SSIS - Can Not Trap Package Task Errors

Jan 29, 2007

I have an SSIS package that fires an OnTaskFailed event whenever any of my tasks fail.

I would like to put any SSIS task failure message into a user defined variable.

Any idea how to do this?

Any help appreciated.



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Trap The Sql Errors Raised By Sql Server In

Dec 8, 2006

hi i am running a stored procedure and i want to trap the error of that stored procedure and pass it on the user in the prog.
my stored procedure are running thru a class library using C#. i tried various options of creating a new sql connnection with out using the classlibrary, but i dont get any errors. the code s
used is as follows Dim conn As New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("dbconnection1"))

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("usp_ImportPlanDetails", conn)

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure'cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ClientId", Session("ClientId"))

AddHandler conn.InfoMessage, New SqlInfoMessageEventHandler(AddressOf MessageEventHandler)


Private Sub MessageEventHandler(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As SqlInfoMessageEventArgs)

Dim strMessage As String

For Each sqle As SqlError In e.Errors

strMessage = "Message:" + sqle.Message + "Number:" + sqle.Number + "Procedure:" + sqle.Procedure + "Server:" + sqle.Server + "Source:" + sqle.Source + "State:" + sqle.State + "Line Number:" + sqle.LineNumber

' strMessage = String.Format("Message: {1}, Number: {2}, Procedure: {3}, Server: {4}, Source: {5}, State: {6}, Line Number: {7}" , new Object[]{sqle.Message, sqle.Number, sqle.Server, sqle.Source, sqle.State, sqle.LineNumber})


lblErrorMsg.Visible = True

lblErrorMsg.Text = strMessage

and also tried doing this  oImportPlan = New ImportPlan(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings(APPSETTINGS_CONNECTION))

With oImportPlan
.ClientID = Session("ClientId")
' .FileName = strFilePath1
Catch sqlex1 As SqlException
End Try

End With
Catch sqlex As SqlException
End Try
Catch ex As Exception
lblErrorMsg.Text = "Error: Import Failed" + ex.Message
lblErrorMsg.Visible = True

End Try  but have no luck in displaying the errors, My stored procedure has raiseerrors, Please help me out 

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How Can I Trap Errors In A Stored Procedure?

May 26, 2004

My simple question:

Is there any way to prevent unimportant errors in a stored procedure from causing exceptions in my C# code? This is preventing the SqlAdapter from filling the query results into my DataSet.

The Setup:

I have a Stored Procedure in Sql Server 2000 which has a text parameter called @Xml. I send in an Xml document to process. This document contains several "records" to process. The format of the xml really isn't important.

I create a temporary table called #Results to hold the results of processing each record in the xml.

To process the xml I have a Cursor which loops over a SELECT from the xml.

For each record, the sproc attempts to make a series of INSERTs and UPDATEs inside of a transaction. Any one of these commands may fail because of constraint violations or attempts to insert NULL into non-null columns, or such. After each command I check @@ERROR. If it is not zero, I stop processing the record and rollback the transaction. The cursor loops around and tries the next record. Each time the success or failure of the transaction is recorded into the #Results table.

When the cursor is done looping I 'SELECT * FROM #Results'.

I've tested this many times in the Query Analyzer and each time, regardless of any errors, I can see the result set from the SELECT of the #Results table in the Grids tab. The Messages tab shows each of the errors that occurred.

I try to call this stored procedure using the following code:

int c = 0;

sqlAdapter.Fill( sqlDS );
catch( System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException )
c = sqlDS.Tables.Count;

The value of c will always be zero, if there were any errors during the execution of the stored procedure. The DataSet does not get filled, even though the stored procedure is returning a result set. This is a problem for me because I expect errors to occur, and I need to know which records from the Xml caused those errors.

Is there any way to clear the errors in my stored procedure so that they don't turn into exceptions in my code? Or, is there anyway to get the Adapter to fill the DataSet regardless of any errors that were encountered?

