Apps :: How To Set Protocol Association With Standalone EXE

Sep 5, 2015

Since I'm not happy with how the Google Hangouts app has no way of integrating with the TEL url protocol, I've decided to create an application that will automatically copy, format and paste the phone link into Hangouts automatically. However, when I attempt to change the association though the control panel, it seems like Windows 10 no longer allows you to choose applications that aren't on the default list.

I've attempted to manually modify the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClasses el" and "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT el" keys but this has not affected the association in any way, even after multiple restarts.

Is there any other way to do this? I've attempted to look for ways to add the executable to the programs list but I haven't found a solution.

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Apps :: Portable Apps File Association / Open With

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Looks like another annoyance (don't get me wrong, i'm not a 10 hater ) : when i do "open with" and select a portable app, nothing happens :/ Also if in the portable app i tick options such as "show context menu", this won't take effect. All that worked fine on 7.

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No Jpg File Association?

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Cannot Select Default Browser - No Installed App For This Type Of File Or Protocol

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Change File Association For SCR Files?

Dec 3, 2015

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I would like it so that when I double-click on this file, that it opens with notepad (or something similar). But this file is registered as a screen saver. And I cannot change the file association.

I have tried "Associate a file type or protocol with a program". I can select NOTEPAD but the "Current application" remains as "Unknown application". And in my folders, the file type remains "Screen saver". So this option does not work.

I have also tried adjusting the registry entry regarding "scr" files. Or removing the registry entry. Neither works. And I also don't get the "right click / open with" option. So how do I change the file association of scr files?

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Q: What is the method to manually add a file extension and associate it with a program?

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Apps :: All Apps Menu Not Showing ANY Apps Installed On Machine

Dec 13, 2015

I have had Windows 10 installed for about 4 months now and things have been going decent. A couple of days ago my system received a Windows 10 update that took about 2 hours and looked like it was installing Windows all over again (but it wasn't) and once this happened I couldn't find the Microsoft Edge application and the start button would not work at all. After doing a system restore to a date prior to the update things are back to "normal" except for this one problem.Currently my start menu does not show any Recently Used or Favorite Apps in it as shown below.If I select the All apps button it also shows nothing:

I made sure that all of the settings in order to see recently used apps and all my apps are correct as below are my settings:I have tried a couple of solutions that handled Cortana not searching for programs or "some" apps were missing from all apps but I have yet to find a solution to when absolutely no apps are showing in the start menu. I know the applications still exist on my machine as I use Firefox and Microsoft Word and Outlook plus many more apps but they aren't showing up at all. I am also under a local account instead of my Microsoft account and both have this problem.

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Apps :: Hide / Organize Universal Apps In All Apps?

Feb 23, 2016

How do i organize my "All Apps" Menu. Calculator, Contact, Mail, Cortana, etc ALL of this garbage bloatware is something i just want to create a folder called Microsoft Bloat and put it in there. How do i do this?

First time around, i uninstalled all of it using power shell but i ended up needing the store and one other app but W10 went retarded and didn't allow me to reinstall the packages, so this time around. I just want to organize them into a folder that i will never touch .

i don't feel like downgrading back to 8.1 which as it stands right now was better for me when using Start8.

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Apps :: Removing Windows Apps Sometimes Leaves Orphan Icons In Start Menu

Nov 30, 2015

I removed the Windows Apps (3D Builder, Groovy etc.) using PowerShell and Remove-AppxPackage / Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage on our Windows 10 machines (64bit, some Home, some Pro) at home.

This worked satisfying enough, but for some (very few) local users the start menu entries for those apps are not removed. I refer to "All Apps" (the A-Z list of all apps).

Situation is like this: application is removed (checked with Get-Appxpackage in Powershell)start menu still refers to the Windows Apps with the text entry; it does not show the icon, but a coloured rectangle (sized like an icon)application cannot be started through this icon (as it is uninstalled)

(Screenshot shows the Maps (german: Karten) and Contacts (german: Kontakte) "icons")

I checked the usual places:

C:UsersUSERNAMEAppDataRoamingMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuC:ProgramDataMicrosoftWindowsStart MenuPrograms

But of course there are no links to those Windows Apps.

How to remove these orphan "icons" from the start menu (A-Z list)? What makes Windows show those entries in the start menu's A-Z list?

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Networking :: Modern Apps Not Connecting To Internet - Desktop Apps Work Fine

Jan 6, 2016

I am having trouble with the modern apps and connectivity. It feels like half my computer will connect to the internet, and the other half won't. Desktop apps like Chrome, Steam, Outlook, iTunes etc. all connect to the internet fine, but any of the Windows apps like Xbox, Store and (most frustratingly) Settings will not connect.

In my network and sharing centre in the control panel it says 'You are not connected to any networks' - but in the system tray, and in the settings app it shows me as connected to my home wi-fi. I am on a desktop, and using a USB wireless adapter. I don't think the adapter is the problem as I have tried it on another desktop in our house on Windows 10 and it worked fine. Curiously also, when I click 'Adapter settings' in the control panel, it shows the wifi connection.

