Problem In SQL Server 2005 In Database Mail Config

Feb 25, 2008

Hi all 2.0 users,

I want to send the mail to the users of my system when there is any changes in the database or when i assign any user to the project giving them the information about the changes or asignee.

For this first i have to configrue Database mail in the SQL Server 2005. I tried this by going to the SQL Server 2005 Management Studio -> Object Explorer -> Management -> .............but there i donot find the Database mail option.

Again i went to the configuration tool -> SQL Server Surface Area Configuration
-> Surface Area Configuration....and there I enabled database mail.......

But still I have a problem of getting Database mail Option Object Explorer -> Management -> .......

I have been using SQLServer2005_SSMSEE for this as this is windows installer package.....what is the problem

I am tried for searching this..........and its very important for me.....

Will please help me in this condition its very urgent.....

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Configuring Database Mail In SQL Server 2005

Aug 20, 2007


I have created profiles in my database as mentioned below. now i want to delete the profile created in database.
can some one tell me how to proceed furthur.

i need to delete them permenantly.
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_account_sp
@account_name = 'MyMailAccount',
@description = 'Mail account for Database Mail',
@email_address = '',
@display_name = 'MyAccount',
@mailserver_name = ''
EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_profile_sp
@profile_name = 'MyMailProfile',
@description = 'Profile used for database mail'
--------------------------------------------------------EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_profileaccount_sp
@profile_name = 'MyMailProfile',
@account_name = 'MyMailAccount',
@sequence_number = 1

-------------------------------------------------------EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sysmail_add_principalprofile_sp
@profile_name = 'MyMailProfile',
@principal_name = 'public',
@is_default = 1 ; Regardskrishna

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SQL Server 2005 Database Mail And Agent Error

Feb 9, 2006

Hello, hoping someone might be able to help.

I've set up Database Mail on an instance of 2005 and the test mail works just fine. However, when testing a job (notify on fail, success, whatever) the mail fails to send. Job History last information reads NOTE: Failed to notify 'My Name' via email.

Checked out the Database Mail logs - nothing interesting.

Restarted the Agent service and then checked out the current Agent Log. Found message:

[260] Unable to start mail session (reason: No mail profile defined).

The 'DatabaseMailProfile' key is most certainly defined in the Registry
(at 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE', N'SOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1SQLServerAgent')

I'm at a loss...why is it telling me no mail profile defined?
I'd be most grateful for any help if anybody else has run across this problem.


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SQL Server 2005 Database Mail Command Not Supported (502) SMTP Error

Dec 4, 2006

Hi all,At this moment I'm trying to get database mail working. According tosome people it should be easy. Well...that is not the case for me.I'm having the following error:The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail serverfailure. (Sending Mail using Account 2 (2006-11-24T08:48:15). ExceptionMessage: Cannot send mails to mail server. (Command not implemented.The server response was: Command not Supported).)SQL Server 2005 is installed on a separate server and the SMTP Serveris Lotus Notes. connecting with port 25.Start and stopping the SQL Server and SQL Server agent i tried already.i tried sysmail_stop_sp and sysmail_start_sp.Sometimes when starting or stopping the Mail with the followingcommands :exec sysmail_stop_spGOexec sysmail_start_spGOI will get the following error:Msg 233, Level 20, State 0, Line 0A transport-level error has occurred when sending the request to theserver. (provider: Shared Memory Provider, error: 0 - No process is onthe other end of the pipe.)So any help would be appreciated.Hennie

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How To Monitor Failed Sql Server 2005 Jobs When Database Mail Is Disabled

Sep 14, 2007

We have our SQL Server 2005 hosted at a datacenter and have only SS Management Studio access (no term serv, no event log, etc.). Also, our hosting company has disabled the Database Mail feature. We have over 60 jobs running on a minute/hourly/daily basis that are critical for our business. It is super important for us to know if and when a job failed.

Given this scenario, how do you suggest we implement monitoring/notification of failed jobs?

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Database Mail With Yahoo Business Mail Server

Feb 20, 2008

Hi all....

