How To Input Large Data From Another Db Or Db File Into Sql Server Compact?

Jan 21, 2008

Hi :
I want to transfer large data from access db into sql server compact , how can I do ? thanks a lot!

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SQL Server 2008 :: Save Data In Word Input File To Table

Jun 4, 2015

One people created a word input file (15 pages, including check boxes, text boxes, drop down lists...). Is it possible to save data in word input file to SQL table?

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SQL Server Compact 3.5 - I've A Sdf File Created In A .NET Windows Desktop Command Line Program. How To Now Consume The Data?

Sep 17, 2007

SQL Server Compact 3.5 - I've a sdf file created in a .NET windows desktop command line program. How to now consume the data in MS Excel?

I can see that under

C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server Compact Editionv3.5

I've one DLL called


But I don't have any oledb driver listed when creating an UDL file?

How can I consume the data in other apps that are not .NET and developed in house them?

Thanks, AM.

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How To Connect ADODB With Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 (.NET Framework Data Provider For Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5)

Sep 12, 2007

We are checking VB 9 (Orcas).

we connected to database created under with sql server 7. with this code

Public cn As New ADODB.Connection

Public Sub OpenDB()

cn.Open("Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial catalog=Reservation;Data Source=.")

End Sub
this code worked well.
we know sql7 is not compatiable with vista. please tell us how to connect it wiith sql2005 . we downloaded orcas express edition beta. we created a database also. please let u know how to connect with Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 (.NET Framework Data Provider for Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5).


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How To Convert SLQ Server Express Database File To SQL Compact Edition File?

May 29, 2007

Hi all,

I have a database name MyDatabase (SQL Server Express Dabase File). Is there anyway that I could convert it to SQL Server Compact Edition File?

By the way does anyone here got any problem with programming in SQL Server Compact Edition? It troubles me.



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Input Flat File Is - Truncate Extra Data

Jun 10, 2007

I am using the flat file connection manager. I read in a set of flat files and copy them into a staging database table. I want to ignore anything in the text file past column 266. I can't get this to work correctly. I can't define the last column to end at 266 and ignore the rest. I tried adding an extra column but that did not work either.


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Flat File Name As SSIS Data Source Input Parameter

Feb 29, 2008

Each day I receive a file with a different name. For example, the name is filename_mmddyyyy.txt where filename_ stays constant and mmddyyyy is the date of the file. The file is always in the same format.

I want to build an SSIS where I pass it this file name. I can write a script to generate the correct file name. How do I build the SSIS so it can accept the input parameter and find the correct file to process?


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DB Engine :: Splitting Data Of Single Large MDF File

Nov 13, 2015

We have a 5 TB database in our environment. Both MDF & LDF are location in 1 single drive which is of 10 TB.

Now, we want to move to new server but we have multiple drives each of max 1 TB per drive. How can I go about splitting the data from 1 MDF files into multiple data files? How about moving indexes ?

SQL Version : Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (SP1) - 11.0.3513.0 (X64) -  Enterprise Edition (64-bit)

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Integration Services :: SSIS Split Single Input File Data Over Multiple Tables?

Sep 30, 2015

I have a delimited text file with 650+ columns. The sum of the column lengths of a single row, if fully populated, exceeds 30K bytes.  The "killer" fields lengthwise are the "Description" fields. If they were removed from the input file, the remainig columns would occupy about 5000 bytes, which is within SQL max row length. 

Can SSIS be used to created these two tables? (one without  description fields, the other with those field but arranged vertically in the table rows).

The fundamental issue is I can not import a single file row into a sql table because that row length could exceed the max byte count for a row.

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Compact Server Database-file Not Enabled For Replication

Apr 23, 2008

When I try to create a subscription to my SQL Server Compact 3.5-database file, it gives an SqlCeException-message that says that the file is not enabled for replication. How do enable it?

My SQL Server Management Studio won´t connect to my compact server file right now, so that method is not an option for me right now.

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OLEDB Destination Performance Decreasing Drastically Over Time For Large Input Files

Jul 4, 2006


We are processing 60,00, 000 rows(2 GB file) available in a flat file and loading them in to a database tables using OLEDB Destination components. In the data pipeline of an SSIS package we have 1 flat file source reader, 7 look up components(full cache mode), 1 multicast component and 2 OLE DB destinations with fast load option.