I've tried updating the drivers for the wireless adapter, both through the Windows update and adapter website but to no avail (and as I mentioned, it seems the adapter works fine elsewhere). I've updated manually to the latest Windows 10 Pro build, i've done a DNS flush, I've tried disabling firewalls and anti-virus, I've tried disabling startup apps, I've done a clean install of Windows 10 and still am unable to fix the issue.

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Apps :: Store - Start Menu - Taskbar - And Apps Like Calc Not Working

Feb 23, 2016

I originally wanted to completely disable the UAC as the admin permission messages that popped for almost any/everything i wanted to do were very annoying. I dont remember exactly what i did, but it was something in gpedit or something similar to it. After i did that my windows store app stopped working, and appeared as a blank space in my task bar as it was still pinned there. As the store wasnt working, apps related to it like the calculator disappeared from my pc. They dont appear when i search for them, and links to DL ones from the store dont work either.

I tried the guide here Apps - Reinstall and Re-register in Windows 8 and 10 - Windows 10 Forums and did step 2, but that managed to break powershell and make it disappear as well as disabling my task bar and start menu. I cant right click anything in my task bar, and can only use the start menu's right click menu.

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Apps :: Default Video And Photo Applications Keep Changing To Windows Apps

Feb 2, 2016

My problem is that I set Media Player Classic for MP4, MPG, AVI, MKV and other formats and Windows Photo Viewer for JPG, PNG etc. The next day for some unknown reason I see these associated with Windows Video and Photo app instead! I right-slick on a MP4 files, select Open with->Choose Default app and set Windows Media Player Classic again for the millionth time. The next day I see the MP4 files associated with build-in Windows Video app!

I usually leave my computer running with the monitor switched off when in work (so I can access it via TeamViewer), rarely restart, if that matters. For other details see my specs.

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Apps :: Cannot Install Or Update Apps Windows Store - Error 80073DOA

Sep 12, 2015

I cannot install anything from Windows Store. It will down load normally & then fail with error 80073DOA. Updates to Apps also fail to install with the same error. I have run wreset ( several times) but still no joy. Date & Time Zone are correct.

Windows Firewall must be enabled to allow the Store to Update & Install!

Found this by accident. I was running the Firewall that came with Norton Security. Why this is a requirement I don't know. Disabling the Norton Firewall was easy but there was no option to turn the windows Firewall back on as Norton had taken over so I went into Services & did it from there. All working fine now ))

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Apps :: File Associations Revert To Windows Default Apps On Every Boot?

Jan 10, 2016

Every time I reboot, the file associations for images (jpg/png), media (mp3/wav/mp4/mkv) revert back to the default Microsoft apps. I prefer to use VLC for videos, Winamp for audio and Irfanview for images, and it's getting really annoying having to set all my file associations every time I boot up. This never happened on Win7 or 8.

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Apps :: Market Doesn't Update / Install Apps Error 0x80070005

Aug 10, 2015

Any apps I try and update attempt to install, but stay at 0.0mb downloaded, then it stops and produces this error: The happens with every app.

I read on some other forums on why this may be happening and someone suggested that it was because I had changed the permissions to the WindowsApps (C:Program FilesWindowsApps) folder so that I could view the files within it. Yes, I did try and change the permissions so I could edit the files within (I couldn't), just for fun and to see if it'd make any differences, so that is what I assume the problem is.

After learning this I tried to reset the permissions, how to, so I tried to replicate the permissions from a clean unaltered WindowsApps folder and it didn't work, no matter what I did. Windows Update doesn't even seem to fix it either.

So is there any way other than reinstalling windows to get the App Store working again?

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Apps :: Keeps Resetting Default Apps For Watching Videos And Listening To Music?

Feb 10, 2016

I'm having a problem with windows 10, it keeps resetting my default apps for watching videos and listening to music.

I want Windows Media PLayer to be my default app for all of these multimedia files but at least once a day a pop up informs me that there was a problem with one of my default apps and that it has been reset to default.

Is there anyway to disable Windows from taking this action?

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Apps :: Store Apps Crash With File System Error (-2143326205)?

Oct 9, 2015

I have been facing the File System error (-2143326205) ever since I upgraded from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10.

Error description: All Windows Store Apps (Metro/modern/whatever they are called now) crash when I am not online. The Photos app is by far the only app that has given me an error dialog box. I can assume that all apps are crashing for the same reason because all of them start working again when I get back online.

I am not a great fan of these modern apps and the user interface clutter caused by them and hardly use them. But there are some games like Minesweeper that I want to play when I am on the go. I dunno why Microsoft even made calc a modern app (can't even multiply big numbers when not connected).

So far, I have not been able to find a proper solution to this problem. I guess it is a problem in Windows 10 itself and it will take a while for Microsoft to set it right. But I have an idea. Is there any software that creates a fake internet adapter that is always connected to the internet so that the apps think that I am online and don't crash? Is there an actual working solution?

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