Updating A Table With Another Table's Contents

Feb 10, 2005

If I have a table with three fields (A, B, C) and 'A' is a primary key, 'B' and 'C' do not have any content and another table with the same number of fields contains the same fields(A, B, C) and the fields do contain data.

I want to populate the first table with the data from the second table where the primary key 'A' is equal.

How would the sql work?

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Looping Thru A Table And Updating The Contents

Nov 8, 2007

Hello, Its hard trying to explain this.
I have 3 tables
Table 1 is where the users are stored, each user has a username and a userrank
Table 2 is where the points that decides the userrank are stored
Table 3 contains the available userranks like this
Table 1 (user_list) looks briefly like this:username nvarchar(20),userrank int, -- Reference to Table3 id... alot more fields
Table 2 (settings_profile) looks like this:username nvarchar(20),total_active_points int,... some more fields
Table 3 (data_ranks) looks like this:id int primary key auto inc,rankname nvarchar(20),min_pts int,max_pts int
Points get added to table 2 whenever they do something that generates points on the site. Points also get withdrawn every 7 days, so a user can only collect points for 7 days, on the 8th day, all points he earned on the 1st day is reduced from the current points with this code:
WHILE (SELECT @username = username, @id = id, @temp1 = ap_sentmails, @temp2 = ap_createdthreads, @temp3 = ap_createdanswers, @temp4 = ap_signguestbook, @temp5 = ap_blogcomment, @temp6 = ap_createblogentry, @temp7 = ap_profilefirsttime, @temp8 = ap_profilephoto, @temp9 = ap_activateguestbook, @temp10 = ap_addnewfriend, @temp11 = ap_superguruvote, @temp12 = ap_forumtopicvote, @temp13 = ap_labervote, @temp14 = ap_funstuffitemvote, @temp15 = ap_movievote, @temp16 = ap_actorvote, @temp17 = ap_money_new WHERE (created < Dateadd(dd, -7, @todaysdate))BEGINSET @sum = 0SET @sum = @temp1 + @temp2 + @temp3 + @temp4 + @temp5 + @temp6 + @temp7 + @temp8 + @temp9 + @temp10 + @temp11 + @temp12 + @temp13 + @temp14 + @temp15 + @temp16 + @temp17UPDATE settings_profile SET total_active_points = total_active_points - @sum WHERE (username = @username)DELETE FROM konto_daylist WHERE (id = @id)END
Now my question is this, i want to loop thru the table A, collect all usernames inside of it, then run it against table b and table c to determine the current rank of the user.Something like this...
DECLARE @username nvarchar(20)DECLARE @pts int, @rank int
...something that starts a loop thru table A (user_list) and get the username into @username...
SELECT @pts = total_active_points  FROM settings_profile WHERE (username = @username)-- Determine the rank here, by compairing the points the user have against the pointstabel in table data_ranksSELECT @rank = id FROM data_ranks WHERE (pts_min => @pts AND pts_max < @pts)UPDATE user_list SET rank = @rank WHERE (username = @username)
...next persion in the loop...
This SP runs once a day and will first reduce the points from 8days ago, then it will run thru all the users and determine their new rank...
But how do i loop thru all the users? with a cursor?

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Updating /replacing Contents Of The Table

Jun 11, 2007

Is it possible to do an update * where in we update all the contents of the table after selecting specific rows of the same table.

for ex:

create table #Result(rowid int identity(1,1),cust_no int,companyname varchar(100),address varchar(200),zip varchar(9));

insert into #Result(cust_no,companyname,address,zip)
where (customertype='r' and customer.comp_id ='11')
group by customer.cust_no, customer.company

select * from #Result where customerstatus='s';

after this i want to update/replace the #Result with whatever results I have from the select statment.

Thanks for your replies.

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Print Table Contents

Jul 19, 2006


I want to have a print of table records in sql server express.

I went several locations, but File|Print item didn't on.

How can i print table contents in sql express environment ?

Thank you for helping me.

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Database Automatically Creates Xxx_Temp Table While Modifying / Updating Table Structure .

Dec 16, 2007

Hello friends,

I am new to the SQL Server 2005 development.

From last 1 week or so, i have been facing very strange problem with my sql server 2005s database
which is configured and set on the hosting web server. Right now for managing my sql server 2005 database,
i am using an web based Control Panel developed by my hosting company.

Problem i am facing is that, whenever i try to modify (i.e. add new columns) tables in the database,
it gives me error saying that,

"There is already an object named 'PK_xxx_Temp' in the database. Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider".

where xxx is the table name.

I have done quite a bit research on the problem and have also searched on the net for solution but still
the problem persist.

Thanks in advance. Any help will be appreciated.