Our company use yahoo business mail server for our corporate mails. I know that I can configure database mail with SMTP. But when I try to configure database mail account with yahoo bizmail, I cannot do that. It gets configured but when I test it it doesn't send any mails. Do I need to have any special condiguration for this. SMTP address is Also I have specified the Authentication using my user name and password. Please help



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How To Deploy App.config To SQL Server 2005 Either?

Nov 29, 2007

As we know Sql Server 2005 provides its ability to deploy clr assembly on it. However my problem is that my assembly has a configuration file. I used ConfigurationManager.GetSection to create some of the object. When I am deploying the project the trouble is that the app.config is missing. I used a class lib project type to create the assembly. Besides changing a storing method, can I still use this config file to reach my goal? Sqlserver.exe.config is not a good idea and it is not workable. The sqlserverexe host cannot find the assembly files.

Thanks very much!

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SQL 2005 Database Mail

Apr 7, 2008

I have configured sql 2005 to send Database mail via SMTP using a profile and account that works fine during a test send. However, when I set myself up as an opperator (with the same email as the test) and tell a job to email me upon sucess, and run the job I dont get the email.I looked at the error log, and get the error that: "an attempt was made to send an email when no email session has been established"Any help is greatly appreciated!Dan

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SQL 2005, Database Mail

Jan 24, 2008

I recently got the datamail setup and running. I am able to use database test mail to successfully send a test email relay through the SMTP port of the exchange server and then out to the appropriate email adress.

When i use the SP_Send_Dbmail it says Mail Queue. I check the sysmail_allitems it says the Sent_Status is sent but I never receive it.

Everything below executes just fine and places the right information in the right msdb tables. I just never receive the email. Any suggestions on where to look? Service_broker messages is enabled and i restart sqlserveragent also.

use msdb

exec msdb..sysmail_start_sp

EXEC msdb..sp_send_dbmail
@profile_name = 'DBuser'
@recipients = '',
@subject = 'Test',
@body = 'Test',
@body_format = 'HTML'

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What Is Sql 2005 Database Mail?

Aug 7, 2006

I thought I knew.

Under SQL 2005 SSIS I can successfully send email (using their SNMP task). So I thought that was database mail. But the other day I started reading about Database mail and setting up profiles and it had nothing to do with SSIS tasks! So what is it all about?



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SQL 2005 Database Mail Shutting Down

Jan 25, 2008

I have setup database mail on my SQL 2005 server. It works fine. I am using it to send subscription mail. If the email addresses are good, it works fine. If there is a bad email address rather then skipping that email address, it shuts down and quits the rest of the process.

Is there a way to configure it to log the error and move on? With SQL 2000 all it did was toss it into a queue and hope. The SMTP server dealt with the problems. Now it seems Database Mail is determining there is a problem and giving up.

While I love the new sysmail tables that allow me to track what happened, I hate the fact the the system decides if is too frightened by an error and it needs to runaway and hide. [:D]

Also, does anyone know of a good resource for describing the sysmail table relationships?

Thanks in advance for the help,

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SQL 2005 Database Mail Shutting Down

Jan 24, 2008

I have setup database mail on my SQL 2005 server. It works fine. I am using it to send subscription mail. If the email addresses are good, it works fine. If there is a bad email address rather then skipping that email address, it shuts down and quits the rest of the process.

Is there a way to configure it to log the error and move on? With SQL 2000 all it did was toss it into a queue and hope. The SMTP server dealt with the problems. Now it seems Database Mail is determining there is a problem and giving up.

While I love the new sysmail tables that allow me to track what happened, I hate the fact the the system decides if is too frightened by an error and it needs to runaway and hide.

Also, does anyone know of a good resource for describing the sysmail table relationships?

Thanks in advance for the help,

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Issues With Database Mail For SQL 2005

Feb 19, 2008

Mail is getting 'stuck' in the unsent state. When I send a test mail or notification - the mail ends up in the sysmail table. If I manually double click on databasemail90.exe the email will be sent but for some reason this app is not being fired off automatically. I have tried disabling and re enabling service broker on msdb.

