How To List The Records Of A Select

Nov 14, 2005

Hi world,Normally we receive the results of a query in several or thousands of rows. Select * From Clients-------------------------Row1. Client1Row2. Client2....Which is the the way to have everything on the same row separated by commas?Row1. Client1, Client2...thxDavid

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Select List Contains More Items Than Insert List

Mar 21, 2008

I have a select list of fields that I need to select to get the results I need, however, I would like to insert only a chosen few of these fields into a table. I am getting the error, "The select list for the INSERT statement contains more items than the insert list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns."
How can I do this?

Insert Query:
tri_Ldg_Tran.CLM_ID AS PTicketNum,
tri_ClaimChg.Line_No AS PLineNum,
tri_Ldg_Tran.Tran_Amount AS PAmount,

CASE WHEN tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMMarsPaymentTypeCode = 'PATPMT'
THEN tri_ldg_tran.tran_amount * tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMMultiplier

tri_Ldg_Tran.Create_Date AS PDepositDate,
tri_Ldg_Tran.Tran_Date AS PEntryDate,
tri_ClaimChg.Hsp_Code AS PHCPCCode,
FROM [AO2AO2].MARS_SYS.DBO.tln_PaymentTypeMappings tln_PaymentTypeMappings RIGHT OUTER JOIN
qs_new_pmt_type ON tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMClientPaymentDesc =
qs_new_pmt_type.New_Pmt_Type RIGHT OUTER JOIN
tri_ClaimChg ON tri_IDENT.Pat_Id1 =
tri_ClaimChg.Pat_ID1 ON tri_Ldg_Tran.PRS_ID =
tri_ClaimChg.PRS_ID AND
tri_Ldg_Tran.Chg_TRN_ID =
AND tri_Ldg_Tran.Pat_ID1 = tri_IDENT.Pat_Id1 LEFT OUTER JOIN
tri_Payer ON tri_Ldg_Tran.Payer_ID
= tri_Payer.Payer_ID ON qs_new_pmt_type.Pay_Type
= tri_Ldg_Tran.Pay_Type AND
qs_new_pmt_type.Tran_Type = tri_Ldg_Tran.Tran_Type
WHERE (tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMMarsPaymentTypeCode <> N'Chg')
AND (tln_PaymentTypeMappings.PTMClientCode = 'SR')
AND (tri_ClaimChg.Primary_Claim = 1)
AND (tri_IDENT.Version = 0)

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HOW To Select A Matrix (cross Join) With Empty Records To Retrieve The Same Amount Of Records For Each Cell

Nov 2, 2006


Im searching for a solution to set all matrix row or cell the same height.
it schoud looks like this example:

This is a simple matrix

test a

text b

text c

text d

text e

text f

text g

This is a matrix with all the same row-height.

test a

text b


text c


text d

text e

text f

text g



Thx you a lot

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Retreiving Records If The Ff. Field Is On A List..

Jun 23, 2008

hello dudes. i've got the following table:

table name: assassins

assassinid int, identity, primary key
assassinname nvarchar
assassincallsign nvarchar
knifekills int
sniperkills int
stealthkills int
fibergarotekills int

sample data:
1, Dana White, tapout, 12, 0, 12, 1
2, Chuck Liddell, iceman, 30, 0, 0, 2
3, Timothy Oliphant, FortySeven, 100, 20, 150, 30

supposed i want to retreive only those records whose type of kills is on a given list, how do i do that? the list is actually dynamic since the kill types is actually coming from a checkbox on my page:
[] Knife Kills
[] Sniper Kills
[] Stealth Kills
[] Fibergarrote Kills

supposed i will only check Knife Kills, it will only retreive those records whose knifekills > 0

or if i check Snipers Kills and Stealth Kills, then those records whose sniperkills and stealthkills is > 0.

any of you know how to do that?

U + U + D + D + L + R + L + R + Sel + Start...