I've also tried this with a SqlDataReader. The reader never gets assigned to because SqlCommand.ExecuteReader() throws an exception.

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Several Different Errors When Creating And Running SSIS Package. Package Runs Successfuly Sometimes.

May 2, 2008

Hi All,

I am in the process of moving from a 32-bit SQL Server 2005 Enterprise (9.0.3054) to a 64-bit SQL Server 2005 Enterprise (9.0.3054 with 4 CPUs and 8GB of memory on Win 2003 SP2) and the process has been very frustrating to say the least. I am having a problem with packages that I created on my 64-bit SQL Server. I am importing a few tables from the 32-SQL Server into the 64-bit SQL Server using the Task --> Import to create the package.

Sometimes when I am creating a package I get the following error in a message box:

SQL Server Import and Export Wizard

The SSIS Runtime object could not be created. Verify that DTS.dll is available and registered. The wizard cannot continue and it will terminate.

Additional information: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. (System.Windows.Forms)

Other times when I run a package that has run successfully before I get the following error:

Faulting application dtexecui.exe, version 9.0.3042.0, stamp 45cd726d, faulting module unknown, version, stamp 00000000, debug? 0, fault address 0x025d23f0.

Other times I get this error message:

.NET Runtime version 2.0.50727.1433 - Fatal Execution Engine Error (79FFEE24) (80131506)

And still other times

The package appears to hang when running. By this I mean that the Package Execution Progress shows progress up to a point then it just stops. (The package takes about 17 seconds to run normally) CPU usage is at 1% and the package cannot be stopped.

I have deleted and re-created the package several times and I have also re-installed the service pack on the SQL Server (9.0.3054) but that did not help.

Does anyone have any other suggestions to try?


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What Errors Normally Should I Log For My SSIS Package?

Oct 16, 2006

I got an SSIS package

that first "truncate the product table" then populate the table with new rows....if there is an error then i will invoke the send email task. However in the "truncate the product table" task, the sql i put "truncate dbo.product" instead of "truncate table dbo.product" but this error is not captured in the text file that I m going to send an email to the appropriate personnel.

Under logging, and when i go into "truncate product table" tasks , "Details", i saw "OnError", "OnWarning" and other error handlers...which should i tick in order for the text file to ONLY show errors I encounteered during the running of the SSIS package?

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Catching Errors In SSIS Backup Database Task

Aug 28, 2006


In my SSIS package, I have a backup database task. When I run the package with DestinationAutoFolderPath set to a folder ("Network Service" account has full permission on this folder) and DestinationCreationType set to Auto, the task works just fine creating a backup with its own name. (similar to database_date<count>).

But what I want is in my front-end I am allowing the user to specify the name of the backup file. So I want the task to create the backup file in the name I supply. I set the DestinationCreationType to manual and in the application code added the DestinationManualList with the path from the UI.

Now the pacakge runs fine but does not take any backup. There is no errors as well. If I set the FailPackageOnFailure and FailParentOnFailure to true, then I am getting the DTSExecResult.Failure but I am not getting the actual error from the backup database task.

Am I missing anything here?

Thanks in advance,

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Send Mail Task In SSIS Weird Errors

Aug 31, 2006

Hey there all,

i am having a weird problem with the send mail task in SSIS. I have tried to different things, and i end up with two different errors:

Firstly, i have setup a data dump to excel, and the send mail taks emails this to specific email addresses.

In the Send mail task i have validated to SMTP server, and its correct.

I have manually entered all the information in the Send mail task, and i am sending to multiple email addresses. These are all seperated by a semi colan. I run the task and it fails on the send mail task with the follwoing error:

Error: 0xC002F304 at Send Mail Task, Send Mail Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Unable to send to all recipients.".

Task failed: Send Mail Task

I have validated all the email address and they are correct. I did some searching and someone suggested to replace the semi colan with a comma. I do this and i get the follwoing error"

Error: 0xC002F304 at Send Mail Task, Send Mail Task: An error occurred with the following error message: "Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Unable to relay for".