We have observed that first 10,00, 000 rows are processed and loaded in to target tables in just 4 minutes time. The second set of 10,00, 000 rows are processed in 15 minutes time. After this for processing each 1,00,000 rows SSIS is taking approximately 8 - 10 minutes time. We are not able to identify the reasons for the unexpected behaviour of SSIS.

We thought that as the input file size is 2 GB SSIS is not able to manage and slowing down over time of execution. We did split the big input file in to 60 small 37 MB (approx) size files. Then we modified the package by adding For-Each loop task to process all the 60 small files and load them in to database server sequentially. Even in this approach also we have identified data loading has slowed down drastically after processing 13 files.

In order to verify is there any problem with reading source file or transformation, we have replaced OLEDB destinations component with Flat File destinations. With Flat file destination the time taken for processing rows is very constant. For every 8 minutes package is able to process 10,00,000 rows and write them in to the destination files. So, there is no problem with the with either Look up components or flat file source reader.

We are sure that target database server is in same state/condition from the starting to the end of package execution. The client box in which we are running the package is having 1 GB RAM. During package execution time the CPU usage is at 30 % and PF usage is 580 MB. SP1 is also installed on both Client and Server.

Does any one have clue what is causing slow down of data load over the time of package execution?

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Any SQL Wizard Can Help? -- Reformat The Input File And Transfer Into SQL Server

Feb 3, 2005

I am trying to transfer 200 txt files into SQL server by using query analyzer.
The command is 'Bulk insert [tableName] from 'pathfilename.txt'
However, I need to read and modifiy the txt file.
I am new to SQL server but I believe there must be some one who is a wizard can do what I want easily.

Thank you for the help in advance!

Here is the raw data layout, which is comma delimited.
BDate 1/1/1990 BDate 1/1/1990 BDate 1/1/1990 BDate 1/1/1990
Edate 1/1/2005 Edate 1/1/2005 Edate 1/1/2005 Edate 1/1/2005
Fq D Fq D Fq D Fq D
Date R P M E D Date R P M E D Date R P M E D Date R P M E D
1/1/90 1 2 3 4 5 1/1/90 2 3 4 5 6 1/1/90 3 4 5 6 7 1/1/90 4 5 6 7 8
2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 9 1
1/1/05 ...... 1/1/05 .... 1/1/05 ..... 1/1/05 .....

This is the desired output after load into the table, which is tacking each repeating block on top of each other.
Date R P M E D
1/1/90 1 2 3 4 5
2 3 4 5 6
1/1/05 ......
1/1/90 2 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6
1/1/05 ......
1/1/90 3 4 5 6 7
3 4 5 6 7
1/1/05 ......
1/1/90 4 5 6 7 8
6 7 8 9 1
1/1/05 ......

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Add A New Data Source To A SQL Server Compact Edition

Feb 21, 2007

I have installed SQL Server 2005 CE on my computer, but when I try to add a data connection to a CE database in Visual Studio 2005, I cannot find the option "SQL Server 2005 Combact Edition". Why?

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Question About Data Access To SQL Compact DB / Server

Jul 8, 2007

I am used to work with relational SQL Server databases in other editions and am fairly new to SQL compact. I have installed the compact edition and successfully opened a connection and worked with DB objects in the Compact edition, using Server Management Studio.

I have 2-3 questions:
- Are there any means / drivers / data access installations that would allow me to connect to a SQL Compact database using the data access means that I am used to in other editions of SQL Server? In other words, can I install a data-access "converter" that would know how to talk to the SQL Compact databases over the usual TCP/1434 protocol (or any other port)? I am looking for this feature in order to connect to the SQL Compact the same way I connect to any other relational database. Right now, I am using Toad for SQL Server and it would be nice if I could connect to a SQL Compact.

- With other (non-Compact) editions, I can create an alias to a SQL Server and then specify the means to connect to the server. Can I create an alias to a SQL Compact database/server? I tried but unsuccessfully. This relates to my previous question- If I could create an alias, then I could (I imagine) connect to the Compact databases/server the same way I connect to any relational database using the alias.

- Are there any tutorials for people who are used to working with other (non-Compact) editions that are starting to work with Compact? Any BOL sections that explain the differences between other editions and Compact, from a management-tools/connectivity standpoint? I found some literature; wondering if there's something more detailed out there.

Thank you in advance.

