Transact SQL :: Confirmation Of UNION ALL Query For INSERT INTO Temp Table

Jul 21, 2015

I have the following UNION ALL query with SELECT INTO @tblData temp table. I would like to confirm if my query is correct.

In my first SELECT statement, I have INSERT INTO @tblData.

Do I need another INSERT INTO @tblData again in my second SELECT statement after UNION ALL?

DECLARE @BeginDate as Datetime
DECLARE @EndDate as Datetime
SET @BeginDate = '7/1/2015'
SET @EndDate = '7/13/2015'
DECLARE @tblData table

[Code] ....

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Insert Into Temp Results Of A Union Query

Nov 20, 2007

I have follwing union query. I want to put this all in a temp table.

select Store_Id,batchnumber
Adjustments where updatedDt between '10/30/2007' and '11/20/2007' and Store_id in(8637 ,8641)
group by Store_Id, batchnumber
select DestinationId,b.batchNumber
batch b
inner join Carton C on C.Carton_Id = b.General_ID
inner join Document d on d.Document_Id = c.Document_Id
where b.BatchType = 'Warehouse' and b.TranTable = 'Carton'
and (d.DestinationId in (8637 ,8641) ) and c.UpdatedDt Between '10/30/2007' and '11/20/2007'
select d.DestinationId,b.Batchnumber
batch b
inner join Document d
on d.Document_Id = b.General_Id
where b.BatchType = 'TransferIn' and b.TranTable = 'Document'
and (d.DestinationId in (8637,8641) ) and d.UpdatedDt Between'10/30/2007' and '11/20/2007'
select d.SourceId,b.batchNumber
batch b
inner join Document d
on d.Document_Id = b.General_Id
where b.BatchType = 'TransferOut' and b.TranTable = 'Document'
and (d.SourceId in (8637,8641) ) and d.UpdatedDt Between'10/30/2007' and '11/20/2007'
order by batchnumber

Kindly advice.


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Transact SQL :: Insert Data From Temp Table To Other Table

Oct 5, 2015

I want to insert the data from temp table to other table. Only condition is, it needs to sorted based on tool number and tool date. For example if we have ten records for tool number 1000, it should be order by tool number and then based on tool_dt. Both tables doesn't have any primary keys. Please find below my code. I removed all the unnecessary columns for simple understanding. INSERT INTO tool_summary  (tool_nbr, tool_dt) select tool_nbr, tool_dt from #tool order by tool_nbr, tool_dt...But this query is not working as expected. Data is getting shuffled.

Actual Data
Expected Result



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Transact SQL :: Insert Constant Value Along With Results Of Select Into Temp Table?

Dec 4, 2015

I'm trying to fill a temp table whose columns are the same as another table plus it has one more column. The temp table's contents are those rows in the other table that meet a particular condition plus another column that is the name of the table that is the source for the rows being added.

Example: 'permTable' has col1 and col2. The data in these two rows plus the name of the table from which it came ('permTable' in this example) are to be added to #temp.

Data in permTable
col1   col2
11,    12
21,     22

Data in #temp after permTable's filtered contents have been added

TableName, col1   col2
permTable, 11,     12
permTable, 21,     22

What is the syntax for an insert like this?

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Transact SQL :: How To Do Bulk Insert Into Temp Table From Text File

Sep 15, 2015

How do I do a bulk insert into a temp table from a text file. Text file looks like that:
ver_id TYPE
E57AB326-803C-436E-B491-398A255C919A 58
34D2A601-6BBA-46B1-84E1-3A805FDA3812 58
986E140C-62F1-48F1-B428-3571EBF00DA0 58

My statement looks like this:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblTemp]([ver_id]  [nvarchar](255), [TYPE] [smallint]) 
BULK INSERT [dbo].[tblTemp]
FROM 'C:v2.txt'
I keep receiving errors.

The error I receive is: Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 1, column 2 (TYPE).

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Insert Into Table, Query && Union Question...