I have checked that the IP for the SQL server is on the list of allowed relays on our exchange server. Does it make a difference if i am running this from Visual studio on my laptop?? by this, does it pick up the ip of my laptop when i test this or does it use the ip address of the server?? This would explain the relay message error if so..

Could someone please explain if i should use comma's or semi colans to seperate email addresses? and also lead me in the right direction in relatio to my problems..

Many thanks in advance

Scott Lancaster

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Capture Errors From SSIS Execute Process Task

Jul 22, 2006

I have an Execute Process Task within my package that executes a BCP command which outputs the resultset of a query to a file in the network share. It works fine most of the time, however sometimes for unknown reasons, the following error message gets logged in my log table -
In Executing "c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsBinncp.exe" "Select Comments, SoldToCustomerNbr, ProductGroupingCode, ProductGroupingName, RevSumCategoryCode, RevSumCategoryName, ValidFromDate, DTSCollectPct, DTSPrepaidPct, DTSPickUpPct, DCCollectPct, DCPrepaidPct, DCPickUpPct From ShipmentTypeCustomerBlend" queryout \xxxLOGShipmentTypeCustomerBlendLog_060719201440.txt -c -t" " -SDummyServer -T -e"d:SSIS Error LogsJob ExecutionBcpErrors.log" at "", The process exit code was "1" while the expected was "0".

The above error was captured from the System::ErrorDescription variable, by the error event handler, that was attached to the Execute Process Task. This error does not help me to debug the issue.

On running the below statement from the command prompt, i get the actual error message, which is the expected behavior -

"c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server90ToolsBinncp.exe" "Select Comments, SoldToCustomerNbr, ProductGroupingCode, ProductGroupingName, RevSumCategoryCode, RevSumCategoryName, ValidFromDate, DTSCollectPct, DTSPrepaidPct, DTSPickUpPct, DCCollectPct, DCPrepaidPct, DCPickUpPct From ShipmentTypeCustomerBlend" queryout \xxxLOGShipmentTypeCustomerBlendLog_060719201440.txt -c -t" " -SDummyServer -T -e"d:SSIS Error LogsJob ExecutionBcpErrors.log"

Expected Error Message -

Unable to open BCP host data-file.

This error message indicates that either the network path - \xxxLOG is not available for the output file creation or the file - \xxxLOGShipmentTypeCustomerBlendLog_060719201440.txt could not be created for some reason.

I 've tried to capture the error message from the StandardErrorVariable and the StandardOutputVariable properties of the ExecuteProcess Task, but in vain.

Is this a bug ? If so, is there a way to get the actual error message from the task ?


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SSIS Package Hanging Without Errors?

Jun 22, 2007

Hi folks,

I have a simple SSIS package I built to migrate data from a SQL db on one server to another SQL db on another server. All it does is: Execute SQL task to disable some triggers on the target table, Data Flow Task to pull the data from the source (a simple sql query) into the destination table (using OLEDB), then another Execute SQL task to re-enable the triggers.

This package ran fine several times during my testing. However, this morning it's not working anymore. When I run it and check its progress, the "Validation has started" is the only thing runs, then nothing else happens... no error messages, no timeouts, nothing in the output window besides "DTS.Pipeline: Validation phase is beginning".

The only thing that has changed is one change to a date in the where clause of my source query, so I'm baffled on why it no longer runs.

I'm pretty new to SSIS, so I could easily be missing something obvious here.

Anyone have any ideas on what's up, or who can point me in the right direction? I'm currently reading up on how to debug and add more comprehensive error handling, in hopes of finding a better description of the problem.

Thanks in advance,


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Errors Deploying An SSIS Package

Feb 14, 2007

Hi All,

I hope someone can help becuase this problem is issue us several headaches.

We are currently trying to deploy an SSIS package to a production server. The deployment goes fine, the package runs ok when executed manually. The issues start when we try and execute it under the SQL agent.

