Matrix Reports With References To Multiple Datasets

Oct 4, 2007

Hello and thank you for the help in advance.

I know this has to be possible maybe I am just missing somthing.

I am creating a matrix report which will compare year by year quotes to orders The issue is quotes and orders each have their own dataset. I will be pivoting on JobType which is in both datasets and spelled the same. Is there a way to do this or will I have to figure out how to union the tables? If not possible why does it allow you to name the dataset in the expression?

Thanks, Leo

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Can Use Fieids Of Diffirent Datasets In A Matrix ?

Oct 29, 2005

Can Use Fieids of diffirent datasets in a matrix ? SUM(Fields!a.value) is invalid?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Building Groups Out Of References / Eliminate Cross References

Oct 7, 2014

I got the following problem to solve in TSQL. I don't want to use a cursor. But with the set based solution I am stuck.

Here is my problem:

DECLARE @tmp TABLE (CustomerID INT, CustomerLink INT, PRIMARY KEY(CustomerID))

[Code] ....

Desired result:

[CustomerID of a group member],[smallest CustomerID per Group]

|100001 |100001 |100001 |
|100001 |100002 |100001 |
|100001 |100003 |100001 |
|100001 |100004 |100001 |
|100005 |100005 |100005 |

[Code] .....

doesn't work for crossreferences :.(

CustomerID CustomerLink
100001 100001
100002 100001
100003 100001
100004 100001
100005 100005
100006 100006 --wrong

[Code] .....

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Reporting Services :: Add Two Different Custom Calculated Fields From Two Different Datasets In Matrix

May 22, 2015

I am not sure if this is possible or not, we have two datasets and each one has an additional calculated field which breaks the value JobBilledExVAT into three years.

So it reports for example how much we billed in May 2015, 2014 and 2013.

I have got the table to display this when reporting on one dataset by grouping by year

The datasets both look similar to this 

  INNER JOIN Practice.idvJobType

[Code] ...

The calculated field is 

=Switch(Fields!Year.Value = Parameters!Year.Value ,"15", Fields!Year.Value = Parameters!Pre1Year.Value ,"14", Fields!Year.Value = Parameters!Pre2Year.Value ,"13")
The field I am looking to add together is below

If I do the below on the dataset associated with the matrix it displays the sum for each year correctly, I would however like to add the Sum(Fields!JobBilledExVAT.Value) from a different dataset (ABS1M) for the relevant year.

I tried this

=Sum(Fields!JobBilledExVAT.Value) + Sum(Fields!JobBilledExVAT.Value, "ABS1M")

However this adds 2015, 14 and 13 from ABS1M and doesn't add them individually if that makes sense? With the calculated field it only shows Year under the main dataset heading not 15, 14 and 13 separately.

I was think of using LOOKUP however I don't know how this would work as 15, 14 and 13 are not displayed under the dataset.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Foreign Key References Multiple Tables

Feb 12, 2014

Is there any possibility to create a foreign key references more than one tables.

say for example,
Create table sample1(id int primary key)
Create table sample2(id int primary key)

Create table sample3(
id int primary key,

this shows no error while creating, but in the data insertion it shows error..

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SQL - Foreign Key With References Of Multiple Tables With Same Primary Key Field

Apr 9, 2007

I want to create a table withmember id(primary key for Students,faculty and staff [Tables])and now i want to create issues[Tables] with foreign key as member idbut in references i could not able to pass on reference as orcondition for students, faculty and staff.Thank You,Chirag

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Multiple Datasets

May 31, 2007

I have a report that I have created with multiple subreports and datasets. There should be a better solution so I am asking the question here.

The report should display like this:

Object Title
% Remaining




Each column represents another dataset.

Each column right now is a subreport so I can use the object as a parameter to the subreports dataset. Each column needs to have the object as a parameter.

Is there a way I can pass a field from the first dataset as a parameter for the next dataset without using subreports?

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Grouping Multiple Datasets

Mar 28, 2008

I have multiple different data regions on one report body. I need to be able to arrange the a few of the data regions so that they are grouped together and print together on same page. I've tried using a list around the data regions that I want to group together, but the list data region needs to have a data set specified and it only allows one to be specified.
Has anyone tackled this before?