Apr 17, 2007

i am do the following:
insert into table_a
([field1a], [field2a], [field3a])
select field1b, field2b, field3b from tableb
where datefield1b >= {variable datefield1} and datefield1b <= {variable datefield2}
which is working.
HOWEVER, i need to add/include 1 more record from tableb.
My first inclination is to do a UPDATE to add that first record BUT i am wondering if there is a way to do a UNION to get that record?
i need the next 1 RECORD that has a datefield1b value that is < {variable datefield1}
so if my date range is 01/01/2007 thru 12/31/2007 i need to also include the previous 1 record from tableb that is < 01/01/2007. that date could be from 1 month to 24 months old. I don't want all those records because there could be a whole lot of them in there.

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Transact SQL :: Create A Temp Table On Results Of A Pivot Query?

Jun 17, 2015

I pulled some examples of using a subquery pivot to build a temp table, but cannot get it to work.

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Pyr') IS NOT NULL
[4981] AS Primary_Ins,
[4978] AS Secondary_Ins,


The problems I am having are with the integer data being used to create temp table fields. The bracketed numbers on line 7-10 give me an invalid column name error each. In the 'FOR', I get another error "Incorrect syntax near 'FOR'. Expecting '(', or '.'.".   The first integer in the "IN" gives me an "Incorrect syntax near '[4981]'. Expecting '(' or SELECT".  I will post the definitions from another effort below.

--ivo_int_idINTEGERNOT NULL,


SQL Server 2008 R2.

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Transact SQL :: Create Index On Temp Table To Reduce Run Time Of Update Query

Apr 29, 2015

I want to create index for hash table (#TEMPJOIN2) to reduce the update query run time. But I am getting "Warning!

The maximum key length is 900 bytes. The index 'R5IDX_TMP' has maximum length of 1013 bytes. For some combination of large values, the insert/update operation will fail". What is the right way to create index on temporary table.

Update query is running(without index) for 6 hours 30 minutes. My aim to reduce the run time by creating index. 

And also I am not sure, whether creating index in more columns will create issue or not.

Attached the update query and index query.


[Code] ....

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Results Of Union Into Temp Table

Apr 3, 2008

This may be a dumb question, but I can't seem to get the syntax right. I have two temp tables that have the same columns, I want to do a union on them and store the results in a temp table. Any ideas?


select * from #tmpTable1
select * from #tmpTable2
into #tmpTable3


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Temp Table Vs. Union: Which Has Better Performance?

Aug 13, 2007

Right now, a client of mine has a T-SQL statement that does thefollowing:1) Create a temp table.2) Populate temp table with data from one table using an INSERTstatement.3) Populate temp table with data from another table using an INSERTstatement.4) SELECT from temp table.Would it be more efficient to simply SELECT from table1 then UNIONtable 2? The simply wants to see the result set and does not need tore-SELECT from the temp table.

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Can I Make A Temp Table With A Union All Select?

Mar 26, 2008

I'm having trouble creating a temp table out of a select statement that uses multipe union alls.

Here's what I have, I'm trying to get the results of this query into a temp table...

(select cst_id from co_customer (nolock) where cst_key = Parent) as cst_id,
(select cst_name_cp from co_customer (nolock) where cst_key = Parent) as cst_name_cp,
(select org_total_assets_ext from dbo.co_organization_ext where org_cst_key_ext = parent) as Parent_Total_assets,
sum(own_assets) as Total_child_own_assets

Select parent,
(select org_own_assets_ext from dbo.co_organization_ext where org_cst_key_ext = child) as Own_assets

(Select Cst_key as Child,
dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,1) as Parent
from co_customer (nolock)
where cst_type = 'Organization'
and cst_delete_flag = 0
and dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,1) is not null
union all

Select Cst_key as Child,
dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,2) as Parent
from co_customer (nolock)
where cst_type = 'Organization'
and cst_delete_flag = 0
and dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,2) is not null
union all

Select Cst_key as Child,
dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,3) as Parent
from co_customer (nolock)
where cst_type = 'Organization'
and cst_delete_flag = 0
and dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,3) is not null
union all

Select Cst_key as Child,
dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,4) as Parent
from co_customer (nolock)
where cst_type = 'Organization'
and cst_delete_flag = 0
and dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,4) is not null
union all

Select Cst_key as Child,
dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,5) as Parent
from co_customer (nolock)
where cst_type = 'Organization'
and cst_delete_flag = 0
and dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,5) is not null
union all

