SSIS Packages That Load Different Text Files Into Tables

Jan 25, 2013

So i have about 80 different SSIS PAckages that load different text files into tables. each package has a config file that contains password, server name and user id. I want to forward these packages to a use who will execute them. So instead of giving the user 80 packages to execute manually, how do i put these packages into one parent package so that the user has to only execute this parent package instead of executing 80 different packages NB. package exec is manually. (we will automate later) so this is a temp measure.

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Load Text Files In To Tables

Oct 15, 2007

Hi all,

I have around 140 text files in a folder where all the file entries are delimited by tabs. Currently i am copying the data and then pasting it in to the tables and it is perfectly working fine. I have already created tables for those 140 files. But now i want to load those files in to the table at a single shot. How can i do it? I am using SQLServer 2005.


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Load XML Files Into Tables Via SSIS

Jul 19, 2007


I am new to SSIS and am looking to load XML files (with a DTD definition) into tables via a SSIS package. I have created a XML task and am able to load the XML and output it to file. I have also stripped out the DTD definition and am able through a dataflow using XML source an OLE db Destination load and map the XML to table sin my DB. But have no idea how to get the data in when it has a DTD definition included. I either want to put each file into a row in a table then query it. Or from the SSIS package input the relevant info into a set of staging tables or the real tables.

Any help/pointers would be appreciated.

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Integration Services :: SSIS - How To Load 2 Different Excel Files To 2 Different Tables

Jul 29, 2015

I have 2 different excel files file1 and file2. file1 should be loaded to table1 and file2 should be loaded to table2. Both of the files will have 1 sheet inside. Do I need to create separate excel source for file1 and file2? I mean file1 in one excel source and that will be connecting to 1 execute sql task. file2 in other excel source and that will be connecting to another execute sql task. Is this the way I should proceed or is there any looping should be done?  I need to schedule this activity to run every week. So, I'll get new files every week with the same file names and sheet names. Do I need to consider anything for this requirement also?

I'm planning to do truncate and reload not an incremental load.

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Best Way To Load Data From Text Files

Jan 22, 2006

I have problem I'm hoping someone can give me some pointers with.

I need to load data from several text files into one table. The format of the files are simple - each line is comma separated, with double quotes around each element e.g.

"parameter 1","value 1","parameter 2","value 2"....
"parameter 12","value 12","parameter 13","value 13"...

However, the files themselves will have different numbers of columns e.g file 1 may have 8 columns, file 2 may have 16 columns.

I'm going to load the data into a table that has at least as many columns as the longest file. The table columns are all varchar, and are named simply as [Col001] [Col002] [Col003] etc...

The first two columns of this table must be left empty during the load (I use these later on), so the data entry will start at [Col003].

My question is what is the best way to do this? I thought perhaps using a BULK INSERT in a stored procedure might do the trick, but I haven't used it before and haven't got very far. I gather another approach might be to use bcp utility. Someone has also suggested a DTS package, but the filenames will be suffixed with current date/time stamp, so i don't think that will work.

My preferred appraoch would be the BULK INSERT..but i'm open to any pointers.

Many Thanks

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Resources About Load/Run SSIS Packages Using .NET Remoting.

May 22, 2006

I don't have a specific problem, I'm looking about resources because this is the tipical case when something is working but I don't know why ..

On particularly I have to load and run a dtsx package from a window application and the package is located on the server.

I decided to use .NET Remoting.
I developed my "Remotable Object" which contains:

package = Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application.LoadFromDtsServer()

The window application calls the Remotable object, call the specific method and the package is loaded and run successfully.

When I studied the .NET Remoting there is also Server that expose the Remotable Object.
In this case the Server is SSIS Service but I would like to know witch port is used, which method( singlecall or singleton ) is used and so on!

where I can find this info?Someone knows some resource to advice?? or I'm working with SSIS not on a remote way?

Marina B.

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Performance - Slow Load Times For SSIS Packages

Feb 13, 2006

Is there any information around what the SSIS packages are doing in the first 5-10 seconds of execution, and ways to speed this process up?

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Load 4 Different Csv Files Into 4 Different Tables?

Feb 10, 2015

I have written bulk insert and doing this manully but need to automate it and file location changes evertime .

BULK INSERT dbo.alpha
FROM 'C:posted 2015-01-16HOSPITALHOSPFY2010hosp_2010_ALPHA.CSV'
FROM 'C:posted 2015-01-16HOSPITALHOSPFY2010hosp_2010_RPT.CSV'

how to proceed?