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Syntax To Add Records If Primary Key = List

Sep 21, 2005

I am new to SQL administration.[color=blue]>From a list of IDs that are the primary key in one table (i.e. Customer[/color]Table), I want to make changes in tables that use those IDs as aforeign key.Basically I want to say:If fk_ID is in list [1,2,3,4,5] thendo these statements to that recordEnd ifWhere do I begin?Thanks for help with this low-level view of SQL programming.-tom

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MSSQL Query To List Out Unique Records

May 22, 2008

 hilet me explain my need..following are the tables im using..tbl_company (company table - parent)    id    company    1    test    2    test123    tbl_dept (department table - master)    id    dept    1    dept1    2    dept2tbl_compdept (company departments table - child)    cmpid    deptid    1            1    2            1    2            2    wats my need is.. while the company is query using joins, result was like        depttest                dept1test123           dept1test123           dept2i need company test123 should be listd only once..when i use group by or distinct means, all r there any way to filter out therepeating company list by just listing the company list only once..

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How To: Create A SELECT To Select Records From A Table Based On The First Letter.......

Aug 16, 2007

Dear All
I need to cerate a SP that SELECTS all the records from a table WHERE the first letter of each records starts with 'A' or 'B' or 'C' and so on. The letter is passed via a parameter from a aspx web page, I was wondering that someone can help me in the what TSQL to use I am not looking for a solution just a poin in the right direction. Can you help.
Thanks Ross

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DB Design :: Update List Of Records In A Table With New Value Depending On Old Value

Jun 15, 2015

I have a table called acc1152 with the field accno. depending on what the value of this field is, i need to replace it with a new value. These are the values i need to update

old value new value
7007 4007
7008 4008
4008 7
7009 4009
7011 4011
4011 ' '
7010 4010
4010 1
7016 4016
4016 1
4506 4006
4512 4012

how do I write one query that will accomplish this?

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Transact SQL :: Get Query By Selecting Month From Dropdown List And Display Records?

Oct 8, 2015

Im trying to get query by selecting the month from dropdownlist and display the records .by using the below query I need to enter the date in tecxtboc then it will show the output

select Standard, Total, MonthName
from (SELECT Standard, COUNT(Standard) AS Total,
datename(month, ReportDate) as [MonthName]
FROM CPTable where
ReportDate >= @ReportDate

[Code] .....

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SQL Select Statement To Select The Last Ten Records Posted

Aug 6, 2007

SELECT Top 10    Name, Contact AS DCC, DateAdded AS DateTimeFROM         NameTaORDER BY DateAdded DESC
I'm trying to right a sql statement for a gridview, I want to see the last ten records added to the to the database.  As you know each day someone could add one or two records, how can I write it show the last 10 records entered.

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Select Where 'in' A List

Aug 3, 2007

I have done queries before where you have something like this:
 Select name
From people
Where uid in (Select UID from employees where salary > 500000)
 as an example.
I have to use stored procedures, I can't connect directly...
I have a datatable of records that I select from a database. In the database table there is a flag 'checkedOut' (bit field) wich I want to set to true (1) for each of these records.
Since I have to use stored procedures I think I am limited to passing in parameters. I wrote a function using a stringbuilder to concatonate the key fields into a comma delimited list "1, 55, 98" etc. and thought to use it as the clause in the 'in' sample ie:Update ServiceRequests set
CheckedOut = 1
Where UID in (@UIDList)

 I have tried a few different things, none works.
Any ideas how you might accomplish this with stored procedures?
The records are passed to a thread to be dealt with and it's possible the next time it runs it will pick up the same records for processing if the first thread isn't through. I needed the 'CheckedOut' to ensure I don't accidentally do that.