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Multiple Datasets But Needs To Be Tied Together

Aug 29, 2006

I am needing to take data from one data set that consists of a list of parts and their stock information. Then I am needing to show any transactions that the individual parts may have had during the time that user defined through the filters.

This requires me to have two data sets since I can't do a join between the stocking information and the transactions due to the fact that it is very possible that every part won't have a transaction for each month of each year. Doing a left join still filters down the data too much so thus the need for two data sets.

I have these parameters:

Vendor, Year, Month, Type of request

Vendor and Type of Request is handled through StockInfoDataset. I then need to update the table showing 0 or transaction amount from TransactionDataset filtered by the ItemNumber and WarehouseCode that is in StockInfoDataset. Since it seems List and Table only allow one dataset in them, I am at a loss as to how I would go about doing this.

Explaining this is quite difficult in a forum post, but hopefully someone would be able to shine some light on possibly avenues to follow here....thank you in advance.


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Sum Across Multiple Datasets/tables

Apr 4, 2008

I have three datasets that are currently displaying data in three side-by-side-by-side tables. This gives the appearance of one large table were all rows match up nicely. Now, I need to somehow calculate the sum of those rows values across and display that value as a calculated sum at the end of each row. How can I access the values of each column from those three different tables in order to be able to add them together for each detail row. Or is this just a dream? Thanks in advance....Using SQL Server 2005. The backend queries that create those datasets are MDX and trying to manipulate those to get one dataset back will be a pain. That's why, I am hoping that there is a front end solution to this.

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Matrix Reports

Apr 14, 2008

Is matrix reports in SSRS similar to the crystal cross tab reports, if so, I am trying to create my first report using reporting services in matrix report format, can you please send me a good reference I can use to create my first report. Thanks!

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Matrix Reports

Oct 25, 2007

Once Matrix Report is designed in Report Builder, is there a setting we can set where once the report is generated all the groupings are expanded automatically?

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SSRS / Add Totals From Multiple Datasets?

Nov 17, 2014

I have 3 tables pointing to 3 different datasets on my report.

How Can I take the totals from Each Table(Dataset) and add them together for a Grand Total?

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Locale Issues With Multiple Datasets

Nov 26, 2007

My company is implementing a multilingual solution for our application, so naturally the reports must follow. Every report I create has 2 datasets. It seems to me that the first dataset translates appropriately based on the browser's language setting, but the second dataset disregards the locale and just displays things in en-US. I've even created a sample report that accesses the exact same columns from the exact same view and dataset1 returns the correct language, but dataset2 returns en-US.

The report's language is set to =iif( User!Language = "fr-CA", "fr-CA", "en-US"), but I've also tried just setting it to = User!Language or leaving it at Default just to see if that would work.

Has anyone come across this before and been able to find a work-around?



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Multiple Datasets Are Not Processing Correctly...

Apr 15, 2008

Hello, I'm at a loss with this problem....

I have written many reports with multiple datasets but today I have something bizarre happening. I have three stored procedures (datasets) in this report. This is a rolling twelve month report that looks at three numbers (restraints, census, and percent of census) by month and year...pretty simple. The first data set is for the graph for all twelve months. The second and third data sets are broken out by MonthNum in matrix tables to show the first and then second six months in separate tables for displaying that that they don't have to scroll far over to the right since I'm printing all the three values per month.

This should be no problem. What's happening is that when I refresh the report not all three datasets are displaying properly. Some times the data in the graph shows and some times it doesn't. Another odd thing is that in my matrix tables the restraint number and then percent values sometimes double or sometimes they are 0. What makes it even more strange is the census number is always there and is always accurate.

All the aggregates are calculated in the T-SQL stored procedure. So, all I'm doing in RS is displaying the values. It almost appears to be cycling through the datasets when I refresh the report. Other than the fact that the census value is always there.

I rebuilt the report with only the problem. Once I add another data set, every other time I refresh the report the graph has no data. I can't imagine what I'm missing as I've done this numerous times.

Has anyone come across anything like this?

Thanks!! Jamie

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Multiple Datasets In A Single Chart?

Aug 20, 2005

Is it possible to incorporate data from 2 datasets into a single chart?  For example I have 1 set of data from 1 db which allows me to display datapoint "A" by week. I have a second dataset from another db which allows me to display datapoint "B" by week. I'd like to plot each of these separate datapoints on a single chart with the x axis being week and the y axis being a stacked bar chart incorporating both A and B values as individual data series. Further, assuming this is possible, is it then possible to have 1 series displayed as an area while the 2nd series is a column or line?

