SQL 2012 :: Selecting From Linked DB2 Server / Specific Column

May 13, 2014

I've got an OLEDB DB2 linked server to a db2/AS400 instance and selecting from a table on the server has never caused problems before. One of the columns is a large text field. If I select all the columns but the large text field, it returns as normal, but including the large text field now, I get:

"Transport error: shared memory provider error: 0 - no process is on the other end of the pipe"

The largest entry in the text field is about 5k characters, and there don't appear to be any strange characters.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Evaluating Rows And Selecting Specific Records

Mar 18, 2015

I have a table with some examples below. I need to identify records where:

1. the person has 3 or more consecutive months ordered.
2. I then need to exclude the first and last month and capture only those Months in between.

JD12345 4
JD12345 7
JD12345 8 Note: JD12345 should be excluded entirely


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DB Engine :: How To Point Linked Server To Specific Database / Rename Linked Server

Apr 24, 2015

I am using Linked Server in SQL Server 2008R2 connecting to a couple of Linked Servers.

I was able to connect Linked Servers, but I cannot point to a specific database in a Linked Server, also, I cannot rename Linked Server's name.

How to point the linked server to a specific database? How to rename the Linked Server?

The following is the code that I am using right now:

USE [master]
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver
    @server = N'Machine123Instance456',
    @srvproduct=N'SQL Server' ;
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'Machine123Instance456', 'false', NULL, 'username', 'password'  

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SQL 2012 :: Adding Column To A Table Over Linked Server

Apr 22, 2015

I have a situation that I need to add a field to a table over linked server. The specifications of this is dynamic and it is being done in TQL / Stored procedures and this can not change. My code is generating the statement just fine and if I copy paste it to a new SSMS window and execute it WORKS.. The problem is I need to dynamically generate the statement (I am doing that just fine, I THINK). THEN I need to execute the statement IN THE SPROC, this part is not working.

Here is the code:

SET @AlterSQL = @DestinationServerName + '.[' + @DestinationDBName +'].' + @DestinationSchemaName + '.sp_executesql N'' ALTER TABLE '
+ @DestinationTableName + ' ADD ' + @TempColumn + ' int' + CHAR(39)

The above Creates this when I expose it via a PRINT statement:

addb15.[FSParallel].dbo.sp_executesql N' ALTER TABLE Node ADD ImportIdentity int'

After I create the statement I use:


And this returns the following error:

Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Procedure ETLDynamicImport, Line 244
Could not find stored procedure 'FSParallel.dbo.sp_executesql N' ALTER TABLE Node ADD ImportIdentity int''.

<hr noshade size='1' width='250' color='#BBC8E5'>

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SQL Server 2012 :: Parameter Datatypes Linked To Underlying Table Column Datatype

Jun 5, 2014

In Oracle when i create any procedure i define parameter datatype linked to under lying table.

For ex
create procedure testprocedure
(param1 customer.name%type,
param2 customer.salary%type )

Here i have defined param1 and param2 with datatype of name and salary of customer table respectively.

This way i do not need to worry about modifying param1 and param2 datatypes when datatypes of name & salary of customer table changes in future.

How can i accomplish this in SQL server.

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SQL 2012 :: Remove Character From Specific Column

Nov 18, 2014

How to remove Character From Column,Just Character. I want to work with number.

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Security Issue While Selecting From A Linked Server:

Jul 6, 2001

NT 4/SP6a/ SQL7/SP1

I have a job owned by UserA on ServerA that selects data from ServerB. UserA
also exists on ServerB with same ID and password. UserA is dbo on ServerA
for all the databases. UserA is also member of the "System Administrators"
server role on ServerA. The job works OK. But if I remove it from "System
Administrators" server role and run the job, I get the following error
message and the job step fails:

Remote access not allowed for Windows NT user activated by SETUSER.
[SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 7410)

UserA on ServerB [remote server] has ReadOnly access. ServerB is linked to
ServerA using "they will be mapped to" option and UserA.

Any ideas!!!


Abdul Gill

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Transact SQL :: Select Specific Values From All Rows Where Value Of A Specific Column Is (Active)

May 23, 2015

I need to select specific values from all rows where the value of a specific column is "Active"

This part works: SELECT LastName, FirstName, MiddleInit, ClientId FROM dbo.Client

But I want to add: WHERE StatusType = (Active) and how to do this.

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Selecting Only Specific Tables.

Jul 30, 2001

Hi all,
I have a query similar to this:
select "bcp databasename.."+name+"
from sysobjects where type = 'U'
order by name

What I need to know is that, I need to unselect some of the tables that starts with name cj_. I don't want the tables that starts with a name cj_.
Can someone help me on this.
Thank you

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Selecting A Specific Numbered Range Of Rows.

Jul 26, 2006

Hello all, thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give.

I'm familiar with the Top command but I need something else to help in a project I'm working on.