Running the following queries I get
SELECT * from sys.dm_broker_queue_monitors - no results.

SELECT * from sys.service_queues - expected results

InternalMailQueue 843150049 NULL 1 0 SQ SERVICE_QUEUE
ExternalMailQueue 875150163 NULL 1 0 SQ SERVICE_QUEUE
QueryNotificationErrorsQueue 1977058079 NULL 1 0 SQ SERVICE_QUEUE
EventNotificationErrorsQueue 2009058193 NULL 1 0 SQ SERVICE_QUEUE
ServiceBrokerQueue 2041058307 NULL 1 0 SQ SERVICE_QUEUE

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Calling .Net Assembly Or Dll From SQL Server 2005 At Config Level 80

Jul 26, 2006

I create a dll assembly with the strong name in VB.Net environment.
Created assembly is registered also.
SQL Server 2005 configuraton level is set at "80"
I want to call that assembly from stored procedure with the database config level at "80"
But when i execute the stored proecure i get the following error
Error Source: "ODSOLE Extended Procedure"
Description: "Invalid Class String"

My Code in VB.Net is given below:
Imports System
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.SqlTypes
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Server
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports GreatDataAccess

Namespace Test
Public Class clsTest

Public Shared Sub GenTest()
''''............ some code is here
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace

Stored Procedure
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[PPGenerateFile]
Declare @retVal INT
Declare @comHandler INT
declare @errorSource nvarchar(500)
declare @errorDescription nvarchar(500)
declare @retString nvarchar(100)

-- Intialize the COM component

EXEC @retVal = sp_OACreate Test.clsTest, @comHandler OUTPUT
IF(@retVal <> 0)
--Trap errors if any
EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @comHandler,@errorSource OUTPUT, @errorDescription OUTPUT
SELECT [error source] = @errorsource, [Description] = @errordescription

-- Call a method into the component

EXEC @retVal = sp_OAMethod @comHandler,'GenTest()',@retString

IF (@retVal <>0 )
EXEC sp_OAGetErrorInfo @comHandler,@errorSource OUTPUT, @errorDescription OUTPUT
SELECT [error source] = @errorsource, [Description] = @errordescription
select @retString


Please Help me to solve this problem.

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Do SQL Server 2005/CLR Triggers Support .config Files?

Jun 5, 2006

Does anyone know if it's possible to use the standard .config file within a CLR Trigger to read properties via the System.Configuration namespace

I guess it's not possible because the CLR Trigger needs to be compiled as an assembly which is hosted by SQL Server



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Could Someone Help Me To Config SQL2005 To Connect To My Host Database Server

Sep 5, 2006

HiI'm new this  .I' using SQL 2005  VWD05.Could some body tell me how to  upload to my host server database to  to run   a membership user account.I dont know what are the procedure to do on my pc in order to transfer the file on the database.Thanks

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Sending MIME Messages Using Database Mail In Sql 2005

May 8, 2008

Hello, I've been banging my head trying to figure this one out so I appreciate any help you guys can provide.

I've setup and configured SQL 2005's Database mail and have sent a few plain and simple text emails and I receive it fine at the destination.

I now want to send mime messages but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I took the following source from an email that linked-in sent me which was a mime message:

Mime-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;



Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Plain Text Goes Here


Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit



<b>HTML Goes here</b>




and put the above text in the @body parameter of the stored proc msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail and submitted it.

When I received the email, it didn't appear as html. Instead, I just got the mime message above as plain text in my email as if someone just typed it and sent it to me. What do I need to do for SQL Database Mail to send the above as a MIME message?

Thanks in advance for any help

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SMTP Database Mail Showing Error While Sending Mail

Mar 7, 2007

Lokendra writes "I have configured the Database mail profile and account in Sql Server 2005 but the mail is not sending and showing the following error message:

Error,235,The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. (Sending Mail using Account 1 (2007-03-05T15:16:07). Exception Message: Cannot send mails to mail server. (Mailbox name not allowed. The server response was: Sorry<c/> that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts.).
),3000,90,,3/5/2007 3:16:07 PM,sa

but while in the same mail set up in previous instance of sql server 2005 the message was sending very well. After installing new instance of sql server 2005 the problem is arising.