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Move A Table (and Its Contents!) To Another Database

Jan 23, 2007

I am relatively new to this stuff.
I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express  (9.00.1399.00)
Can someone tell me the way to get a table and its content to another database (I use two at webhosts4life)
Or perhaps a way to export the data of a table so I can do it at a later stage.
Is that at all possible with this program or do I have to use the non-express version?
Thanks in advance,

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How DO I Generate A Table Of Contents For A Report??

Aug 28, 2006


Can anybody help me with the generation of Table of Contents for a report using SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. Let me ellaborate. The scenerio is...i m having a report of lets say 500 pages grouped on employees, showing the performance of each employee between specific date range. Now if the manager prints the report of 500 pages he will be more intersted to jump directly to a perticular employee's page which means my printed report had to have a Table of Contents on my grouped criteria (which in this case is employee number). I would really appriciate if someone can suggest me a solution for this.

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How To Create INSERT Query For Contents Of Table

Oct 5, 2007

Using Sql Server 2005 Express and Management Studio I need to create
a SQL insert statement for the contents of a table (FullDocuments) so
that I can run the query on another server with that same table schema
(FullDocuments) and the contents will automatically be inserted into
the new instance of the FullDocuments table.In Management Studio
I have used "Script Table as" for the create table query.  The
second instance of FullDocuments has been created on the remote
server.  Now how do I generate an insert query for the contents of
FullDocuments so that the contents can be moved/inserted to the new
instance of the table?Thanks for any help provided.  

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Reading And Editing Sql Server 6.5 Table Contents

Aug 17, 2000

What is the best way to read and edit data in the tables of a sql server 6.5 database?



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Perform A Query That Will Merge Contents Of Various Table

Aug 27, 2012

I am trying to perform a query in SQL that will merge the contents of various table, using search criteria to narrow down the results. All of the tables have the exact same fields, and the search criteria is the same for all of them. What I am looking for is the most efficient way to perform this. I am using SQL stored procedures, and passing the results into my code. Note that in my real-world scenario there are more than three tables.

1) Merge all the tables into one and then perform the search criteria:
(SELECT a, b, c FROM Table1
SELECT a, b, c FROM Table2

2) Perform the search criteria on each table and merge the results

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DB Engine :: Delete All Remote Table Contents

Jun 24, 2015

I'm copying date from a  sql server 2000 table to a sql server 2008 R2 table using a Linked Server.I need to be sure the remote table is correct before processing it.I first delete all the remote table contents and after that, I insert into remote_table from local_tableWhat happens if the communication is interrupted during the insert?I mean, Can I be sure all records were copied just checking if record count > 0 ?

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Comparing Contents Of One Row To Multiple Rows In Another Table?

Jul 31, 2007


I've a bunch of records that may contain data that I'm after. For example:

This is a fake title [electronic resource]. 1997.

I have a very small table (~10 rows) of things like '[electronic resource]'

Is there any way to see if my record contains any of the 'target' items in the other table?

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Hiding Table Contents Without Sacrificing Too Much On Performance?

Sep 16, 2006

An application uses a database table having proprietary information. We do not want our customer to be able to look at that.
This being a real-time application, performance can not be sacrificed. What is the best way to keep the table data non-viewable without sacrificing the performance?

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Updating A Table Data From Another Table Using Sql Server 2000

Jun 4, 2008

Hi All,
I have a Problem while updating one table data from another table's data using sql server 2000.
I have 2 tables named TableA(PID,SID,MinForms) , TableB(PID,SID,MinForms)
I need to update TableA with TableB's data using a single query that i have including in a stored procedure.

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Trigger For Updating Value On One Table When That Value Is Updated On Base Table

Jul 30, 2015

If the id1 will change in table1 it should also change the corresponding id1 field in table2 it does not do anything.

ON [dbo].[table1]
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

[Code] .....

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SQL Server 2014 :: Updating A Column In One Table From Another Table

Dec 23, 2013

We have two tables with names X and Y.

X has a,b columns. And Y has c,d columns.

I want to update b column in X table with the values from d column in Y table on condition X.a=Y.c.

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Updating A Table By Both Inserting And Updating In The Data Flow

Sep 21, 2006

I am very new to SQL Server 2005. I have created a package to load data from a flat delimited file to a database table. The initial load has worked. However, in the future, I will have flat files used to update the table. Some of the records will need to be inserted and some will need to update existing rows. I am trying to do this from SSIS. However, I am very lost as to how to do this.

Any suggestions?

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Viewing #temp Table Contents While Debugging In .NET Debugger

Apr 17, 2003

I am using MSSQL 2000 and trying to debug a stored procedure that has a #temp table in it. I am using the .NET SQL debugger and I would like to display or view the contents of the #temp table while debugging. Does anyone know how to do this?