Having gone back to the drawing board and spent much of the day reading various articles and applying the various options (especially those within the MS KB article 918760), we are still no closer to a resolution.

The SSIS package was created under an Administrator, and the SQL agent runs under a different Domain Admin account.

When we set up the Schedule to read from SQL Server or the SSIS Store the standard "Executed as user: DOMAINUSERNAME. The package execution failed. The step failed" in the history.

We tried to create the package as a file access and now get "Package could not be found" even though you can browse to i in the schedule list. The Domain account as full access to the folder where the package resides.

Has anyone else come across this issue, or have a workable solution?

Many TIA.

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Anyone Else Have Errors When Checking Out SSIS Package From SourceSafe Or TFS?

Aug 10, 2007

I get errors when I check out an SSIS package from source control (both Source Safe and TFS) relating to the connection objects where I was not the original developer who checked it in. Is there a solution to this other than altering the connection loginpassword for every connection object in the package before deploying?

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SSIS Package Step Errors And Logs From SQL Job Agent?

Mar 28, 2007

I've deployed an ssis package to the database server through the manifest file over the network..

The package runs great when testing through on my client.

I've added the package to a job step in the sql server job agent.

When I test the new job, the package step fails, but there is no error or log information in the job history.

Wwhere can I get error information? And/or How can make SSIS error information more verbose in the job history?

Thanks for any help or information.

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Can SSIS Save The Context Of Errors At The Package Level?

Feb 20, 2007

Lately, I have been experimenting with SSIS and I created a generic custom error logging component that saves all offending data on data flow component failure. However...

Instead of re-directing rows at the data flow level and handling/logging the data at that level, is it possible to catch all of this information at the package level and handle/process it there?

If so how would you do this?


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How To Capture Validation Errors Inside SSIS Package

Oct 24, 2007


I have created a package which executes every 10 mins. Last week end for maintenance purpose, I shutdown my database. Now as an initial execution process, my package does the default validation steps on which the database connection validation step fails. As this is the default functionality of SSIS I am not able to capture this error. Is there anyway to capture this error inside SSIS Package?

Thanks in advance.


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SQL 2012 :: Ignored Column In SSIS Package Throws Conversion Errors?

Dec 12, 2013

I have a data flow task in which I have a ADO NET source and OLE DB Destination. I have in the ADO NET source a sql command which pulls all the columns in a table. My requirement is to ignore a particular column,say column99. I opened advanced editor and deleted the mapping between the external and output columns for column99. I had also set the Error and Truncation to "Ignore Failure" for column99. I had also mapped the destination column to <Ignore> in OLD DB destination.

But this still throws the error-

Description: The ADO NET Source was unable to process the data. Field table-column99 missing an escape character for a quote.Unable to update PK WHERE clause.Error processing data batch.

How do I solve this?

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BUG: SSIS Imported Package Errors With 'Guid Should Contain 32 Digits With 4 Dashes'

Apr 10, 2006

I have imported a package using SSIS into the Maintenance Plan folder from another server.

It imports fine, but when i Modify the package then click save I get the following error : 'Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes'.

This has been reported on other forums without resolution.


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Analysis :: Errors In SSAS Dimension Prevent From Starting / Debugging SSIS Package

Jul 24, 2015

I have an SSIS and SSAS project in the same solution.  I need to debug the SSIS package regardless if there is an error or two in the SSAS project.  Is there a way to ignore the SSAS project while I debug the SSIS package?

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SSIS Package Task Error

Dec 14, 2007

I'm working with 2005 SSIS and am getting the below error associated with a query when
I try and set up a package that runs other package tasks. It errors in the Package Name (..) lookup after I enter what appears to be a validate location (sql server) and connection information.

I located a post suggesting to add an mmc certificate but that did not seem to help.

I'm sort of assuming that if it was id/passwd related i'd get a more specific error..

Any info would be much appreciated...Thx Owen

An OLE DB error 0x80004005 (Client unable to establish connection) occurred while enumerating packages. A SQL statement was issued and failed.