Select Cst_key as Child,
dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,6) as Parent
from co_customer (nolock)
where cst_type = 'Organization'
and cst_delete_flag = 0
and dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,6) is not null
union all
Select Cst_key as Child,
dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,7) as Parent
from co_customer (nolock)
where cst_type = 'Organization'
and cst_delete_flag = 0
and dbo.return_org_parent(cst_key,0,7) is not null )as c
) as d

group by parent

having sum(own_assets) <> (select org_total_assets_ext from dbo.co_organization_ext where org_cst_key_ext = parent)

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SQL Server 2014 :: UNION ALL In View With Temp Table

May 8, 2015

I have a performance issue with one of the views when I join the view with a temp table

I have 2 Views - View1 and View2.

There is a third view - view_UNION where the

view_UNION =

If I have a query like -

Select view_UNION.* FROM

the execution is too slow.

But if I execute the views separately, I get good performance.

How to improve the performance of the view_Union

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Transact SQL :: Update Table With Its Value And Data From Row In Temp Table For Matching Record?

Oct 25, 2015

I have a temp table like this

  ID int,
  Source varchar(50),
  Date datetime,
  CID varchar(50),
  Segments int,
  Air_Date datetime,


Getting Error

Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure PublishToDestination, Line 34 Incorrect syntax near 'd'.

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Transact SQL :: Table Structure - Inserting Data From Other Temp Table

Aug 14, 2015

Below is my table structure. And I am inserting data from other temp table.

[Cusip] [VARCHAR](50) NULL, [sponfID] [VARCHAR](max) NULL, GroupSeries [VARCHAR](max) NULL, [tran] [VARCHAR](max) NULL, [AddDate] [VARCHAR](max) NULL, [SetDate] [VARCHAR](max) NULL, [PoolNumber] [VARCHAR](max) NULL, [Aggregate] [VARCHAR](max) NULL, [Price] [VARCHAR](max) NULL, [NetAmount] [VARCHAR](max) NULL,

[Code] ....

Now in a next step I am deleting the records from #revf table. Please see the delete code below

FROM #revf
WHERE fi_gnmaid IN (
SELECT DISTINCT r2.fi_gnmaid
FROM #revf r1, #revf r2

[Code] ...

I don't want to create this #rev table so that i can avoid the delete statement. But data should not affect. Can i rewrite the above as below:

SELECT [Cusip], [sponfID], GroupSeries, [tran], [AddDate], [SetDate], [PoolNumber], [Aggregate], [Price], [NetAmount], [Interest],
[Coupon], [TradeDate], [ReversalDate], [Description], [ImportDate], MAX([fi_gnmaid]) AS Fi_GNMAID, accounttype, [IgnoreFlag], [IgnoreReason], IncludeReversals, DatasetID, [DeloitteTaxComments], [ReconciliationID],

[Code] ....

If my above statement is wrong . Where i can improve here? And actually i am getting 4 rows difference.

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Transact SQL :: Temp Table Scope On Error

Oct 12, 2015

In my sp I'm have an Insert statement. In the event that after the insert @@rowcount = 0 I'm throwing an error with RAISEERROR.

This is fine, however, in my CATCH block I'm referencing a local temp table but getting an error that it no longer exists.

My question is, does throwing an error drop any #temp tables? I thought they were in scope for the session?

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Transact SQL :: Drop A Temp Table If It Exists?

Jan 21, 2010

What is the best way to drop a temp table if it exists? I am looking something similar to this: if exists (select top 1 * from #TableName) then drop #TableName else end

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Transact SQL :: Select Values From Temp Table

Jul 10, 2015

DECLARE @Query varchar(8000)
Create Table
#tempCountRichard (Status varchar(50), Number Varchar(1000)
Set @Query = 'Insert Into #tempCountRichard
Select Count(Status),


With the following SQL. When I select from the temp table I return the right count but my second column doesn't return anything.

Count Status
1010 2000
1111 2222

When I run the query that is being inserted into the the temp table I return the correct results

Count Status
1010 Pass
2000 Pass with Obs
1111 Fail
2222 None

how to select the data from the temp table exactly the same way it was inserted. As I need to select the exact same data from the insert.