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Grouping On Multiple Datasets - ANY Suggestions

Mar 22, 2007

I have a report with two datasets, DS1 and DS2, which contain the same data fields, but with different values. Like so:

DS1 = sales
salesperson sale_number amount
John Smith 1 $100
John Smith 2 $105
Mary Jane 3 $98
John Smith 4 $275
Mary Jane 5 $92

DS2 = sales with price overrides
salesperson sale_number amount
John Smith 1 $100
Mary Jane 3 $98
Mary Jane 5 $92

Now what I want to do is see how the salespeople are doing. I can use either dataset and get great results independently:

Sales Results:
Salesperson Number of Sales Total Amount
John Smith 3 $480
Mary Jane 2 $190


Sales results with price overrides:
Salesperson NumSales with Over Total Amount
John Smith 1 $480
Mary Jane 2 $190

Now what I really want to do is a combo table like so:
Salesperson NumSales with Over Number of Sales %Overrides
John Smith 1 3 33.3%
Mary Jane 2 2 100%

I can not figure out how to do this. If I create a table that has DS1 as its datasource, I need to access DS2 for a count. So I try this for the NumSales with Over:

= count((Fields!sale_number.Value,"DS2"))

This just repeates the total number of sales in DS2, which is 3, for each line; not separating them out by salesperson.

If I try something fancier such as:

=count((Fields!sale_number.Value,"DS2", (Fields!Salesperson.Value,"DS2") like =(Fields!Salesperson.Value))

The report won't even run.

I want to do something along those lines. Does anyone have any ideas how to do this? I've considered subqueries to use salesperson as a filter, but the datasets are so large that the reports end up taking forever to run. I've tried using iif, but it doesn't seem to like using a field from a second dataset. I even tried to use the embedded VB code box to write a function, but then I couldn't pass the full array from the secondary dataset to the function (I could pass it from DS1, but not DS2).

I know this is incredibly simple, but this noob can't figure it out. If anyone has any suggestions I would deeply appreciate it.

Thank you,


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Aggregates In Matrix Reports

Jun 23, 2005

I am having a similar issue in a Matrix report. The following is a message from someone else having the same problem.

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Matrix Reports Filter

Sep 11, 2007

I am trying to have a matrix report filter on records that had sales in a prior month but no sales in the current month. Basically looking for accounts we €œlost€?

For example:

Name Invoice Date Quantity
Joe 4/1/2007 7
John 5/1/2007 13
John 4/1/2007 7
Tim 6/12/2007 6

The matrix report pulls back

Name Month

April May June
Joe 7
Tim 7 13
John 6

I am trying to return only names that had quantity in May and don't in June.

I would like it only to return Tim€™s record because we lost his business in June.

Any ideas?

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How Do I Get Sub Totals In The Matrix Of The Reports??????

Apr 25, 2008

How do I get sub totals in the matrix of the reports. I have my report in the format of matrix and I want to display the sub totals for the matrix at the end of each row and column. Is there any solution for this????

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Working With Multiple Datasets And Connection Strings

May 8, 2008

Hey guys,

I am pretty new to reporting software and I was just wondering in reporting services 2005 when working with multiple datasets and data connection string in order to populate text boxes if the data is a number it is prefixed with SUM at the start of the expression and if it is text it is prefixed with FIRST even though it is just for one value.

I was wondering if this is normal or have I messed up somewhere?

Many thanks.

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Exporting Datasets Into Multiple Sheets In Excel

Jan 23, 2008


I had a procedure which returns 5 result sets. Now i want to export 3 results sets in 1 excel sheet and the remaining 2 resultsets in another excel sheet. Can we do this in reporting services.


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Payslip Report With Multiple Tables/datasets

Jan 14, 2008

A report I am currently working on is a payslip report.
This report has multiple tables on the page, each linked to their own specific dataset.
Eg I have Taxable Allowances table linked to a dataset that returns information relating to any taxable allowances for an employee, then Non-Taxable allowances, Deductions and so on...

