List Items From A Form Query

Feb 24, 2008

I am a newbie, this is my first post (please go easy).

Iam at the moment trying to set up a query for someone looking for a property on an estate agents website.

From a drop down menu, the user can:
select an area (where they may like to live) from a list of areas.
select an amount of bedrooms from a list of bedrooms
select a minimum price from a list of prices
select a maximum price from a list of prices.

The query I worked out for this is as follows:
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM property WHERE area like '$area' and bedrooms like '$bedrooms' AND price BETWEEN '$min_price' AND '$max_price'") or die(mysql_error());

This seems to work fine and shows all the properties that meet the criteria onto my webpage.

However, I then thought, someone may not care which area they live in and want to see all properties in all the areas, so I decided to add the option 'All areas' to my 'areas' list, I then did the same for the other lists, eg 'all bedrooms' option to my bedrooms list and so on.

I am now trying to write a query that incorporates where the 'all..' option is selected and have become very stuck!
Can someone set me off in the right direction for this.
I hope that makes sense?!?!

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Items In List A That Don't Appear In List B (was Simple Query...I Think)

Jan 20, 2005

Ok, I want to write a stored procedure / query that says the following:
If any of the items in list 'A' also appear in list 'B' --return false
If none of the items in list 'A' appear in list 'B' --return true

In pseudo-SQL, I want to write a clause like this


(SELECT values FROM tableA) IN(SELECT values FROM tableB)
Return False
Return True

Unfortunately, it seems I can't do that unless my subquery before the 'IN' statement returns only one value. Needless to say, it returns a number of values.

I may have to achieve this with some kind of logical loop but I don't know how to do that.

Can anyone help?

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Parameterized Query For A List Of Items

Sep 2, 2014

I am doing parameterized queries from Visual Basic in Visual Studio.

I have a query where I want to do something like this.

Select * from people where city in (<list of cities>)

The problem is I want to build my <list of cities> in Visual Basic and pass it to the SQL as a parameter.

I know I can't do this:

Select * from people where city in (@ListOfCities)

Currently, I'm doing this by writing the <list of cities> out to a separate table, just so I can do the query.

Select * from people where city in (Select CityName from CityTable)

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Select List Contains More Items Than Insert List

Mar 21, 2008

I have a select list of fields that I need to select to get the results I need, however, I would like to insert only a chosen few of these fields into a table. I am getting the error, "The select list for the INSERT statement contains more items than the insert list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns."
How can I do this?

Insert Query:
tri_Ldg_Tran.CLM_ID AS PTicketNum,
tri_ClaimChg.Line_No AS PLineNum,
tri_Ldg_Tran.Tran_Amount AS PAmount,

CASE WHEN tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMMarsPaymentTypeCode = 'PATPMT'
THEN tri_ldg_tran.tran_amount * tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMMultiplier

tri_Ldg_Tran.Create_Date AS PDepositDate,
tri_Ldg_Tran.Tran_Date AS PEntryDate,
tri_ClaimChg.Hsp_Code AS PHCPCCode,
FROM [AO2AO2].MARS_SYS.DBO.tln_PaymentTypeMappings tln_PaymentTypeMappings RIGHT OUTER JOIN
qs_new_pmt_type ON tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMClientPaymentDesc =
qs_new_pmt_type.New_Pmt_Type RIGHT OUTER JOIN
tri_ClaimChg ON tri_IDENT.Pat_Id1 =
tri_ClaimChg.Pat_ID1 ON tri_Ldg_Tran.PRS_ID =
tri_ClaimChg.PRS_ID AND
tri_Ldg_Tran.Chg_TRN_ID =
AND tri_Ldg_Tran.Pat_ID1 = tri_IDENT.Pat_Id1 LEFT OUTER JOIN
tri_Payer ON tri_Ldg_Tran.Payer_ID
= tri_Payer.Payer_ID ON qs_new_pmt_type.Pay_Type
= tri_Ldg_Tran.Pay_Type AND
qs_new_pmt_type.Tran_Type = tri_Ldg_Tran.Tran_Type
WHERE (tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMMarsPaymentTypeCode <> N'Chg')
AND (tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMClientCode = 'SR')
AND (tri_ClaimChg.Primary_Claim = 1)
AND (tri_IDENT.Version = 0)

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Insert Only New Items From A List But Get ID's For New And Existing In The List.