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INSERT INTO - Data Is Not Inserted - Using #temp Table To Populate Actual Table

Jul 20, 2005

Hi thereApplication : Access v2K/SQL 2KJest : Using sproc to append records into SQL tableJest sproc :1.Can have more than 1 record - so using ';' to separate each linefrom each other.2.Example of data'HARLEY.I',03004,'A000-AA00',2003-08-29,0,0,7.5,7.5,7.5,7.5,7.0,'Notes','General',1,2,3 ;'HARLEY.I',03004,'A000-AA00',2003-08-29,0,0,7.5,7.5,7.5,7.5,7.0,'Notes','General',1,2,3 ;3.Problem - gets to lineBEGIN TRAN <---------- skipsrestINSERT INTO timesheet.dbo.table14.Checked permissions for table + sproc - okWhat am I doing wrong ?Any comments most helpful......CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[procTimesheetInsert_Testing](@TimesheetDetails varchar(5000) = NULL,@RetCode int = NULL OUTPUT,@RetMsg varchar(100) = NULL OUTPUT,@TimesheetID int = NULL OUTPUT)WITH RECOMPILEASSET NOCOUNT ONDECLARE @SQLBase varchar(8000), @SQLBase1 varchar(8000)DECLARE @SQLComplete varchar(8000) ,@SQLComplete1 varchar(8000)DECLARE @TimesheetCount int, @TimesheetCount1 intDECLARE @TS_LastEdit smalldatetimeDECLARE @Last_Editby smalldatetimeDECLARE @User_Confirm bitDECLARE @User_Confirm_Date smalldatetimeDECLARE @DetailCount intDECLARE @Error int/* Validate input parameters. Assume success. */SELECT @RetCode = 1, @RetMsg = ''IF @TimesheetDetails IS NULLSELECT @RetCode = 0,@RetMsg = @RetMsg +'Timesheet line item(s) required.' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)/* Create a temp table parse out each Timesheet detail from inputparameter string,count number of detail records and create SQL statement toinsert detail records into the temp table. */CREATE TABLE #tmpTimesheetDetails(RE_Code varchar(50),PR_Code varchar(50),AC_Code varchar(50),WE_Date smalldatetime,SAT REAL DEFAULT 0,SUN REAL DEFAULT 0,MON REAL DEFAULT 0,TUE REAL DEFAULT 0,WED REAL DEFAULT 0,THU REAL DEFAULT 0,FRI REAL DEFAULT 0,Notes varchar(255),General varchar(50),PO_Number REAL,WWL_Number REAL,CN_Number REAL)SELECT @SQLBase ='INSERT INTO#tmpTimesheetDetails(RE_Code,PR_Code,AC_Code,WE_Da te,SAT,SUN,MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI,Notes,General,PO_Nu mber,WWL_Number,CN_Number)VALUES ( 'SELECT @TimesheetCount=0WHILE LEN( @TimesheetDetails) > 1BEGINSELECT @SQLComplete = @SQLBase + LEFT( @TimesheetDetails,Charindex(';', @TimesheetDetails) -1) + ')'EXEC(@SQLComplete)SELECT @TimesheetCount = @TimesheetCount + 1SELECT @TimesheetDetails = RIGHT( @TimesheetDetails, Len(@TimesheetDetails)-Charindex(';', @TimesheetDetails))ENDIF (SELECT Count(*) FROM #tmpTimesheetDetails) <> @TimesheetCountSELECT @RetCode = 0, @RetMsg = @RetMsg + 'Timesheet Detailscouldn''t be saved.' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)-- If validation failed, exit procIF @RetCode = 0RETURN-- If validation ok, continueSELECT @RetMsg = @RetMsg + 'Timesheet Details ok.' + CHAR(13) +CHAR(10)/* RETURN*/-- Start transaction by inserting into Timesheet tableBEGIN TRANINSERT INTO timesheet.dbo.table1select RE_Code,PR_Code,AC_Code,WE_Date,SAT,SUN,MON,TUE,WE D,THU,FRI,Notes,General,PO_Number,WWL_Number,CN_Nu mberFROM #tmpTimesheetDetails-- Check if insert succeeded. If so, get ID.IF @@ROWCOUNT = 1SELECT @TimesheetID = @@IDENTITYELSESELECT @TimesheetID = 0,@RetCode = 0,@RetMsg = 'Insertion of new Timesheet failed.'-- If order is not inserted, rollback and exitIF @RetCode = 0BEGINROLLBACK TRAN-- RETURNEND--RETURNSELECT @Error =@@errorprint ''print "The value of @error is " + convert (varchar, @error)returnGO

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Insert Into Temp Table

Feb 22, 2004

I am trying to insert into temp table multiple times and then pull everything out. How would I do that? I get records back, but everything is 0. Why? Here is my stored procedure.