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How To Load Zip Files Using FTP Or Other SSIS Tasks

Mar 7, 2008

HI All,
I have Uzip Files to be downloaded From, the zip files get updated everyday thus i have to download the newly added files, the Zip file has got 13 text Files within it, the issue is:
1. how do i download it for the new zip file only, the zip files are shown below, i am trying using FTP Task, but need more info or other alternative.
2. (Optional) How do i UnZip it and and take the text files and then load them to sql server 2005, each text file has to be loaded to sql server tables.
3. How do i automate it, i mean every time i run the package (on Job based) it has to look the new file only, see the zip file below to understand what i am saying about.

02/25/2008 09:02PM 2,780,729
02/27/2008 09:04PM 1,274,557
02/25/2008 08:57PM 1,383,112
02/26/2008 04:21PM 3,327,882
02/27/2008 08:44PM 3,623,334
02/28/2008 05:27PM 3,570,243
02/29/2008 04:20PM 3,444,375
03/01/2008 04:17PM 2,655,782
03/03/2008 04:09AM 1,179,338
03/03/2008 05:21PM 1,267,777
03/04/2008 04:49PM 3,238,121

As you can see the Zip file names are the blues color, they are added at different time, when you browse the you will get the blue color files, thus what i need is to download only the current Zip file (i mean i have to downLoad only the newly added Zip file (recent one)). Thus the SSIS Task has to go to this FTP server and look the newly added zip file. (Optional) if possible, After that i have Unzip it b/se i have 13 text files there, and then Load them to Sql Server 2005.

Please get help on this, the deadline is near by time, if possible try as soon as possible, I would like to say Thank you for every help you do and try.

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Load/Run SSIS Packages On The Server From A .net Exe Exception:Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsPipelineException: Retrieving.

Jul 28, 2006

Hello, I got an exception when I try to load/run a SSIS Package programmatically on the server using remoting.
The client machine has no SQL Server 2005 component installed..

This is the error I get from my exe application:

Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DtsPipelineException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {E44847F1-FD8C-4251-B5DA-B04BB22E236E} failed due to the following error: 80040154.
---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80040154): Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {E44847F1-FD8C-4251-B5DA-B04BB22E236E} failed due to the following error: 80040154.
at Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Application..ctor()

And this the Remote component:

<Serializable()> Public Class SSISComponent

Inherits MarshalByRefObject

Public Function LaunchPackage(ByVal sourceLocation As String, ByVal serverName As String, ByVal packageName As String, ByVal packageVariables As SortedList) As Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult

Dim packagePath As String
Dim myPackage As Package
Dim integrationServices As New Application
' Combine path and filename.
packagePath = Path.Combine(sourceLocation, packageName)
If integrationServices.ExistsOnDtsServer(packagePath, serverName) Then
myPackage = integrationServices.LoadFromDtsServer(packagePath, serverName, Nothing)
Throw New ApplicationException( "Invalid package name or location: " & packagePath)
End If
If Not packageVariables Is Nothing Then
For Each de As DictionaryEntry In packageVariables
myPackage.Variables(de.Key).Value = de.Value
End If
LaunchPackage = myPackage.Execute()
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
End Class

This is the code that call the remote component to run the package on the Server:
Public Class Test
Private Function LoadAndRunPackageRemotly(ByVal PackageName As String, ByVal PackageVariables As SortedList) As Boolean

Dim launchPackageService As New SSISComponent
Dim packageResult As Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.DTSExecResult
packageResult = launchPackageService.LaunchPackage(Me.SSISPackageLocation, Me.SSISServerName, PackageName, PackageVariables)
If packageResult = DTSExecResult.Success Then
LoadAndRunPackageRemotly = True
LoadAndRunPackageRemotly = False
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Function
End Class

I would like to inform that everything run inside a thread because the Package do a lot of things...
When I build up the setup for the exe inside the Detected Dependencies there are several DLL related to SQL Server (Microsoft.SQLServer.DTSRuntimeWrap.dll etc..etc..) that I don't register ..
Tis could be the problem?
If yes, somebody can tell me which one I have to register ? as COM or COMRelativePath?
Some other hints?

This error could be also caused by wrong permissions on the ssis?
Thank you very much for any help...
p.s. To use sql server agent will be my last option!!
Marina b.

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Integration Services :: Load Different Source Files Into Tables

Oct 12, 2015

I have one small requirement.. I want to load the different types of files(.txt, .csv, .tsv, .xlsx).

Using one forearch loop container how can I load the files to database and I shouldn't use the script task to split the filenames. Is there any other way to load all the files using forearch loop container, exesql task..