Taxable allowance dataset example

Employee E
INNER JOIN TransCurrentMaster TCM ON E.EmployeeCode = TCM.EmployeeCode
CROSS APPLY udfReportTaxableAllowances(E.EmployeeCode, TCM.PaySequence, ) TA
E.EmployeeCode IN (@EmployeeCodeParameter)
AND TCM.PaySequence IN (@PaySequenceParameter)

The report works fine when you select one employee.
Currently when you try to select more than one employee, all the employee results are displayed in the tables, for example, Taxable Allowance table contains all taxable allowances records for all employees on the one page...
I'm not sure how I can amend this report so that it is able to be run for multiple employee records...
Any ideas, thoughts, feedback would be much appreciated..


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Reporting Services Matrix Reports Repeating Row Labels

Jan 30, 2007

Is it possible to repeat the row labels for matrix reports where there are multiple groups. So if the matrix report rows are department,division,employee then have all three labels show up on each row not just at the breaks. Cannot seem to find a way to do this. thanks

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How Can I Apply Dynamic Sorting For Columns In Matrix Reports

Apr 30, 2008


We have a matrix report which displays columns in a default sorting order. This report columns vary dynamically depending on the user input.

e.g. If user wants to see the report for column Alfa, Beta , Gama then a report will be genarted with column Alfa, Beta , Gama sorted in alphabetical order.



However the users want the Columns to be sorted in the order which they provide the inputs e.g. if the user entered Gama, Alfa, Beta the report should display the columns in the same order instead of applying the default sorting order.




Any thoughts on ways to achieve this in SSRS matrix report would really help.


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Reporting Services :: Using Multiple Datasets In A Table - Outer Join In SSRS

Jun 17, 2015

I want to use multiple datasets in a table and wants to do the full outer join on the two datasets in the same table. For example, my two datasets are:

I want to display a ssrs table like:

Both the datasets are coming from different sources. So I cannot integrate them at sql query level.

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Reporting Services :: Count Of Lookup Expression Column In Report With Multiple Datasets?

Sep 27, 2015

My report has two data sets that hold inventory from two different departments.    

ds_DeptA and ds_DeptB

I have a table, that pulls the DeptB status of DeptA record and displays it. This returns empty when the lookup fails to make a match, which is fine.  Typically means DeptB does not have the record yet.   I need to count these empty (null) feilds and populate it in a Text box outside of the table.
I just can't figure out the syntax with multiple datasets. I can't use the lookup expression as part of the count expression since the count expression is not contained in a table that has a dataset. 

table: ds_DeptA
<<Expr>> =Lookup(Fields!ID.Value,Fields!DeptA_ID.Value,Fields!DeptB_Status.Value, "ds_DeptB")

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2008 R2 / Grouping Multiple Tables (tablix) With Different Datasets

Mar 27, 2012

We have a report that was created in SSRS 2008 R2 that has 3 tables with different datasets that share a common ID that I want to use to group them.

If we run the report passing only a single value for the grouped parameter then the report works perfectly.  What we need is for this report to allow multiple values to be selected for this parameter and for the report to run as if the user had selected each value one at a time and run the report with page breaks in between.  Currently, when we pass multiple selected values for the grouping parameter the report displays all values for table 1, then all values for table 2, then all values for table three as below:

Table 1:

Detail rows for Group Param Value 1 ...
Detail rows for Group Param Value 2 ...
Detail rows for Group Param Value 3 ...

Table 3:

Detail rows for Group Param Value 1 ...
Detail rows for Group Param Value 2 ...
Detail rows for Group Param Value 3 ...

But we want it to render like this:

Table 1:
Detail rows for Group Param Value 1...
Table 2:
Detail rows for Group Param Value 1...
Table 3:
Detail rows for Group Param Value 1...


The page breaks are needed so that when the report is exported to excel each individual report (by group param) will be on its own uniquely named tab.The report must export cleanly to excel and currently does for the single value passed.

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Retrieving Multiple Values From One Field In SQL Server For Use In Multiple Columsn In Reports

Mar 30, 2007

I am trying to create a report using Reporting Services.

My problem right now is that the way the table is constructed, I am trying to pull 3 seperate values i.e. One is the number of Hours, One is the type of work, and the 3rd is the Grade, out of one column and place them in 3 seperate columns in the report.

I can currently get one value but how to get the information I need to be able to use in my reports.

So far what I've been working with SQL Reporting Services 2005 I love it and have made several reports, but this one has got me stumped.

Any help would be appreciated.