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Debug Stored Procedure That Uses Comma Delimited List To Insert Multiple Records

Jan 18, 2006

I need some help with a stored procedure to insert multiple rows into a join table from a checkboxlist on a form. The database structure has 3 tables - Products, Files, and ProductFiles(join). From a formview users are able to upload files to the server. The formview has a products checkboxlist where the user selects all products a file they are uploading applies too. I parse the selected values of the checkboxlist into a comma delimited list that is then passed with other parameters to the stored proc. If only one value is selected in the checkboxlist then the spproc executed correctly. Also, if i run sql profiler i can confirm that the that is passing the correct information to the sproc:
exec proc_Add_Product_Files @FileName = N'This is just a test.doc', @FileDescription = N'test', @FileSize = 24064, @LanguageID = NULL, @DocumentCategoryID = 1, @ComplianceID = NULL, @SubmittedBy = N'Kevin McPhail', @SubmittedDate = 'Jan 18 2006 12:00:00:000AM', @ProductID = N'10,11,8'
Here is the stored proc it is based on an article posted in another newsgroup on handling lists in a stored proc. Obviously there was something in the article i did not understand correctly or the author left something out that most people probably already know (I am fairly new to stored procs)
CREATE PROCEDURE proc_Add_Product_Files_v2/*Declare variables for the stored procedure. ProductID is a varchar because it will receive a comma,delimited list of values from the webform and then insert a rowinto productfiles for each product that the file being uploaded pertains to. */@FileName varchar(150),@FileDescription varchar(150),@FileSize int,@LanguageID int,@DocumentCategoryID int,@ComplianceID int,@SubmittedBy varchar(50),@SubmittedDate datetime,@ProductID varchar(150)
/*Insert into the files table and retrieve the primary key of the new record using @@identity*/ INSERT INTO Files (FileName, FileDescription, FileSize, LanguageID, DocumentCategoryID, ComplianceID, SubmittedBy, SubmittedDate) Values (@FileName, @FileDescription, @FileSize, @LanguageID, @DocumentCategoryID, @ComplianceID, @SubmittedBy, @SubmittedDate)
 Select @FileID=@@Identity
/*Uses dynamic sql to insert the comma delimited list of productids into the productfiles table.*/ DECLARE @ProductFilesInsert varchar(2000)
 SET @ProductFilesInsert = 'INSERT INTO ProductFiles (FileID, ProductID) SELECT  ' + CONVERT(varchar,@FileID) + ', Product1ID FROM Products WHERE Product1ID IN (' + @ProductID + ')'  exec(@ProductFilesInsert) EndGO

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How To Select From A List Of Values

Jun 21, 2006

Hi all. I need to create a select query in my program that will select from a list of values that are stored in a dataset. Let see this example:
selectcmd = "Select * from mytable where myfile =" ???????
cmd = New SqlCommand(selectCmd, da.SelectCommand.Connection)
The values I need to put on ????? are stored in a dataset. For example if the dataset is populated with the following values:
I would like to build a query like that:
selectcmd = "Select * from mytable where myfile = ‘A’ or ‘B’ or ‘C’ or ‘D’ or ‘E’ “
How can I do that?

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SELECT Using All Items From List

Nov 7, 2006

I need to create a stored procedure that takes a list of product
numbers(541, 456, CE6050,...) and selects only the customers that have
all product numbers in the list. I have a product table that has the
following schema:

rowid numeric(18,0),productNumber numeric(5,0),customerNumber numeric(5,0)

and a customer table:

customerNumber numeric(5,0),address varchar(50),contact varchar(50)

So a customer can have more than one product, but I need a select
statement that takes the product numbers and selects them against the
product table and returns only the customerNumbers that have the entire
list of product numbers. I have tried doing a join on the product list and productNumber, then join with the customer table on customerNumber, but that gets any entires found in the list not the entries that have all the product numbers.  Thanks in advance for any help.

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SELECT IN List Query

Apr 2, 2008

I have a table that has a list of skills, ie "HP One", "HP Two"

I need to pass the these skills from my applications search page to a stored procedure, hence I have a snippet of the SP below.

DECLARE @SkillSet NVarChar (200)
SET @SkillSet = '-HP One-,-HP Two-'
SET @SkillSet = Replace(@SkillSet, '-', '''')
SELECT * FROM CPSkillMatrixLevels WHERE SkillMatrixLevelName IN (@SkillSet)

The following sp does not return any results, but when i set the last line to ..