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SQL Server 2008 :: Migrate Contents Of Large Table From One DB To Another?

Mar 3, 2015

I have a large table containing about 800 million rows with an average row length of about 1K. The columns in the table are char columns. I need to move the contents of this table into a similar table where the target columns are varchar. The original table column definitions are compatible with the target table but the reverse is not necessarily true. For example, one column is being changed from int to bigint. The table is partitioned.

So, what is the fastest way to migrate the data. I was thinking to unload each partition into a flat file and load the target table running multiple load streams? Is this a good way?

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Need Help In Copying A Temp Tables Contents To A Existing Table

Nov 8, 2006

I have a real table with an identity column and a trigger to populate this column.

I need to import / massage data for data loads from a different format, so I have a temp table defined that contains only the columns that are represented in the data file so I can bulk insert.

I then alter this table to add all the other columns so that it reflects all the columns in the real table. I then populate all the values so that this contains the data I need.

I then want to insert into the real table pushing the data from the temp table, however this gives me errors stating that the query returned multiple rows.

I specified all the columns in the insert grouping as well as on the select from the temp table.

ANY thoughts / comments are appreciated. This is beginning to drive me nuts.


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Updating Table Referencing 2nd Table Using Case

Feb 9, 2008


Im trying to create an update statement which references two tables (join) and has a CASE clause attached. Not sure where im going wrong...

Using T-sql!!!

update import set import.gone =
from import
inner join stat
ON stat.id = import.id
WHEN stat.A = import.field2 THEN import.gone = sec.A
WHEN stat.B = import.field2 THEN import.gone = sec.B
WHEN stat.C = import.field2 THEN import.gone = sec.C
WHEN stat.D = import.field2 THEN import.gone = sec.D
WHEN stat.E = import.field2 THEN import.gone = sec.E
WHEN stat.F = import.field2 THEN import.gone = sec.F
ELSE import.gone = null

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Updating A Table With Data From A Temp Table

Oct 19, 2007

I am trying to update a table in one database with data from a temporary table which i created in the tempdb.

I want to update field1 in the table with the tempfield1 from the #temp_table

The code looks something like this:

Use master
UPDATE [dbname].dbo.table
SET [dbname].dbo.table.field1 = [tempdb].dbo.#temp_table.tempfield1
WHERE ( [dbname].dbo.table.field2= [tempdb].dbo.#temp_table.tempfield2
AND [dbname].dbo.table.field3= [tempdb].dbo.#temp_table.tempfield3
AND [dbname].dbo.table.field4= [tempdb].dbo.#temp_table.tempfield4)

I get the following error:
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
The multi-part identifier "tempdb.dbo.#temp_table.tempfield2" could not be bound.
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
The multi-part identifier "tempdb.dbo.#temp_table.tempfield3" could not be bound.
Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
The multi-part identifier "tempdb.dbo.#temp_table.tempfield4" could not be bound.

What is wrong?

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Create A Table Of Contents Based On Report Items From A List Control

Apr 28, 2008

What are the options to create a table of contents based on the report items in a List Control? Document Mapping works for online viewing. A table of content would make the report easier to read when it's printed.

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.

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Updating Table 1 From Table 2 Question

Aug 29, 2007

I’m a complete newbie so forgive this question. If i have 2 tables  Table 1 has the columns for NNAME, PHNUM, SSN, DOB, JOB, UPDATED however the Job description is emptyTable2 has the columns for SSN and JOB
The question is, how I write an update statement that looks at the SSN in table2 matches it to SSN in table 1 and fills in the job description for that person in table1 and adds yes to the UPDATED field.
I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 25,000 records to update.any help would be greatly appreciated.Thank YouAdam 

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Updating A Column In One Table From Another Table

Dec 23, 2013

We have two tables with names X and Y.

X has a,b columns. And Y has c,d columns.

I want to update b column in X table with the values from d column in Y table on condition X.a=Y.c.

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Updating A Table From A Temp Table

Jun 6, 2007

Hello all.

I have a temp table called #JOB which i know contains data (i can select from it and it shows about 30 rows). The problem is when i am trying to update another table with the contents of the temp table...........query analyser tells me no rows have been updated.

here is the code i am using:


Does anyone have any ideas where i am going wrong? Cheers in advance.

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Updating Fact Table Field From Source Table Field

Apr 11, 2008


I have source table , fact table and four dim. tables , I have to update a field in fact table from source table.

How can I do it?


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Updating One Table From Another Table?

Dec 2, 2013

have two tables. One table "Seg" divides the day into 3 times segments for each studyID (SID). Each time segment start and ends at different times for each study ID.