Anybody can tell me that what I can do so that i can send mail using the SMTP databasemail account."

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Help With Mail That Send Mail When Database Bakcup Fails

Sep 1, 2006


I have got a script which gives the mail to the dba mail box when database backup fails.

In the script I want to make a change so that I get the particular database name , on what ever database i implement.

Can you tell me some suggestions.

The script I am using is :

use master
alter PROCEDURE dbo.SendMail
@to VARCHAR(255),
@subject VARCHAR(255),
@message VARCHAR(8000)
@rv INT,
@from VARCHAR(64),
@server VARCHAR(255);
@from = '',
@server = '';

select @message = @message + char(13) + Char(13) + @@servername + '-'+ db_name()+ '-' + 'Backup Status Failed' + Char(13)

EXEC @rv = dbo.xp_smtp_sendmail
@to = @to,
@from = @from,
@message = @message,
@subject = @subject,
@server = @server;

--- After the above script is run the following should be given in the 2nd step when
--- the backup jobs are scheduled ------

exec master.dbo.sendmail
@to = '',
@subject =' Test sqlserver 2000',
@message = '' ;


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Problem With Sending Mail Via Database Mail

Mar 9, 2007

Hi every body

I want to send a simple mail using DATABASE MAIL feature in SQL SERVER 2005.

I've defined a public profile.
I've enabled Database Mail stored procedures through the Surface Area Configuration .

but   I can't send a mail with sp_send_dbmail stored procedure in 'msdb' database .

when I execute sp_send_dbmail in the Managment Studio  the message is
"Mail queued"  but the mail is not sent.

Could it be related to Service Broker?Because  the Surface Area Configuration indicates:'this inctance does not have a Service Broker endpoint'.If so, how should I make an endpoint?

here is the log file after executing sp_send_dbmail:

1)  "DatabaseMail process is started"

2)   "The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. (Sending Mail using Account 2 (2007-03-08T00:49:29). Exception Message: Could not connect to mail server. (No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it)."

 The DatabaseMail90.exe is triggred ,so the mail is transfered to the mail queue but  DatabaseMail90.exe couldn't give the mail to SMTP server.The promlem is what should I do to make DatabaseMail90.exe able to connect to  the server?

please help me.


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SQL Server 2005 Mail Issues???

Apr 30, 2008


Very New to SQL MAIL... SQL SERVER 2005....

I am trying to set sql mail for my SQL server 2005.. i m on client machine...from here i got info for @@version
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - 9.00.1406.00 (Intel X86) Mar 3 2007 18:40:02 Copyright (c) 1988-2005 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)

I have created alerts (TestAlert),operator (TestOperator.. here i have mentioned my email id)
I have created simple JOB ..insert statement...owner as NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM...under alert I assigned TestAlert..under notification I assinged or checked my ok

I also checked in Service Area Configuration Features .. Enable SQL Mail Stored Procedures...

But when i loggned in Query Analyser as Windows Login and fired
EXEC xp_startmail I got error like
Msg 17930, Level 16, State 1, Line 0
xp_startmail: Either there is no default mail client or the current mail client cannot fulfill the messaging request. Please run Microsoft Outlook and set it as the default mail client.

Also Under Legacy..SQL MAIL..when i right click I got error
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
Cannot show requested dialog.
If a stored procedure could not be found, SQL Mail may not be installed in the instance. (SqlManagerUI)
xp_get_mapi_profiles: Either there is no default mail client or the current mail client cannot fulfill the messaging request. Please run Microsoft Outlook and set it as the default mail client. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 17930)
For help, click:

On my machine (its client machine) Outlook is configured but on server it is not....

Please suggest me best way to set SQL MAIL....I needed to set notification when any job executed as success....