SELECT * FROM CPSkillMatrixLevels WHERE SkillMatrixLevelName IN ('HP One', 'HP Two')

It returns a set of results. Also when I do a select on the variable @SkillSet, ie SELECT @SkillSet, it displays 'HP One', 'HP Two'

Can enybody help me here, i Know i'm doing something wrong, but I cant think of what it is.


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Select With From Database With A List Of Parameters

May 15, 2008

Hi, i have a big problem. I´m having trouble with the select statement in SQL query language. The problem is that I need to retrieve various data from database and the input object is a list. The simple way of doing this is:SELECT <return values>FROM <datatable name>WHERE (<select data parameter>)My problem is that my where parameter needs to be an array list. The simple way of solving the problem would be using a for statement in my c# code and call my store procedure various times, but my array list can be too long and take a long time to connect and search data for each statement, so I need to access the database once.Can anybody help; I would appreciate it very much thx, Malcolm


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Creare A SP With A List Of Insert Using A Select

May 25, 2008

Hi, I would like to create a Stored Procedure for obtain a list of insert using the information of a select queryI have to do X insert for days, using my start selectConstant : start dayx insert for each day  if in my select I obtain 550 records and x = 100I've to do 100 insert for day with information of the selectplease note that in the final day I have to insert only 50 records and not 100 (500 and 100 are not mutiples) Thanks

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Select Statement For Dropdown List

Apr 4, 2006

I have a dropdown list that is populated by two columns in a (firstname+surname) AS Fullname from table where id = 'id';
It works fine but i want to know how i would get a space between the firstname and the surname because at the moment all the values come back as JoeBloggs....without any spaces

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SELECT Statement From A List Of Values?

Jul 12, 2012

I would like to write a select statement where I specify a list of values in the 'Select' line, and would like the output to have one line for each element.

I tried using Case with no success.

For example:

Select, a.timestamp, ('rowA','rowB') as 'Tag' from tableOne a where = '1'

So the 'where' line would produce one row, however, the overall statement would produce two.

ID TimeStamp Tag
1 2012-12-12 rowA
1 2012-12-12 rowB

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Select From A List Of Tables And Columns

Nov 26, 2014

The following returns all base tables within the database of type "varchar":

SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA, TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME FROM mydb.information_schema.columns
AND DATA_TYPE IN('varchar')"
SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM mydb.information_schema.tables

What I then want to do is... For each of these results:

WHERE ID = 'test'

Is it possible to do this in one SQL command? Or do I manually have to do it for each in the list from my first query?

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Partial Duplicates And Select List

Apr 22, 2008

I have a table with DiscNo, Artist, Title and other fields. I would like to find all duplicate records with the same artist/title and with the first 3 characters of the discnumber. e.g.

SELECT Artist, Title Into #TempArtistTitle FROM MediaFile GROUP BY Artist, Title
HAVING COUNT(SubString(DiscNo, 0, 3)) > 1

SELECT MediaFile.DiscNo, MediaFile.Artist, MediaFile.Title FROM MediaFile RIGHT OUTER JOIN #TempArtistTitle
ON MediaFile.Title = #TempArtistTitle.Title AND MediaFile.Artist = #TempArtistTitle.Artist
ORDER BY Artist, Title, DiscNo

Drop TABLE #TempArtistTitle

See, if the first 3 characters of the disc number is the same, it is the same manufacturer. This query works somewhat, although it returns records that the discnumber is unique too. Like below, the LG disc number shouldn't be returned, as there is only one record for that artist/title.

SC8151-10 - Garth Brooks - Friends In Low Places
SC8125-04 - Garth Brooks - Friends In Low Places
LG5003-07 - Garth Brooks - Friends In Low Places

Could someone help me please?

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Select List Split By Comma

Oct 29, 2014

i have a list of data as below:

Company Email

i would like to write a query to list out as below where select the company A,, ...