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Remote Data Access For Server Compact 4.0

Apr 19, 2015

I am making a WPF app, and I want to use SQL Server Compact 4.0 for database management, but it doesn't support Remote data access, on the other hand SQL Server Compact 3.5 does support it but I can't use it in WPF ( I've installed it but can't add it in my project, it's not there in the templates). So is there any alternatives, for a light DBMS, that are not installed separately?

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Not Able To Restore SQL Server Database From A Large Backup File

Aug 12, 2006

Hi everybody,
On executing the RESTORE command of SQL Server to restore from a backup of 78.3 MB, the "Server Application Unavailable" error message comes up.The error message in the Application log is as follows:aspnet_wp.exe  (PID: 2184) was recycled because memory consumption exceeded the 152 MB (60 percent of available RAM).
However using Query Analyser of SQL Server I am able to restore the database.
What is the solution to this problem?

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How To Read And Store A Large File From SQL Server 2000?

Feb 23, 2006

   I want to store a RMVB file to SQL SERVER 2000 ,and read from it,iwant to play the RMVB file in web,the size of the RMVB file is more than 300MB less 1G.the  SQL Field Image can include it.
Now My Quesstion is How can i Store and Read the RMVB file from SQL Server2000?
I used SqlInsertCommand.ExecuteNoquery()  in my program,but it Too slow,ao make a unknown error.
Thank you for your help.

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Stroing Large Size File In Sql Server Database.

Apr 20, 2007

I want to store large files like pdf file,Html page,audio file in Sql Server database.How can i do it?
if somebody know then tell me as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance.

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Sql Server Compact Edition Data Source Missing In Server Explorer

Apr 3, 2007

Trying to learn how to use Sql Server CE, Tutorial says to open server explorer, add connection, new connection, select data source as .net sql ce (words to that effect). On my visual studio, it ain't there and I can't figure out how to get it there. I have uninstall all of the Sql Ce stuff and reinstalled it. So I'm missing some key link. What are the magic incantations to get to first base?

Ed Warren

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Add Data Connection To SQL Server Compact 3.5 From C# Express 2008

Apr 25, 2008

Well, what I want is to be able to do some tooling on a database (.sdf) on my WM5 device using C# Express 2008.

The problem is that when I select the "Tools/Connect to database" option, I choose my data source to be "Sql Server Compact 3.5" in the next screen, and when I press Continue, I am taken to the next screen, and here I cannot select the "ActiveSync connected device" in the "Data Source" is disabled. The only option is selecting "My computer"...but I do not need that.

Is there something I need to install in order to activate that option?



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Copy Data From SQL Server Compact To SQL Server 2005

Oct 4, 2007

Is there a way to use SSIS to copy data from a SQLServer CE database to a SQL Server 2005 database?

I have a database that has only been used on a mobile device, but now I want to use it among several devices, so I want to copy the structure and data to a SQL Server 2005 database and expand it's scope.

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Sqlceoledb35.dll - Error 25123 - A SQL Server Compact Edition DLL Could Not Be Loaded. Reinstall SQL Server Compact Edition.

May 5, 2008


we've got a SQL Server 2005 which replicates with an SQL Server Compact 3.5. Every 10 to 20 synchronisations we're getting the error mentioned above. A Soft reset of the device helps to make the synchronization working again.

Why is this error happening and how can we resolve this?

BTW, we've also running system that replicates with an SQL Server Compact 3.0 without having this problems.


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SQL Server 2008 :: Large Binary Dataset - Database Or File System?

Jun 2, 2015

I have a well-structured but also very large binary data-set that is generated by a C++ application every five minutes. The data needs to be accessed by SQL applications. Since data is generated every five minutes, performance is key, both for write and read. The data set is about 500MB.If data is written to the file system, the write performance doesn't involve SQL server. For reading it, I have a CLR to read the portions of the data that I need based on offset and length. That works and is very fast. The problem is that data is stored in the file system, so it is not self-contained within the database.

A second option that I haven't explored yet, is to write the data into a table as VARBINARY(MAX). I would read the data using SUBSTRING with appropriate offset and length. Performance of SQL write/read of binary data of this size, and whether there is a third option I haven't thought off. I'm using SQL Server 2014.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Making Use Of A Large Transaction File To Delete Records?