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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Database Mail Fails At Email Server Alert

Apr 23, 2015

We recently had a problem with DB Mail. SQL jobs that sends an email succeeded but the email in the job fail to sent. There was a problem with the email server. The error is included. We fixed the problem with the email server. How can I get an alert when a DB Mail email fails send?

Date4/23/2015 10:01:06 AM
LogDatabase Mail (Database Mail Log)

Log ID5907
Process ID13204
Mail Item ID5702
Last Modified4/23/2015 10:01:06 AM
Last Modified Bysa

The mail could not be sent to the recipients because of the mail server failure. (Sending Mail using Account 1 (2015-04-23T10:01:06). Exception Message: Cannot send mails to mail server. (Insufficient system storage. The server response was: 4.3.1 Unable to accept message because the server is out of disk space.).

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SQL Server Express: Database Mail Or Equiv

Apr 6, 2006

I'm running SQL server developer and Express edition on separate boxes. I want to use both for the same application, but different contexts. I have requirement to be able to send emails directly from SQL server on both. Database mail on the full version seems like the best option, but I can't see the same feature on SQL Server Express. Its not documented anywhere obvious as being a feature thats missing, but it doesn't seem to be there.

Is there something I can do to get uniform mail sending from both, using an smtp server, and ideally no third party components?

Many thanks,

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Sql Mail And Sql Server Agent Mail With Lotus Notes Domino Server

Jul 7, 2003

Hello Everyone,
I am trying to configure SQL MAIL and SQL SERVER AGENT MAIL feature of SQL SERVER 2000 with Lotus Domino server (Not Microsoft Exchange). Every thing goes fine and it works also. Problem starts when I try to restart SQL Agent Service. It hangs and the status of service remain 'starting'...
Also the size of the sqlagent service process goes upto 12MB. I don't understand why? Can any one help me in solving this problem.
I am using Windows 2000 Advanced Server and SQL Server 2000 with SP3. Domino client is R5.0.5 and Outlook 2000.

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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: Send Database Mail Only Once

Apr 14, 2015

I have a job under the SQL Server Agent, which is configured to send an email notification on failure.

The job is scheduled to run every 30 minutes.

Is it somehow possible to configure it so that it only sends one email in case of subsequent failures instead of "spamming" my inbox every half hour?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Script Out Database Mail Settings?

Sep 8, 2010

Script to Reverse Engineer / Script out your EXISTING database mail settings?

I set up a profile to use gMail, and it seems logical for me to export out the settings to a script, then run the script on my laptop, other servers, etc.

There's no built in option, so I figured i'd ping the forum before i do it myself.

There are example scripts where you fill in the blanks, examples how to set up dbmail, but i did not find anything that scripts out existing settings.

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Database Mail Does Not Work From Sql Server Agent Job After Upgrade To SP1

May 5, 2006

Upgraded SQL Server 2005 x64 to Service Pack 1 expressly for the purpose of enabling Database Mail from SQL Job, which was a known bug that was listed as fixed in this Service Pack. It still does not work; in fact after installing SP1 on an x86 SQL Server Standard, Database Mail does not work from there now either, although it did prior to the upgrade! I am using Integrated Security.

Error message received: The job succeeded.  The Job was invoked by User <name>.  The last step to run was step 1 (Select).  NOTE: Failed to notify 'Mike Schelstrate' via email.

Message in Error Log: [264] An attempt was made to send an email when no email session has been established.

Send test Email does work on both Servers.

Here is another Error message I found in the SQL Error Logs: [298] SQLServer Error: 2812, Could not find stored procedure 'msdb.dbo.xp_sqlagent_notify'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (DisableAgentXPs). Looks like this may be the root of the problem because it does not exist, I checked. How do I obtain this missing extended stored procedure?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Database Mail - Yahoo SMTP Configuration

May 5, 2014

I'm having trouble in configuring Yahoo's SMTP for Database Mail. Here is my current settings:

Email Address:
Server Name:
Port Number: 465
This server requires a secure connection (SSL) - check
Basic Authentication
Password: xxx

When I tried sending a test email, it didn't work. But when I changed my SMTP to use Gmail, it worked!