I might not have made my problem quite clear enough. My table has one column labeled value. The value in that table is linked through an ID field to another table where the ID's are broken down to one ID =Number of Hours, One ID = Grade and One ID= type of work.

What I'm trying to do is when using these ID's and seperate the value related to those ID's into 3 seperate columns in a query for using in Reporting Services to create the report

As you can see, I'm attempting to change the name of the same column 3 times to reflect the correct information and then link them all to the person, where one person might have several entries in the other fields.

As you can see I can change the names individually in queries and pull the information seperately, it's when roll them altogether is where I'm running into my problem

Thanks for the suggestions that were made, I apoligize for not making the problem clearer.

Here is a copy of what I'm attempting to accomplish. I didn't have it with me last night when posting.

--Pulls the Service Opportunity

SELECT cs.value AS "Service Opportunity"

FROM Cstudent cs

INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid = cs.attributeid

WHERE = 'Service Opportunity'

--Pulls the Number of Hours

SELECT cs.value AS 'Number of Hours'

FROM Cstudent cs

INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid =cs.attributeid

WHERE ='Num of Hours'

--Pulls the Person Grade Level

SELECT cs.value AS 'Grade'

FROM Cstudent cs

INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid =cs.attributeid

WHERE ='Grade'

--Pulls the Person Number, First and Last Name and Grade Level

SELECT s.personnumber, s.lastname, s.firstname, cs.value as "Grade"

FROM student s

INNER JOIN cperson cs ON cs.personid = s.personid

INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid = cs.attributeid

WHERE cs.value =(SELECT cs.value AS 'Grade'

WHERE ca.attributeid = cs.attributeid AND'Grade')

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SSRS In Sharepoint, WrapperReportRenderingException/JobCanceledException For Large Matrix (OLAP) Reports

Jan 25, 2007

Hi all - please help!

I'm running SSRS 2005 (9.00.3027.00) in Sharepoint integrated mode on a Win2003 SP1 box. This works fine for most reports, including matrix reports sourcing data from SSAS 2005.

However, I have a couple of large matrix reports (7 columns per group, 12 column groups, 150 rows, 1 row per group, data from SSAS) that run fine when I run them in VS2005, but as soon as I try and run them from within Sharepoint/Report Server I get "An unexpected error has occurred.". Sometimes this happens after 60 seconds, sometimes more (up to 3 minutes)

If I filter them down to 7 column groups they work perfectly (altbeit slowly,1-2 mins), 8 groups works sometimes, 9 never works. I've checked that the report execution timeout is set to 10 minutes.

The SSRS log shows the errors as WrapperReportRenderingException and JobCanceledException. I'm not sure whether the the rendering error causes the cancelled error or vice versa. does anyone know what I can do about this?

By the way, from looking at the CPU usage of the server, it seems as though SSRS does carry on rendering the report long after Sharepoint has given up and returned with the helpful error. 

Many thanks in advance



Log extract as follows:

w3wp!library!7!01/25/2007-11:11:44:: Call to GetPermissionsAction(http://uk-ls-it-02/Reports/Triangles/Gross Triangle Treaty Property.rdl).
w3wp!library!7!01/25/2007-11:11:44:: Call to ListParentsAction(http://uk-ls-it-02/Reports/Triangles/Gross Triangle Treaty Property.rdl).
w3wp!library!7!01/25/2007-11:11:49:: Call to GetPermissionsAction(http://uk-ls-it-02/Reports/Triangles/Gross Triangle Treaty Property.rdl).
w3wp!library!1!01/25/2007-11:11:50:: Call to GetPermissionsAction(http://uk-ls-it-02/Reports).
w3wp!library!13!01/25/2007-11:11:50:: Call to GetSystemPropertiesAction().
w3wp!library!13!01/25/2007-11:11:51:: i INFO: Call to RenderFirst( 'http://uk-ls-it-02/Reports/Triangles/Gross Triangle Treaty Property.rdl' )
w3wp!runningjobs!7!1/25/2007-11:13:20:: i INFO: Adding: 1 running jobs to the database
w3wp!runningjobs!7!1/25/2007-11:14:20:: i INFO: RunningJobContext.IsClientConnected; found orphaned request
w3wp!reportrendering!13!01/25/2007-11:14:20:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.WrapperReportRenderingException: An error occurred during rendering of the report., ;
 Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.WrapperReportRenderingException: An error occurred during rendering of the report. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportRendering.ReportRenderingException: An error occurred during rendering of the report. ---> System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.OpenWebInternal(String bstrUrl, Guid& pguidID, String& pbstrRequestAccessEmail, UInt32& pwebVersion, String& pbstrServerRelativeUrl, UInt32& pnLanguage, UInt32& pnLocale, String& pbstrDefaultTheme, String& pbstrDefaultThemeCSSUrl, String& pbstrAlternateCSSUrl, String& pbstrCustomizedCssFileList, String& pbstrCustomJSUrl, String& pbstrAlternateHeaderUrl, String& pbstrMasterUrl, String& pbstrCustomMasterUrl, String& pbstrSiteLogoUrl, String& pbstrSiteLogoDescription, Object& pvarUser, Boolean& pvarIsAuditor, Int32& plSiteFlags)
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb.InitWebPublic()
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb.get_ServerRelativeUrl()
   at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb.get_Url()
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.Server.Utility.GetSPItemMetaDataAndContent(String path, UserContext userContext, Boolean returnContent, Guid& id, ISecurableObject& secObj, SharePointImpersonatedWeb& wrapper, Byte[]& content, String& mimeType)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.Server.Utility.GetSPItemType(String objectName, UserContext userContext, Guid& id, ISecurableObject& secObj, SharePointImpersonatedWeb& wrapper)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.Server.Utility.GetSPItemType(String objectName, UserContext userContext, Guid& id)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.Server.Utility.GetSPItemType(String objectName, UserContext userContext)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.SharePoint.Server.SharePointServiceHelper.Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.IPathManager.IsSupportedUrl(String path, Boolean checkProtocol, Boolean& isInternal)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.CatalogItemUrlBuilder.IsReportServerPathOrUrl(String pathOrUrl, Boolean checkProtocol, Boolean& isPath)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportRendering.ReportUrl..ctor(RenderingContext reportContext, String initialUrl, Boolean checkProtocol, NameValueCollection unparsedParameters, Boolean useReplacementRoot)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportRendering.Action.get_DrillthroughReport()
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportRendering.Action.get_DrillthroughID()
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.BaseRenderer.GetActionUri(Action action)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.HTML4Renderer.HasMultipleActions(ActionCollection actions, Int32& actionIndex, RenderActionInfo& firstActionInfo)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.HTML4Renderer.RenderTextBoxPercent(TextBox textBox, Boolean renderId)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.HTML4Renderer.RenderReportItem(ReportItem reportItem, Int32 borderContext, Boolean renderId)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.HTML4Renderer.RenderRangeCellsContent(MatrixCell lastCell, Int32 cellBorderContext)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.BaseRenderer.RenderRangeCells(Matrix matrix, Int32 indexRow, Int32 startCell, Int32 endCell, IntList hiddenColumns, Int32 borderContext, Boolean dirLefRight)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.BaseRenderer.RenderNonSplitMatrixLevel(Matrix matrix, MatrixMember currMember, Boolean& newRow, Boolean partialItem, Int32 level, IntList hiddenColumns, SizeCollection cellHeights, Boolean changableRows, Int32 borderContext, Boolean dirLefRight, MatrixContext matrixContext)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.BaseRenderer.RenderNonSplitMatrix(Matrix matrix, MatrixMember member, Boolean& newRow, Boolean partialItem, Int32 level, IntList hiddenColumns, SizeCollection cellHeights, Boolean changableRows, Int32 borderContext, Boolean dirLefRight, MatrixContext matrixContext)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.BaseRenderer.RenderMatrixContent(Matrix matrix, Boolean partialItem, Int32 borderContext, Boolean dirLefRight, Boolean expandLayout, MatrixContext matrixContext)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.HTML4Renderer.RenderMatrix(Matrix matrix, Boolean partialItem, Int32& borderContext, Boolean renderId)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.HTML4Renderer.RenderReportItem(ReportItem reportItem, Int32 borderContext, Boolean renderId)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.BaseRenderer.RenderCellItems(ReportItemCollection repItemCol, Hashtable partialItems, Hashtable expandItems, PageTableCell currCell, Int32 borderContext, Int32 linkToChild, Boolean layoutExpand)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.HTML4Renderer.GenerateTableLayoutContent(PageTableLayout rgTableGrid, Hashtable partialItems, ReportItemCollection repItemCol, Boolean bfZeroRowReq, Boolean bfZeroColReq, String docMapId, Boolean inDocMap, Boolean renderHeight, Int32 borderContext, Int32 linkToChild, Boolean layoutExpand)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.HTML4Renderer.GenerateHTMLTable(ReportItemCollection repItemCol, Double dxParent, Double dyParent, PageData pageData, String docMapId, Boolean inDocMap, Int32 borderContext, Int32 linkToChild, Boolean expandLayout)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.HTML4Renderer.RenderRectangle(Rectangle rectangle, PageData pageData, Int32& borderContext, Boolean renderId)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.BaseRenderer.RenderPage(Int32 index)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.BaseRenderer.RenderPages()
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.BaseRenderer.RenderBody(HtmlTextWriter htmlTextWriter)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.ViewerReportArea.Render(HtmlTextWriter outputWriter)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.Html40RenderingExtension.InternalRender(Report report, NameValueCollection reportServerParameters, NameValueCollection deviceInfo, NameValueCollection clientCapabilities, EvaluateHeaderFooterExpressions evaluateHeaderFooterExpressions, CreateAndRegisterStream createAndRegisterStream)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.RenderingExtensionBase.Render(Report report, NameValueCollection reportServerParameters, NameValueCollection deviceInfo, NameValueCollection clientCapabilities, EvaluateHeaderFooterExpressions evaluateHeaderFooterExpressions, CreateAndRegisterStream createAndRegisterStream)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.Rendering.HtmlRenderer.RenderingExtensionBase.Render(Report report, NameValueCollection reportServerParameters, NameValueCollection deviceInfo, NameValueCollection clientCapabilities, EvaluateHeaderFooterExpressions evaluateHeaderFooterExpressions, CreateAndRegisterStream createAndRegisterStream)
   at Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessing.RenderReport(IRenderingExtension renderer, DateTime executionTimeStamp, GetReportChunk getCompiledDefinitionCallback, ProcessingContext pc, RenderingContext rc, CreateReportChunk cacheDataCallback, Boolean& dataCached)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
w3wp!runningjobs!13!01/25/2007-11:14:20:: i INFO: CancelableJobExecution.Execute caught our thread abort exception
w3wp!library!13!01/25/2007-11:14:20:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.JobCanceledException: An administrator has canceled the job., ;
 Info: Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.JobCanceledException: An administrator has canceled the job. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.WrapperReportRenderingException: An error occurred during rendering of the report. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportRendering.ReportRenderingException: An error occurred during rendering of the report. ---> System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
w3wp!webserver!13!01/25/2007-11:14:20:: e ERROR: Reporting Services error Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.JobCanceledException: An administrator has canceled the job. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.WrapperReportRenderingException: An error occurred during rendering of the report. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportRendering.ReportRenderingException: An error occurred during rendering of the report. ---> System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.