Feb 12, 2008


I have a a table that holds a list of words, I am trying to add to the list, however I only want to add new words. But I wish to return from my proc the list of words with ID, whether it is new or old.

Here's a script. the creates the table,indexes, function and the storeproc. call the proc like procStoreAndUpdateTokenList 'word1,word2,word3'

My table is now 500000 rows and growing and I am inserting on average 300 words, some new some old.

performance is a not that great so I'm thinking that my code can be improved.

SQL Express 2005 SP2
Windows Server 2003
1GB Ram....(I know, I know)


Code Snippet
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tokens](
[TokenID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Token] [varchar](255) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[TokenID] ASC

[Token] ASC
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[SplitTokenList]
@TokenList varchar(max)
@ParsedList table
Token varchar(255)
DECLARE @Token varchar(50), @Pos int
SET @TokenList = LTRIM(RTRIM(@TokenList ))+ ','
SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @TokenList , 1)
IF REPLACE(@TokenList , ',', '') <> ''
WHILE @Pos > 0
SET @Token = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@TokenList, @Pos - 1)))
IF @Token <> ''
INSERT INTO @ParsedList (Token)
VALUES (@Token) --Use Appropriate conversion
SET @TokenList = RIGHT(@TokenList, LEN(@TokenList) - @Pos)
SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @TokenList, 1)

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[procStoreAndUpdateTokenList]
@TokenList varchar(max)
create table #Tokens (TokenID int default 0, Token varchar(50))
create clustered index Tind on #T (Token)
DECLARE @NewTokens table
TokenID int default 0,
Token varchar(50)

--Split ID's into a table
INSERT INTO #Tokens(Token)
SELECT Token FROM SplitTokenList(@TokenList)
--get ID's for any existing tokens
UPDATE #Tokens SET TokenID = ISNULL( t.TokenID ,0)
FROM #Tokens tl INNER JOIN Tokens t ON tl.Token = t.Token

INSERT INTO Tokens(Token)

return the list with id for new and old
SELECT TokenID, Token FROM #Tokens
WHERE TokenID <> 0
SELECT TokenID, Token FROM @Tokens
DECLARE @er nvarchar(max)
RAISERROR(@er, 14,1);

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How To Make The SSMSE To Return Whole Records Without Any Close Query Form And Re-create Query Form Operation?

Dec 25, 2007

I got a problem.
I installed Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005 version.
And I created a Compact database.
I created an connection in SSMSE to connect the database and opened a query form.
then, i run the following sql:

Select * from Table1

It returned 3 records to me.
After that, I used program to insert record into this table.
Then i ran this sql again, it still show me 3 records.
I closed the query form, and re-created a new query form, then run the sql, it returned 4 records to me.

Why? It's very strange and difficult to operate, right?
Is there anyone know how to make the SSMSE to return whole records without any close query form and re-create query form operation?

Thanks a lot!

And Merry X'max!!!

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List Items Once

Aug 22, 2014

how can run a query that would not list duplicate e.g.

item 1 section 1
item 2 section 1
item 3 section 1
item 4 section 1
item 5 section 2
item 6 section 2
item 7 section 3

the output would be

section 1
section 2
section 3

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SELECT Using All Items From List

Nov 7, 2006

I need to create a stored procedure that takes a list of product
numbers(541, 456, CE6050,...) and selects only the customers that have
all product numbers in the list. I have a product table that has the
following schema:

rowid numeric(18,0),productNumber numeric(5,0),customerNumber numeric(5,0)

and a customer table:

customerNumber numeric(5,0),address varchar(50),contact varchar(50)

So a customer can have more than one product, but I need a select
statement that takes the product numbers and selects them against the
product table and returns only the customerNumbers that have the entire
list of product numbers. I have tried doing a join on the product list and productNumber, then join with the customer table on customerNumber, but that gets any entires found in the list not the entries that have all the product numbers.  Thanks in advance for any help.