SIDSeg1 Seg2 Seg3

Table 2 "Data" holds data collected at every minute for each study id. I would like to update this table (Data) so it specifies which time segment each minute falls into based on table "Seg". So it would have to read in the times from "Seg" and update the column Segment in "data" table to reflect which segment category it falls under. I would like my "data" table to look like this after the query:

SIDTime Segment

I know I can do this in Python using cursors, but can this be done in SQL?

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Updating A Table Using Another Table

Dec 28, 2006

I'm trying to update Field4 and Field5 of a TableToUpdate when some fields of Table_Guide are responding to a logic x
Table_Guide has Field1 and Field2 as primary key an so has TableToUpdate

I made the following ActiveX in the DTS transformation between
DTSsource and DTS destination

Functin Main()

if (DTSSource("PTF")) > "0" THEN
IF (DTSSource("SEGMENTO")) > "0" THEN
DTSDestination("CAMPO_N1") = DTSSource("SEGMENTO")
DTSDestination("PTF_CLIENTE_OLD") = DTSSource("PTF")
if (DTSSource("SEGMENTO")) = "0" THEN
DTSDestination("CAMPO_N1") = DSDestination("SEGMENTO_CLIENTE")
DTSDestination("PTF_CLIENTE_OLD") = DTSSource("PTF")
ELSE msgbox "errore: segmento non valido, da sviluppare(inserisci il record scartato in una Tabella_Scartati)"
IF (DTSSource("PTF")) = "0" THEN
IF (DTSSource("SEGMENTO")) > "0" THEN
DTSDestination("CAMPO_N1") = DTSSource("SEGMENTO")
DTSDestination("PTF_CLIENTE_OLD") = "0"
if (DTSSource("SEGMENTO")) = "0" THEN
DTSDestination("CAMPO_N1") = TSDestination("SEGMENTO_CLIENTE")
DTSDestination("PTF_CLIENTE_OLD") = DTSDestination("PTF_CLIENTE_OLD")
ELSE msgbox "errore: segmento non valido, da sviluppare(inserisci il record scartato in una Tabella_Scartati) "
msgbox "errore: PTF non valido, da sviluppare(inserisci il record scartato in una Tabella_Scartati) "

'Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
Main = DTSTransformStat_OK
End Function


It works without errors but don't update. It simply add as much rows as Table_Guide

How can I do?

Alternatively, I try to write an update query but it seems I can't refer to Table_Guide in the -----update instruction...


Thank you.

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Updating A Table

Aug 22, 2004

I want to write trigger code to update values in table1 to table2.
ALTER, CREATE, DROP cannot be used in a trigger, I guess.

ID, Name, Asset, Date, Active
1, A, 10 , 01/08/04 Y
1, B, 16 , 06/08/04 Y
1, C, 12 , 07/08/04 Y
1, D, 13 , 10/08/04 Y
2, E, 10 , 15/08/04 Y
2, F, 11 , 16/08/04 Y
2, Y, 12 , 01/08/04 N
2, G, 15 , 17/08/04 Y
3, H, 13 , 19/08/04 Y
3, I, 15 , 02/08/04 N

Table2 after update
ID, Name1, Asset1, Date1, Name2, Asset2, Date2, Name3, Asset3, Date3, Name4, Asset4, Date4
2,F,11,16/08/04,E,10,15/08/04,blank,blank, blank..
3,H,13,19/08/04,blank, blank...

As you can see, code must select only active('Y') names in table1 arrange in descending order of asset for each ID and updates(or insert into?)table2.
Please help me with code

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Updating Table From One Db To Another

Jan 18, 2006

How do I update a table from another table which resides in a different database but on the same server. Example Update table a which is in database 1 from table b which is database 2. Please help I need this as soon as possible. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.

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Updating A Table

Nov 14, 2006

i have 3 following tables

Accidents, Vehicles, Casualties. the relationship is many vehicles to an accident and many casualties to a an accident.

I have one new table which will contain all the vehicles related to all accidents. however i want to be able put in all casualties that every vehicle is related to..so within the new table, there are three severities of casualties
column severity1 severity2 severity3

For every vehicle where there is 0 or more casualties I want to be able put a (total )number for each category of casualty( severity in the VehicleDeatils table ) into the columns in vehicledriverdetails

how can i do this?? i dont want ot have to manually update every single entry one by one...

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Updating A Table From Another

Jul 5, 2005

I am trying to update one table with information from another - which became corrupt. The data layout is the same. cand_id below is the key, and thus can only returnb a single value. Any help is most appreciated. Thanks. This is the attempt I took:

update mwm.jf_candidates C

set c.ed_occ = x.ed_occ

from mwm.jf_candidates C, mwm.jf_candidates_corrupt X

where c.cand_id = x.cand_id

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