Program Location:

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.GetPackageInfos(String strFolder, String serverName, String serverUserName, String serverPassword)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ExecutePackageTask.PackageBrowser.<>c__DisplayClass1.<EditValue>b__0(String path)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Tasks.ExecutePackageTask.PackageBrowser.EditValue(ITypeDescriptorContext context, IServiceProvider provider, Object value)


An OLE DB error 0x80004005 (Client unable to establish connection) occurred while enumerating packages. A SQL statement was issued and failed.

Program Location:

at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper.ApplicationClass.GetPackageInfos(String bstrPackageFolder, String bstrServerName, String bstrServerUserName, String bstrServerPassword)
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.GetPackageInfos(String strFolder, String serverName, String serverUserName, String serverPassword)

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SSIS Package Script Task

Nov 27, 2007

I can't open design Script part in Script task. I get the following message:

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio
Cannot show the editor for this task.
Specified cast is not valid. (Microsoft.VisualBasic.Vsa.DT)

I use to be able to do this, but all of a sudden I can' open my old script tasks or create new ones.

Any help on this would be appreciated


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SQL 2012 :: SSIS Package - FTP Task Fails When Run From A Job

Apr 3, 2014

We are running SQL Server 2012 SP1 64-Bit EE on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. I have a SSIS Package which connects to a FTP Site and downloads a file. Then it truncates a table and loads the file data into a table. This package works okay when executed from within VSS and SSMS (In SSISDB, right click on the package and execute). However, when I execute it as a Job it does not run and appears to be failing on the first task which is the FTP Task. SQL job step - Type: SSIS Package; Run as: SQL Server Agent Service Account (domain account called playuser); Authentication: Windows Authentication.In the All Executions Standard Report for the SSISDB Catalog, it only says: FTP Download File: Errors: There were errors during task validation.

Is this because my domain account does not have access to the FTP Site?Is this where I need to come up with a Proxy Account with Credentials?Do I need to set up a SQL Server Login (Proxy Account) with the same username being used in the FTP Batch file?

FTP Commands in a batch file:
cd omb

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Issues With Execute Package Task In SSIS

Jun 18, 2007


We have used an execute package task in our master package to execute a child package and we have set the execute out of process=false. This master package is running fine in 32 bit server but is failing in 64 bit server. is there any settings to be done in the server or is it the problem with the property setting(execute out of process)

Vivek S

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SSIS Package With An FTP Task Fails When Scheduled

May 7, 2006

I have a SSIS package with an FTP task to download a Excel file and populate a table using an excel connection mnager and a SQL Server Destination and it always fails with the following error when scheduled:

The job failed. The Job was invoked by User sa. The last step to run was step 1 (FTP-DM-CRN_ALLOCATION_COMMENTS).

Executed as user: WEB-INTSQLSYSTEM. The package execution failed. The step failed.

The box on which SQL Server is installed is on a workgroup on the domain and the SQL Server is started up by the Local System user on the box.

I am thinking this has to do with windows security based on all the information that I have read on these kind of error messages. Any input on resolving this will be much appreciated.



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Implementing Transaction In SSIS Package Using SQL Task

Dec 16, 2007

Hi all,

I am having a simple ssis package. In that i have an sql task that will insert a record in to the database. i find that if i use a simple OLEDB connection it works fine. but the problem comes here when i change the connection string with an valiable. Once i assign the same connection string to a valiable and assign the variable as expression, there after i encounter the following error.

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Failed to acquire connection "DB connection". Connection may not be configured correctly or you may not have the right permissions on this connection.

I am struggling with this for a long time.

Any of you plz suggest me a solution for this problem


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JOB With SSIS Step Fails If Package Contains A Script Task

Aug 5, 2005

I have a Job Step defined to execute a SSIS Package.  This SSIS package contains a Script Task.  The Job fails with the message "Package execution failed.  The step failed." 