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List Of Items By Supplier

Jan 14, 2008


I have the following table Descriptions:-

Item No. -- Supp1-- Supp2-- Supp3 .... Supp10

I want to have a list of items for each supplier on the tables showing the following:-

Header is the Supplier No.
Details of each item Item No

Thanks for your help

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Can Pass List Of Items Through A Parameter?

Feb 12, 2014

I have a SQL query like this:

Select * from myTable where myTable_ID in (2,6,7,9)

I want to build the list of values that are in parenthesis, in my VB code and pass it in through a parameter, so it's like this:

Select * from myTable where myTable_ID in (@myValues)

Is this possible? I tried it where myValues = '2,6,7,9' but am getting a conversion error. I'm starting to believe it's not possible to do what I'm trying to do. Is there another way?

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How To Form A List ?

Aug 24, 2006


  I have a table like this:

  CatalogID  CatalogName  RootID
  1                 Microsoft              0
  2                 Macromedia          0
  3                 Office                   1
  4                 Flash                     2
  5                 MSN                     1
  6                 Dreamweaver        2
  7                 Firework                2
  8                 Visual Studio          1

  I want to form a list about company and product using SQL language.


      Visual Studio

  How can I do ?  Thank you.

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Insert Into Sql Database With Checkbox List Items

May 1, 2008

I am trying to insert into a database Checkbox list items, I get good values up till the checkBox List and then it gives me all O's, My fields in my database are bit columns so I need the checkbox list itmes to be converted to this format.  This is what i have so far.  One thing is I don;t think I am inserting into the correct database columns.  bitLOD, bitInjury, bitIllness, bitreferral are the database fileds.Private Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click
'Check for the page ID to make sure not an update page then either insert new data or update existing data.
Dim id As String
Dim LOD As Byte
Dim Injury As Byte
Dim Illness As Byte
Dim Referral As Byte
id = Trim(Request.QueryString("ID"))For Each LItems As ListItem In CheckBoxList1.Items
If LItems.Selected = True ThenSelect Case LItems.ValueCase "1"
LOD = 1Case "2"
Injury = 1Case "3"
Illness = 1Case "4"
Referral = 1
End Select
End If
'Put data into the Database
If id = "" Then
'save data into the database
sql = "INSERT tblSADHealth (intTaskForceID, intUICID, strSSN, dtInjury, strNotes, LOD, Injury, Illness, Referral,) " _
& "VALUES (" & ddlTaskForce.SelectedValue & ", " & DDLUIC.SelectedValue & ", '" & txtSSN.Text & "', '" & txtStatus.Text & "', " _
& "'" & txtDate.Text & "','" & txtNotes.Text & "', " & LOD & ", " & Injury & ", " & Illness & ", " & Referral & ")"

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Getting List Of Recently Added IDENTITY Items

Mar 8, 2006

In a multi-user environment, I would like to get a list of Idsgenerated, similar to:declare @LastId intselect @LastId = Max(Id) From TableManiaINSERT INTO TableMania (ColumnA, ColumnB)SELECT ColumnA, ColumnB From OtherTable Where ColumnC > 15--get entries just addedSELECT * FROM TableMania WHERE Id > @LastIdThe above works fine, except I'm assuming it will not work in amulti-user environment. Is there any way to get the set of Ids thatwere just added in the previous statement (similar to @@IDENTITY)without doing all of this in a serializable transaction or making atemp table of every single Id before the insert statement?