I would like to select rows 1 through 100000 from a specific table in one query then 100001 through 200000 in a second query and 200001 through 300000 in a third and so on until I have gone through all rows. There happens to be 424000 in the table I'm working on.

Any help is appreciated.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Selecting Max Between Two Dates For A Given Year

Jul 23, 2015


I would like to get the most recent date within a given year per each EMP? For example, EMPID 1 can be enrolled in many programs, each program has start end dates. I need to list the most recent date an employee was enrolled (max date between START AND END DATE which ever is most recent enrollment) for a given year. For example, for 2014 his/her most recent enrollment should be 10/23/2014 for year 2014 and 2013-10-24 for year 2013.




12013-10-24 2014-03-11
12014-06-13 2014-03-11
12014-06-15 2014-03-11
12014-09-08 2014-03-11
12014-09-12 2014-03-11
12014-09-14 2014-03-11
12014-01-13 2014-05-17
12014-05-14 2014-06-09
12014-06-10 2014-06-16
12014-08-31 2014-09-04
12014-09-05 2014-09-06
12014-09-07 2014-10-23



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SQL Server 2012 :: Find First Value Greater Than Specific Value

Dec 19, 2013

I need a query to get the first value greater than a specific threshold value

LoadTemp1 LoadTemp2 LoadTemp3 LoadTemp4 TimeStamp
300 200 100 320 12-10-2013 13:30:29
100 250 113 340 12-10-2013 14:20:12
114 339 209 345 12-10-2013 14:45:01

I need to get the first value >= 340 threshold

I need to make a Benchmark on when the first LoadTemp crosses Threshold of 340 and capture the time.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Get Results In A Specific Order?

Sep 11, 2014

I have a simple example of what I am trying to do. Here is some code to make a quick table to demonstrate:

create table #students
lastname varchar(50)
,firstname varchar(50)
,address1 varchar(50)


I want to select all the records, and them them be in alphabetical order first by lastname, then by firstname, then by address. HOWEVER, and this is the tricky part, I want to group names together that have the same address. So, in this example, I want the results to be in this order:

HallC6309 N Olive
HallP6309 N Olive <---- grouped with the C record because they have the same address
HallE5488 W Catalina <---- back to alphabetical by first name
HallJ7222 N Cocopas

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SQL Server 2012 :: Selecting Unique Record From A Table

Feb 10, 2014

I have a table (Billing Table) having multiple records for people having one record per person per each month.

How to get a list of the guys having record just for one month (say feb) and doesn't have any other months.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Selecting Records From Multiple Tables?

Jul 1, 2015

i have this query in a proc

declare @bu_id INT,
@CurCaptureDate DATETIME,
@user_id INT,
@col_name VARCHAR(100),
@sort_order VARCHAR(4),
@CityPair_ID INT=NULL,


where @reasons and @departure_code can be multiple.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Hide Specific Record(s) From Results

Nov 2, 2015

I have written a SQL statement.There is a table called customer.It contains all customer data with customerid as PK.There is another table called logs and it contains customerid as foreign key and it contains a field to keep more than 90 days older user accounts.That field name is "Checked"

What I need get all records from these 2 tables and remove/hide more than 90 days older customers from record set.See my illustration.

I have written this code but I dont understand how to remove more than 90 days older user from result (because customer table doesnt contain a record called "Checked")

FROM [dbo].[Customers],[dbo].[VIESLog] WHERE [dbo].[VIESLog].[Checked] < DATEADD(day, -90, GETDATE())

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SQL Server 2012 :: Selecting Matching Rows Which Exist In Particular String?

Apr 3, 2015

Suppose I have string like

@strname varchar= = '3 April 15 abcd Oh rrrrrrrAAAAdd HJHJG'

and table contains two columns having rows like,

ID text
1 abcd ER
2 abcd AS
3 abcd Oh
4 xyz TR
5 azs WS
6 abcd O
7 OP trx

how can I search a ID's which are exist in my string.

result should be,

3 abcd Oh
6 abcd O

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SQL Server 2012 :: Output Of Table Required In Specific Format

Apr 17, 2014

I need to display the output of a table in a specific format, I have attached the sample screenshot and code for reference.

I tried with pivot but does not seems to be working.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Cursor Stop Query At Specific Time?

Oct 29, 2015

This store procedure will get some executable queries from the select statement, the cursor will fetch each rows to execute the query and insert the queries into table_3 to mark as 'E'. Until 17:00, this store procedure will stop execute the queries and just get the queries from select statement insert into table_3 to mark as 'C'.

I don't know why the outputs in table_3 are quiet different than I think. This store procedure comes out with two exactly same queries and one marked as C and another marked as E.

'This is a executable query'
FROM table_1
DECLARE @table_2


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SQL Server 2012 :: Dynamically Create A Script Only Selecting Columns Where There Is Data?