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Task Failed, SSIS Package Reporting Success

Mar 26, 2008

I'm debugging a SSIS package in Visual Studio and I have a task that failes but the overall package is reporting success. The deployed package in SQL2005 is doing the same thing.

Task failed: FactVisitApplicationInventory

SSIS package "PACE to PACE DW PROD.dtsx" finished: Success.

The program '[4652] PACE to PACE DW PROD.dtsx: DTS' has exited with code 0 (0x0).

I have set FailPackageOnFailure=True, FailParentOnFailure=True, and MaximumErrorCount=0 on this task and am executing just this single task in Studio and I can't get the Package to report a failure.

Any ideas?

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SSIS Package And Process Task (Batch File)

Jan 29, 2008

Trying to run a SSIS package from a SQL job, and the package itself has a step that calls a process task that runs a batch file. The syntax in the process task I have is the following:

executable: c:windowssystem32cmd.exe
Arguments: /C e:SungardPTAencryptfile.bat
Working Directory: e:sungardpta

I keep getting the following in my log:

PackageStart,MIMKEIMC11N,MI rustserviceadmin,PTADailyTransactionExtract,{46F7381F-B345-47DC-BFC0-17CCF02A935A},{F82C7944-D28C-4F70-8CB7-F0BD7ED748D2},1/29/2008 1:59:11 PM,1/29/2008 1:59:11 PM,0,0x,Beginning of package execution.
OnError,MIMKEIMC11N,MI rustserviceadmin,EncryptFiles,{FCF5B653-CC05-4183-981B-F5EF4906DD09},{F82C7944-D28C-4F70-8CB7-F0BD7ED748D2},1/29/2008 1:59:12 PM,1/29/2008 1:59:12 PM,-1073573551,0x,In Executing "c:windowssystem32cmd.exe" "/C e:SungardPTAencryptfile.bat" at "e:sungardpta", The process exit code was "1" while the expected was "0".
OnError,MIMKEIMC11N,MI rustserviceadmin,PTADailyTransactionExtract,{46F7381F-B345-47DC-BFC0-17CCF02A935A},{F82C7944-D28C-4F70-8CB7-F0BD7ED748D2},1/29/2008 1:59:12 PM,1/29/2008 1:59:12 PM,-1073573551,0x,In Executing "c:windowssystem32cmd.exe" "/C e:SungardPTAencryptfile.bat" at "e:sungardpta", The process exit code was "1" while the expected was "0".
OnTaskFailed,MIMKEIMC11N,MI rustserviceadmin,EncryptFiles,{FCF5B653-CC05-4183-981B-F5EF4906DD09},{F82C7944-D28C-4F70-8CB7-F0BD7ED748D2},1/29/2008 1:59:12 PM,1/29/2008 1:59:12 PM,0,0x,(null)
PackageEnd,MIMKEIMC11N,MI rustserviceadmin,PTADailyTransactionExtract,{46F7381F-B345-47DC-BFC0-17CCF02A935A},{F82C7944-D28C-4F70-8CB7-F0BD7ED748D2},1/29/2008 1:59:12 PM,1/29/2008 1:59:12 PM,1,0x,End of package execution.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Sendmail Task From Address From A Database In SSIS Package.

Apr 16, 2008

I have a sendmail task in my ssis package. In the From field, if i hardcode my from and to address as it works fine and mail is sent. But i want to read the from and to values from a database table. SO i defined the package level variables and getting the values into the variables. SO at From if i specify the variable name it gives a compiel time error"the address in th from line is mal formed. it is either missing @ character or not valid".
how do i specify teh variable for from address? I feel, may be i can use expression, but i don't know how to do that.
Can anyone help me with this?

Thanks in advance,

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Executing An SSIS Package Containing A Data Mining Query Task From A SQL Job

Mar 28, 2007

Hi, I'm new to this forum, so please bare with me.

I've created a mining model, i've tweaked it etc and i'm now happy with the results its producing. I'm now looking to automate the processing and exporting of the results of the model i've done this simply by creating an SSIS package with two tasks, one task being to process the model the other task is a Data Mining Query task.