@startdate datetime,
@enddate datetime

CREATE TABLE #CalcTemp (DataID bigint IDENTITY(1,1) NOT FOR REPLICATION, ReportType varchar(2), Volume int, NetEffect decimal(10,1), GrossEffect decimal(10,1), WeekEndDate datetime)

DECLARE @OnTime decimal(10,1)
DECLARE @UnControlled decimal(10,1)
DECLARE @Volume int
DECLARE @GrossEffect decimal(10,1)
DECLARE @NetEffect decimal(10,1)
DECLARE @WeekEndDate datetime
SET @OnTime = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblARSData WHERE (tblARSData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND OnTimeFlag = 1 AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AA')
SET @UnControlled = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblARSData WHERE (tblARSData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ControlFlag = 'U' AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AA')
SET @Volume = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblARSData WHERE (tblARSData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AA')
SET @GrossEffect = ((@OnTime/@Volume) * 100)
SET @NetEffect = (((@OnTime + @UnControlled)/@Volume) * 100)
SET @WeekEndDate = (SELECT DISTINCT WeekEndDate FROM tblARSData)

INSERT INTO #CalcTemp(ReportType, Volume, NetEffect, GrossEffect, WeekEndDate)
SET @OnTime = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblARSData WHERE (tblARSData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND OnTimeFlag = 1 AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AN')
SET @UnControlled = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblARSData WHERE (tblARSData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ControlFlag = 'U' AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AN')
SET @Volume = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblARSData WHERE (tblARSData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AN')
SET @GrossEffect = ((@OnTime/@Volume) * 100)
SET @NetEffect = (((@OnTime + @UnControlled)/@Volume) * 100)
SET @WeekEndDate = (SELECT DISTINCT WeekEndDate FROM tblARSData)

INSERT INTO #CalcTemp(ReportType, Volume, NetEffect, GrossEffect, WeekEndDate)
SET @OnTime = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblARSData WHERE (tblARSData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND OnTimeFlag = 1 AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AC')
SET @UnControlled = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblARSData WHERE (tblARSData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ControlFlag = 'U' AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AC')
SET @Volume = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblARSData WHERE (tblARSData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ARSScanType = 'D' AND ARSType='AC')
SET @GrossEffect = ((@OnTime/@Volume) * 100)
SET @NetEffect = (((@OnTime + @UnControlled)/@Volume) * 100)
SET @WeekEndDate = (SELECT DISTINCT WeekEndDate FROM tblARSData)

INSERT INTO #CalcTemp(ReportType, Volume, NetEffect, GrossEffect, WeekEndDate)
SET @OnTime = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblShipData WHERE (tblShipData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND OnTimeFlag = 1 AND ReportType = 'GN' AND ScanType='D')
SET @UnControlled = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblShipData WHERE (tblShipData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ControlFlag = 'U' AND ReportType = 'GN' AND ScanType='D')
SET @Volume = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblShipData WHERE (tblShipData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ReportType = 'GN' AND ScanType='D')
SET @GrossEffect = ((@OnTime/@Volume) * 100)
SET @NetEffect = (((@OnTime + @UnControlled)/@Volume) * 100)
SET @WeekEndDate = (SELECT DISTINCT WeekEndDate FROM tblShipData)

INSERT INTO #CalcTemp(ReportType, Volume, NetEffect, GrossEffect, WeekEndDate)
SET @OnTime = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblShipData WHERE (tblShipData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND OnTimeFlag = 1 AND ReportType = 'OD' AND ScanType='D')
SET @UnControlled = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblShipData WHERE (tblShipData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ControlFlag = 'U' AND ReportType = 'OD' AND ScanType='D')
SET @Volume = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblShipData WHERE (tblShipData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ReportType = 'OD' AND ScanType='D')
SET @GrossEffect = ((@OnTime/@Volume) * 100)
SET @NetEffect = (((@OnTime + @UnControlled)/@Volume) * 100)
SET @WeekEndDate = (SELECT DISTINCT WeekEndDate FROM tblShipData)