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Make Items Bold In Parameter Selection List

Mar 19, 2007

Is it possible to make certain items in a parameter selection list appear bold?

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Reporting Against SharePoint List Or InfoPath Form(s)?

Dec 19, 2006


Anyone have any solid solutions for using Reporting Services 2005 to report against a SharePoint List and/or InfoPath Forms Document Library?

This seems to be a popular one for reporting against the SharePoint List, but it looks like there are some issues with it, such as getting it to work with Subscriptions...


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Delete Statement For A List Of Items With Multiple Columns Identifying Primary Key

Jul 7, 2006

I frequently have the problem where I have a list of items to delete ina temp table, such asProjectId Description------------- ----------------1 test12 test43 test34 test2And I want to delete all those items from another table.. What is thebest way to do that? If I use two IN clauses it will do it where itmatches anything in both, not the exact combination of the two. I can'tdo joins in a delete clause like an update, so how is this typicallyhandled?The only way I can see so far to get around it is to concatenate thecolumns like CAST(ProjectId as varchar) + '-' + Description and do anIN clause on that which is pretty nasty.Any better way?

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Why Dataflow Component Doesn't Appear In The List Of SSIS Data Flow Items?

Sep 5, 2007

I developed SSIS Data Flow Component and placed dll file into the DTSPipelinecomponents. Then I registered the component in the GAC.

But when I try to add the required component into toolbox that there is not this one in the list of SSIS Data Flow Items. What does it mean?

Thanks in advance.

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Create A Table Of Contents Based On Report Items From A List Control

Apr 28, 2008

What are the options to create a table of contents based on the report items in a List Control? Document Mapping works for online viewing. A table of content would make the report easier to read when it's printed.

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.

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Creating A Form With A Drop Down List Of The Foreign Key Values

Jun 19, 2002

I have the following tables in an SQL Server database.



I'm trying to make a form to add entries to the Contact table that lets me associate a job title to a name by choosing it from a drop down list. I have been able to make it so I get a drop down list of TitleID but I need the Title field displayed. I haven't been able to do it. Does anyone have any tips on how to do this?

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Transact SQL :: Get List Of Items Present In Order Based On Confidentiality Code Of Product

Sep 29, 2015

I want to get the list of items present in that order based on the confidentiality code of that product or Item and confidentiality code of the user.

I display the list of orders in first grid, by selecting the order in first grid I display the Items present in that order based on the confidentiality code of that item.

whenever order in 1st grid is selected i want to display the items that the item code should be less than or equal to the confidentiality code of the logged-in user other items should not display.

If the all the items present in the order having confidentiality code greater than Logged-in user at that time the order no# should not display in the first grid.

Table 1:Order

Order_Id Order_No Customer_Id

2401 1234567 23
2402 1246001 24
2403 1246002 25

Table 2 : OrderedItems

OrderItem_Id Order_Id Item_Id Sequence

1567 2401 1001 1
1568 2401 1003 2
1569 2402 1005 1
1570 2402 1007 2
1571 2403 1010 1

Table 3: ItemMaster

Item_Id Item_Name confidentCode

1001 Rice Null
1003 Wheet 7
1005 Badham Null
1007 Oil 6
1010 Pista 8

Out put for 1st grid 

**Note :** Logged-in user have confidentiality code 6

Order No Customer
1234567 23
1246001 24

3rd order is not displayed in the grid

After user selects the 1st order in the grid then the items present in that 1st order should be displayed as 

1001     Rice

the second item not displayed because that having confidentiality code greater than user.

After user selects the 2nd order in the grid then the items present in that order should displays

1005 Badham
1007 Oil

I need the query to display the order details in 1st grid.

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SQL 2012 :: Pass List Items To Stored Proc As Comma Separated Parameter - Foreach Loop

Feb 11, 2015

I have a multiselect checkbox list in my UI. I pass the list items to my stored proc as comma separated parameter and then I have a function which converts this parameter to a table with separate rows.