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XML Direct Configuration Files For SSIS Packages

Nov 16, 2006


I need some clarification. I am trying to utilize the XML Direct Configuration in my SSIS packages to utilize database connections in the package. I am wanting to utilize this the same way you could use UDLs in the SQL Server 2000 DTS packages.

Currently, I am creating the dtsConfig file and saving it to my desktop. I then modify it with notepad and add the following configuration where it looks like this:


<Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="Package.Connections[ConnectionName].Properties[ConnectionString]" ValueType="String">

<ConfiguredValue>Data Source=[ServerName];Initial Catalog=[DBName];Provider=SQLNCLI.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;</ConfiguredValue>

Once this is created, I am trying to "re-use" this in SSIS packages created moving forward, where they all point to this configuration for the same database connection.

What I don't understand is when "Enabling Package Configuration" and then pointing to this dtsConfig file doesn't create a connection in "Connection Manager" NOR does it provide a way to create a blank connection and point to this configuration.

I feel like I am missing something thats so "great" about XML configuration files. Any help would be appreciated.


Daniel Lackey

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SQL 2012 :: Load Files In Date Order In SSIS

Apr 10, 2014

I have files which has date in file name and I want to load all files in sequential order.

Here I am giving you an example of my file name.


These are my files in that I want to load files sequentially means jan 1st, 2nd like this way.

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SQL 2012 :: SSIS To Load Files From Two SFTP Location

May 18, 2015

How to load files with similar format , from two different locations into same database with same ssis.

Lets say
Location 1: C:LoadFilesCust1APP_123445.txt
Location 2: D:LoadFilescust2VDD_543121.txt

Currently we have one ssis which loads and process files from C:LoadFilesCust1 only. we have to modify the existing package it to load files from Location 2 (D:LoadFilescust2) as well. Also while loading, the ssis should assign a value to existing column CustID depending upon the file name. File names always start with APP_ in first location. VDD_ in second location

Assign CUSTID as 100 if file name starts with APP_
Assign CUSTID as 200if file name starts with VDD_

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SQL 2012 :: Upgrading SSIS Packages With Miscellaneous Files

Mar 2, 2015

I have an SSIS package that was originally written for SQL Server 2008 that needs to be updated. I am interested in moving it to 2012 and using the project deployment model, but it includes a plain text script file in an Execute Process Task call to WinSCP for an SFTP transfer. It appears that by moving from package deployment to project deployment that this file would no longer be bundled with the deployment package.I guess I could copy the WinSCP script to an external file path, but I'd prefer to keep them together for version control if possible.

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Trying To Load Multiple Excel Files Into A Db Table Using For Each Loop Container In SSIS

Oct 24, 2007

I am getting the following error when trying to load multiple excel files using for each loop container in SSIS, I tried to put the quotes in several different ways but still can't get rid of this error. I was able to successfully load single excel file, but when I use the for each loop container that's when I am having problems. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thx.

TITLE: Package Validation Error

Package Validation Error


Error at Package1 [Connection manager "SourceConnectionExcel"]: The connection string components cannot contain unquoted semicolons. If the value must contain a semicolon, enclose the entire value in quotes. This error occurs when values in the connection string contain unquoted semicolons, such as the InitialCatalog property.

Error at Package1: The result of the expression ""Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + @[User::Folder] + @[User::file] + ";Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;HDR=NO";"

" on property "ExcelFilePath" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property.




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SQL 2012 :: Running 2005 SSIS Packages That Read FoxPro Files?

Aug 26, 2013

We are in the process of upgrading to a new SQL 2012 server but we have many packages that load data from dbf files created with FoxPro into one of our databases. We have not converted the packages and run them with DTS but we get the following error:

Error: 2013-08-26 11:05:27.36
Code: 0xC0209303
Source: BenchmarkLoad Connection manager "OLEDB NPIONE.Investment.middleTierSQL"
Description: The requested OLE DB provider SQLNCLI.1 is not registered. If the 64-bit driver is not installed, run the package in 32-bit mode. Error code: 0x00000000.

[Code] .....

I searched for OLEDB and ODBC drivers for SQL 2012 64 bit but cannot find any that is newer than the 2005 that we have. What can I do short of changing the source files to overcome this issue?

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Integration Services :: SSIS Fails To Load Files From Network When Executed Via Agent (2008 R2 SP2)

Aug 5, 2014

I have a simple SSIS package that reads a flat file and copies it into a SQL Server table.

When the flat fiel is on the C drive I have no problem runnign this package from SQL Server Agent, but as soon as I update the path to a network location the package only works when I run it manually, but fails when is executed via the SQL Server agent job.