Jun 5, 2015

Currently we has a database of size about 300G. Because our backup system failed some time past we were left with a transaction log file which grew to about 160G. However our backups are working again and everything is working fine. My understanding is that now the transaction log file is practically empty but the capacity remains at 160G.

When you delete records the deleted transactions are going to get logged to the transaction file. My understanding is when a backup is done these transactions get discarded out of the transaction file.

could I make use of this relatively large transaction file and start deleting transactions without out actually adding to the transaction file size.

The plan is to delete records from logging tables that are not referenced to by any other table without this increasing the transaction log file.For example over a period of a few weeks we can delete a chunk of records from a table. Then after it has completed a backup we can delete another chunk of records out of this table until we have got the table down to the records that we now need.Will this work?

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The Data On The Website Cannot Be Input In The Server Database..

Mar 6, 2008

hi there..
I have write a code in the submit button using vb code so that when people key in their email.. it will be saved in my created database called test.mdf. but when i debug it, i tried to write an my email address in the textbox in my website but when i click at the submit button, the web page display the email was not enter in my database.
here is the code, can anybody help me. i'm really lost here..
 Protected Sub SubmitButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim TestDataSource As New SqlDataSource()TestDataSource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("TestConnectionString1").ToString()
TestDataSource.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text
TestDataSource.InsertCommand = "INSERT INTO Email(EmailAddress, IPAddress, DateTimeStamp) VALUES (@EmailAddress,@IPAddress,@DateTimeStamp)"
 TestDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("EmailAddress", emailAddressTextBox.Text)
TestDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("IPAddress", Request.UserHostAddress.ToString())TestDataSource.InsertParameters.Add("DateTimeStamp", DateTime.Now())
 Dim rowsAffected As Integer = 0
rowsAffected = TestDataSource.Insert()
 Catch ex As Exception
TestDataSource = Nothing
End Try
If rowsAffected <> 1 ThenServer.Transfer("test_problem.aspx")
End If
End Sub

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How To Update User Input Data Into Sql Server

May 28, 2007

hi ,
i am new to this.
how should i update the user input values into sql server database?
i am using and c#

i know it must be simple...but i haven't worked on this before.


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SQL Server Compact Table Not Getting Data Edits Made In Datagrid From Vs05 C#

Mar 13, 2007

New to SQL Server Compact Edition and I am getting my feet wet with the following tutorial:

I follow the tutorial exactly, but the data I edit through the Edit Dialog Form is not saved to the SQL Server table even though all of the edits appear in the datagrid. They never make it back into the table.

Any help would be appreciated.


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SQL Server Compact Edition Sdf As Data Source In SSIS Import And Export Wizard - Error

Jul 31, 2007

Should I be able to use a SQL Server Compact Edition sdf file as the data source for the SSIS Import and Export Wizard?

When I select the .net Framework Provider for compact Edition from the data source drop down, I get a message box with "An error occured which the SSIS Wizard was not prepared to handle. Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. (mscorlib) Specified method is not supported. (System.Data.SqlServerCe)"

We have a user with a sdf file that will no longer sync, so we wanted to get her data from sdf file tables into SQL Server tables quickly and easily. Since the SSIS wizard wouldn't work with the sdf data source, we copied SQL Server Mgmt Studio query results into an Excel spreadsheet via the Clipboard, them imported those records with SSIS. But we need a repeatable process in case this happens in the future.

We tried to reinitialize her merge replication subscription with SQL Server Mgmt studio, and with C# code, but none of that would work.

How many MS data provider options are available for SQL Server compact edition? I see ".Net Framework Data Provider for Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition" in the SSIS data source drop down, but shouldn't I also see an OLE-DB Provider for SQL Server Compact Edition?

This is all on my XP workstation where I can successfully write C# code for SQL Server Compact data access with Assembly = System.Data.SqlServerCe = C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 8Common7IDEPublicAssembliesSystem.Data.SqlServerCe.dll. So I think I have the proper tools installed.


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Failed To Find Or Load The Registered .Net Framework Data Provider When Using SQL Server Compact Edition

Jul 3, 2007


I have recently downloaded Orcas beta VS product and had no previous version of VS before. The install went clean and I have been able to generate Window apps and web apps with very little issues; however, I have one issue with running a web app using the "view in browser" option for checking an aspx page for validity. If I use the default Northwind database provided and generate an aspx form using the "DataSet" toolbox widget, the tool prompts for the datasource etc. required to generate the required code. I can select the Northwind database and select the desired columns from one of the tables. Once completed, I build the project (clean build) and then select the "view in browser" option to verify the results. The result is an error page indicating a server error ->
Failed to find or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Configuration.ConfigurationErrorsException: Failed to find or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider.