INSERT INTO #CalcTemp(ReportType, Volume, NetEffect, GrossEffect, WeekEndDate)
SET @OnTime = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblShipData WHERE (tblShipData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND OnTimeFlag = 1 AND ReportType = 'HU' AND ScanType='D')
SET @UnControlled = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblShipData WHERE (tblShipData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ControlFlag = 'U' AND ReportType = 'HU' AND ScanType='D')
SET @Volume = (SELECT COUNT(DataID) FROM tblShipData WHERE (tblShipData.WeekEndDate BETWEEN @startdate AND @enddate) AND ReportType = 'HU' AND ScanType='D')
SET @GrossEffect = ((@OnTime/@Volume) * 100)
SET @NetEffect = (((@OnTime + @UnControlled)/@Volume) * 100)
SET @WeekEndDate = (SELECT DISTINCT WeekEndDate FROM tblShipData)

INSERT INTO #CalcTemp(ReportType, Volume, NetEffect, GrossEffect, WeekEndDate)

SELECTtblListReportType.ReportType AS 'Report Type',
tblListReportType.ReportID AS ReportID,
SUM(#CalcTemp.Volume) AS Volume,
CAST(SUM(#CalcTemp.NetEffect)/COUNT(#CalcTemp.DataID) as decimal(10,1)) AS 'Net % Effective',
CAST(SUM(#CalcTemp.GrossEffect)/COUNT(#CalcTemp.DataID) as decimal(10,1)) AS 'Gross % Effective'
INNER JOIN tblListReportType ON LTRIM(RTRIM(LOWER(#CalcTemp.ReportType))) = LTRIM(RTRIM(LOWER(tblListReportType.ReportAbv)))
GROUP BYtblListReportType.ReportType,

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How To Insert Into Temp Table

Nov 3, 2006

i have temp table name "#TempResult" with column names Memberid,Month,Year. Consider this temp table alredy has some rows from previuos query. I have one more table name "Rebate" which also has columns MemberID,Month, Year and some more columns. Now i wanted to insert rows from "Rebate" Table into Temp Table where MemberID.Month and Year DOES NOT exist in Temp table.

MemberID + Month + Year should ne unique in Temp table

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Transact SQL :: Temp Table - Display Duplicate IDs In Multiple Rows

Jun 30, 2015

I have a temp table with the following columns and data 

drop table #temp
create table #temp (id int,DLR_ID int,KPI_ID int,Brnd_ID int)
insert into #temp values (1,2343,34,2)
insert into #temp values (2,2343,34,2)
insert into #temp values (3,2343,34,2)


I use the rank function on that table and get the following results

select rank() over (order by DLR_ID,KPI_ID,BRND_ID  ) Rown,* from #temp

I am interested only in Rown and Id columns. For each Rown number, I need to get the min(ID) in the second column and the duplicate ID should be in 3rd column as shown below.If i have 3 duplicate IDs , I should have 3 rows with 2nd column being the min(id) and 3rd column having one of the duplicate ids in ascending order(as shown in Rown=6)

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Transact SQL :: How To Store Result Of Exec Command Into Temp Table

Apr 7, 2013

I wanted to insert the result-set of a Exec(@sqlcommand) into a temp table. I can do that by using:

Insert into #temp

For this to accomplish we need to define the table structure in advance. But am preparing a dynamic-sql command and storing that in variable @sqlcommand and the output changes for each query execution. So my question is how to insert/capture the result-set of Exec(@sqlcommand) into a temp table when we don't know the table structure.