The error says "cannot open the datafile", while the datafile location is valid.

Is this a kind of limitation of a SQL Server Agent that only local files are allowed to be processed?

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Urgent -- BIDS Opening SSIS Packages In Text Mode

Apr 30, 2008

Hi All,

I am not able to open the package in BIDS. When I open the package I am seeing only the XML. Below I had given what I have done.

First I have installed Visual studio 2008 Professional and next I installed SQL Server 2005 with Integration services, database services, workflow components.

I am able to see the BIDS in Start --> All Programes --> Microsoft SQL Server 2005 --> "SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio"

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.

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SQL Jobs Calling SSIS Packages Within MSDB Not Referencing Connection Info In Config Files

Nov 13, 2007

I have deployed to production a number of nested packages (parent packages that call child packages) to the SQL msdb via the Save As option rather than building a deployment utility. These packages reference configuration files in a static location off of the c: drive on the production server. In the development environment, when connection changes are made and I run the Reload with Upgrade option the connection manager takes on the new server and user id settings. However, out on the production side I get the following error from the SQL job log:

Cannot load the XML configuration file. The XML configuration file may be malformed or not valid.

As a result the SQL job uses the default connection information which references the development database rather than the production database. I did research the error but found no good solutions. Is there a way to ensure the configuration files are formed correctly and that the packages are correctly referencing the configuration files? We are trying to run the ETL updates via a SQL job.

Any suggestions? Thanks.


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Moving Text File Properties For Sql2k Dts To Sql25k Ssis Packages???

Jun 2, 2006

Hi everyone,

We€™ve got almost 250 old dts packages which simply loading data into Sql tables from plain files or at the reverse point. Most of them are defined with fixed fields and its fixed positions one after one. We don€™t want to migrate them using Import wizard, on the contrary we€™re producing them from the beggining taking advantatge of SSIS architecture to the full.
And now, we€™re trying to imagine how to migrate automatically that valuable info from Sql Server 2000 to Sql Server 2005 without efforts€¦ You know, any program be able to move that detailed info
to SSIS.

So we would avoid to select again all these positions per each file -very tedious and we're lazy

I don€™t see how except, of course, migrate them directly

Let me know if you need further explanations or more clarity on that.

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SSIS Data Flow Task Fails To Load All Text From Flat File

Jan 2, 2007

Hi Guys,

have a flat file which is loaded into the database on a daily basis.
The file contains rows of strings which I load into a table,
specifically to a column of length 8000.

The string has a length of 690, but the format is like 'xxxxxx xx xx..'
and so on, where 'xxxx' represents data. So there are spaces, etc present in the middle.

I used SQL 2000 DTS to load the files in, and it was just a Column
Transformation with the Col001 from the text file loading straight to
my table column. After the load, if I select len(col) it gives me 750
for all rows.

Once I started to migrate this to SSIS, I
allocated the Control Flow Task and specified the flat file source and
the oledb destination, and gave the output column a type of String and
output column width of 8000. But when I run the data flow task it
copies only 181 or 231 characters out of the 750 required.
I feel it stops where it finds the SPACES and skips the rest.

specified row delimiters or CR, and LF. I checked the file under
UltraEdit and there were no special characters in the file that would
cause the problem.

Any suggestions how I can get it to load the full data?


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Import Text Files Into SQL Server Tables

Jan 31, 2007

I have created a DTS package which imports text file into single sql server table with 8 columns (SourceData). The DTS package uses 'Test1.txt' file. Now i have around 200 text files (Test1,Test2,.....Test200). I need to import them one by one into 'SourceData' table. Could you pls. help me out in getting solved this mistery.



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Integration Services :: SSIS - Data Load To Excel - How To Retain Trailing Spaces In Text Column

May 8, 2015

I am loading data using SSIS 2008 from a table in SQL Server 2008 DB to excel 97 sheet pre-defined with column headers. All the columns in excel is has 'Text' format property and the columns in the SQL Server table are defined as nVarchar. One of the columns has trailing spaces in few rows in DB but after exporting to excel 97, the spaces are gone. We need to retain the whitespaces in the column values. How can we do that.

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Integration Services :: Handling Empty Text File Load Into Table Through SSIS Data Flow?

Jun 16, 2015

We have created SSIS package to load a text file into a table. Source system shares 10 text files and recently they stopped generating data for one of the text file (comping empty), after few months they will start generating the data for the empty file batch processing. 

The Issue here is Data Flow task is getting failed while loading empty text file into table. How to handle this empty file load issue in SSIS package.