E.g. : a,b,c,d

Converted to result table


I want to insert each row of the result table into another table. How to do that.

E.g., the table after the function is :

Subject varchar(100)

insert into #result values ('a')
insert into #result values ('b')
insert into #result values ('c')
insert into #result values ('d')

So the pseudo code is something like

for each row in #result

insert row into another table

View 9 Replies View Related

Summing Invoice Items - The Multi-part Identifier Items.TAX Could Not Be Bound

Apr 17, 2007

Hi: I'm try to create a stored procedure where I sum the amounts in an invoice and then store that summed amount in the Invoice record.  My attempts at this have been me with the error "The multi-part identifier "items.TAX" could not be bound"Any help at correcting my procedure would be greatly appreciate. Regards,Roger Swetnam  ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdateInvoiceSummary]    @Invoice_ID intAS    DECLARE @Amount intBEGIN    SELECT     Invoice_ID, SUM(Rate * Quantity) AS Amount, SUM(PST) AS TAX    FROM         InvoiceItems AS items    GROUP BY Invoice_ID    HAVING      (Invoice_ID = @Invoice_ID)    Update Invoices SET Amount = items.Amount    WHERE Invoice_ID =@Invoice_IDEND

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SQL Server 2012 :: Identify Sets That Have Same Items (where Set ID And Items In Same Table)

Feb 25, 2015

I am struggling to come up with a set-based solution for this problem (i.e. that doesn't involve loops/cursors) ..A table contains items (identified by an ItemCode) and the set they belong to (identified by a SetId). Here is some sample data:



You can see that there are some sets that have the same members:

- 1 and 10
- 2 and 11
- 7, 8 & 9

What I want to do is identify the sets that have the same members, by giving them the same ID in another column called UniqueSetId.

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Reporting Services :: Group And Sum Items / Sub-items Into One Record

Apr 10, 2015

I'm having an issue creating a report that can group & sum similar items together (I know in some ways, the requirement doesn't make sense, but it's what the client wants).

I have a table of items (i.e. products).  In some cases, items can be components of another item (called "Kits").  In this scenario, we consider the kit itself, the "parent item" and the components within the kit are called "child items".  In our Items table, we have a field called "Parent_Item_Id".  Records for Child Items contain the Item Id of the parent.  So a sample of my database would be the following:

ItemId | Parent_Item_Id | Name | QuantityAvailable
1 | NULL | Kit A | 10
2 | 1 | Item 1 | 2
3 | 1 | Item 2 | 3
4 | NULL | Kit B | 4
5 | 4 | Item 3 | 21
6 | NULL | Item 4 | 100

Item's 2 & 3 are child items of "Kit A", Item 5 is a child item of "Kit B" and Item 6 is just a stand alone item.

So, in my report, the client wants to see the SUM of both the kit & its components in a single line, grouped by the parent item.  So an example of the report would be the following:

Name | Available Qty
Kit A | 15
Kit B | 25
Item 4 | 100

How I can setup my report to group properly?

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Query To Group Sequential Items

Jul 23, 2005

Let's say I have the following table:entry product quality1 A 802 A 703 A 804 B 605 B 906 C 807 D 808 A 509 C 70I'm looking for a way to find the average "quality" value for aSEQUENTIAL GROUPING of the same Product. For exmple, I need anaverage of Entry 1+2+3 (because this is the first grouping of the sameproduct type), but NOT want that average to include row 8 (which isalso Product A, but in a different "group".)I'm sure it can be done (because I can describe it!), but I'll be amonkey's uncle if I can figure out how. I would imagine it wouldinvolve some sort of running tally that references the next record asit goes... to see if the product type has changed. Perhaps use of atemporary table?Muchas gracias!!Cy.