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DB Engine :: Send Multiple Attachments With Database Mail In Server

Aug 20, 2015

I am sending multiple attachments with database mail for that i have created script to generate file names and send it to mail. Below are my script

SET @MailFile = 'Detail_Reimbursement_1_15_'
+ LEFT(CONVERT(VARCHAR, Getdate()), 3)
+ Substring(CONVERT(VARCHAR, Getdate(), 100), 8, 4)
+ '.csv'

[Code] ....

The script is working fine if i manually provided file path to @file_attachments. it is showing error i passes the variable @Loc3 to @file_attachments. Below is the error if i passes the variable to @file_attachments parameter.

(1 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
(1 row(s) affected)
Msg 22051, Level 16, State 1, Line 0
Attachment file 'E:DatabaseTannaFinanceReportDetail_Reimbursement_1_15_Aug2015.csv is invalid.

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Configure SMTP Server Mail To Send Mail

Feb 10, 2008

The Database Mail feature is already enabled on the server, also I have a mail account on the other server.
The problem I faced is that I need to send mail from my SQL Server using a created email account on the other server. How should I configure my email to do that ?
Should I use a sysmail_add_account procedure to enable account, also set profile and profile account ? Does this way creates server mail account that is binded with other email account?
The mail should be sent from my SQL Server.
Thank You.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Failed Task In Maintenance Plan Not Being Reported By Database Mail

Apr 29, 2015

I have inherited a server on which is a maintenance plan with two subplans on different schedules. In each subplan there are Execute T-SQL tasks with scripts for index rebuilds. Each task is set up with a Completion arrow to the next task and a Failure arrow to a Notify Operator Task. I was asked to add a task for index rebuilds to a specific subplan for a specific database, which is what the other tasks also do. I discovered that my task was failing but the others were fine. No notification was sent about my task failing even though the job is marked in MSDB as a failed job. I have sent a test email using the "Send Test Email..." option when right clicking Database Mail in SSMSand I receive an email so I know Database Mail works.

I set up a test job to model the index job that I can't get notifications from. I have two T-SQL tasks that just select the top row from a small table. The first task has a syntax error that I did so it would fail. I have a failure arrow to a Notify Operator Task and a Completion arrow to another T-SQL task with no syntax error which has a Success arrow to a Notify Operator task. As expected, when I execute this job I receive one failure email and one success email.

The only other troubleshooting step I know to try is to add a Notify Operator task before my failing task. That Notify Operator task will hopefully fire to tell me that the previous step was successful. I am not having problems with the other steps so I was just thinking I would try to get the subplan to send me a success email about one of the steps that has been working fine.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Monitor Database Growth And If Any DB Grown By 20% Send Mail Alerts

Apr 30, 2015

Is there any automated script available to - "Monitor Database Growth and if any DB is grown by 20%, sending mail alerts"? If not, what is the approach to write the T SQL script ?

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SQL 2005-Config Manager Contains No Data

Aug 12, 2006

Hi,I can't seem to connect to SQL 2005. When I open Configuration Manager,these is no information in any of the items in the tree.I checked that WMI was configured correctly at: can't see any instances at all here.However, when I use Management Studio I CAN connect to an instance of SAL2000 and see databases I have previously defined.I'm running WIN 2003 with SQL 2005 standard and login as Administrator. SQLbooks on line don't seem to have anything to say about this.How can I get SQL Server Management Studio to 'see' the SQL 2005 databaseengine so I can create tables? I *think* its running because there is the'sqlservr.exe' process running, and during installation there is no issues.I had SQL2000 server running fine on the windows 2003 box. I then installedSQL 2005 Express. They both worked together fine. I then uninstalled SQL2005 Express and installed SQL 2005 Server. But when I open SQL ServerManagement Studio, I can only connect to the SQL 2000 engine. In the Objectexplorer, it says v8.0.2039 (which I think is SQL 2000 Server, because I cansee the existing SQL 2000 databases).Any help is greatly appreciated...Jack.

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