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To Programmaticaly Delete The Extra Tabs In Text File(after Data Insertion Using SSIS Packages)

Jan 3, 2008

Hi All SSIS experts,

Happy 2008!!!!
I am inserting data into a tab delimted text file using SSIS package.
After data insetion some extra tabs get added between columns in some rows in the text file.
Can we programmatically delete the extra tabs from the text file, if so how to use/implement the code inside the SSIS package?
Any pointer/suggestions are welcome.

Thanks & Regards,

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Upload Text Files Thru DTS/SSIS

Jan 31, 2007

I have created a DTS package which imports text file into single sql server table with 8 columns (SourceData). The DTS package uses 'Test1.txt' file. Now i have around 200 text files (Test1,Test2,.....Test200). I need to import them one by one into 'SourceData' table. Could you pls. help me out in getting solved.



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Join Two Text Files In SSIS

Sep 6, 2007


I'm trying to join outputs of two text files combined in to one text file. The lenght of both the input text files are same (590)
For example,
If contents of text_file_1.txt is: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
and contents of text_file_2.txt is: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb

My final text file should be :


I use flat file source for both the input file and then use "Union all" and then write out to final text file destination.

The issues is:
The second file (bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb) is coming up first in the output and then there is no carriage return.

My output looks like:
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb...(goes up to 590)aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

What is that I'm missing here. Could some one plese help.


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Writing Into Text Files In SSIS

Aug 18, 2006

I am having a scenario where all the stored procedures are stored in a folder (one sql file per sproc). Stored procedure does not have 'IF Exists .... DROP Procedure' in the script so before creating them we have to drop all sproc manually.

Can anyone help me writing a script / SSIS process to loop through each file in folder and write "IF EXISTS ... DROP PROCEDURE" with the procedure name in it ??

I can create a package that loop through each file in FOR each Loop task but dont know how to write in file using .net

Thanks in advance

Furrukh baig

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Writing A DTXS Package To Extract 50 Tables To 50 Text Files?

Nov 26, 2007

Is there a quick way to extract a full dump of 50 tables to 50 corresponding text files?


table_a has to be extracted to table_a.txt

table_b has to be extracted to table_b.txt

table_c has to be extracted to table_c.txt

I don't want to have to add each one separately by hand in the DTSX package designer.
I can't see any way to do it in a loop (because you have to do the field mapping).
I can't seem to get the DTS Wizard to help - it only seems to be able to handle one table-to-text extract at any one time.
And I've tried editing the DTXS file directly (in XML) but it looks like it's going to be rather complex, even if I only do it to define the connection managers.
Feel free to suggest any better way to do this, though the specification has already been agreed, so I'm unlikely to be able to change it.

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Large Fixed Width Text Files Using SSIS

Aug 13, 2007

What is the easiest way to get a large fixed width text file (200 columns) defintion into SSIS? To have to define each column with the ruler would be very cumbersome.

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Integration Services :: Exporting Data From Oracle Tables Into Text Files

Feb 2, 2010

I am transferring data from Oracle tables into text files, and facing these errors.

1. I have a varaible working as an expression and my query goes into that variable and onwards that variable is passed to dataflow task, which parse the query. my query is simple saying "Select * from PLS.ABC" where PLS is my schema, but the task generates error "Opening a rowset for "Select * from PLS.ABC" failed. check that the table exists in the database. and surely the table is there.

2. I have a foreach loop that iterates through all the table names and the table names are passed onwards to the varaible query, the dataflow task inside the foreach loop gets the variable query and will generate text files based on tablenames which i have supplied in another variable to the connectionstring property of the flatfile destination. Is it possible or not. all the tables have different columns and i need the output in text files.

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Integration Services :: Automate Process Using SSIS To Create Tables In Corresponding Database And Load Data

Oct 6, 2015

We are using SQL Server 2014 and SSDT-BI 2013. We have a reporting environment where business users create objects which need to be persisted for fiscal year reporting. Let's say for instance SQLSERVER1SRVR1 they create table objects like below in the reporting environment.

Accounting2014, Accounting2015 in AccountingDB; 
Sales2014, Sales2015 in SalesDB; 
Products2014, Products2015 in ProductsDB; 
Inventory2014, Inventory2015 in InventoryDB etc....

These tables are persisted for auditing in a different environment SQLSERVER2SRVR2 for finance & audit folks.We would want to automate this process using SSIS to create tables in corresponding database and load data. I tried using For Each Loop container but the catch is I could loop the source or destination but how do we loop on Source & Destination at the same time (i.e when source is in AccountingDB destination to be AccountingDB, source SalesDB then destination SalesDB so on etc....

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