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A Query That Chooses Non-matching Items

Jul 23, 2005

I've never been the most articulate person in the world, so i thoughthe best way to illustrate the script I am looking for help with, is toprovide you with two tables and the results I require.Table 1ProductName1ProductName2QtyAAAA-12BBBB-13CCCC-14Table2ProductNameQtyAA2BB-13DD6Desired ResultsProductNameQtyDD6Regards,Ciarán

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Case: Sql Query For Product Items

Jan 10, 2008


I am new in SQL, I can not solve this case:

I have a product table like this

Name Qty Location
Item A 2 Warehouse 1
Item A 5 Warehouse 2
Item B 3 Warehouse 1
Item C 1 Warehouse 1
Item B 6 Warehouse 2

How is the sql command/query/store procedure
to generate result like this?

Name Qty
Item A 7
Item B 9
Item C 1

Can anyone help me?

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How To Form Query?

Jul 24, 2004

i am using this statement

select dateadd(dd,1,20010331)

and it's throwing an error

Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type datetime.

what's wrong?

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How To Form The Query

Apr 5, 2008

I have two tables. The table is below.

Table name 1 : Income
Income RentMonth
1500 Jan
1500 Feb
1500 Apr

Table name 2 : Expense
Expense ExpMonth
200 Jan
300 Mar
400 Apr

The result table becomes (Profit=Income-Expense)
Profit Month
1300 Jan
1500 Feb
-300 Mar
1100 Apr

But I form the query by join the both Income and Expense tables to subtract the Income and Expense month wise.

But one moth is in one table the same month is not in another table.

For Example Feb month is in Income table, but not in Expense table.And Mar month is in Expense table and not in Income table. So how will I form the query to achieve my result table as i indicated above. Kindly help me.


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How To Form This Query

Jan 14, 2007

I have a table SIM_Temp where I ahve three fields val1,val2,val3. I have some data like




What I want is, I want this to be read like

CustomerName 2003------------2004----------2005


Please advice me, how could I do this.

Thank you

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How To Form This Query

Jan 17, 2007

I have a table SIM_TempCustomer where I have 5 fileds nad Values Like



What I want i, if there is any value in any fields, other null values
in the field should be replaced by 0, if all the rows of the filed
are null, simply leave as it is....

Like the select statement of this SIM_TempCustomer should give a result like


Could any one help me.


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Query Table For Cheapest Items (but A Little More Complicated Than That)

Oct 18, 2006

I'm not sure if this is even possible but can i pull out rows from two tables (that have a one-to-many relationship) but only if they satisfy a few conditions.

tblWine tblSources
ID Name ID WineID Source Price Status
----------------- -----------------------------------------
1 Le Dome 1 1 Smith 100.00 IB
2 Teyssier 2 1 Jones 110.00 IB
3 Muscat 3 1 Hill 100.00 DP
4 2 Smith 135.00 DP
5 2 Hill 125.00 DP

I only want to pull out row that contain the cheapest wine for their status. So the result would look something like this.

WineID Name SourceID Source Price Status
1 Le Dome 1 Smith 110.00 IB
1 Le Dome 3 Hill 100.00 DP
2 Teyssier 5 Hill 125.00 DP

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SQL Query - Highest Rated Or Least Voted Items

Jul 23, 2005

Hello everyone,I'm trying to solve this problem but can't seem to figure out how tostart. I would like to create a rating system where people can vote(1-5 stars) on randomly displayed items. The randomly displayed itemsshould either have very high ratings OR a very low number of ratings.For example, only return items in the top 20th percentile *OR* itemswith fewer than 5 votes.The question is, how would I write an SQL query to return such aresult? Is it even possible? Should this be handled by my applicationrather than the database?For simplicity, let's assume I have the following table:tbl_items-----------------item_iditem_nameavg_ratingnum_votes-----------------Any help or pointers in the right direction would be greatlyappreciated. My apologies in advance if the solution is obvious and Iam clearly missing the point ;-)

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