I created on odbc connection to an iSeries(as400) box and was successfull in displaying the table on the webpage! I looked into the web.config file and it appears that all the required XML data is present. Any help would be appreciated as I am fairly green when it comes the .NET world.


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How To Store Large Character Data In MS SQL Server ???

Sep 11, 1998

I am developing a simple ASP based form, that stores user info in MS SQL server. I have created a table in the SQL server to store the data and defined the body field with this line: `body char(255)`. The problem is that if the user inputs a string longer then 255 characters it gets choped off. How would you suggest solving this problem? Should I use `text` datatype instead?? Any comments are very appreciated !!!

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Large Data Warehouse Handled Bei SQL Server?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I would like to know if anyone out there really uses SQLServer 2000 (which edition?) to hold the data for a datawarehouse? How much data does it handle efficiently?TIAFrank

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A Sql Server Compact Edition DLL Could Ot Be Loaded Reinstall SQL Server Compact Edition [ DLL Name = Sqlceca30.dll]

Mar 11, 2008

Hi there,

everything is ok for first run. but i leave the program relogin
than that error occured ppc2003 second edition devices. Windows mobile 5.0 device works fine.
can anybody help me?

VS2005 ver 8.0.50727
SSCE31VSTools-ENU.exe loaded
SSCE31SDK-ENU.msi loaded

machine 1
SQL 2005 loaded

machine 2
"Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition Server Agent" looks fine

pocket pc side
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server Compact Editionv3.1SDKinwce400armv4

.net cf 2.0 sp2
sqlce30.repl.ppc.wce4.armv4.CAB installed too.

my code

Dim RdaStr As String = "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=" + Server + ";Initial Catalog=" + DataBase + ";Integrated Security=SSPI"

Dim rda As SqlCeRemoteDataAccess


rda = New SqlCeRemoteDataAccess "THIS LINE GIVES ME THAT ERROR
Catch ex As Exception



End Try


rda.InternetLogin = [String].Empty

rda.InternetPassword = [String].Empty

rda.InternetUrl = "http://" + IP_no + "/ssce/sqlcesa30.dll"

rda.LocalConnectionString = ConnectString

Catch ex As Exception

MsgBox("Bağlantı hatası..")


End Try
i added the following code to very beginning of my code too.
that code lock my device

Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "coredll" Alias "LoadLibrary" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As IntPtr

Dim pt As IntPtr

pt = LoadLibrary("\windowssqlceca30.dll")

pt = LoadLibrary("\windowssqlceoledb30.dll")

pt = LoadLibrary(\windowssqlcecompact30.dll)


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Read Large Binary Data From Sql Server 2005

Jul 14, 2007

Hi I've followed a tutorial on how to write and read varbinary(max) data to and from a database. But when i try to read the data i get the error that the data would be truncated, but only when the varbinary(max)  is greater then 8kB. I've used a system stored procedure (sp_tableoption) to set the table that holds the data to store data outside rows. To select the data i'm using a stored procedure:               SELECT imageData , MIMEType FROM Pictures WHERE (imageTitle = @imageTitle)        And then using an .aspx page to Response.Write the data:Using conn As New sql.SqlConnection            conn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("myConnectionString").ToString            Dim getLogoCommand As New sql.SqlCommand            getLogoCommand.CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure            getLogoCommand.CommandText = "GetPicture"            getLogoCommand.Connection = conn            Dim imageTitleParameter As New sql.SqlParameter("@imageTitle", Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 200)            imageTitleParameter.Value = Request("imageTitle")            imageTitleParameter.Direction = Data.ParameterDirection.Input            getLogoCommand.Parameters.Add(imageTitleParameter)            conn.Open()            Using logoReader As sql.SqlDataReader = getLogoCommand.ExecuteReader                logoReader.Read()                If logoReader.HasRows = True Then                    Response.Clear()                    Response.ContentType = logoReader("MIMEtype").ToString()                    Response.BinaryWrite(logoReader("imageData"))                End If            End Using            conn.Close()        End Using  Can anyone please help me with this?!

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