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Transact SQL :: Create Temp Table That Persists While A Front End App Is Open

Sep 30, 2015

I have an Access app. that I am migrating the DB portion (queries, tables) to SQL server. I need to create a temp table that lasts as long as the user has the Access FE app. open. Idea is that the temp table stores the user's parameters (used for filtering data entry forms and report). The parameters allow the app. to only show the user his data (cannot view other users data). The SP shown below works OK, it creates a ##Temp table and updates it with the parameters sent by Access FE app. The issue I am having is that as soon as the SP finishes the ##Temp table is removed. I thought of using a regular table, but, I am currently testing this migration in my local SQL server instance, as soon as I move the database to production environment, then users will not be able to create tables as permissions are only read/write.

USE [Work_Allocation]
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[spUser_Parameters_update] Script Date: 9/30/2015 12:27:42 PM ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spUser_Parameters_update]


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How Do I Insert Into Existing Temp Table?

May 2, 2006


How do I insert data into an existing temporary table? Note: I’m primarily a .NET programmer who has to do T-SQL to grab data from time to time.

What I am trying to do is this:
1) Put the scores for all the people who have completed a questionnaire into a temporary table called #GroupConfidence.
2) Add on a row at the end that gives an average for each score (ie the last row is an average of the column above).

I need my SP to give me a DataSet that I can throw straight to my .NET reporting engine (I don’t want to do any number crunching inside .NET) - that's why I want to add on the 'average' row at the end.

If I do this (below) the temporary table (#GroupConfidence) gets created and the values inserted.

-- Insert the results into the #GroupConfidence table
SELECTRTRIM(UC.FirstName + ' ' + UC.LastName) AS 'FullName',
RP.Overall_Score AS 'AllCategories'
FROMRodResultPercentages RP
JOIN#UsersCompleted UC ON UC.SubmitID = RP.SubmitID

My problem is that #GroupConfidence already exists so in fact I have this code below:

CREATE TABLE #GroupConfidence
([FullName] [varchar] (200) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[SubmitID] [int] NOT NULL,
[GL_Score] [decimal](19, 10) NOT NULL,
[GP_Score] [decimal](19, 10) NOT NULL,
[GPH_Score] [decimal](19, 10) NOT NULL,
[DL_Score] [decimal](19, 10) NOT NULL,
[MP_Score] [decimal](19, 10) NOT NULL,
[Role_MI_Score] [decimal](19, 10) NOT NULL,
[Role_ASXRE_Score] [decimal](19, 10) NOT NULL,
[Role_APRA_Score] [decimal](19, 10) NOT NULL,
[AllCategories] [decimal](19, 10) NOT NULL

-- Insert the results into the #GroupConfidence table
SELECTRTRIM(UC.FirstName + ' ' + UC.LastName) AS 'FullName',
RP.Overall_Score AS 'AllCategories'
FROMRodResultPercentages RP
JOIN#UsersCompleted UC ON UC.SubmitID = RP.SubmitID

So I get this error: Server: Msg 2714, Level 16, State 1, Line 109
There is already an object named '#GroupConfidence' in the database.

Thanks in advance,


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Insert Temp Table Problem

Apr 11, 2008

Hi Everyone,

I insert data to #temp table by using 'select into'. Then I insert one extra row. when I select data, why it does not follow the order?
(the last insert should be in the last row but it becomes the first row)

Here is the simple script

Select name,code,dates into #temp From member Order By Dates

Insert #temp (name,code,dates)
select 'dave', '0', getdate()

select * from #temp

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Transact SQL :: Present Data In Presentation Layer After Removing Temp Table?

May 21, 2015

Inside of stored procedure you have the code

create table #datatable (id int,
name varchar(100),
email varchar(10),
phone varchar(10),
cellphone varchar(10),
none varchar(10)
insert into #datatable
exec ('select *
from datatable
where id = 1')
select * from #datatable

I still want to retrieve the data and present it in the software's presentation layer but I still want to remove the temp table in order to reduce performance issue etc.

If I paste the code DROP

TABLE #datatable after
insert into #datatable
exec ('select *
from datatable
where id = 1')

Does it gonna work to present the data in the presentation layer after removing the temp table?

The goal is to retrieve the data from a stored procedure and present it in the software's presentation layer and I still need to remove the temptable after using it because I will use the SP many time in production phase.


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Transact SQL :: Select 1000 Rows At A Time From / Into A Large Temp Table?

May 12, 2015

I am using SQL SERVER 2008R2, not Denali, so I cannot use OFFSET FETCH Clause.