Dec 2, 2013

I have created some dynamic sql to check a temporary table that is created on the fly for any columns that do contain data. If they do the column name is added to a dynamic sql, if not they are excluded. This looks like:

If (select sum(Case when [Sat] is null then 0 else 1 end) from #TABLE) >= 1 begin set @OIL_BULK = @OIL_BULK + '[Sat]' +',' END However, I am currently running this on over 230 columns and large tables 1.3 mil rows and it is quite slow. How I can dynamically create a sql script that only selects the columns in the table where there is data in a speedier manner. Unfortunately it has to be on the fly because the temporary table is created on the fly.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Selecting Data From A Change Log Where Date Falls Between Two Rows

Aug 29, 2014

I need to extract a price from a package solution table that was current on a certain date.

Columns are:

Product_Reference int,
Change_Date int, -- Note that this is in yyyymmdd format
Price decimal

So for one items you would get


The challenge is to return the price of the item on 20070906. In this example 1.75.

I've tried joining it to itself

SELECT DISTINCT p1.[Product_Reference]
FROM PHistory p1
INNER JOIN PHistory p2
ON p1.Product_Reference = p2.Product_Reference
WHERE p1.Product_Reference = 100014
AND p1.Change_Date >= 20070906
and p2.Change_Date < 20070906

But it returns the price above and below that date.

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SQL Server 2012 :: How To Join Tables To Get Only Record With Specific Field Value In A Table

Feb 6, 2015

I have a table of "applicants" with unique applicant id and another table "reviews" with reviews which has unique id and Emplid and contains general program name like Math and then may contain 3 addition rows for specific program like Calculus, algebra, geometry etc.

There may or may not be a record for each applicant id in table reviews or there can be 1 or more than one record in reviews based on level of review( General or Specific).

All the general reviews has “Math” as Program_code but if there are more reviews, they can have Program_code like “Cal” , “Abr”, “Geo”

I want to join the tables so I can get all the records from both the tables where Program_code in reviews table is “Math” only.

That is I want to join the table and get all the records from reviews table where the program_code is “Math” only
How can I do that?

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SQL Server 2014 :: Check If Two Rows Have A Different Value In A Specific Column

Sep 9, 2015

I have huge export files in a DB and i need to check if there are any datasets that have the same value in the first column, but a different in another one, via a query of course.

Like this:

1 1
2 1
3 0
1 0

The expected ID i get as a result of my query should be 1 in this case.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Find A Specific String And Replace It With Another Inside Of VARCHAR Field

Aug 14, 2015

I'm trying to find a specific string (a name) and replace it with another inside of a VARCHAR(7000) field. Unfortunately, there are names like Ted and Ken that I'm trying to replace. I would like to leave words like Broken, admitted, etc... intact.

SETBody = LEFT(REPLACE(tbl.Body, pm.OldFirstName, p.FirstName), 7000)
FROM Table tbl
JOIN Person p ON p.PersonID = tbl.PersonID
JOIN PersonMap pm ON pm.PersonID = p.PersonID AND LEN(pm.OldFirstName) > 2
WHEREtbl.Body LIKE '%[^a-z]'+pm.OldFirstName+'[., ]%

'The problem I'm running into is that the '[, ]%' in the LIKE excludes any record that ends with the FirstName because it is requiring either a space, comma or period after the name. Is there some way to add an empty string to the list of acceptable characters as that would cover any scenario in the data? I would prefer not to add all characters except space, comma and period, but I guess I could do that.

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Selecting From A Linked Table

Jun 20, 2008


I've created a linked table connection to an external data source within sql server 2005.

The link looks OK, I can see all the tables etc, but I want to create a view on another database to some of the tables on the linked database.

How do I perform something as simple as a select statement as I can't seem to be able to select anything.

Is there something that i need to do first in order to be able to select fields from the linked table?


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SQL Server 2012 :: Using Merge Statement Output Records To Rebuild Table On Specific Date

Mar 5, 2015

I have a table which is updated daily using a MERGE statement. As records are insert, updated and deleted, I am saving the OUTPUT from the MERGE statement into a history table with a timestamp and action$ column appended to the record.

Using this history table, I'd like to rebuild the data based on specific past date. I was able to create a stored procedure that inspects each record in the history table and apply it to the data in a temp table. The stored procedure solution uses multiple queries to rebuild the data at a point in time. I was curious if there was an easier and more efficient solution using a table function.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Select Case Statement To Remove Part Of String After One Or Two Specific Characters

Jun 3, 2015

I have an Address column that I need to Substring. I want to remove part of the string after either, or both of the following characters i.e ',' OR '*'

Example Record 1. Elland **REQUIRES BOOKING IN***
Example Record 2. Theale, Nr Reading, Berkshire
Example Record 3. Stockport

How do I achieve this in a CASE Statement?