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Binary Data Types (Images) In Matrix/Table Items In Reports

Jul 11, 2007

I am trying to produce a matrix (crosstab) report in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services Report Designer, where the column headers contain a binary data type storing a png image.

By just simply using the report wizard and assigning the binary (image) data value to the column headers, and then previewing the report, I get following error:

An error occurred during local report processing.An error has occurred during report processing.The Group expression used in grouping 'matrix1_COMPETITOR_EMBLEM' returned a data type that is not valid.

Is there any way to include binary data types, or images per se from the database into a matrix or even table item in a report ?

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Matrix Reports Spawn Extra Page - Enclosing In List Fixes This.

Apr 20, 2007

We really like using the Matrix reports, but we were finding that every Matrix report that we created would spawn an extraneous blank page. We tried putting the matrix in a rectangle, which works well for positioning other items on reports, but this had no effect on the problem.

Then we tried placing the matrix in a list with the list group details set to "=Nothing". It worked great - no more extra pages. Looked and didn't see this tip mentioned elsewhere so thought it might be worth sharing.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Create XML File From AS400 Stored Procedure Returning Multiple Datasets

Oct 3, 2014

I have a store procedure in MC400 which I can call from SSMS using the below command:


Now this command returns two data sets like:


I want to generate two different XML files from these two datasets.Is there any way this can be achieved in SSIS or t-sql ?

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