In my stored procedure, I am doing a SELECT INTO #tblTemp FROM... Working fine. This resultset is going to be used in an SSIS package which will generate a pipe-delimited .txt file... Working fine.

For recoverability sake, I am trying to throttle back on the commit chunks to 1000 rows per commit until there are no more rows. I am trying to avoid large rollbacks.

Q: Am I supposed to handle the transactions (begin/commit/rollback/end trans) when the records are being inserted into the temp table? Or when they are being selected form the temp table?

Q: Or can I handle this in my SSIS package for a flat file destination? I don't see option for a flat file destination like I do for an OLE DB Destination (like Rows per batch, Maximum insert commit size).

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Insert Unique Rows In Temp Table

Nov 3, 2006

i have temp table name "#TempResult" with column names Memberid,Month,Year. Consider this temp table alredy has some rows from previuos query.  I have one more table name "Rebate" which also has columns MemberID,Month, Year and some more columns. Now i wanted to insert rows from "Rebate" Table into Temp Table where MemberID.Month and Year DOES NOT exist in Temp table.
MemberID + Month + Year should ne unique in Temp table

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Dec 2, 1999

Hi I have the following Stored Proc which works in SQL Server 6.5 but not in SQL Server 7.0. All this Stored Proc does is Create a temp table, execute the DBCC ShowContig on a table and insert the results of the DBCC into a temp table. What am I missing. Thanks.

The code of the Stored Proc is:

/* This Stored Procedure Creates a temp table. (Step 1) */
/* Initializes a local variable @StirngToBeExecuted with */
/* a DBCC command. (Step 2) */
/* Step 3. The Command is Executed and the results of the */
/* DBCC command is inserted into Temp Table. */
/* Step 4. The results of the Temp table are shown on the */
/* Screen. */

/* This SQL Works Fine in SQL Server Version 6.5 */
/* In SQL Server 7.0 the results of the DBCC command is */
/* NOT getting inserted into the Temp table. WHY??? */

IF EXISTS (SELECT * from sysobjects where id = object_id('dbo.Test_sp') and sysstat & 0xf = 4)
drop procedure dbo.Test_sp




@StirngToBeExecuted Varchar(100)

CREATE TABLE #temp( -- Step 1
OutputOfExecute Varchar(255)

-- Step 2
SELECT @StirngToBeExecuted = 'DBCC SHOWCONTIG (123456789)'

INTO #temp exec (@StirngToBeExecuted) -- Step 3

SELECT * FROM #temp -- Step 4

DROP TABLE #temp --Drop the Temp Table

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SQL 2012 :: How Many Records Can Insert Into A Temp Table

Mar 25, 2014

I use code below to insert data into a temp table.

How many records can insert into a temp table?

Select * into #temp from ORDER

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Insert Into Temp Table Based On If Condition

Apr 12, 2006

hello all,this might be simple:I populate a temp table based on a condition from another table:select @condition = condition from table1 where id=1 [this will giveme either 0 or 1]in my stored procedure I want to do this:if @condition = 0beginselect * into #tmp_tablefrom products pinner joinsales s on p.p_data = s.p_dataendelsebeginselect * into #tmp_tablefrom products pleft joinsales s on p.p_data = s.p_dataendTha above query would not work since SQL thinks I am trying to use thesame temp table twice.As you can see the major thing that gets effected with the condictionbeing 0/1 is the join (inner or outer). The actual SQL is much biggerwith other joins but the only thing changing in the 2 sql's is the joinbetween products and sales tables.any ideas gurus on how to use different sql's into temp table based onthe condition?thanksadi

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Transact SQL :: Getting Data From External Assembly Into Temp Table Inside Stored Procedure

Oct 8, 2015

I have a Custom .net assembly which retrieves some data, basically just a set of data containing, ID, value,

I need my stored procedure to return this data as a table.

My question what/how is fastest way to do this, my assembly can return anything you want, a datatable, a hashtable, list of(class) etc..

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Select From Multiple Tables, Insert In Temp Table

Feb 18, 2004

What's the best way to go about inserting data from several tables that all contain the same type of data I want to store (employeeID, employerID, date.. etc) into a temp table based on a select query that filters each table's data?

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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