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Comparison Operator In Select List

Jun 22, 2006

I want to create a column alias to represent the comparison of twocolumns (ie a boolean result of True or False). A simple example is:Select VehicleFinanceID, SalePrice > PurchasePrice As isProfit[color=blue]>From VehicleFinance[/color]but I get an error 'Incorrect syntax near >'Books online states that the select_list can contain column_name orexpressionAn expression is a column name, constant, function, any combination ofcolumn names, constants and functions connected by an operator[color=blue]> is a binary operator[/color]So why do I get this error.Incidentally, if I use an arithmetic operator such as +, there is noproblem.

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ORDER BY Columns In SELECT List?

Jul 20, 2005

According to BOL, columns in an ORDER BY clause do not have to be in the SELECTcolumn list unless the SELECT includes DISTINCT, or the UNION operator.Is this a SQL Server thing, or SQL standard behavior? That is, if I were to writeabsolutely pure SQL-92, must columns in the ORDER BY clause be present in the SELECTlist?

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How To Select A Default Value From A List In A Parameter

Jan 4, 2007

I have a report with a dataset/parameter to select the salesperson.

SELECT DISTINCT [DatabaseName$Sales Shipment Header].[Salesperson Code], [DatabaseName$Salesperson_Purchaser].Name, 1 AS SortID
FROM [DatabaseName$Salesperson_Purchaser] RIGHT OUTER JOIN
[DatabaseName$Sales Shipment Header] ON
[DatabaseName$Salesperson_Purchaser].Code = [DatabaseName$Sales Shipment Header].[Salesperson Code]
SELECT NULL AS [Salesperson Code], 'Alle salespersons' AS Name, 0 AS SortID
ORDER BY SortID, [DatabaseName$Salesperson_Purchaser].Name

In the preview mode the "All salespersons" is selected. When I deploy I see in the web user interface "<Select a Value>". The second choice is "All salespersons".

Is there a way to see "All salespersons" in the web user interface? How do I select a default value from my dataset of salespersons?

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Transact SQL :: Using EXISTS In SELECT List

Feb 18, 2010

I am trying to determine the existence of at least one row in my Detail table using EXISTS in my SELECT list from my Main table.SELECT M.ID,EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM Detail D WHERE D.ID = M.ID) as HasDataFROM Main MCan this be done this way?I was hoping that using EXISTS would find a row and move on thus increasing performance.

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How Will I Create A Delimited List In A SELECT Query?

Jun 10, 2007

SELECT FriendName from Friends where RegionId = 23
I would like to create a comma delimited list of 'FriendName' column values in above query (example - Mike,John,Lisa,Emburey).
How would I do that?

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Append String To Field Value In Select List

Jul 26, 2004

How can I append a string to the field value in the select list

SELECT Code + '-20' FROM tb.....

I want to the above to return 2000-20 for example.

How can I do this?

Mike B

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How Do I SELECT A Column That STRICTLY Matches A List

Jun 8, 2007

Hello there,

I have the following table:

========= =======
R001 1
R001 2
R001 3
R002 1
R002 2
R002 4
R003 1

Let's say I want to get the ROOMTYPE which contains AMENITY 1,2,4 only.

If I do this:


I get all the 3 RoomTypes because the IN acts like an OR but I want to get the column which contains ALL of the items in the list, i.e I want the ROOMTYPE that has ALL of the 1,2,4 but not just 1 or 1,2, etc...In this case, I want only R002 to be returned because the other RoomTypes do not contain all of the 1,2,4

NOTE: The data and list above is an example only as the table contents as well as the list will change over due course. e.g. the list can be (2,6,8,10,20,..100) etc.. So, I would need a query which can cater for any list contents...(x,y,z,...) and the query should return me the RoomTypes which have ALL elements in that particular list. If one of the RoomTypes do not have an element, it should NOT be returned.

Can anyone help me on this?


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Select * From Table Does Not Select All Records

Aug 17, 2005

I have an unusual problem. I am using VB.Net 2003 and sqlexpress using .NET dataset to insert records into an timecards table. After inserting several records I tried a 'Select * from timecards' and the inserted records where not selected. if I 'select * from timecards order by employee' ( or any other field) the inserted records are selected! The table was created by an Access Upsize command.

