Apps :: Recover Default Windows Program File Association

Sep 7, 2015

is there a way to recover all my default program settings? I have made some mistakes and some settings arent working any moren

for eg: (i dont know if the link is accepted: [URL]

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"ApplicationIcon"="C:Program FilesAkelPadAkelPad.exe,0""ApplicationName"="AkelPad"


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- call another batch file

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"c:utilGame controllers - Enable.cmd"start "P:Program Files (x86)Lockheed MartinPrepar3D v2Prepar3D.exe""c:utilGame controllers - Disable.cmd"

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Feb 2, 2016

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Aug 18, 2015

I'm installing Windows 10 on new computer for my organization . I try to configure one with fresh install (package of apps like Libreoffice, VLC, etc. for users) and custom desktop describes in this tutorial:

Default User Profile - Customize in Windows 10 - Windows 10 Forums It works fine, in audit mode I install apps, drivers, custom desktop and configure default apps like google chrome for internet browser, adobe reader for pdf files etc. then I run the command line to enter oobe mode generalize. Everything is ok, I continue my install. Then I create new user local account. And when windows starts, I have my custom desktop but default apps are removed (Microsoft Edge replace Chrome, Pdf files are read with Edge, etc.) and Apps Windows like "Weather" or "Actualities" crash .

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Default apps in windows 10 being automatically reset?

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I can't open any of these apps when this happened after attempting to fix an issue started with not being able to unpin/pin new apps to the start menu.

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