different applications on separate report servers sharing one report server database. If so are there possible issues or ptfalls to this type of architecture?



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Report Generation Using A Single Dataset, Which Combines Two Tables.

Jan 18, 2008


I have an issue in generating the report in sql reporting services. I need to display a report in a table format. The datas of the table should be from two different sql tables. I have tried to write a stored procedure that returns two result sets from two different tables. As reporting services takes datas only from the first result set, i tried to write two different stored procedures each displays one result set. Then i have created two datasets with that two different stored procedure. Even then i cannot proceed as i was not able to use two different dataset in a single table because i was setting the datasetname to one dataset, when i try to retrieve the fields from another dataset i was able to retrieve only first and count values. Then i tried using sub reports. As sub reports for a dataregion(table) repeats for every row of the main report i was not able to fetch the correct datas. Atlast i have tried combining the query using join and wrote a single stored procedure. This stored procedure returns a single result set retrieves data from two tables satisfying the conditions. The issue i am facing with this is, the first table has only one row satisfying the condition and the second table has three rows satisfying the same condition, as i am using join query for the three rows returned by the second table the first table datas are getting duplicated for the rest of the rows in the second table. As I found using join query is the only resolution for the output which I need, and also I have to avoid the duplication of the records. Hence let me know for any solutions.

I have shown the sample datas that is duplicating which is indicated as bold. Phonenumber, Attemptdate and calloutcome are from first table and start time and endtime is from second table. As there are three different datas for the second table, first table datas are duplicated

Phone Number

Attempt Date

Call OutCome

Start Time

End Time


2007-09-10 15:20:00.000

Contact with Prospect - Expressed Interest




2007-09-10 15:20:00.000

Contact with Prospect - Expressed Interest




2007-09-10 15:20:00.000

Contact with Prospect - Expressed Interest



Thanks for any help in advance


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Report Designer - Multiple Font Types In A Single Table Cell

Jan 24, 2008

Does anyone know if it is possible to have text in a single table cell where the first field is formatted in italics and the second is in normal?

eg: = Fields!firstname.Value(as italic) & " " & Fields!lastname.Value(as normal)?


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Integration Services :: How To Load Multiple Tables Data Into Single Excel File

Aug 26, 2015

My Requirement ,In Source Database 5 tables are there ( Emp,Loc,dept,Time,Product ), Destination is Single Excel file.But Dynamically how to load each table information to load into each sheet wise through SSIS Package?

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