Any suggestions?



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Select Statement Using Multi-list Box Values For WHERE IN SQL Clause

Jan 11, 2007

I have a gridview that is based on the selection(s) in a listbox.  The gridview renders fine if I only select one value from the listbox.  I recive this error though when I select more that one value from the listbox:
Syntax error converting the nvarchar value '4,1' to a column of data type int.  If, however, I hard code 4,1 in place of @ListSelection (see below selectCommand WHERE and IN Clauses) the gridview renders perfectly.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSourceAll" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT DISTINCT dbo.Contacts.Title, dbo.Contacts.FirstName, dbo.Contacts.MI, dbo.Contacts.LastName, dbo.Contacts.Suffix, dbo.Contacts.Dear, dbo.Contacts.Honorific, dbo.Contacts.Address, dbo.Contacts.Address2, dbo.Contacts.City, dbo.Contacts.StateOrProvince, dbo.Contacts.PostalCode FROM dbo.Contacts INNER JOIN dbo.tblListSelection ON dbo.Contacts.ContactID = dbo.tblListSelection.contactID INNER JOIN dbo.ListDescriptions ON dbo.tblListSelection.selListID = dbo.ListDescriptions.ID WHERE (dbo.tblListSelection.selListID IN (@ListSelection)) AND (dbo.Contacts.StateOrProvince LIKE '%') ORDER BY dbo.Contacts.LastName">
<asp:Parameter Name="ListSelection" DefaultValue="1"/>
The selListID column is type integer in the database.
I'm using the ListBox1_selectedIndexChanged in the code behind like this where I've tried using setting my selectparameter using the label1.text value and the Requst.From(ListBox1.UniqueID) value with the same result:
Protected Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim Item As ListItem
For Each Item In ListBox1.Items
If Item.Selected Then
If Label1.Text <> "" Then
Label1.Text = Label1.Text + Item.Value + ","
Label1.Text = Item.Value + ","
End If
End If
Label1.Text = Label1.Text.TrimEnd(",")
SqlDataSourceAll.SelectParameters("ListSelection").DefaultValue = Request.Form(ListBox1.UniqueID)
End Sub
What am I doing wrong here?  Thanks!

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SELECT With GROUP BY And Build A List From Vales Not Shown

Apr 16, 2004

Hard to write a subject line to describe this one.

Anayway, I have a table with names and address plus an extra field noting a part number of product.

I'd like to build a SELECT string that will return one result for each name/address (uniques only in other words) and build a comma delimited field of all the part numbers for that name/address.


John Smith 555 Main st., los angeles, ca 90003 5000
John Smith 555 Main st., los angeles, ca 90003 6650
Mike Jones 8569 West 18th Ave., San Diego, ca 1255
John Smith 555 Main st., los angeles, ca 90003 5144
Mike Jones 8569 West 18th Ave., San Diego, ca 2399

So I'd like my results to look like this:

John Smith 555 Main st., los angeles, ca 90003 5000,6650,5144
Mike Jones 8569 West 18th Ave., San Diego, ca 1255,2399

THanks in advance for any suggestions!


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How To Select Multiple Rows As Comma Separated List?

Jul 4, 2004


I have a table of users, a table of categories, and a many-to-many table linking users to categories.

My problem is that I want to select all the users with an extra column containing a comma-separated list of the categories they belong to.

Here is a stripped-down version of the table fields:

UserId, Email

CatId, CatName

UserId, CatId

I have tried using the coalesce function to build a string, but can only get this to work for one row at a time:

DECLARE @list nvarchar(100)

SELECT @list = COALESCE(@list + ', ', '') + CAST(CatId AS varchar(4))
FROM tbl_User_Category
WHERE UserId = @UserId

SELECT @list as List

Any ideas on how to add to this to get it to do each row in tbl_Page? Or am I attacking this from the wrong angle?????

Any help would be fantastic!


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