This package works fine in visual studio and when i deploy it to the server.

The problem i'm having is when i then try to execute the package from a job, after a bit of investigating i have tracked it down to the Encryption of "sensitive" properties. By default the encryption is based on UserKey which is why the package works for me when i execute it from VS or even the server, but when the job trys to execute the package running under the sql agent account it fails.

Looking at the security options i have for packages, i can either DontSaveSensitive, EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey or EncryptSensitiveWithPassword plus a few others.

DontSaveSenstive is clearly not an option as this just creates an unusable package.

EncrptSensitiveWithUserKey doesn't seem to be an option as the job runs under the SQL Agent account (also i'm thinking that the UserKey that the encryption is based on also incorporates other factors related to my profile that i can't impersonate? i might be wrong though)

EncryptSensitveWithPassword seems to be an option except that i can't get this to work either, there doesn't seem to be anyware in the job step to give it the password information.

Its frustrating me now because i've fallen at the very last hurdle, if anyone else has experienced this problem and knows how to resolve it that would great.



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Workflow Error On Execute DTS 2000 Package Task In SSIS

Feb 1, 2008

I have a "Execute DTS Package 2000 " task in SSIS. The SQL 2000 DTS has one task which precedence is "completion". Using SQL2000 it works properly, but when I invoke it from SSIS it doesn€™t respect the precedence. So, when the task above fails it ends the DTS execution.

Is it possible to configure the task to respect the precedences?

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OK So How Do You Start An SSIS Package With A ForEach And A WMI File Watch Task?

Mar 21, 2007

Can't an SSIS package run "in the background", so to speak, without having either the cmd.exe or dtexecui windows open while executing? I'd obviously rather not have to have a window open when the thing is running right?

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Integration Services :: How To Run All SSIS Packages In A Folder Using Execute Package Task

Jun 26, 2015

I have created for each container to call all the packages in a folder like below, also created a variable.

Then I add execute package task inside of foreach container and selected file system in a location and in connection called currently creating package name finally in connection properties i added variable in expression which i created and mapped into for each loop container. I referred below link 

[URL] ....

All the packages are running but its not ending once all the packages executed its re run and continue the running process, how to stop once all the packages execute. 

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Running A Ssis Package In Sql Server Agent With Execute Process Task

Apr 1, 2008


I'm trying to run a task that executes a script file (cmd). When i run it with in bids with my own users (domain admin) it works. When i start a cmd prompt and try to run the cmd file directly from the network location where it is it works (with my own rights and with the sql server agent user).

Now when i try to run in from smss > agent jobs > job and run job it never completes. Im not getting any error message either it just keeps on running on the step ??? It seems like a rights issue, but the account running the sql server agent is able to execute the cmd file directly from the command prompt.

There are no errors in any error logs anywhere and no error is displayed...

Ps. Im running the job step as a integration service pacgake.

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Parent Package Reports Failure On Errors, But No Errors In Log

Jul 31, 2006

I have a parent package that calls child packages inside a For Each container. When I debug/run the parent package (from VS), I get the following error message: Warning: The Execution method succeeded, but the number of errors raised (3) reached the maximum allowed (1); resulting in failure. This occurs when the number of errors reaches the number specified in MaximumErrorCount. Change the MaximumErrorCount or fix the errors.

It appears to be failing while executing the child package. However, the logs (via the "progress" tab) for both the parent package and the child package show no errors other than the one listed above (and that shows in the parent package log). The child package appears to validate completely without error (all components are green and no error messages in the log). I turned on SSIS logging to a text file and see nothing in there either.

If I bump up the MaximumErrorCount in the parent package and in the Execute Package Task that calls the child package to 4 (to go one above the error count indicated in the message above), the whole thing executes sucessfully. I don't want to leave the Max Error Count set like this. Is there something I am missing? For example are there errors that do not get logged by default? I get some warnings, do a certain number of warnings equal an error?



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