The following two case statements return the correct results, but I some how need to combine them into a single Statement?

,LEFT(Address ,CASE WHEN CHARINDEX(',',Address) =0
THEN LEN(Address )
ELSE CHARINDEX(',' ,Address ) -1 END) AS 'Town Test'

,LEFT(Address ,CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('*',Address ) =0
THEN LEN(Address)
ELSE CHARINDEX('*' ,Address ) -1 END) AS 'Town Test2'

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SQL 2012 :: ETL Through Linked Server

Dec 28, 2014

I am currently trying to optimize an ETL process that pulls around 150 tables from a OLAP-esque system through a linked server. It's the AllScripts Touchworks EMR database, if that makes a difference. I am having a difficult time fitting an incremental load into a reasonable window of time. For instance, one table, which has around 40 columns, and a total of about 50 million rows, takes around an hour just to pull one day's worth of records when filtering on a single datetime field. The query is:

FROM OPENQUERY([linkedserver],
FROM Works.dbo.Visit
WHERE StartDttm BETWEEN ''2014-12-23'' AND ''2014-12-24''

Which, in the end, returns only about 30k records. However, in trying different approaches, I decided to test out bcp using the following code:

bcp Works.dbo.Visit out f:etlvisit.dat -n -S linkedserver.this extracted the entire table to flat file, but it only took about 15 minutes....add on another 3-4 to load that into the database on my end. Now, my ability to see what's happening on the remote server's end is very limited, but I know that the server has much higher specs than mine. They have 96GB memory vs. my 32GB, twice the cores I've got, etc. So how is this running faster by pulling the entire table over?

I figured that even in the worst case scenario of a full table scan, picking 30k rows out of the table that match a single criteria would certainly run faster than bringing the whole thing over. This isn't isolated to a single table, either. I finished running a test of the incremental extract/load vs. full extract/load via bcp (200GB of data). The incremental takes about 7 hours, bcp takes about 2 hours.

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SQL 2012 :: Linked Server To CSV File

Aug 5, 2014

I upgraded my 2008 R2 instance to 2012 and the Linked Server I use for aconnect to a csv file stopped working.

Create script:

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver @server ='Stats_CA',
@provider ='Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0',

Error message:
OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "Stats_CA" returned message "Unspecified error".
Msg 7303, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" for linked server "Stats_CA".

I uninstalled and reinstalled the AccessDatabaseEngine - no change.

The provider is displayed, so it's not that.

I verified temp and csv location folder permissions

I tried the -g512 startup option

The csv has a schema.ini as required

It was an 'in place' upgrade, so nothing else has change.

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SQL 2012 :: Triggers With Linked Server

Nov 10, 2014

I have a system where people can apply for registration and also a registration fee is involved. The screen where the application is captured has a couple of inserts into different tables. Each of these tables have triggers on them to transfer data to a linked server and they work fine. Today I just added another trigger on a different table but also part of this same save process. Now I am getting the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80004005'

The statement has been terminated.

/orisys.int.za/applicants/ApplicantInsert.asp, line 111

I do not know this error and think it might be time-out.

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SQL 2012 :: Tablediff With Linked Server

Jan 26, 2015

I have created a linked server that point to a firebird database, everything is fine, I can query the database with something like


Now , can i use tablediff utility with this linked server. If yes, any example ..

I would say also that performance is not very important to me. this would be used at the end of the day to make some sort of replication by generating a sql script with datadiff, and run it on a local sql server database and a web based SQL database. The replication is not an option since i am using a shared web hosting and replication is disabled on it .

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SQL 2012 :: Oracle Linked Server

Jun 8, 2015

I have a SQL Server 2012 instance set up with a linked server to an Oracle Database. I need to build a stored procedure (single NVARCHAR(6) parameter in: @accountID) which executes a select statement against the Oracle DB.

Everything's working fine when testing with 'EXEC (''<oraclecodeblock>'') at LINKEDSERVERNAME' if I hard code the value of @accountID in <oraclecodeblock> but when I encapsulate it all within sp_executesql and attempt to parameterize @accountID it's throwing ORA-01722 'invalid number' errors on the Oracle DB. The parameterized value is NVARCHAR as are the account numbers.

SET @accountID = '10842';
SET @sql = N'EXEC (''SELECT * from A.Accounts WHERE ID = ''''10842'''';'') AT LINKEDSERVER';


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SQL 2012 :: Create Linked Server For Firebird?

Jan 26, 2015

i didn't figure out how to add a firebird linked server via ODBC

my system :

win 7 pro 64
SQL server 2012 express 64
firebird 2.5.3 64
Official ODBC drivers 64

i have created the odbc source without problem, and checked that in visual studio and ssms import data wizard , both show me the data from firebird database but when i try to create a linked server , i have something like this message (the image is from the web)

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